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Project Chimera: A Ryker Group Book

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by S. M. Dapelo

  “He’s upset because he can’t tell me the horses’ names,” I explained.

  “Midnight, Moonshine, and Starlight,” shrugged Tanner. Ethan glared at him. “What?” he started defensively, “I spend more time with them.”

  Ethan grabbed my hand, “Come on,” he walked me down the hall to a large door and led me into the library. “Tanner and I will be in my office right next door,” he sat me on the brown leather sofa.

  “There’s a secret entrance,” sang Tanner, “If you find it, I’ll get you a puppy.”

  “You’re not getting her a puppy,” I heard Ethan growl as he walked out the door.

  “Relax, she’ll never locate it,” Tanner replied as the door shut, making me frown.

  I got up, grabbed the remote and scrolled through the channels, chose the Food Network, and started watching. I enjoyed it but didn’t want to watch alone, plus a challenge was issued. I headed to the East wall and started pulling to see if anything would just swing out. No such luck. Then I started looking through the book titles. Eventually, a pattern emerged as to how the books were arranged. I twitched my nose, walked to the other side reviewing the genres, then walked back to the previous side.

  I started reading the titles, then smirked. Did Tanner think I wouldn’t see it? I pulled on one specific book. It was stuck, so I tried tipping it, I heard something click, and the bookcase swung open. I investigated the office area to see two stunned men staring back. “I want a Corgi. I’m naming it Newton,” I told my brother as I walked in.

  “She’s got her memory back,” Tanner was pointing at me.

  “She didn’t know about it when she had her memory,” ground out Ethan.

  “Why wouldn’t I know about it?” I frowned at them.

  “Because we didn’t tell you about it,” Tanner crossed his arms.

  “Then why’d you tell me now?”

  “Because it was supposed to keep you busy. You were never supposed to find it,” Tanner glared at me.

  “It was obvious,” I shook my head, “How could you think I wouldn’t figure it out?”

  “Because both Berto and Lyssa haven’t found it yet. And Lyssa’s superpower is finding hidden things,” ground out Tanner. “It’s a game we all play.” He pointed at me, “Don’t tell them where it is.”

  “Okay,” I shrugged. “I’m going to the kitchen and see what’s for dinner.”

  “Sugar,” Ethan stared at me, “It’s still early. You woke up around eleven.”

  “Then lunch,” I shrugged, “I’ve barely eaten in a week.”

  “You haven’t been eating what I cook?” Tanner glared at me.

  “Have you?” I asked. He looked to the side, “Ah ha!” I pointed at him, causing Tanner to roll his eyes and Ethan to burst out laughing.

  I smiled and slowly walked toward the kitchen. There was a man in there stirring something on the stove that smelled off. He stood about five-ten and was easily thirty pounds too heavy. His hair was brown, and he was in chef jacket and black slacks. “Hi,” I started, causing him to jump.

  “Oh, Mrs. Ryker. Is there something I can do for you?” he said.

  I shook my head, “Just exploring. I heard you're new. I’m sure my husband told me your name, but I’ve had a recent head injury, so it’s escaping me. You are?”

  “Oh, I heard there was an accident. I’m Henri,” he smiled.

  I looked at the knives he was using, and what he was cooking, then smiled. “What are you making, smells great.”

  He glanced at what was on the stove, “Oh, just a simple soup to start off.”

  “What’s in it?” I smiled at him and headed toward the refrigerator looking for something to drink and grabbed a coke, gave it a hard couple of shakes and stood up to look at him.

  “Oh, well, vegetables and herbs,” his smile was starting to get strained.

  “Any chicken? I love chicken,” I said.

  “Um,” he turned toward the stove, and I grabbed a boning knife and tucked it into the back of my pants and walked over to look into the pan with him, “It’s just vegetable soup.”

  I smiled and tried to open the coke, pretending to have no luck, “I can’t get this. My hands still aren’t working right. Damn car accident. Can you help?” I gave a helpless look. He smiled, grabbed the can, and hit the tab. The soda exploded in his face. I grabbed the pan off the stove and smacked him with all my might. He hit the floor like a ton of bricks.

