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Page 3

by Sassie Lewis

  It didn’t take as long as I thought it would to put some tools and parts in the back of the truck. It was normally loaded with crap for motorbikes but someone had obviously cleaned it, which made making sure I had what I was going to need that much quicker.

  Pulling up outside the yellow, paint-peeling house, my eyes landed on the Bronco’s dashboard. The clock read six thirty; I was a little early. I could either sit in the cab for half an hour or just go and knock on her door. Screw it! I was there as a favor; I wasn’t going to hang around and wait all day. The quicker I got it done, the quicker I could walk away and forget all about Georgia. Ty was moving out so she could visit him at his place. You won’t ever have to see her again. The voice in my head was starting to sound like a fucking chick.

  Jumping out of the truck, I made my way to the front door, walking over the pathway which was also in need of a weeding. It appeared Georgia was no neat freak. I always took pride in my belongings, so I was noticing crap like paint peeling and a garden which needed tending. I was no green thumb, but three or four times a year, I got out there and weeded, just to keep it looking nice.

  My fist pounded on the red wooden door, but the house was silent. On the fifth attempt to get her attention, I could finally hear noises. Looking to my left, I saw the window beside me was partially opened. Fucking hell, anyone could break in while she’s asleep. On top of fixing her car, I was gonna have a chat to her about home safety.

  The door flew wide open, no safety chain stopping whoever was knocking from walking straight in. I was going to put her over my knee and paddle her ass; the woman had no sense of self-preservation.

  The rant died in my throat as a flood of lust replaced my anger. She’d clearly been sleeping; her hair was tousled on one side but flat on the other. Her eyes had that dreamy look about them only sleep and pleasure can bring, and there was a crease across her flushed face from where she’d been lying on something. Scanning down her body, my anger at her kicked back in while my cock pulsed harder than it ever had before.

  “What the fuck are you wearing?” Blinking, she looked down her body like she had forgotten what she had on. She had forgotten to put something on was what she’d forgotten. The top could have been called a bra; it was burgundy with silver lettering across her large breasts, but I definitely wasn’t reading the letters. I could clearly see the outline of her nipples poking through the material.

  Looking further down my, eyes landed on her stomach which wasn’t flat but had a slight roundness to it. Hanging from her belly button was a small diamond. The tiny pair of black shorts sat low, showing the indent of her waist while hugging her ample hips.


  “Umm, don’t cut it, sweetheart. What the hell are you wearing?”

  Looking her in the eyes, I watched as that fire I’d seen the day before lit them up; she was pissed. One of her hands went to rest on her hip as her foot tapped against the floor.

  “Look, Sin, I got called into work last night and this…” The hand left her hip and did a sweeping motion up and down her body, making her breasts bounce in an enticing manner “…is my uniform.”

  Like hell… she would’ve had every man in the joint drooling over her. I stepped through the door and pushed it closed without looking. With every step I took, she took one backward, my heavy boots thumping against the carpeted floor.

  “You mean to tell me you left the house wearing that?”

  Nodding, she bit at her lip. My eyes zeroed in on the action.

  “Say the words, darlin’. Say ‘Sin, I left the house in it’.” Those pools of honey blinked at me, drawing me deeper into her web. “Say it,” I repeated.

  Her back was flush with the wall and her tits rose and fell with her breathing, drawing my attention from her face. Placing my hands beside her head, I leaned closer, the smell of apples filling my senses. Her warm breath fanned my face. “Say it.” I didn’t think I was asking her about her clothes anymore. I’m pretty sure she knew that, too, but I needed to hear it.

  “Yes.” It was a whisper, but it sounded like a scream to my nervous system.

  Without thought of anything else, about the fact she was my son’s girl or that she could be eighteen years younger than me, I slammed my lips against hers.

  There was no hesitation on her part as her lips immediately parted, granting me access. Clutching her hair, I moved her head to the angle I wanted it, her little tongue meeting mine as her taste burst across my senses.

