Book Read Free


Page 6

by Sassie Lewis

  “What the heck are you doing?” Her words were muffled.

  “You’re tiny.”

  Pushing her head back, she blinked those honey browns at me. “No, I’m not. Now, who the hell is the redheaded goddess you were holding in your arms when I walked out?”

  “Why, thanks, sugar. Suz Rollieo is the name. I’m Max’s wife.”

  “Nice to meet you, but who is Max?”

  “Max is this nimrod’s best friend and the foreman of Throttle. By the way, the skirt was pretty, but this getup has you looking like a hot piece of tail.”

  “Thank you, I think.”

  “Trust me, darlin’; coming from Suz, that’s a complement.”

  Georgia smiled up at me. “I don’t think I need the other outfits. This is plenty for the ride.”

  “Did you try everything on?”

  “No, I—”

  “Fine. Suz, can you pack up the clothes in Georgia’s changing room and get Rick to drop them off at my place?”

  “Sure thing, boss. You all have a good day.”


  Again, when I shoved my tongue into her mouth, she shut up and softened against me.

  Chapter 5

  I didn’t know if Georgia thought dragging me around all morning, doing her chores, would get rid of me. It didn’t bother me at all; I actually had fun.

  Everywhere we went, I discovered a little more about her as a person. She was polite to everyone—even the rude little fucker at the grocery store who’d drooled while staring down her top. Maybe dressing her in the tight pants and top hadn’t been one of my better ideas. It felt like I was constantly having to stake my claim, but even doing that had been fun. After slapping my hand off her ass a dozen times, she gave up and let me have my way. The swaying of her ass as she walked had given me a painful hard-on.

  Winning the argument about leaving her car at the shop—because I’d be taking her to work—had been a small victory, as I lost the next one about going back to my place for the nap she needed. I needed to have her in my bed.

  When I went to follow Georgia into the house, she turned around and stopped me from stepping through the door.

  “You need to pick me up by eight tonight.”

  “I’m not leaving.”

  “Sin, I need some sleep. I haven’t had much this week, and I won’t finish work until after one in the morning. “

  “I know, darlin’. You already told me¸ and a nap sounds great. I’ve slept for shit this week.”

  When she just stood in the doorway not moving, I tossed her onto my shoulder, locked the door behind me, and headed toward her bedroom.

  The squealing giggles she made had my heart doing weird shit, and a smile broke out across my own face.

  I’d never slept with a woman before; well, never for the sake of just sleep. There had been times where a rest was needed between bouts of sex, but with Georgia’s plush body filling my arms, and even with a hard cock demanding entrance to her inner warmth, I was happy to just have her little puffs of breath fan my chest as she drifted off to sleep.

  I didn’t stir when she got up; it was the sound of the hair drier which finally woke me. The bedside clock read seven. Shit, I’d slept for nearly five hours.

  “Hey, you. I was going to wake you up soon.” The smell of apples was stronger than I’d ever smelled it before. As she reached the side of the bed, I pulled her down on top of me and kissed the sweet fragrance from her skin. Holding her hips, I ground her jean-covered pussy over my dick.

  “We…you…stop, we have to stop.”

  “Why?” Stopping was the last thing I wanted to do.

  “Dinner’s in the oven and I have to finish getting ready for work.”

  “You cook?”

  “Of course I do.”

  She sounded so indignant, like I’d asked if she killed puppies for the fun of it.

  “Sweet! What’d ya cook me?” Apart from family, I’d never had a female cook for me.

  “My famous spaghetti and meatballs.”

  “Get off me, woman. I need to try this famous food. You do know my father’s Italian, so your famous meatballs are gonna have to be better than what Nonna F’s were.”

  “Well, I don’t know if they’re that good, but I haven’t had any complaints.”

  My grip on her hips tightened as a surge of jealousy rushed through me.

  “You feed a lot of men these meatballs?”

  “Umm, no. You’re the first; well, apart from my ex. But that was when I was eighteen and I don’t think I cooked him my meatballs.”


  Fuck me, the girl could cook. Nonna had nothing on Georgia’s meatballs. She’d also made cheesy garlic bread to go with it; she must have been up for hours before I’d woken. If she kept cooking for me, I was gonna have to start hitting the gym. We chatted through the meal before she went to finish getting ready for work.

  I liked the uniform she was wearing for that job better than the one for Hot Rod’s. Could’ve had something to do with the fact it wasn’t nearly as revealing as the one I’d seen her in before. Fitted black jeans rode low on her hips, and the thin silver chain hanging around her waist looked like a leash. I wanted to use it to pull her closer to me.

  The silver sequined top split all the way down the front, and as she moved, I got glimpses of the diamond resting against her belly. The matching bra was sexy and I wanted to see her in it with nothing else on.

  “So, where are you working tonight, and how many jobs do you have anyway?”

  “If you count my sculpting, I have four.”

  “What?” How the hell could she have that many jobs and still manage to sleep?

  “Well, three really; one of them is more a volunteering roll down at the Y. I work with kids in the foster system. Those who are about turn eighteen, the system kicks out. Not everyone is as lucky as I was, to have a family keep them once the government stops handing over money.”

