McPartland, Mysty - Playing Doctors and Nurses (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

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McPartland, Mysty - Playing Doctors and Nurses (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 1

by Mysty McPartland

  Playing Doctors and Nurses

  River is happy and excited about returning home and working beside his father. But when he finds out that the woman he loved as a young man is still unattached, he's thrilled--and sexually hungry. Now that they are both older, he intends to play more than just doctors and nurses. With the means to stop her from becoming pregnant, he plans for them to be lovers.

  Kai is pleased to run into River, the boy she once loved, but one look into his magnetic brown eyes, and she knows he wants to be more than friends. She can’t take the risk. However, after his threat to take another woman as his lover, she finds herself unable to resist. She's not going to let another woman experience the pleasure of his lovemaking. Nevertheless, she isn’t going to let him have it all his own way either.

  Genre: Historical, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 39,087 words


  Mysty McPartland


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  IMPRINT: Romance


  Copyright © 2011 by Mysty McPartland

  E-book ISBN: 1-61034-088-4

  First E-book Publication: January 2011

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter One

  His head down, one hand keeping his derby hat firmly on his head the other gripping his medical bag, River battered against the wind as he hurried along the boardwalk, eager to reach home. It seemed forever since he’d last been home, and he grew impatient to see his father after so long.

  His thoughts flew from his head when, in the next instant, he felt himself falling. He suddenly found himself landing in a pile of cold, wet muck. If the smell was anything to go by, he would definitely name it horse dung.

  Mumbling a few choice curses, he began to push himself up but froze when he heard the soft, sultry voice behind him. “Oh, I’m really sorry, Mister. Really sorry. I wish I could stay and help you, but I’m in an awful hurry. Just send the cleaning bill to the bank, and it will be taken care of, I assure you.”

  Kai felt terrible about knocking the fellow over, but she could not afford to stay around and lend him a hand. With one more swift look, and realizing the only problem he suffered was dirty clothing, she spun around and raced away. She could not afford to be late. Her father was already furious with her for declining another marriage proposal, and she did not want to anger him any further.

  “Well, damned it to hell,” he groused. By the time he turned his head, all River could see was a black coat rushing away. He should have realized as soon as he landed in this mess who’d knocked him over. With a growl, he reached for his derby and cursed when he saw it covered in filth. With his bag still clasped in his hand, he rose to his feet and looked down at himself.

  “Damn little hellcat!” he mumbled, his lips curled into a cynical twist as he stepped back on the boardwalk and continued on his way home, his thoughts now only on the woman who’d once again done him bodily harm. It seemed like forever since he’d given any thought to Kai and longer still since they had seen each other.

  A rueful smile crossed his face as he remembered their private, final goodbye to each other. He could still recall quite clearly the sweetest, most poignant moment in his life. He’d carried the glorious memory around with him for years. However, as time slid past, so did the memories. Now, though, they clearly filled his mind as they had so very long ago.

  Kai was sweet, adorable and trouble. How could he ever forget how much trouble? She was walking calamity, and it seemed some things never changed. It surprised him, though, to know she had returned home. He never knew she’d come back to town, and he wondered what she would look like now. He remembered her as such a bewitching, beautiful, beguiling child-woman when he’d left to go to medical school.

  He’d loved her as a young man loved his first woman. He let out a sporadic breath, his mouth turning up in a tender smile. They’d promised to love each other and wait for each other. Such was the way of youth and first love, he thought sadly. While he attended medical school, Kai had gone off to some elite school back East. His thoughts scattered when he reached the house.

  Father, I’m home,” he called out as he opened the front door and stepped inside the foyer.

  Carl jumped up from his seat and hurried out of his office toward his son. However, one look at him covered in mud, and one sniff, made him stop his rush and back up a few steps. “River, it’s ah…good to see you, son.”

  His mouth twisting up into a grimace, River placed his hat and bag on the table against the wall and started to unbutton his coat. “Before you ask, all I have to say is Kai.”

  Carl laughed. “Well, that didn’t take long for you both to become reacquainted.”

  After taking off his coat, River bundled it up. “I doubt she even knew it was me. She just said, ‘Sorry, Mister’, told me to send the cleaning bill to the bank, and took off.”

  With another laugh, Carl shook his head. “Come on, son, let’s go to the kitchen. Mary will probably have hot water heating. We’ll talk more when you’ve cleaned yourself up.”

