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Project Chimera: A Ryker Group Book

Page 12

by S. M. Dapelo

  “They were targeting you. They weren’t supposed to capture you, they were supposed to kill you,” he ground out through clenched teeth.

  I took a breath and exhaled it, “I figured.”

  He pulled me close to him, hugging me, “What movie did you watch?”

  “Suicide Squad,” I felt him tense when I said that.

  “What does that have to do with marriage?” he ground out.

  “Absolutely nothing. But it does have something to do with lying,” I winced, expecting yelling. I felt his chest start spasming, unable to tell what was going on I leaned back. Ethan was laughing silently. He leaned down and kissed me.

  “I forgot how sneaky you can be,” his hands fell and grabbed the bottom of my shirt peeling it off. “It runs in the family, which is why I shouldn’t have been surprised that your brother hid Schlitz.”


  “Whatever,” he kneeled, pulling my soaked yoga pants off. Then slowly rose up my body, running his hands languidly up my sides, until his lips were right above mine. “So, did you read anything interesting while I was gone?”

  “Huh?” my mind went blank as I looked into his intense eyes.

  He gave a lazy smile, put his lips against mine and said, “Let’s go grab lunch.”

  “Lunch?” I squeaked out.

  “Yeah, lunch. I’m guessing you fed the dog your eggs this morning?” he raised a brow.

  “We’re naked in a shower and you want to eat?” I asked.

  “No, I think you need lunch,” he kept his smile. “I’ll eat later.” He gave a throaty chuckle and turned the water off, grabbed a towel and dried the both of us off. He walked us back into the bedroom, grabbing clothes and throwing them at me.

  After changing, we walked into the dining room where Ethan promptly pointed at Tanner, “You’re a coward. You had Sam do your dirty work.”

  Tanner took a bit from his sandwich, “I’d rather go back to Helmand province than face you in the mood you were in. I figured Sam might be able to put you in a better mindset.”

  I sat and looked at the offering. All the fixings for sandwiches, chips, and soda. “You know, I could have made something.”

  “I like sandwiches,” Tanner shrugged, “Gary’s cooking tonight, but he needs some time off.”

  “I want mac and cheese,” Lyssa pouted.

  “I think that’s one of the sides he’s planning,” Tanner took another bite.

  I quickly put a sandwich together and handed it to Ethan, then made my own. I turned and found him staring at me, “What?”

  “I could have made my own,” he said.

  I shrugged, “Now you don’t have to. You’ve had a rough couple of days.” I turned to sit and noticed everyone’s mouth hanging open.

  “Now what?” I shook my head.

  “It’s just, when we think of who’s had a rough time lately,” started Berto, “you’re at the top of the list, not Ethan.”

  “I don’t think of it like that.” I looked at their confused faces, “Yeah, it hasn’t been easy but I’m relearning everything. You can’t miss something you don’t remember. Ethan’s had to watch me struggle. Had to realize I don’t remember anything about dating him, or our life together. It’s rougher on him.” I took a bite and thought, “I know when Tanner explained those scars, I felt like I’d been stabbed. I can only imagine what he went through, watching me be tortured on that tape, pulling me out of a wrecked car, finding out I might have a bomb in my head.” I shook my head, “He’s had the rough time, not me.”

  “If I wasn’t gay, I would steal you away from him,” Xavier took a drink from his can.

  Ethan narrowed his eyes, “You’d try.”

  “I’d succeed.” Xavier gave a lazy smile, “Women love me. I like them too, I just can’t imagine trying to do things with them,” he shuddered.

  “That’s why Ethan assigned you as Sam’s bodyguard,” Tanner smirked.

  I looked around and found Blitz under the table, so I grabbed a slice of salami and handed it to him. “Sam,” five voices yelled.

  “People food is bad for dogs,” Lyssa said.

  “Plus, he’s fat and you already fed him your eggs,” Ethan said. “The dog gets his special diet dog food that costs three times what a normal can does.” He glanced around the table, “Speaking of animals, no more.”

  “What do you have against pets?” I asked him.

  “Nothing,” Ethan shook his head, “but right now we don’t have the time.”

