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Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4)

Page 56

by R. C. Martin

  “Tell me again tomorrow.”

  I can feel his mouth against mine as it turns up into a smile. “Love me tomorrow.”


  When my alarm sounds Christmas morning, I silence it with a groan. Now, I wish I hadn’t promised Harper that we’d be at the Fitzpatrick residence by nine. Teddy and I didn’t even attempt sleep until after two—too busy making up for lost time. I look down at her now, curled up on her side, her body positioned in such a way that beckons me to hold her—to slip my hard dick between her legs, taking her gently from behind.

  I shake the thought away, knowing we don’t have time. I should wake her. She’ll want copious amounts of coffee and a shower before we go—but I can’t bring myself to do it. Not yet. Instead, I turn away from her, reaching for the small drawer of my bedside table. I pull out the little, blue velvet box I picked up a couple days ago, spinning it around between my fingers.

  I bought it the day Aunt Eddalyn told me about Isaac; the day I made up my mind that I didn’t want to live my life looking for someone to fill the void that only Teddy ever could. After apologizing to Logan, I left for the day. I went to three jewelry stores before I found what I wanted. I had it customized, adding a bigger diamond for my shy girl’s little finger. Then a couple days ago, after I had rummaged through Teddy’s jewelry and found a ring I thought might fit the appropriate finger, I had the ring sized. It was all very last minute, but I was willing to pay to have my way.

  Teddy is mine, and I want every single person who looks her way to know it.

  I open both flaps of the lid, revealing the Belle by Harry Winston. The round cut diamond is five carats, set in a geometric bezel frame on a micropavé band. It’s unique, classy, elegant, and gorgeous—much like the woman who will wear it. As I stare at it, I get the urge to see it on her finger now. Without a second thought, I pluck it from the box and curl myself around Teddy’s body, reaching for her left hand. I slip the ring onto her finger, a small smile playing at my lips when I see that it fits perfectly.

  I set her hand back down and press a kiss against her bare shoulder, holding her in my arms. “Merry Christmas, Theodora,” I whisper against her skin.

  She begins to stir and I decide now’s as good a time as any to rouse her from her slumber. I open my mouth and pinch a chunk of skin between my teeth. She grumbles, but arches her back, pressing her ass against my crotch.

  “Careful, you little minx. If you get me started, we’ll be late for breakfast.”

  “Mmmm,” she hums, rolling over so that she’s facing me. “We can’t be late for breakfast. Dad makes pancakes. They’re delicious.”

  “Then we should probably get up.”

  “Five minutes?” she sighs, cupping her hands around my cheeks, touching her nose to mine.

  I smirk at her, sliding an arm beneath her before turning onto my back, bringing her with me. She giggles groggily, straddling her legs around me, rubbing her thumbs across my face as she kisses me good morning.

  “Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”

  “I never asked you what…” Her voice trails off as her gaze jumps to the rock I just placed on her finger. With a gasp, she pushes herself up, propping her hands against my chest. “Oh, my god,” she manages, her voice so soft I hardly hear it. “Oh, my god,” she says a little louder. “Oh, my god!” she cries. “Judah!” Her eyes are still glued to the ring. I can’t take my eyes off of her face. Her shock is breathtaking. “It’s—huge. It’s—so incredibly beautiful. Is this? I mean—is this—?”

  “Forever. Just say yes.”

  She claps her right hand over her mouth, her forehead creasing as she knits her eyebrows together, tears filling her eyes. She nods her head enthusiastically before she finally brings her eyes to meet mine. A sound that might be a sob and a laugh intertwined spills from her mouth as she reaches for my face once more, lowering hers to meet mine.

  “Yes,” she mutters, pressing a kiss against my lips. “Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes!”

  I chuckle as she repeats the word over and over again. She stops only when I slide my tongue into her mouth, and then she kisses me fervently. My dick grows hard between us and she moans, rubbing herself against me.

  “Teddy,” I mumble, my mouth still attached to hers.

  “Fuck the pancakes. Make love to me.”