  Her arms looped around my middle, pulling me closer, and I had absolutely no problem with that. Running my palms down her arms, I moved them up around my neck. Her tiny hands pulled at my hair, but the slight tug of pain wasn’t a distraction; if anything, it fueled my need. It was my turn to explore the curves of her body.

  Skimming my hands down her torso, I didn’t linger on her tits, barely brushing my fingers over the puckered nipples. Finding the flesh of her stomach, I traced my fingers over the little diamond. She shivered at the touch, a small mewing sound coming from her throat. But that wasn’t what I was after; it was her ass which had tormented me all night.

  Filling my hands with the soft cheeks, I hoisted her against me. My cock rubbing into her soft tummy brought a moan from both our mouths, causing the kiss to break. Looking into her eyes, I saw my need reflected back from their honey depths. Needing to be closer, I lifted her up my body, her back still resting against the wall as she locked her legs around my hips and ground against me. Through the small scrap of material pretending to be shorts, I smelled her desire and felt the warmth of her through my own clothing.

  As I aligned us better, her head fell back, hitting the wall, the movement exposing her vulnerable pulse. Unable to resist, I licked down her neck and suckled at the fluttering vein. The sounds she was making were all the encouragement I needed to leave my mark on her perfectly soft skin.

  Georgia pulled my mouth from her neck and back to hers, biting and licking at my lips before pushing her tongue inside to slid it over my own, coaxing mine to play. When she drew hers back into her own mouth, I followed, wanting more of her taste, more of her flavor. Clamping her lips around the muscle, she sucked. That was it; I needed to be inside her right then or I’d be coming in my pants like some teenager.

  Adjusting her weight, I lifted her from the wall, pulled my mouth from hers and looked for where a bedroom would be.


  “Down the hall, second door.” Her hold around my neck became tighter, like I might drop her. Never! I’d never drop her, but my steps faltered at the thought. What the hell am I doing? Any thoughts of stopping what was about to happen evaporated as her wet tongue swept from her mouth and followed the line of my collarbone, then up to my ear. She nibbled on the lobe. How the hell does she know it’s one of my hot spots?

  Kicking what I hoped was her bedroom door open, I scanned the room; underneath the window was a double bed covered in nothing but wrinkled sheets. It would have to do, but the next time, we were doing it at my place. I was going to have to remember I didn’t have as much room to play or we’d end up on the floor. Again, I should have stopped what I was doing; I rarely went back for repeats and never at my house. Tyson saw more action under our roof than I ever had. But she chose that moment to shimmy down my body, massaging all her supple flesh along mine.

  Our hands worked in tandem to remove my shirt; her soft fingers traced the lines of my abs then moved back up. My chest, arms—hell, half my body—are covered in tattoos and she seemed to be fascinated by them, tracing over the patterns with her eyes. My right pec was painted with the words No Surrender. No Regrets written across it. Leaning forward, Georgia traced the words with her tongue.

  Patience left the moment her warm breath made contact with my skin, and I pushed her backward. Her giggles as she bounced on the bed had my insides doing something… something I didn’t understand, but at that moment I wasn’t gonna think about it. Georgia’s smile turned from playful to one of those a woman gives
a man she knows wants her and she wants in return.

  Lifting my foot, I placed it on the edge of the bed between her legs and tackled the lace.

  “Here, let me.” Nimble fingers went to work as her nails sparkled in the light creeping through the gap in the curtain. Everything about the girl seemed to fascinate me.

  “Lift.” Doing as she asked, I lifted my leg so she could pull off my boot and roll down the sock. “Give me the other one.”

  The same ceremony was performed to remove my other boot. When I was again standing on two feet, she shuffled back and lay down. Releasing the buckle of my belt, I crawled up the bed, the little diamond at her rounded tummy catching my attention. Leaning forward, I ran the tip of my tongue around it and then pulled it into my mouth to give it a little tug. Her body bowed and a whimper came from her mouth.

