McPartland, Mysty - Playing Doctors and Nurses (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

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McPartland, Mysty - Playing Doctors and Nurses (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 2

by Mysty McPartland

  He chuckled when he saw the light blush covering her cheeks. God help him, this woman he held was temptation itself. He’d never wanted a woman more than he wanted this little bundle of sensuality, and he wanted her now. Thank God for his long, thick coat because anyone who saw him now would know how randy he was feeling at this moment.

  Chapter Four

  Kai remembered the man she’d run into yesterday and felt the warmth steal over her cheeks. “I’m awfully sorry. I wanted to stay around and help you, but Father was already angry with me.”

  “You might have changed in looks, Kai, but you’re still a calamity.” Hiding his surprise, he couldn’t help but feel disappointed when she moved out of his hold and seeing her eyes snapping brightly with irritation. He wondered what he might have said to annoy her.

  “It’s nice to see you again, River. Now, if you will excuse me, I’d best be on my way.” Stung by his words, Kai pulled away.

  Quickly, River reached out and grasped her arm as she went to step around him. “Have dinner with me tonight, Kai.” He wasn’t anywhere near ready to let her go just yet. In fact, he never wanted to let her go, he admitted reluctantly to himself.

  Shaking her head, Kai felt her heart drumming wildly with excitement, but she forced it down. “No,” she whispered emphatically.

  “Why the hell not?” he asked brusquely, clearly not at all pleased with her answer.

  Her eyes grew round at River’s curt reply. “Because I don’t want to go to dinner with you, that’s why.” “Damn it, Kai, why not? We haven’t seen each other in years. Please, Kai, have dinner with me?” He wheedled in the end, hoping to convince her to change her mind.

  “Oh, all right. Pick me up at six.” Darn it, she could never resist him when he looked at her like that. Kai turned away from those compelling eyes and let out a sigh of defeat.

  River gave her a roguish grin. “Thank you, Kai. I’ll be there at six. Now, though, I better get home and get back to work.” Grudgingly, he let go of her arm. Giving her one more winning smile, he left her on the boardwalk staring after him.

  He thrust his hands into the pockets of his coat and, with a wide smile on his face, headed home. All he could think about was that his little Kai had now turned into one hell of a beautiful woman and a very sexy one at that. He eagerly looked forward to getting to know her again. With luck, in a short amount of time, he could persuade her to once again play doctors and nurses with him.

  Just the thought of having that glorious little bundle naked in his arms again was highly arousing. This time, though, they were going to go all the way. Now that he possessed the means to stop her from becoming pregnant, he didn’t see the need to hold himself back anymore. Yep, he wanted to bury his hard, aching flesh inside her and drown himself in the sexy promise of her passion.

  He couldn’t miss her responsiveness and desire shining in her eyes. She was just as aware of the hot, passionate attraction which still lingered between them. Time, it seemed, hadn’t changed that between them. No, he sensed this only made it more electrifying, more intense, and he knew once they were finally joined it would be much more explosive than anything else he had ever experienced with any other woman before. Yes, it would be magnificent and utterly satisfying. He couldn’t wait.

  * * * *

  Kai stood and watched River as he walked away, she could not help but feel angry with herself for giving in. Yet she felt the excitement flowing through her like a rushing river. He was the love of her young heart, now a full-grown man, a glorious-looking man, and that could only mean trouble.

  Big trouble.

  When she reached home, she would spend the time getting herself under control. Worried, she could already feel all the emotions she once felt) for him so long ago came flooding back. The yearning to be back in his arms again became nearly overwhelming in its intensity. Danger screamed in her mind. It would be dangerous to become involved with him again.

  She knew by the hot, sexual glimmer in his eyes that it would be more than dinner he wanted to share with her. Even if her own body craved the intimacy, she could not allow the passion between them to resurface again. Only when she could not see him anymore did she turn away and head home. When River came to take her to supper, she would have the willpower to withstand his sensual pull on her senses.