  She doesn’t have to tell me twice.

  By the time we pull into the neighborhood where her parents live, it’s ten a.m. Teddy’s phone was ringing almost every five minutes after nine. She sent Harper a text, letting her know that we were on our way, and and then she turned it off, telling me that she wasn’t ready to say goodbye to our morning yet—not ready to say goodbye to just us.

  “You know, we’re going to have to answer a lot of questions. My parents are going to flip. And Harper,” she pauses, laughing softly as she turns our hands over so that she might admire her ring once more. “Harper is going to shit her pants when she sees this.”

  “We’ll be fine,” I assure her, giving her fingers a squeeze.

  “I know. I’m just a little nervous. Wait—dammit—I keep forgetting to ask about your family.”

  “They’re in town for another few days. We’ll go see them tomorrow. Ben and Harper will be there, too.”

  “Oh, right. They are going down, aren’t they,” she murmurs, turning to look out the window.

  “Sweetheart, stop worrying.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. I’m sorry.”

  I don’t say anything more as we turn onto their street. When I pull into the driveway, I let go of her hand, shifting the vehicle in park and shutting off the engine. Before she can reach for the handle, I slide my hand over her thigh, gripping her tightly. She looks back at me in question, and I answer her with a kiss.

  I kiss her until I feel her relax, and then I kiss her deeper, because she tastes delicious. She sighs contentedly, leaning into me as we pretend we have no place to be.

  “Better?” I ask when I finally manage to pull away.

  She touches her forehead to mine before nodding slightly. “Yes. Thank you.”

  “Let’s go. We’re late.”

  We both climb out, and as we make our way to the front door, she clings to my arm. She stops when we reach the porch and looks up at me, grinning. “You know what I just realized?”

  “What’s that?”

  “This is our first Christmas together—and you set the bar so high for yourself, you’ll never be able to top it. No matter what happens when we walk into this house, this will always be the best Christmas of my life.”

  I frown at her as I ask, “You think this is the best I can do?”

  “Jude,” she scoffs good-naturedly. “You gave me a home, you bought me a car, and you promised me forever with the most gorgeous ring a girl could ever ask for. There’s no way you could do better.”

  I smirk down at her, sure that she still doesn’t know all that I’m capable of. “Sweetheart, don’t underestimate me. I’ve got a lifetime to prove you wrong.”

  Three Days Later

  As I make my way down the cool, metal stairs, wearing nothing but one of Jude’s wool sweaters and my gigantic engagement ring, I sip at my cup of coffee, careful not to spill his. It’s far too early to be awake, especially on a day like today. Yet, in light of the date, I’m up with my handsome fiancé as he gets ready for work. I wish I could convince him to stay home.

  The gallery is always closed the week between Christmas and New Years. Andrew usually heads out of town with Carrie and Steven for the week. They spend Christmas with his grandparents, which is also where Geoff has been the last couple of days. Their whole family travels to Arizona for the holiday; some staying just a day or two, some longer. Geoffrey doesn’t usually stay as long as Andrew. I know a lot of his family doesn’t approve of his lifestyle, in spite of the fact that he’s been out for decades. Nevertheless, Andy keeps the gallery closed even after Geoff comes back to town, which means
I don’t have to work, either.

  I wasn’t the least bit surprised that Eddalyn’s Interiors was open for business two days after Christmas. Even if the office wasn’t up and running, there’s no doubt in my mind that Judah would be. Watching him leave yesterday wasn’t quite so disappointing. I spent the day unpacking and organizing my things before driving to my old apartment in my new car. I stayed for an hour at least, playing photographer, basking in a happy memory. Judah has arranged to have all my roses delivered to the house tomorrow. I smile, imagining what the main floor will look like decked out in roses. Marta will love it.

  Today, however, watching Jude leave for work won’t feel the same.

  It’s not right.

  It’s not how things are done.

  It’s his birthday!