  “Who the hell is that?” Berto was at the door.

  “Good question, because he was claiming he was our cook, but he was using meat knives to chop up vegetables,” I shrugged. Berto ran over and did something with Henri's hands then made a call. Within seconds my husband and brother were barreling in.

  “What’s going on?” Ethan looked around the kitchen.

  “Sam decided she didn’t like dinner, so she hit the cook with a frying pan,” shrugged Berto like it was an everyday occurrence.

  “This is not the cook we hired,” Tanner was squatted down next to him.

  “No kidding.” I rolled my eyes and threw the knife I’d grabbed on the counter, “This is a boning knife, and he used it to chop vegetables.”

  Ethan stared at me, “How do you know what type of knife that is.”

  I shrugged, “Not a clue. I have been watching a lot of Food Network.”

  Tanner stared at me, “You took him out?”

  “In all fairness I used a cast iron pan. A ten-year-old could have taken him out.”

  Ethan’s eyes were slits, “He just let you pick it up?”

  “No,” I shook my head. “I played helpless and asked him to open a shaken coke. When it exploded, I grabbed the pan. I think I burnt my hand.” I examined it. It was a little red.

  “Not as bad as you hurt him,” Berto said. Our ‘chef’ not only had a bruise starting on the side of his face, but a nasty burn as well.

  “We need to find out who this is,” Ethan was scowling. “Put the Chrises on it and have them look at all the peripheral staff. We need to verify the people working for us are ours. Take whoever this is to the barn. We need to interrogate him as soon as he’s awake.”

  “He said his name was Henri,” I stated. All three men turned to look at me.

  Ethan sighed and looked at Tanner, “I’ll be out there shortly. I think Sam just used up her reserves.”

  I grimaced, “I am tired again. But I’m also famished.”

  “We’ll get you in bed, and I’ll have Xavier do a takeout run. He’ll be back with something edible before you’re up,” Ethan reasoned.

  I nodded and started up the stairs. I got to the top, walked a few steps, and leaned against the wall, catching my breath. I heard footsteps behind me and then was swung into Ethan’s arms. “Sorry, I was hoping you wouldn’t notice. I know you have a lot going on.”

  Ethan carried me into the room and put me on the bed. Then he put his mouth against mine. The kiss started softly and became more demanding. Finally, he pulled away, “You can’t hide anything from me. Don’t try, I’ll always find out.” He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, “Now get some sleep. I’ll have someone wake you up when the food arrives.” He gave a small smile, turned off the lights and left. I laid back and quickly fell asleep.

  Chapter 9

  “Food time.” The bed jostled. I opened my eyes to see Lyssa sitting on the bed with a huge smile.

  “Why are you so happy?” I slowly sat up and stretched.

  “Because it’s not Tanner’s cooking. I think I lost five pounds this week.” She got up, “Come on, Xavier picked up Italian. We have a little of everything.”

  “I’ll be there in a second. I’m slower than you,” I smiled at her as she skipped out the door.

  I slowly followed and we ended up in a huge dining room with a table full of take-out boxes. “Wow, everyone really missed food.” I looked around and noticed both Ethan and Tanner missing. “Where are the other two?”

  “Ethan said to eat. He and Tanner have to
figure out what’s going on with the staff,” Berto said stuffing food into his face.

  “I’m not gonna argue.” I grabbed a plate and filled it with three different pastas and some bread sticks. “Are any of the other people who work here joining us?”

  “No.” Berto finished swallowing, “They all have their own places in the compound and most of them know how to cook. We’re the ones at a disadvantage.”

  “Not anymore,” sang Lyssa. “Sam’s cooking is fantastic.” I smiled at the complement.

  “I have a tough time believing I never cooked before,” I said.

  Berto picked at his food. “Ethan liked to spoil you. He always said it was what you needed. In his mind that means a full staff, including a cook.”

  “I noticed a lot more clothing in the closet today. How much did I send to the laundry?”

  “A lot,” smiled Lyssa. “You still don’t have much. You always had an issue with Ethan spending a ton of money on you.” I nodded at the explanation.

  I looked at Berto, “Did you find out what the thing in my head was?”