  The aura of sex surrounding him would be hard to resist, but resist she would. They were not children anymore. The time of playing doctors and nurses lay far behind them. As adults, the games of sex were far too hazardous and held far too many consequences, and she definitely would not be willing to pay those penalties.

  Even for River, she wouldn’t pay them no matter how dear to her heart he might be. Marriage or an unwanted baby was a far greater cost to pay for a few hours of bliss they would find in each other’s arms. No matter how much she would like to and wanted to, she could never allow it to happen.

  Drat it, why did he have to come back? Now she knew why the stranger she knocked down yesterday seemed so familiar, why the floodgates to memories had opened up. Memories long forgotten now stirred every inch of her body.

  Darn the dratted man. Somehow, she would just make certain that after tonight she would have very little to do with him. She would have to make him understand that if he hoped for any intimacy between them it definitely wasn’t going to happen.

  Oh, he would unquestionably try to seduce her. She felt very positive about that particular fact. Well, he would be in for a very huge disappointment. She was no longer young and in love, and his wiles would not work on her again. Well, she prayed most ardently they wouldn’t. Letting out a sigh of annoyance, she lifted her chin in determination.

  She intended to fight this maddening attraction and the sensual pull he held over her senses, and by willickers, she would not succumb to them. She just wouldn’t.

  Chapter Five

  The door flew open after his knock. River could only stare in wonder at the woman standing before him. His pulse leaped at the beguiling bundle of womanhood in front of him. He could not stop the hot flames licking at his guts) or pull his hungry gaze away from her. Slowly and languidly, his eyes slide over her.

  Taking his time, he surveyed her from the top of her head to the toes of her black boots and back up again until they finally rested on her low-necked gown. The tops of her pearly white breasts beckoned to him. He wanted to reach out and take them in his hands, taste them with his mouth, lather them with attention from his tongue and mold them in his palms.

  Her coat held in her hand, Kai stood perfectly still under River’s hypnotic stare. She couldn’t control her reaction no matter how hard she tried.

  She also could not stop her eyes traveling over every inch of him. Lord, he was a sexually handsome devil, and his clothing fit him to perfection. A frown crossed her brow when she noticed just how perfectly his black wool pants fit indecently around his thighs.

  Annoyed suddenly, she found the strength to shake herself free from the sensual hold he held over her. “Well, if you’ve looked enough I’ll just put my coat on and we can go.” With a rakish grin, River stepped forward, lifted the coat from her hand and placed it around her shoulders. With his lips close to her ear, he whispered seductively. “I haven’t by half looked enough, sweetheart.”

  Her limbs trembling from not only the heated breath against her skin but his words as well, Kai forced herself to pull away from his light embrace. Her eyes swept him with a look of annoyance. “Well, you’re not going to be looking at anything more,” she warned him with irritation lacing her voice.

  A dark brow lifting in amusement, River wasn’t in the least contrite. Taking her arm they walked down the steps together, down the path, out the gate and stopped by the buggy. “You can’t blame a man for looking, Kai. And I definitely remember seeing a lot more of you than just the top of your enticing breasts.” His voice gravelly with desire, he placed his hands on her waist and lifted her up into the buggy. Once seated, he gave her a wide grin before he leap
t up beside her.

  It was hard, very hard, to fight against the sexual pull this man possessed over her, but she was determined to do so. As he started the buggy, she settled herself beside him and watched him out the corner of her eye. “That was a long time ago, and it will never happen again.” There. That should give him fair warning that nothing would ever happen between them again.

  His head whipping around River looked at her skeptically. “I’m disappointed to hear it, Kai, real disappointed. I haven’t forgotten what it was like between us. Have you?” He didn’t need to hear her answer when she turned and looked at him. Watching her, he knew exactly what she thought by what he saw in her eyes. He couldn’t help but allow a delicious smile to spread over his face.

  Oh, why did he have to remind her of the past, she thought with annoyance? Well, she positively would not let him know she couldn’t stop thinking about the intimacy they’d once shared. With a shrug, she gazed at him with boredom. “Dear me, River, it was so long ago I can barely remember.”