  Running my hands over her soft skin, I watched it break out with little bumps as my fingers traced the edge of the shirt before rolling it over the swells of her breasts. Georgia lifted her arms, helping to push the material over her head, sending it sailing to the floor.

  The uniform hadn’t hid anything from view, but I still felt like I was unwrapping a present. Large, dusky nipples puckered to stiff points; she was all softness and curves. My rough, tattooed hands stood in contrast to the creamy color of her skin, and it reminded me of the way Mom likes her coffee. It’d always bugged me why someone would put in so much milk; by the time Mom had finished doctoring her drink, it almost looked like she’d forgotten to add the coffee. Now I was going to be thinking of Georgia’s skin every time my mother had a friggin’ cup.

  Leaning down, the smell of apples along with woman filled my nose. Her skin was warm. The puckered bud of her nipple teased my lips and I sucked it into my mouth, circling the tip with my tongue then pulling it deep. I pushed it to the top of my mouth as I scraped the underside with my teeth, and then pinned her to the bed as her body bowed underneath me. Releasing the stiffened point from my mouth, I moved to the other one and gave it the same ministration. Her tits were larger than my hands and all real; there was nothing fake about Georgia. If I could unhinge my jaw and take the whole thing in, I’d be a happy man.

  “Please, Sin.” Unable to deny either of us, I let go of my treat to peel the shorts from her body, revealing the small thatch of blonde hair. My fingers traced the line of her hipbone to the small island of hair. Her hand stopped my movement as a giggle escaped her.

  “You ticklish, darlin’?”

  “Like you wouldn’t believe.”

  “Well, we’ll leave those kinda games till later. I have something better in mind.” Pulling from her grasp, I let my fingers continue their journey, slowly running them through the short curls. I’d never been a fan of women with hair, but I loved it on Georgia; it seemed to give me something extra to play with. Giving it a small tug, I was pleased with her response. Already, I could tell she was not going to be a fake or quiet partner.

  Her dewy folds called to me. I didn’t know if I could hold off plunging my cock into her, but I needed to taste her, to feel her juices running down my throat.

  What the fuck am I doing? I haven’t eaten out a chick in years. I’d more than likely get some disease from half the bar flies I’d been with. It wasn’t like I could put a condom over my mouth while I was going to town, so why the hell did I want to start doing it now? And what the fuck; she’s my kid’s girl.

  Looking into her eyes, I watched the emotions play across them. She could probably sense my hesitation.

  “What’s wrong?” Her sweet voice had a hint of fear about it.

  “I shouldn’t be doing this.” My words might’ve been true, but for the life of me, I couldn’t get my body to move away from her.

  “Oh! Umm…why...No, don’t answer that. I haven’t cried over a guy in years and I’m not going to start now. Please, just leave.” The quiver at the end stopped me from doing the right thing and leaving.


  “Who what?” She was trying to cover herself up. Kneeling back on my haunches, I pulled her naked body into my lap, her legs falling to either side of mine. Her hand slapped against my biceps as she steadied herself.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Who made you cry?”

  “Why do you want to know? You told me you shouldn’t be doing this. You are confusing the shi…poop out of me. And see, you have me swearing.” I couldn’t help but smile; she was all flustered, sexy and cute. Who the hell said ‘poop’ instead of ‘shit’ these days?

  “You’re cute when you do that. Now, answer the question, Georgia. Who made you cry?”

  “My high-school boyfriend, okay. And you, mister, are like a flipping yo-yo. One minute all over me, the next backing off, then just pulling me into your lap. I don’t kn—”

  I cut off her words with my mouth; I was over caring about anything else. The whole time she’d been talking, her scent had filled me with a want I only ever got for building bikes.

  Her supple body filled my arms like none before it. It didn’t take long until her mouth softened and she gave into the kiss. My hands roamed her body; one tangled in her hair, holding her in place as the other reached for the crease between her ass cheeks, her warm juices making the slide of my fingers searching to find her core easy. I delved two fingers inside of her just as a hint of blood filled my mouth as she bit my lip. Fuck, she was tight; stilling my hand, I waited for her. No more than a second later, she rocked against me.

