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McPartland, Mysty - Playing Doctors and Nurses (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

Page 9

by Mysty McPartland

  Striding along the path, he curled his hands loosely in the pockets of his coat, deciding he would go to the saloon for a drink. He needed company, and for a time he wanted his mind free of thoughts of Kai. He wanted to find a few moments of peace from the pain which wouldn’t stop and from his despondent thoughts.

  Hopefully, then he would be in a better frame of mind and could think more clearly, and he would shortly have Kai back in his arms. He huffed a frustrated breath and willed himself to stop thinking about her. Damn it, the infernal stubborn woman was driving him insane.

  Since the dance, he’d never stopped thinking about her. He hardly slept or ate. If he didn’t pull himself together soon, he knew his patients would soon be suffering as well. So far, he’d managed to keep her from his mind when he worked, but if he couldn’t win her back shortly he grew afraid that it would start to interfere with his work.

  He couldn’t let that happen, and he wouldn’t. Now, though, he just wanted a few minutes of peace, and by God he would have them.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  With her head down, Kai read the letter from Phillip. Every few months he wrote begging and pleading with her to return back East and marry him. A sad little smile hovered on her lips. It certainly would be a solution to her problem. She shook her head and sighed sadly. No, she could never do it.

  She couldn’t run away and marry Phillip. It would not only be unfair to him, but it wouldn’t help matters at all. Besides, she didn’t love him, and she definitely knew he didn’t love her. He only wanted her because of her father’s bank and nothing more. Just like most men who started pursuing her when they found out her father owned a very prosperous bank.

  It hurt her at first, but soon it angered her and she never believed their words of undying love. River was the one man who’d never given a fig about her father’s bank. He had loved her for her once. She hitched a breath and continued to read the letter, forcing her painful thoughts away from River.

  * * * *

  When River spied Kai walking along the boardwalk, he quickly crossed the street. When she plowed into him, he caught her by the shoulder. “Don’t you ever look where you’re going, Kai?”

  Kai raised her head when she ran into something solid. Seeing River standing before her, all she wanted to do was throw her arms around him. Taking hold of her emotions, she gave him a tremulous smile instead. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  It hurt him to watch her lovely mouth quiver, to see the tears swimming in her beautiful eyes. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and hold her and never let her go. He forced himself to smile, dropped his gaze and noticed the letter she held in her hand. Curious, he moved one of his hands from around her and snatched it out of her grasp.

  River surprised her when he tore the letter out of her hand. Kai didn’t bother to hide her annoyance. She hissed at him. “Please return my letter.”

  His brow arched, River held the letter high and started to read it.

  My Darling Kai,

  I am writing to you again and begging you to reconsider your decision. Once more, I implore you to change your mind and return East and marry me.

  “What the hell?” he growled. Jealous rage sung through his voice, and he dropped his gaze back to Kai. “Who in the hell is this man?” he roared at her, unable to believe that some man would have the audacity to beg Kai to marry him.

  Kai tried to snatch her letter back, but River held it out of reach. When he started yelling, her own anger was rapidly rising. “You have no right to read my letter. Now give it back.”

  River let her go and took a step back. His gut ripping with jealously, he seethed with impotent rage. “Damn right I do. You damn well better not consider taking this fool up on his offer.” He bellowed at her.

  She could not understand why River should be so angry. Kai grew furious herself and gave him a hard shove. The next instant her hand flew to her mouth, and her eyes grew wide in horror. She watched as if it was happening in slow motion. River stumbled back and toppled over into the water trough.

  As his foot slipped off the boardwalk, River suddenly found himself losing his balance. The next second he landed in frigid water. With a roar, he pulled himself out of the horse trough, the letter still crushed in his hand. He shook the water from his clothing and stepped up on the boardwalk. “By God, Kai, I am going to give you a good spanking for this.”