  “Is that right? Well, perhaps I’ll just have to jog your memory?” His brow quirked. He wasn’t in the least fooled by her answer. He could see the blinding knowledge in her eyes that she remembered everything they shared together.

  Her eyes widening, Kai turned away from his penetrating gaze. “There will be no memory jogging. We’re too old to play silly games, and I have no intentions of playing doctors and nurses with you again.”

  Her stiff tone told him how agitated she was feeling, and he forced himself not to laugh. “I rather had in mind we could play lovers.” He watched her body stiffen.

  The soft, seductive words sent her heart flying to her throat. She forced herself not to turn and look at him, but she could not help the way her body reacted. She felt quivery and hot all over. Darn him. “We won’t be playing anything,” she hissed angrily, trying to gather herself together before he noticed what he was doing to her.

  River pulled the buggy to a stop outside the hotel. After tying the reins and setting the break, he turned to Kai. When she refused to turn and look at him, he reached out and lightly grasped her chin, gently forcing her head around. “I don’t want to fight with you, Kai. Let’s put the conversation aside and enjoy our dinner together, please.”

  Her annoyance evaporating, Kai gave a slight nod of agreement and smiled. She could never stay angry with him in the past, and it didn’t look like she could now. “All right, River.”

  Unable to stop himself and not even trying to, he leaned forward and placed his lips softly on hers in a quick kiss. Moving away from her, he dropped her chin and hurriedly jumped out of the buggy. Holy hell, he was in trouble. He had never felt such a stark, raw desire consume him from just a simple kiss.

  Before she could even guess his intention, when his mouth touched hers, Kai thought she might have been struck by a bolt of lightning. There was nothing sexual about the light kiss, but glory be, it singed her to her very toes. She would have to make sure he didn’t do it again. She didn’t like to think what would happen if he did.

  Very pleased to know that the sexual chemistry still existed between them, River lifted his hands to help Kai down. He placed them around her waist and swung her down onto the boardwalk. Taking her hand, he placed it on his arm as he led her into the hotel and the dining room. “A table for two, please,” he told the waitress.

  They followed her to a table by the window, and once the woman left he helped Kai off with her coat. He quickly removed his own and placed them both down on the spare chair. After helping Kai into a chair, he took his own seat.

  For a moment, he let his gaze slowly move over the room, and he frowned when he noticed every man in the restaurant staring hungrily at Kai. He didn’t like it a damn bit. A silent curse knotted in his throat as he turned back and eyed Kai with irritation. His gaze dropped to the low neckline of her dress. “Was it your intention to have not only me but every other man in here ogling you?” His voice laced with anger, he couldn’t seem to tear his gaze away from the top of her breasts.

  Her eyes widening, Kai couldn’t hide her surprise at not only what River suggested but the tone of his voice as well. She swiveled her head slightly and, smiling, swept her gaze back to his. “I’m entitled to have other men look at me. I find it flattering.” When she noticed River continued to stare at the top of her breasts, her face grew warm and her breasts tingled.

  It was taking a great effort but somehow he managed to shift his gaze back to her face. His throat clogged with the need to growl. However, he succeeded in controlling himself. Huffing out a breath, he reached across the table and took her hand in his. “Yes, you are, and I can’t blame them for staring. You have grown into a beautiful and desirable woman, Kai.”

  His hungry brown eyes caressed her heatedly. He could see she wasn’t unaffected as she tried to make out she was. The very air around them crackled and sizzled. His thumb caressed her knuckles as he watched the fire light up her eyes. Yes, they would be lovers soon. He was sure of it.

  Kai pulled her hand free from River’s with a sigh of relief when the waitress came. Lord, the dratted man already made her feel all hot and needy. And if she kept staring into those dark eyes, which promised her untold pleasure, she would most likely throw herself across the table and into his arms.