  Before he followed his father, River pulled off his shoes. He hoped their housekeeper, Mary, would have plenty of hot water on the stove. He would need it. Sighing in happiness, he smiled. It sure felt good though to be home. He would enjoy working alongside his father.

  Chapter Two

  Lying in bed in the darkness of her room, Kai frowned. Something niggled at her about the man she’d knocked over earlier today. She sensed something familiar about him, but she never saw his face or anything else. All she could see of him was a dark
head of thick brown hair and his big build. Yet all night something inside her persisted that she knew him.

  Oh, don’t be so ridiculous, she silently scolded herself. With a huff of annoyance, she tugged at the covers. Closing her eyes, she forced the maddening notion aside. A few minutes later her eyes flew open. Gasping in shock, she sprang up from the pillows and stared bewildered into the darkness.

  River! Why, suddenly, did she think of him? It had been years since she’d even given a passing thought to the man who’d once held her young heart. Flopping back amongst the pillows, she could only lay stunned. River, her young girlish first love. And how she loved him with her whole heart.

  Even though they both knew he would one day be going away to school, it still broke her heart when he finally left. However, once she went away to school herself, her unhappiness and love for him faded as time passed.

  She wondered why now she would suddenly start thinking about him. Why did she remember things that happened so long ago? Like the sweet innocent kisses they first started to share. Kisses that soon turned to something else. She could not stop the smile spreading across her face.

  How had River put it? Ah, yes, doctors and nurses, that was the game they’d played. He played the doctor and examined her methodically, and when it came her turn to play nurse, she’d done so with wholehearted eagerness. They spent many hours exploring each other bodies and pleasuring each other. Oh, how they pleasured each other.

  They never went any further, though. River had refused to take her innocence, stating firmly what could happen if he did. He did not want to chance getting her pregnant and ruining his dream of becoming a doctor. It never upset her. She understood and by no means tried to force him. Besides, they both experienced untold pleasure in each other’s arms even without completing the act

  * * * *

  Aggravated as hell once again, River tossed in his bed. Thoughts of Kai kept sliding through his mind and would not leave. As soon as he’d heard that soft, sultry voice today, he knew instantly who the voice belonged to her. That voice was the only one that always sent pleasure washing through him, the only voice that ever made him think of hot days and velvety smooth flesh. Sweet, tempting flesh he always wanted to taste and touch.

  His mouth lifted up in a rakish grin as he recalled vivid memories of just how many times he had spent tasting and touching such velvet, silky flesh. He chuckled lightly. Kai had always been so willing to play doctors and nurses, and boy how they played and played. They learn to pleasure each other like eager, overenthusiastic puppies.

  He closed his eyes as he recalled the feel of her hands gliding over his hot flesh, remembered the feel of his erection being held in her hand. And how glorious it felt when she took him into her mouth. He let out a low groan as he felt his body leap from the memories.

  His arousal came swiftly. He was nothing but a damn fool to bring up such thoughts. Probably because he had been without a woman for a long time, he realized. Far too long, and that would be the only reason he desperately wanted one now. He’d been too busy studying for his exams the last year to even give women a passing thought, much less bed one. And even though he desperately wanted one now, it might be hard but not impossible. The only problem that he could see was having to go to the local whorehouse if he wanted to get laid.

  He also knew the minute he stepped through the front door it would be all over town. If he wanted to be known as a respected doctor, he could not afford to find relief in the whorehouse. Hell, it looked like he’d have to be celibate for some time to come.

  His thoughts returned to Kai.) The little walking calamity was probably already married and probably had a passel of kids by now. He scowled over the thought, not liking the idea at all. It should not worry him if she’d married and borne children. Nevertheless, it annoyed the hell out of him and left him feeling disappointed.

  He wondered what sort of man she would have married and if he treated her properly. He’d better, or else there would be trouble. Tomorrow he’d ask his father. Now, though, he’d better get some shuteye. It would be a busy day, and he did not want his head muddled from lack of sleep.

  With that thought in mind, he cleared his head of everything and settled down to sleep. Unable to prevent her slipping through his thoughts, he smiled in contentment as memories of Kai whispered through his dreams.