  For the first time that she could ever remember, she was truly frightened by the intensity of River’s anger. Kai kept retreating every time he took a step toward her. At his threat, she lifted up her skirt, spun around and dashed away.

  With another bellow, River chased after her, unaware of everyone standing around on the street watching them with amusement. With his longer stride, he easily caught up with her. His arm snaked out and wrapping around her waist and lifted her off her feet.

  Held in River’s vise-like hold and pressed against his wet clothing, Kai slammed her eyes shut unable to meet his ferocious glare. Her heart raced and, breathlessly, she waited for his next move because she knew he would retaliate.

  Now that he held her, River looked around and smiled grimly. Why the hell not, he thought with relish. She certainly deserved it. Within a breath, he made his decision. His other hand went around the back of her knees and he carried her over to another water trough and dropped her in.

  He grinned smugly when she came up spluttering. “You can’t deny you deserve it, Kai.”

  Shocked senseless, she was unable to believe that River would do such a thing to her, Kai wiped the water from her face and glared at him hatefully. She sniffed at his comment, but when he offered her his hand, she reluctantly took it and let him help her out of the trough. “You’re a despicable man,” she grumbled.

  “I know you don’t believe that. Now come on, let’s get you home before you catch pneumonia.” He reached out and took her arm, ignoring her tugs to be free.

  “I do not need your help getting home, and I don’t want it.” Kai whipped the words out as she continued to try to pull her hand free.

  River retained his hold on her and kept walking. “Probably not, but I intend to see you home nevertheless.”

  Oh, why didn’t he just go away and leave her alone? She didn’t want to spend any time with him. It hurt too much. However, she knew she wouldn’t be able to get rid of him, so clamping her jaw shut she marched along beside him. Once they reached home she would send him on his way.

  River glanced down at the letter he still clenched in his hand. He could feel the rage and jealously sweeping through him once more. Once they were both dry and warm, he intended on getting to the bottom of this nonsense. Changing course, he now decided to take Kai back to his place. He would keep her there until he found out everything he could about this man and Kai’s feelings toward him.

  Kai started to panic when River suddenly changed directions. She knew exactly where he intended to take her, and she couldn’t allow him. “Let me go, River. You have no right to drag me to your house.”

  His head swinging around, River seared her with his gaze. “Damn right, I do, and you’re not leaving until you explain this blasted letter to me.”

  The intense animosity coming from River made Kai swallow back her protests. Never could she remember ever seeing him so angry. Yet a little thrill shot through her knowing how upset he felt over Phillip’s proposal. “It’s none of your business, River,” she whispered, and his glare turned even angrier. Quickly, she thought it might just be wise not to say another word and let him drag her home.

  “Well, I’m making it my business, and by God you’re going tell me everything.” Fury whispered through his words, and seeing that she understood, he turned away. This was the last straw; he would let no man steal Kai from him. If she even showed the slightest interest in taking this fool up on his offer, he just might throttle her.

  His plans of winning Kai back now forgotten for the moment, all he wanted to do was find out how Kai felt about this other man
and if she intended to go back East and marry him. By God, he would never allow such a thing to happen. Never.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  When he reached his house, River opened the door dragged Kai inside and slammed it shut. Not letting go of her hand, he pulled her across the room and into the bedroom and only then did he let go of her. “Take off those wet things and I’ll find you something dry to wear.”

  Breathless, Kai eyed River with suspicion and crossed her arms over her chest. Adamantly, she refused to undress in front of him, knowing what would happen if she did.

  He quickly grew exasperated with her when he saw the mutinous look cross her face. River let out a growl and crossed over to the drawers. Pulling out some dry clothes, he tossed her a fleecy shirt. “I’m warning you, Kai, change those clothes. Or I will.” On that warning, he turned away and walked out of the room.

  When River left, her shoulders sagged in relief. Kai quickly went about removing her wet garments. No matter how much she loved him and wanted to make love to him again, she knew that it would be wrong.