  “That sucks.” I could hear a sadness and passion in her voice as she talked about these kids.

  “Yeah, it does, so I go over there on Wednesday nights and help them sort out how they’re going to live, pay bills and, for some of them, finish school. Anyway, seeing as that doesn’t pay my own bills, and my art—although when I sell a piece makes decent money—it’s just not a regular income. So I also tend bar at Hot Rod’s, as you already know.”

  “Not anymore!”

  Her hand went to her hip and that little foot started tapping. In only a day, I was starting to notice the action meant she was annoyed with me. She huffed a big breath—another of her signals. “Whatever. My steady job is at a bar called Tops and Bottoms. It’s over on Sutton.”

  “I haven’t heard of it.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think it’s your kind of place.”

  “What, I’m too old for it?”

  There was laughter in her voice as she answered, “Oh, not at all. I think if you walked into Tops and Bottoms, you wouldn’t make it two steps without someone trying to rip your clothes off.”

  Her body shook as she tried to suppress more laughter. No matter how much I tried to get it out of her, Georgia wasn’t telling me what was so funny.

  Pulling the bike up to her place of employment, I couldn’t understand why I didn’t know about the place. It was in the trendier part of town and even from the road, I could feel the pounding of the bass-rich music.

  Walking to the entrance, I noticed a lot of men and women milling around in the line forming. Leather seemed to be the dress code, but after spending most of my time around bikers, it was something I was used to seeing. Although, the studded collars and makeup were new.

  Georgia stopped and spun around to face me. She still had a smile on her face, but there was also a look I thought could be worry.

  “You sure you want to come in?”

  “Yeah.” Why the hell was she so concerned about me going inside? The more she didn’t want me to go in, the more I needed to see why.
br />   “Umm, Sin, I really don’t think you’re going to like this place.”

  When I just stared at her with determination blanketing my features, she cutely stomped her foot. “Fine, but I did warn you.”

  The big guy sitting at the security chair squealed and jumped up as we approached. The bastard was huge, standing a head taller than me. He pulled Georgia into his chest and did that funny kiss thing to each of her cheeks. Not like most Italians do, because the guy never actually touched her skin; it was more like he kissed the air near her face. Which, trust me, I was happy about; I didn’t want another man kissing my woman.

  As I tried to pull her back into my arms, the big dude looked at me and let go of Georgia so quickly she would have fallen had I not been holding her.

  “Well, hello, handsome.”

  Swinging my head around, I looked to see whom he was talking to.

  “What, you’re not going to say hello?”

  Again, I looked around. There were a ton of people but none that the big guy could be talking to.

  “He’s a pretty one, Georgy, but not too bright.”

  “Shush it, Charlie. Don’t tease. Sin, I’d like to introduce you to Charlie. Charlie, this is Sin, my…umm, man, I guess.”

  It was then I got that Charlie had been calling me handsome. Looking back at the line of waiting patrons, certain things I hadn’t noticed before were starting to pop out at me. There was a good mix of men and women, but for the most part, those groups remained with others of the same sex.

  Big dude was waiting for me to shake his hand; I quickly pulled mine back when he went to raise it to his lips.

  “Yeah, I’m Georgia’s man, and I think she’s got some explaining to do. She’ll be right back.”

  Dragging her back to my bike, I leaned against it, pulling her between my legs.

  “So, you want to tell me about this place, Georgia?”

  “I did warn you this wasn’t your type of club.”

  “Yeah, you did. So what is it exactly? A gay bar?”

  “They like to think of it as an alternative lifestyle. Did you see some of the people in line wearing collars and leashes?”


  “Well, Tops and Bottom is a night club which caters to those living in the lifestyle and are, well, predominantly gay.”

  “Never knew there were so many of them.”

  Christ, as far as I was aware, Georgia was one hundred percent American but somehow, she’d perfected the wog-slap.

  “They are not a Them.”

  “I didn’t mean…fuck it, I don’t care what others do. As long as they’re not hitting on me, I’m cool.”

  “Good, because a lot of my friends are gay.” Her pointed look told me I better not have a problem with that.

  “I told you it’s cool.” She leaned in and gave me a sweet kiss.

  “Okay. So, are you still worried about my virtue and going to babysit me while I work, or are you going to go home?”

  “Well, seeing it’s my virtue we may need to worry about, I think I’ll go home. I don’t think I could fight Charlie off; the fucker is huge.” She laughed like I’d wanted her to.

  “What time do you finish?”

  “At one-thirty, and by the time I shut down, it’s about two. But Charlie can drive me home.”

  “I’ll be back just after one.”

  Pulling her mouth to mine, I kissed her. Slipping my tongue past her lips and my hands into the seam of her tight jeans, my rough fingers ran over the soft swells of her bottom.

  By the time we came up for air, I wanted to take her back to my place, strip her down and spend the night loving her body. Instead, I watched her walk past the brute and into the club.

  Chapter 6

  I’d taken my truck when it was time to pick up Georgia; I didn’t want her falling off the back of my bike because she was too tired to hang on. She hadn’t complained when I’d brought her back to my place, just giving me a sweet smile like she had expected it all along.