  When I enter his closet—our closet—I find him standing in front of the floor length mirror, adjusting his tie. He looks pressed and frustratingly sexy, and I sigh a little as I approach him. Once he’s satisfied with his handy work, he directs his attention toward me. He takes the mug I offer him and then thanks me with a kiss that’s just wet enough to be considered a tease.

  “What are your plans for today?” he asks before taking a sip of his coffee.

  “Geoff got back into town yesterday. He told me to text him. We might hang out for a little bit,” I reply, all the while formulating a secret game plan for this afternoon. It’ll be totally last minute, but it’s necessary.

  He nods before he replies, “I’ll try and be home by seven.”

  “Seven? No,” I state, setting down my mug on the island in the middle of the room. I fold my arms across my chest, hoping my stance will express just how adamant I am to have my way. “Five.”


  “You’re spending the entire day at work. First of all, you know how ridiculous I think that is. It’s Judah Day! You shouldn’t be working at all. You should be with me. Celebrating. But since you refuse, I have to squeeze in all my birthday love in just one night. Don’t rob me of anymore time than you already have.”

  He stares at me for a second, taking another drink from his cup before he responds.


  I bite the inside of my cheek, contemplating my next move. Then, with a smirk, I reach for the hem of his sweater and pull it off of my body, dropping it on the floor.

  “Four,” I counter.

  His nostrils flare as he draws in a deep breath, his eyes scanning every bare inch of me. He then looks at his wrist, checking the time. He mutters a curse and takes a large swig of his coffee.

  “Five—but I have to go now, so put that sweater back on.”

  I smile triumphantly before I turn my back to him, bending over slowly to pick up the garment. I gasp as he growls, slamming down his mug before his hands grip my hips tightly, pulling my ass back against his cock, now fully erect in his pants. I stand up, pressing my back against his chest, wiggling my hips a little.

  “I’m going to fuck you for that, Theodora,” he warns, his voice deep and velvety.

  I twist my neck, angling my head so that I can look into his yes, now hooded in lust.

  “I look forward to it,” I whisper, my cheeks heating in a blush.

  He kisses me hard, sliding a hand around my side and up my stomach until he’s palming one of my breasts. He pinches my nipple, making me yelp before he pulls away from me entirely. Without another word, he shrugs into his suit jacket, grabs his coat and his keys, and stomps out of the closet.

  “I love you!” I call out.

  “Goodbye, sweetheart,” he mutters in return.

  I fight a grin, knowing good and well that he’ll be thinking of my ass all the way to work.

  I put his sweater back on before I reach for my coffee, grabbing his abandoned mug as well. Once I’ve returned to the kitchen, I try to find something for breakfast. When I spot a box of pop-tarts in the pantry, my chest fills with love as I remember all over again how Judah had my things packed up and moved so that he could be with me—including my favorite pre-made foods.

  Explaining to my parents that I had a new address was awkward. Any reservations they had about Judah before became exponentially larger after we broke up. Our whirlwind reunion/engagement was more than a little shocking. Surprisingly, there were no arguments Christmas Day. I hope that won’t change as time passes, but I know my parents are still adjusting. As they become more and more acclimated to the idea of what my future holds, they’ll want to speak again. I’m hopeful that they’ll learn to be more happy than apprehensive about my life choices. Judah makes me unbelievably happy, and they’ll see that what we have is meant to last.

  Harper, on the other hand, changed her tune in regards to Judah as soon as she spotted the rock on my finger. She definitely forgot her filter as she gushed, dropping the word fuck more than a few times—as if my parents didn’t have enough to leave them flabbergasted, getting a glimpse of Harper’s dirty mouth was like the cherry on top of the sundae. And Ben? Well—he gave Judah grief for two days straight.

  When I’m finished with my breakfast and my coffee, I hop in the shower and get ready for the day. I take my time diffusing my hair, wanting it to look nice for later, and then put on a little makeup. I dress in a pair of warm, plum tights and my short, navy floral skirt, tucking in my long-sleeved, maroon top. I pull down my tan, suede, Toms wedge, ankle boots and bring them into the room with me to slip into later. I then shoot Geoff a quick text, informing him that I’m up and about before I settle myself in Judah’s office.