  Chapter Three

  Uncomfortable now about approaching the subject of Kai to his father, River sipped at his coffee. He was annoyed over his procrastination, so in the end decided to get on with the matter. “I suppose Kai is married with a handful of kids by now?”Carl hid his smile and studied his son. He could see the bright eagerness in his son’s gaze along with disappointment before he answered him. “’Fraid not, and her father told me just the other day she turned down another offer of marriage. He’s mighty upset over it.”

  The relief rushing through him surprised him. River could not help himself grinning over the news. So little Kai is still unmarried. He felt mighty pleased, yep, mighty pleased to hear it. “Well, the poor fellow should think himself lucky. The little hellion would probably make his life a living hell.”

  “Well, son, are you ready to work? With this cold weather, we have plenty of patients.” His son’s eyes told him everything Carl wanted to know. River still carried strong feelings for Kai. He just hoped the girl felt the same way. Ah, well, they were adults now and would work things out between them.

  With a quick nod, River placed his empty cup down on the table, scraped his chair back and stood up. “I’m more than ready, Dad.”

  Carl slapped his son on the shoulder and, smiling proudly, led him into the office next to his. “You can’t imagine how proud and happy I am that we’ll be working together, son.”

  “I think I can, Dad. I’ve waiting a long time for this day as well,” River answered with emotions clogging his voice.

  Moisture gathering in his eyes, Carl smiled with pride at his son and left the room just as the first patient for the day came through the door.

  River watched his father leave, clearing his throat, and set about getting ready to put in to practice what he spent years studying. His earlier thoughts of Kai were placed firmly in the back of his mind, where they would be ready for him to take out and think about when his workday was done.

  * * * *

  After helping Loti, the housekeeper, with the breakfast dishes and cleaning the house, Kai wondered what she would do with the rest of her day. She didn’t like being idle. Even though it might be a blustery day and it continued to rain off and on, she decided to go for a walk. Her decision made, she went into the hall, lifted her coat off the hook and pulled it on.

  Finished doing up the buttons, she opened the front door, stepped out and closed it soundlessly behind her. She moved off the porch, down the steps and along the path to the street. Shivering, she pulled her coat tighter around her and hurried along. She decided she would go to Millie’s and look at her latest shipment of hats. Not that she needed one, but it would pass the time.

  * * * *

  When the first rush of patients dwindled to only one or two, River decided he would take a look around town. He wanted to see what changes had occurred since the last time he’d come home. Deep down, he knew the real reason, though, why he continued walking up and down Main Street. He hoped to run into Kai. He reluctantly admitted he felt just so damn happy to know she was still single and didn’t have any kids.

  He looked up, and a devilish grin spread across his face as he saw the small, trussed up bundle hurrying toward him. He braced himself for the collision he expected to happen. A few moments later, grunting from the impact, he lifted his hands and caught her by the shoulders as she plowed into him. “Still not looking where you’re going, you little hellion.”

  When she hit something solid, Kai groaned. The next instant, her head whipped up and she could only gasp in utter shock. She could not tear her gaze away from the stunning handsome face or those magnetic brow
n eyes that always seemed to see into her very soul.

  “I don’t believe it. You’re actually at a loss for words,” River said as he studied her features. She’s a soul-stealing piece of temptation, he thought as he studied her features. Long, thick black lashes surrounded her large, luminous gray eyes that made a man feel raw desire and promised him untold pleasures.

  Her small, upturned nose still carried a light splattering of freckles across the bridge. Her lips, rosy red, full and pouting, begged a man to kiss and taste them. He could not stop himself from staring or feeling his body tighten with lusty awareness.

  Oh my, she couldn’t stop looking at him. Ruggedly handsome in his youth, but now he was devastating. She could see the wicked fire lighting up his eyes. Unable to stop her response to the desire she could read in their depths, her body started to tremble. The memory of his touch and kisses upon her fervent and willing body came so clearly to mind. His words buzzed around her head as she fought to gather herself together.

  Finally, after drawing in a shaky breath, she smiled. “River, I didn’t know you were home. When did you arrive?”

  Her soft, sultry voice felt like a caress to his already hot flesh. How he wanted to crush her in his arms, kiss that delectable mouth and rediscover every glorious inch of her. Somehow, he forced himself to grin back at her. “If you stayed around yesterday after you knocked me over, you would know I only just arrived back in town.”


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