  The panting of our breathing combined with that of the squelching sound of her cunt around my fingers had my balls tightening in preparation. When she moved from my mouth to put her sharp teeth against my ear, it was almost all over. Like fuck. I wasn’t coming before I was inside of her, like some prepubescent schmuck who couldn’t hold his shit. Clenching my ass cheeks together, I concentrated on stopping the flow before it started.

  Pushing her down on the bed, I tugged at the buttons of my jeans, but the juices from her pussy made my fingers slippery, unable to get any purchase on the fucking things. Georgia pushed them out of the way and popped each of the annoying buttons through the holes. Without thought, my sticky, gloss-coated fingers entered my own mouth, the spicy tang of her flavor hitting me. The need for more of her became overwhelming.

  Scooping my arms beneath her knees, I flipped her backward, a small oomph sounding through the air with the swiftness of the move.

  My cock sprang from the opening she’d created in my pants as my mouth, tongue and nose met her warm, moist center. Why the fuck did I stop doing this? Georgia’s nectar flowed through me, lighting up every blood vessel in my body and making it pop.

  The force of my attention had her sliding up the bed as her hips rose and fell to ride against my face. Pushing two fingers back into her warm depths, the feat was easier, not only from my earlier ministrations but also from the stream-like flow of cream pouring from her cunt. Pumping in and out while spreading my fingers to help stretch her, I kept a slow rhythm. She mewed when I pulled out only to squeal when I pushed three fingers inside her snug hole. My fingers searched for that rough spot inside her, finding it on the second pass, and I worked it like I was tuning a bike. Every one of my movements was precise; not too hard, but enough to have her revving in delight.

  For someone who didn’t swear, the fuck she screamed as her body bowed and tensed turned me on even more with the knowledge that it was me who had caused it.

  Slowing down but not stopping my movements, I brought her down only to work her back up, running the tip of my stiffened tongue over her clit. With my other hand, I fished out a condom from my back pocket. I distantly heard my wallet and phone hitting the floor, but I wasn’t going to let something so minor deter me from my goal, which was to keep her on edge, get the latex on and get into her ASAP. It was going to be fast and hard; no two ways about it. My balls were burning with the need to come and my cock had been aching since I’d first spotted her.

  I don’t know if the hand
in my hair was trying to pull me closer or push me away, and frankly I didn’t care. I released my new treat and using her hips, I flipped her over; I needed to see that ass as I pounded into her. Pushing her knees higher, I lined up and slammed home.

  Her scream was not one of pleasure. Freezing in place, I was fighting an internal battle. My hips wanted to keep moving but my brain knew I had to give her time to adjust to my size. I knew I was well hung and she was tight, but I’d gone past the point of thinking and need had ruled my actions.

  Placing small kisses up her spine, brushing her blonde hair away with my nose, I waited ‘til she turned her head to look at me. Her honey eyes glistened with unshed tears.


  “It’s…okay…just been a really long time and…umm…apparently you’re a bit larger than the last guy—”

  I kissed her to stop her comments. I didn’t want to hear about other men she’d been with. As the kiss continued, I slowly rocked my hips. After a few small thrusts, hers joined in, pushing back to meet mine, the cushion of her ass cheeks rubbing along my stomach.

  When she let go of my mouth, I moved back so I could get the view I was after. At the first glance of the creamy globes of her ass, I couldn’t hold back any longer. Squeezing those cheeks, my fingers digging deep into her soft flesh, I let loose the force of my thrust, moving us further up the bed with each forward motion.

  Georgia’s hand shot out to stop her head from hitting the headboard. Pushing up, she used her arms to keep herself steady, while also pushing back into each one of my movements. Our timing was perfect, like we’d been doing it forever. With our height difference, I could see her tits bouncing beneath her. I made a mental note that during our next time, I would have her sit on my dick so I could give those babies the attention they deserved.


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