  I make a few phone calls, setting up a couple last minute birthday surprises that I’m feeling pretty giddy about. Judah might kill me, but if he’s going to do life with me, he’s going to have to learn that birthdays are not to be ignored—no matter how old you are.

  It’s a little after eleven by the time I hear from Geoff, and we decide to meet up for an early lunch at LuLu’s. Neither of us have been in a while, and since it’s the middle of the week, we’re hopeful that it won’t be too hard to score a table. I’m very excited to see him. We haven’t talked since before Christmas. We exchanged the typical Merry Christmas texts, but I didn’t want to get into everything over the phone—so I just told him that I had a lot to fill him in on when he got back.

  As luck would have it, I pull into the parking lot right after he does. I park my Mini Coop a couple spots away from him and call his name as soon as I step out into the cold. Having already begun his walk to the front entrance, he turns and spots me over his shoulder. I wave and then lean back inside the car to grab my purse.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. That bastard bought you a car? Tell me you made him beg in spite of the gift.”

  I laugh, shutting the door before opening my arms, signaling my desire for a hug. “I took him back before I knew about the car.”

  “God, I missed that laugh,” he mumbles, wrapping me in a tight embrace. “You’re glowing, baby girl.”

  “I have so much to tell you!”

  “I’m getting that impression.” He chuckles, letting go of me before offering me his elbow. “Shall we?”

  I nod, sliding my left hand around the crook of his arm. I’m not sure if the sun kisses the diamond just right, or if the five carats just stand out on their own, but he doesn’t take a single step before he notices. He grabs my hand, holding it in front of his face before he cries—

  “You bitch! You’re engaged to be married?” he asks, scowling at me.

  “Yes,” I reply, unable to keep the smile off my face. I still hate it when he calls me that, but this time he definitely gets a pass.

  “You better have gotten this ring today, or I swear to god—”

  “He proposed Christmas morning,” I admit.

  “You’ve been engaged for three days and you just, what, forgot to tell me?”

  “Babe—don’t be mad! I wanted to tell you in person.”

  He nods, his scowl still firmly in place as he puts my hand back around his arm. “So, he
bought you a brand new car,” he begins to say, escorting me toward the restaurant. “He bought you a fucking boulder of an engagement ring. Did he buy you a house, too?”

  I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, bracing for his reaction to my silence.

  “Theodora Rose Fitzpatrick—”

  I stop him, reaching up to press my fingers against his lips. “Geoffrey Alexander Fink—he gave me everything I ever wanted. He gave me his heart. Now will you chill out and let me tell you the story?”

  He pauses, staring at me for a second before his lips curl up into a smile. I lower my hand from his mouth and he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

  “You just remember one thing,” he says as we continue to make our way inside.

  “What’s that?”

  “You never would have given him a chance if it wasn’t for me.”

  I giggle, giving him a squeeze. “Geoff—I am eternally grateful.”

  With the end of the year quickly approaching, my birthday is one of the farthest things from my mind. Being born three days after Christmas makes the occasion a bit of an afterthought in the first place. Over the years, it’s grown to be not much more than another day. Aside from the extra phone calls from my family, it’s not something I’ve actively celebrated in a long time. Sex is definitely a requirement that seems completely justified, but with a fiancée at home, this year I can focus on work.

  Tomorrow being the last business day before the New Year, my morning is spent working on tying up as many loose ends as possible. Phone calls, emails, meetings with my project leads—they consume more than half of my day, and I wonder if I’ll still be able to keep my promise to Teddy to be home by five. I work through lunch, planning to grab a quick bite when I can. Before I know it, it’s two o’clock in the afternoon and Aunt Eddalyn is knocking on my open door.

  “My dear, it appears you have a visitor,” she says with a knowing smile.

  Teddy steps out from behind her and my mind immediately takes me back to this morning—my shy girl taunting me with her pretty ass. I then watch as she turns and whispers something to Eddalyn, who nods before leaving the two of us alone.


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