  “You mentioned wanting babies. If we don’t have time for pets, we don’t have time for babies,” I argued.

  “Speaking of sex, which books did you like best?” Lyssa asked, “I like The Virgin and …”

  “We are not talking about sex,” Tanner slammed his hands on the table. “My sisters are still untouched.”

  “Tanner, man, you need to get with reality,” Xavier gave a lopsided grin, “Both your sisters have been with men. I don’t say that to be mean,” he put his hands up, “but, come on. Sam’s married to Ethan and Lyssa … well you saw the books she downloaded for Samantha.”

  “Yeah,” Lyssa frowned, “do you want me to tell you which scenes I’ve personally acted out and with who?”

  “No,” everyone, including Berto who was quickly going pale, answered.

  “Spoilsports,” she muttered. Then she looked at me, “Any questions?”

  “I’ll answer her questions when we go back upstairs,” Ethan said.

  “Yeah, but you only see it from the guy’s point of view. Not from the woman’s,” Lyssa argued.

  “Ohh, I want to hear this,” Xavier leaned forward with a smirk, his chocolate colored eyes dancing with glee. Tanner was holding his head in his hands.

  “Well, that book, the one you mentioned. It’s seems a little … off,” I bit my lip.

  “How so?” her face scrunched in confusion, “That was submission light.”

  Tanner’s head shot up, his eyes wide, “What?”

  “If you want hardcore submissive stuff; I have this series. But it’s three guys and one girl. Ethan doesn’t strike me as the kind who shares,” she looked over at him.

  He shook his head, struggling not to laugh at Tanner’s reaction. “That’s a big no to sharing,” he snorted out.

  “Only child syndrome,” she said to me. “Foursomes are something you’ll miss out on. But hey, you married him.”

  “Someone please shoot me,” Tanner moaned as Ethan bit his fist to contain his laughter. “Foursomes? What happened to threesomes?”

  “So, you’ve been with more than one guy at the same time?” Xavier supported his chin on one of his hands, clearly enjoying Tanner’s unease.

  “Ask Berto,” she shrugged. “Occasionally we meet up with …”

  “Lyssa, we should keep some things quiet,” Berto squeaked, never taking his eyes from Tanner, who was laying his head on the table with both arms wrapped around it.

  “Fine,” she sighed, “But Sam has questions.”

  “I think I’m okay with Ethan answering them,” I smiled at her. “I don’t want a question to kill Tanner. Or your answer.”

  “Thank you,” Tanner groaned from under his hands, “Fallujah wasn't this bad.”

  “We are reading that book tonight,” Ethan said as he took a bite from his sandwich.

  “I chose it because the hero’s sort of like you,” Lyssa popped a chip in her mouth.

  Ethan frowned, “I saw the title of the book. How so?”

  “He has to control everything in his environment,” she shrugged, “Thus the whole dominant role on his part. It’s a delightful story.”

  “Are you calling me a control freak?” Ethan crossed his arms.

  “Yes,” everyone said.

  “You’ve locked me in our room,” I pointed out to him.

  “You’re in danger,” Ethan shot back.

  “You don’t want pets,” shrugged Berto.

  “Because they destroy furniture. This house is
full of antiques,” Ethan replied.

  “You had Sam watch Discovery Channel,” Lyssa rolled her eyes.

  “National Geographic,” ground out Ethan.

  “Oh sorry, that makes it better,” Lyssa popped another chip in.

  “Dude,” Tanner looked up at him, “You have to control everything, and you know you do. Why are you arguing about this?”

  “You’re right,” Ethan stood up, “I’m the best at what I do because I know the outcome of every possible variable, and because of that, we’re all safe. My parents didn’t do that, and they’re dead. Right now, I’m controlling everything so my wife lives. If that makes me a control freak, so be it.” He glanced at me, “Are you done?” I nodded. “Good. How do you feel about a walk?”

  “Is it safe?” I said quietly, realizing how much admitting what he did took out of him.

  “At this moment, yes. Tanner, you get the dog the rest of the day,” Ethan put his hand out, “Xavier, follow us. Make sure you’re armed and bring two others.”