  Still furious with her, River tore at his clothing, roughly dried himself and hastily dressed. No matter how much he wanted Kai back in his arms, he would wait. Finished doing the last button up on his shirt, he bent over, swept up his wet clothes, carried them into the kitchen and tossed them in the basket by the door.

  He’d just returned to the living room when Kai stepped out of the bedroom. “Sit down and start explaining,” he growled out returned to the fire and leaned an elbow on the mantle. He could not help his groin tightening at seeing her dressed in one of his shirts. It reached just below her knees, and she looked as sexy as hell, damn her.

  Kai took a seat on the couch and folded her hands on her lap. From beneath her lashes, she eyed River, noticing the stubborn set of his jaw. He still looked furious, and she knew he would not let her go until she explained. She didn’t want to, but she knew if she wanted to leave she would have to tell him what he wanted to know. “Though it is none of your business, I’ll tell you. Phillip writes every few months begging me to marry him. I write back refusing. There. Are you satisfied?”

  Studying her for a few moments, River grunted. Believing her still did not dampen his anger or his jealousy. “Do you have any feeling for him at all?”

  His question took her by surprise. Kai lifted her lashes and stared at him in confusion. “No. I know he’s only interested in me because of my father’s bank.”

  Shocked by her answer, he heard the hurt in her voice, and now he wanted to beat the man senseless. Straightening up, River moved over to her, dropped down in front of her and clasped her clenched hands in his. “Oh, Kai, honey, not every man who meets you is interested in your father’s bank.”

  Kai couldn’t stop the tears welling up in her eyes. “It’s sweet of you to say so, but I know the truth.” He dropped her hand and cupped her face in his hands he could see the moisture gathering in her eyes.

  “Then those men are damn fools. You’re a beautiful, desirable woman, sweetheart. And I know for a damn fact there is so much more to you than your father’s bank.”

  Tears slipped down her face. In her heart, Kai had always known that River cared only for her. She lifted her hand and covered his. “You’re the only man I have ever known who didn’t have any interest in my father’s bank.”

  Hearing those soft-spoken words broke his heart. River slipped his hands from beneath hers and gently wiped the tears from her face. “Oh, Kai, my sweet, sweet girl. I have always adored you just because you are you.” He tenderly placed his arms around her and held her in his embrace.

  He held her lovingly in his arms as she cried out her heartache, his hand lightly moved up and down her back. His poor Kai might have tried to pretend it didn’t matter to her that those men hurt her, but now she couldn’t hide from the fact any longer. He wanted to beat every one of them senseless for causing her so much pain.

  Kai wept against River’s chest, but soon her tears dried and the only thing she could think about was how wonderful it felt being back in his arms once more. Nothing else mattered anymore. She loved this wonderful man with all her heart. She also admitted she would gladly accept any part of him that he would be willing to give her.

  His eyes closed, and River quickly sensed the sudden change in Kai and noticed she’d stopped weeping. His whole body tingled with awareness, yet he was reluctant to move in case he might be wrong about what he sensed.

  She could hear the sound of River’s increased heartbeat and it made her smile. Kai moved away from him, raised her hand and let her fingers feather across his bottom lip. She saw his eyes light up with hunger and desire. “I have been foolish, River. Very foolish. I don’t want to see other men. I just want you. Will you take me back?”

  Every muscle in his body quivered at the light touch to his lips, River’s hopes soared when he noticed the brightness lighting up her eyes. Her words, though, filled his heart with happiness. His hand slipped around from her back and cupped the side of her face. “Oh, baby, that’s all I want. More than anything, I want you back.” His mouth lowered to hers and his arms tightened around her as his kiss became more demanding. He waited only until she opened to him, then his tongue slipped inside and plundered the sweet velvet moistness of her mouth.

  Her whimpers of joy and pleasure were quickly smothered by River’s overpowering kiss. Kai caressingly moved her hands around his shoulders as her tongue met his in the dance of love.