  He looked uncomfortable and glanced over to Lyssa who was sitting next to him. “I don’t know how much Ethan wants us to tell you. We’re supposed to keep you calm.”

  “Is there a reason they were operating on the side of my head? I always imagined a chip would be implanted in the back.” I pretended I didn’t hear his last answer.

  “I don’t think we’re supposed to talk about this,” Berto looked like he wanted to run out the door.

  “Fine.” I smiled at him, “Are the two of you dating?”

  “Pffttt,” Lyssa spit out her drink and Berto’s face drained of color. “We’re not dating,” Lyssa shook her head.

  I shrugged and sat back, “You’re sitting right next to each other, you keep glancing at each other, and your feet are pointed at one another. Sure, you’re not dating. But you’re doing something.”

  “Don’t tell Tanner,” spit out Berto. “He’d flip. He’s upset enough about …” He stopped, catching himself.

  I leaned forward, “He’s upset about what?”

  “You.” Lyssa swallowed, “Tanner thought you betrayed us, and when he found out the truth, well he’s just been eaten up with guilt.”

  “And what’s the Sacristy?” I asked.

  “Enough, Samantha,” Ethan’s voice came from behind. “We don’t talk about work. Especially over food.” He sat next to me and grabbed one of my bread sticks. “All this great food and you’ve hardly eaten.”

  I gave a wry smile, “Yeah, turns out I didn’t eat Tanner’s food because I don’t have an appetite, not because it was horrible.”

  “Oh, it was horrible,” stated Lyssa.

  “You guys suck.” Tanner walked into the dining room and glared at us, “I worked and slaved to get food on the table for you ungrateful jerks, and all you do is complain.”

  “Does that mean you don’t want any fettuccine?” I asked.

  “Don’t put words in my mouth.” He reached over and grabbed the other bread stick from my plate. “We need to go over basics with you. Since you don’t remember anything.”

  “Like what?” I asked.

  “Tanner, she can barely walk for more than ten minutes. It can wait a week or two,” Ethan stared at him.

  “What about when we’re not here?” Tanner set his jaw, “No offense Berto, but Lyssa’s better in a fight than you. And I still don’t count on her to keep everyone safe.”

  “That’s why Xavier is staying here when we work tonight,” Ethan gave a tight smile. “He’s officially Sam’s bodyguard when you or I aren’t around.” I looked past Ethan to see a hulking African American man with dreadlocks, huge muscles, and expressive brown eyes.

  “Are you sure?” Tanner asked, looking peeved.

  “Yes,” Ethan answered, then looked at me. “Are you okay with this?”

  I shrugged, “If he keeps bringing us food, I’m fine with it. At least until I have enough energy to cook again.”

  “I was thinking of a movie night tonight,” Lyssa smiled. “Either Iron Man one and two or both Guardians of the Galaxy movies.”

  “Tanner and I are out tonight, Berto will be with us. As long as you don’t overdo it with Sam, I don’t care.” Ethan looked back at Xavier, “Is that okay?”

  Xavier shrugged, “I like both sets of movies, but why no Iron Man three?”

  “We don’t talk about three,” responded Lyssa crossing herself.

  “How long will you be out?” I asked while picking at my food.

  “I’m not sure. If I’m not back when you get tired, just go to bed. You two are safe if Xavier’s here. He served with us and is ex-Secret Service. I’m as sure about him as I am Tanner.”

  I frowned, “What do you mean served with you?”

  “Told you to watch what you say?” Tanner was already serving himself more food, “She never forgets anything and has tons of questions.”

  “Of course she does,” answered Ethan. He smiled at me, “But we’re taking it slow, Sam. No talk about work, for now. Let’s just get our relationship back on course, then we can discuss other things. We have plenty of time, now that we know you’re going to be okay.”

  He took one more taste and stood, “We’ll be back as soon as I have some answers.” He leaned down and kissed my forehead, “Berto, Tanner, take it to-go.” Then he strode out of the room with the other two scrambling behind him.

  I looked at Lyssa, “So, movie night. Let’s start it up.”