  My eyes flew up to his, “Why are having people follow us? You can keep us safe.”

  He took my hand and pulled me up, “Because originally they were going to grab and kill us on our walk.” He kissed my hand, “I’m not saying they would have won, but because you were tired the other evening their plans were messed up. They’ll probably try again.”

  “What?” I stood, stunned.

  Ethan stared down at me, “I have to keep you safe. Our walks are now random, we’re changing up the routes.” He turned and looked at Berto, “The drones are up whenever we’re out.”

  “I’m headed to the video room now.” Berto wiped his mouth and got up, “I remember.”

  “Later on, see if you can hack into the Agency. I need to know if they’ve found out anything about the chip.” He tugged at my hand as we headed toward the door.

  “Ethan, it’s only been a couple of days,” I pulled back for a second. He turned, his eyes flashing for just a second. “They’ll tell you as soon as they know anything.”

  He glanced over my head at Berto, then back at me and smiled, “I need to know,” he said quietly. “You’re probably right, but I can relax after I know for sure.”

  I glanced down, “You know best.”

  His hand took my chin and forced my eyes to his, “I do on this. I’m wired right now, this will calm me.” He gave a wry smile, “At least until tomorrow.” Then he leaned down and kissed me. “Let’s get the walk in. We have a book to read,” he winked at me and led me out.

  Chapter 26

  I admit, I was utterly paranoid during our walk. I was looking around and worried someone was going to jump out at us. “Sugar, I know I scared you,” Ethan had his arm around me. “I’m sorry,” he sighed, “I don’t want you to feel like we’re in prison.”

  I took a shaking breath, “I’m sorry. I just keep thinking …” I licked my lips as I tried to think of the words, “I keep thinking I put all of you in danger. They’re after me, not you. I don’t even know why.”

  Ethan’s face was only a hair’s breadth away from mine, “We are always in danger. What we do puts us in harm’s way constantly. This is not your fault.”

  I looked at him a second, “Bullshit. They went after me, not any of you. They put that thing in my head. Tanner’s right: I’m the problem and I don’t even know why.”

  Ethan’s eyes went to slits, “What did Tanner say?”

  “Ethan stop,” I shook my head.

  He grabbed my chin and forced my eyes to his, “What. Did. Tanner. Say?” he growled.

  “That they didn’t do this to hurt you. That those people did this because of what I could do and I what I did,” I held eye contact, “He’s probably right, to a point?”

  “What point?”

  “It’s not because of what I can do, because he can do it too. I know something,” I corrected myself, “Knew something. And that’s what caused this.” I pulled away from his hand and ran a hand through my hair turning away, “I have no idea what it is. I’m endangering everyone here, and I have no idea why.”

  I took a couple of breaths, silence around me, “Is there somewhere I can go? Maybe if I’m not here anymore they’ll stop coming after you.” I reached down and started rubbing the palm of my hand again.

  My back was to Ethan so I couldn’t see him, but I felt it as he walked up behind me. “You’re not leaving me,” his voice is angry. “Tell me you’re not leaving me,” he demanded.

  I turned, my eyes on the ground, “It’s my fault this place was invaded. It’s my fault Berto was stabbed. It makes sense that if I’m gone, they’ll leave you alone.”

  “No.” Tanner’s voice rang out from behind Ethan. “It’s not just you, Sam. Something else is going on.”

  I glanced up, Ethan’s face was stone, his lips in a straight line. He was still staring at me, “What happened, Tanner?” he asked, never taking his eyes from me.

  “A bomb went off near the Agency about an hour ago. Director Hill needs you to call ASAP,” Tanner’s face was angry as he stared at me. “I have Berto pulling all of Sam’s cases from when she was with the agency and before.”

  I wrapped my arms around myself, “I was right, this is because of me.”

  “Do you think those idiots were a danger to us?” Tanner snapped. “Yeah, we’re a bit more paranoid than usual, but they were no threat. Hell, the fact that you took out one of our heavy hitters with no memory of any training should prove that to you. You can’t run every time it gets scary or uncomfortable, Sam.”