  He was even more dangerous now than when they were children, and she knew it wasn’t going to be easy to resist him. But resist him she would. Lovers? No, they were never going to be lovers. Friends, acquaintances—that’s all. Nothing more. She just hoped she could convince him that was all she wanted from him.

  She would not think about what the quick kiss did to her or how her body now wanted to feel those long, sensual fingers stroking over her flesh or his wicked mouth sliding over her body. Her head came up abruptly, and she stared aghast at River.

  Dear God, she needed to stop such thoughts. She was relieved to see him busy giving their order for dinner and not paying her any attention. She knew if he looked at her now, he would know exactly what her thoughts were. She reached for the glass of water, picked it up and took a healthy drink, trying to regain her perspective and composure. She did try to stop the memories and desperately tried to stop the yearning in her body but she was finding it difficult to ignore them. All she could hope for was making it through the evening without him knowing.

  Chapter Six

  River helped Kai from the buggy and kept hold of her hand as he led her up to the porch. He turned and slipped an arm around her waist. “I enjoyed tonight, Kai. I never realized just how much I missed you until now.”

  Relieved that the night turned out to be an enjoyable evening after all, Kai suddenly became worried when River wrapped his arm around her and looked down at her with eyes smoldering with heated passion. She swallowed nervously and forced a pleasant smile. “Yes, I had a nice time, too, but now it’s late and I should go inside.”

  He could hear the unmistakable quivering in her voice. He knew why, and her words didn’t deter him. “Late for the old and the young but not for us, Kai,” he whispered erotically and drew her closer to him, stopping just so they were only a breath apart.

  “Don’t do this, River. I just want us to be friends.” Pleading with him, she could not stop her body from trembling with awareness as his heat seemed to reach out and wrap around her

  His free hand lifted and caught the back of her head as he stared down into her eyes. Her eyes were filled with longing and desire, which she tried to hide but he was determined not to let her pretend that there was nothing between them. “Friends? I don’t think so, Kai. Lovers, yes. Friends no.” And to prove it to her, he pulled her up tightly against him.

  He saw her lips part to argue, but before she could utter a word, his mouth swooped down on hers. His tongue slipped inside and captured hers in a long, sensual kiss. He ignored the stiffening of her body against his own. Only a heartbeat passed before she melted against him, just as he knew she would.

  It took only a few
breathless seconds before her tongue started to mate with his in an erotic dance. He growled in the back of his throat and crushed her even more tightly against him, pressing every delectable sweet inch against his hard aching flesh.

  Oh, how she tried, she really did try, but within seconds her defenses shattered as the old familiar pleasure rushed through her. Her fingers curled into the wool of his thick coat as she lost the will to fight against River’s sexual web, wrapped tightly around her.

  Again and again, he plundered her mouth. His fingers threaded through her hair, spilling the pins and sending it tumbling down around her. Finally, he lifted his mouth from hers and drew in a long ragged breath. His tongue flicked at the edge of her lips. “Oh, God, Kai, I want you so badly.” His voice was raw with need.

  The sharp words were like a bucket of cold water tossed over her. Kai somehow managed to pull herself free from the sensual web that had captured her in its silken threads. “Let me go, River,” she pleaded softly, hoping he would release her.

  A scowl crossing his brow, River lifted his head and gazed down at her. “Damn it, you’re going to fight this, aren’t you?” Frustration fired his words.

  With dogged determination, Kai lifted her chin. “There is no this.” Her voice held her conviction.

  “Hell Kai, you’ve teased and taunted me all damn night. Damn it, just moments ago you kissed me back with the same need and hunger I felt.” Exasperation blew through him like a cold wind. Letting her go, he wiped his hand over his face before he spoke.

  Feeling her face heating from the truth, she shifted her gaze from his and stared over his right shoulder. “I don’t know what you mean by teasing and taunting you. And yes, I know I kissed you back, but listen to me, River. I am not going to be your lover.”

  “Oh, we’re going to be lovers all right, sweetheart, and soon.” A challenge lighting his eyes, River smirked.


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