  Iron Man it was. I only fell asleep three times. Lyssa and I sat on the sofa, with Xavier on an overstuffed chair. “Let me understand this. The arms dealer, who made a bomb that can take out a mountain, is the good guy?” I asked.

  “It’s make-believe,” shrugged Xavier. “And everyone believes they’re the good guy, even the bad guys.”

  “So, he’s a bad guy?” I looked to Lyssa.

  “Depends on who’s side your on in Civil War,” she smiled and Xavier snorted.

  “Guess that means Captain America next time,” Xavier smiled. “He’s a true hero, like Superman. No matter what, there’s no argument on that.”

  Lyssa pointed at him, “True.”

  “Okay,” I took a deep breath. “So who’s Deadpool and why does Ethan cuss more after watching that movie?”

  Both burst out laughing. “Well, that’s a whole other situation,” Xavier smiled. “He’s ultra-violent and super foul mouthed. It was the first comic movie done right as far as I’m concerned. Do we really believe Tony Stark doesn’t cuss?”

  Lyssa pointed to him, “That really holds the whole ‘the eye of the beholder’ theory on good guys. A lot of people would say Deadpool’s a bad guy. Heck, Deadpool says he’s no hero.”

  “Well, that gives me a list to watch,” I started. “I’m going to sleep right now. You two do whatever, but I’m exhausted.”

  “I was told to make sure you get up the stairs safely,” Xavier stood with me. “I’ll just watch as you make it to your room.”

  “That’s not necessary,” I started.

  “Ethan insisted, and I owe him a lot,” he smiled at me. He had a pretty smile that reached his eyes. Of course, that’s what made me give in.

  I sighed, “Fine, let’s go.” I walked up the stairs and turned when I got to the room. Xavier was at the top of the landing, gave a nod, and turned and walked back down. I walked into the bedroom and went to sleep.

  Chapter 10

  “Skootch over Sugar.” I felt someone nudging me and growled. “Don’t growl at me, you’re on my side of the bed,” Ethan sounded indignant. He picked me up and moved me.

  “How late is it,” I mumbled.

  “Technically it’s early.” He crawled under the covers, “It’s a bit after four. I got in about a half-hour ago, but I needed a shower.”

  “Why?” my eyes were still closed.

  “Work,” he replied.

  “Why do you sleep on that side?”

,” he sighed, “It’s late. Let’s sleep and I’ll answer questions when we wake.” He carefully gathered me up and hugged me close. Then we both feel to sleep.

  I slowly started to stretch when I woke up and realized I couldn’t. I was wrapped up in a pair of tanned arms, nice and snug. I turned my head and looked at Ethan. His face was softer while he slept, it looked less stressed. Usually, he looked like all the concerns of everyone were on his shoulders. “What are you staring at Sugar?” he muttered.

  “Just looking,” I said. “I was trying to figure out how to get up without waking you.”

  “You can’t.” His eyes opened fully, “Why are you up so early?”

  “I wanted to make breakfast before Tanner tries,” I smiled.

  Ethan shrugged and pulled me closer, touching his lips to mine. Softly, then firmer, one of his hands cupping my face. Then he pulled away, smiling down at me. “Are you scared of Tanner’s food?”

  “You aren’t?” I raised a brow.

  “I’m good with cereal.” His mouth traced from my cheek to my jaw. “I want to make sure you get enough sleep. We’re going to have a busy day today.”


  “The main group is being picked up and flown to speak to some bureaucrats. I’m hoping they can give insight into what happened to you.” His eyebrows drew together, “You’re coming too, and I need for you to promise to stay by me or Tanner unless we tell you otherwise. And for God’s sake don’t ask any questions.”

  I stared at him, “Can I ask questions now?”

  He sighed and laid back, “I guess so.”

  “Why’s do you sleep on that side of the bed?”

  He snorted, “That’s your first question?” He turned and propped his head up with a fist, “Because it’s closer to the door. Anybody comes in can’t get to you unless they go through me. I always sleep closest to the door, no matter where we are.”

  “Why do you think someone’s going to come after me?”

  “Sugar, you were kidnapped, tortured and had something implanted into your brain. Do you want to ask another question?”

  I scrunched my face, “What kind of business do you run?”


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