  “I’m not trying to run because I’m scared,” I pulled back, “I’m trying to protect everyone.”

  “We’re stronger together,” Tanner crossed his arms. “We face everything, and we win. Always.”

  Ethan took a breath then exhaled, “I get that you’re scared for us, Samantha. But we can beat pretty much everything.” He walked closer to me, “Do you really want to leave me?” he asked quietly with a pained stare.

  I bit my lip, knowing it was starting to quiver, and shook my head, “No,” I whispered. He pulled me into a hug, laying his cheek on my head.

  “Then no more talk of this,” he said into my hair. He turned and faced Tanner, “Good call on the files. Was anyone hurt from the explosion?”

  “They’re trying to account for everyone that was present now. According to Director Hill, it’s chaos now,” Tanner’s face was stone.

  “Come on,” Ethan pulled at my hand, “I have some calls to make, and you’re staying next to me.” He thought for a moment, “Tanner, those movies?”


  “Load em up. Sam’s watching them on the tablet while I make calls and we go through the files. Put security protocol Soteria in place, until further notice.”

  “Already did. The kids are all at Walton’s house,” replied Tanner, who then turned and stalked back to the main house.

  “Why’s he so mad?” I asked. “And what kids?”

  “Some kids we train, I’ll tell you about them later. And he’s mad for the same reason I am,” Ethan glanced at me, “You want to run away.”

  “To protect you guys, not to get away from you,” I cried out.

  “I know that’s what you think,” he hugged me hard to his chest, “But all we’re hearing is that you want to leave us.” He kissed the top of my head, “Please don’t leave us,” he whispered, his voice breaking.

  My heart twisted, “I won’t, I promise.”

  I heard him exhale a shaky breath, “Let’s get this figured out then.” He took my hand and led me back the same way Tanner went.

  Chapter 27

  I was on a sofa in Ethan’s office with headphones on, watching some weird kung-fu movie that included a chick in a yellow jump suit, when I happen to look up and noticed every man in the room’s body language. Their jaws were locked, shoulders ridged, a vein was throbbing in Tanner’s jaw as they all stared at a computer screen. I pulled the earbuds out, “What’s going on?” I asked.
  “Do you remember anything from before?” Tanner growled, still staring at the screen.

  “No,” I shook my head.

  “This can’t be right.” Xavier shook his head, “They wouldn’t do this to kids.”

  “Of course, they would,” commented Berto, “And with dogs, dolphins, and monkeys too.”

  “I thought you ran a full background check?” Ethan glanced at Berto. I was too busy watching Tanner. His face was turning a scary shade of red and a vein started throbbing on his forehead.

  “I did, but I only pulled their official records. You told me not to go any deeper, that should have had everything,” Berto’s eyes were wide.

  “If they were so interested, why the hell didn’t they go after me?” Tanner was completely rigid.

  “Because you were already out of the house and in the military by that time, and I made sure Lyssa was with my parents. That’s why we couldn’t find Sam for so long,” Ethan was running a hand through his hair. “If I hadn’t pulled you out of the military with me, they might have gone for you.”

  Berto typed a few things and then shook his head, “No they wouldn’t have. He was already too old. Look,” he pointed at the screen, “The age range. Lyssa was too young and Tanner was too old.”

  I got up slowly, “What’s going on?” I asked again.

  Tanner swung his head to face me, the rage evident on his face. He took a calming breath, “Go back to watching your movie Sam.”

  I ignored him, “Berto, what was Lyssa to young and Tanner to old for?”

  Berto looked like a deer in headlights, “Ummm.”

  Tanner growled and walked out the door, slamming his fist into the wall as he went putting a hole in it. “I need to go talk to him,” Ethan stood up, “Sugar, go back to your movie. Berto, you tell her anything, and I’ll not only feed those snakes to the rats, but I’ll also feed you to Tanner.” He followed Tanner out of the room.

  “They’re weasels,” growled Xavier.

  “Xavier, what are the chances of Tanner taking a swing at Ethan?” I took a breath and glanced at him.


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