  Even though she’d looked tired, I couldn’t help but join her in the shower as she washed away the smell of alcohol and smoke. Every time I was buried balls-deep inside her, that caveman inside me grunted Mine. For some reason, he’d hated putting the condom on before gliding his dick into her warm depths.

  The sun was peeking through the blinds and a strip of light splashed across her back, warming the skin under my fingers.

  She looked so young in sleep. Across her shoulder was a tiny cluster of freckles and unable to resist, I licked over them. Even though she’d used my soap the night before, she still smelled of apples and sleeping woman. Her skin tasted of salt and another flavor I was beginning to understand was her unique taste.

  Aching cock or not, I wasn’t waking her up. Prying myself away from her, I got out of bed to make breakfast; she could sleep for another half hour before she’d have to get ready for the doctor’s. The box of gear I’d bought her from Throttle was sitting on the kitchen bench when I’d arrived home after dropping her off at the club. Suz must have brought it over herself; she had a spare key to the place so instead of finding the box sitting on the back porch, it was inside the house. She’d also added a few things: a couple pairs of jeans, tops and shorts. At the top were three really nice pantie sets. When I’d pulled them out to have a look, a note slipped to the floor.

  Hey, Sin,

  By the way, Throttle now does lingerie and jockey shorts.

  Flipping them over, I saw ‘Throttle’ written in a delicate script across the top of the G-string.

  Hope you like them, because I’m launching them next week. Your girl will be the first to wear a set. And I thought you’d appreciate having your brand scrawled across her ass.

  No need to thank me.

  <3 Suz

  Getting everything ready to cook breakfast, I wondered if Georgia liked spices in her eggs. They were simmering when the phone rang and I jumped to answer it, not wanting it to wake my sleeping woman.


  “Hi, Dad.”

  “Hey, Tyson. How you been, man?” I hadn’t realized I’d been missing my son until I heard his voice. With the way my mood had been and him moving out, we hadn’t spoken since Tuesday.

  “Great. I was calling to let you know I got that job. You know the one? I start as a junior development manager.”

  “Fuck, that’s great. Are you going to quit the coffee place?”

  “Yeah, but they knew it was coming. Anyway, I actually needed to talk to you about something. You free?”

  Shit, I’d drop everything for Tyson, but I wasn’t letting Georgia go to the doctor without me. It was the first time in my life I felt torn; I’d never once had to decide between someone else and my son.

  “Sorry, Ty. I’ve got something important to do this morning, but I can catch you after lunch, okay?”

  “No, no, that’s cool. We’ll do it some other time.”

  “You sure? I could be over there by—“

  “No, Dad, it’s fine. We’ll talk some other time. Look, my mobile’s ringing so I gotta go.”

  “Okay, catch ya during the week—“

  I looked at the phone as it made a long beeping sound; he’d already hung up. I made a mental note to find out what the fuck was going on with him. If that Ben dude had gotten him into drugs or shit, the kid would spend the rest of his life breathing from a tube.

  Finishing the eggs, I set everything up at the kitchen bar. Not knowing how Georgia liked her coffee, I left it black.

  “That smells good.”

  Turning at the sound of her sleepy voice, I watched her walk toward me. She’d found one of my shirts and put it on. It looked like a dress on her and had my inner Neanderthal chomping at the bit once again, happy to see her wearing his kill. Yeah, the voices in my head were seriously fucked-up.

  “Hope you don’t mind me getting this out, but I realized I don’t have any other clothes here.”

  “It’s fine, darlin’. Come and have some
breakfast. And you’ve got clothes now; they’re in that box.” Instead of taking a seat, she wandered over to the box sitting on the counter and started looking through the contents.

  “Thanks, Sin, but I really don’t need all of this. And besides, I honestly can’t afford it at the moment. Not with what I already owe you for my car.”

  “I fucking told you, you’re not paying me.”

  She jumped at my raised voice, but I was pissed I’d never given a woman anything before and the first time I did, she kept wanting to pay me.

  “Sin, I—“

  “Stop, Georgia. Just accept what I’m giving you…please.”

  “Umm. Okay, but—”

  Doing what had been working so far to keep her from speaking, I snatched her arm and pulled her in, kissing the words straight from her mouth.

  * * * *

  “Don’t fill it.”


  “The prescription. Don’t get it filled.”

  We’d been to the doctor and the whole time we were there, I’d started having visions of her growing big with my baby. I had no idea where it was coming from, but it was something I wanted and I’d never been the type not to go after what I desired.

  “Sin, are you serious? We don’t know each other.”

  “We’ll get to know each other.”

  Pulling the F-truck over I looked out the window, not even realizing I’d parked us at the state park. Families were scattered everywhere.

  The baseball field where Tyson used to play Little League had a team setting up, getting ready for a game. Why the hell had I brought us there? Because she was possibly carrying something inside her I wanted, something which could one day play in this very park.

  It wasn’t like I’d had any type of yearning, like women talk about for kids, but I wanted something of me she could never ignore, always reminding her she was mine.

  The Neanderthal inside me had made up his mind: Georgia was his and he wasn’t letting her go. Fuck her, feed her, make babies with her and she will stay.


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