  So desperate to be inside her, River laid her down on the sofa and covered her with his body. With his knee between hers, he nudged her legs farther apart and settled between them. He lifted his mouth from hers. “I can’t wait, Kai. I can’t wait a moment longer,” he whispered against her lips as he reached down and quickly undid the buttons on his pants.

  Once he freed himself, his hand came up and dragged up the bottom of the shirt she wore. Shifting between her thighs and about to sink himself into her, he stopped as he felt her tongue glide over his lips. He groaned as a spear of pleasure shot through him.

  Only too happy to comply with River’s need, breathlessly Kai waited for him to enter her. She teased his lips with her tongue and licked at the corner of his mouth. Suddenly, she cried out as he drove himself powerfully inside her, sinking her into to a world of pleasure.

  Lifting his head away, River let out a growl of pure gratification as he sunk himself deeply into the sweet haven of Kai’s body. Now buried inside her, the sense of belonging and welcome were overwhelming, and he could not stop himself from driving into her with one mighty thrust after another.

  Kai wiggled beneath him and lifted her legs and wrapped them around his hips. Her hands were clasped tightly to his shoulders as she met each of his plunging strokes with the arch of her hips.

  So close. He felt so close to finding his release, but he held himself back with every bit of willpower he possessed until Kai would join him. His head dropped, and his mouth covered hers. His tongue thrust into and withdrew from her mouth just as his body plunged in and out of her. He growled against her mouth when she stiffened beneath him. With one last thrust inside her, a heartbeat later they both reached the pinnacle of rapture. They climaxed together and tumbled into paradise.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Weakened and breathless, River fell lightly atop of Kai and buried his face against the side of her neck. His heart pounded like an Indian drum, and he could barely draw in air. At this moment, he was feeling so damn good and he was ecstatic to have Kai back in his arms.

  Slowly the quivers stopped shaking inside her, and she was filled with happiness and could only smile. She couldn’t help but be grateful River still wanted her. Her hand slid up his back, and her fingers threaded through his hair as she let out a soft sigh of happiness.

  River nuzzled the side of her neck before reluctantly raising his head. He couldn’t help but be very pleased at seeing the bright, blissful smile lighting up Kai’s face. He leaned down and brus
hed her lips with his. “Kai, I…”

  “Shh. River, you don’t have to say anything. Just hold me, River. Just hold me.” Kai cut him off. At the moment she didn’t feel like talking.

  His breath blowing out of him, River grunted. Rolling off her, he stood up. He leaned down and swept Kai up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom. He placed her down on the mattress, and it only took him a few seconds to take off her shirt and a few moments longer to remove his own clothes. He quickly joined her on the bed and gathered her up in his arms. He placed a tender kiss on her brow and afterward rested his cheek against the side of her head.

  Pleased and relieved that River had done as she asked, Kai snuggled against him. She liked this intimacy nearly as much as she loved their lovemaking.

  On the verge of drifting off to sleep when his eyes suddenly flew open, River groaned in horror realizing what he’d done. Good God, how could he have been so blasted careless?

  Of all the foolish things to do. Heaven help him, he would have to tell Kai. She would no doubt be furious when he told her, but she needed to know. He just hoped she would believe that he hadn’t done it on purpose.

  Her contentment rapidly vanished when she heard River’s growl of displeasure. Kai wondered what could be bothering him now. She lifted her head and turned to face him. “You’re not regretting that we are lovers again, are you?” She couldn’t keep the disappointment or quivering out of her voice, and she held her breath and waited for his answer.

  It would mostly likely destroy her if he did, but the way she treated him, she could not blame him if he was having second thoughts.

  He couldn’t help but be astounded by her question. River lifted his hand and stroked it down the side of her head and smiled warmly at her. “No, sweetheart. Never.” He saw the fear and worry leave her eyes and cursed, knowing that in the next few seconds he would make her angry. She would probably be the one to regret what they’d done, but he needed to tell her.


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