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Hostage: (McIntyre Security Bodyguard Series - Book 7)

Page 4

by April Wilson

  Cooper frowns at Shane. “What if she goes into labor early?”

  Shane eyes me stoically as he answers Cooper. “We’ll leave the helicopter on standby all weekend in case we need an emergency evac.”

  “I don’t think this is one bit funny,” Cooper says, reluctantly accepting the cold bottle of beer Shane offers him. “She’s weeks from her due date. I hardly think this is the time to go out of town.”

  Shane claps his hand on Cooper’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “My wife doesn’t ask me for much. I think I can give her this.”

  Cooper shakes his head. “You are so pussy-whipped, my friend.”

  “You just wait,” Shane says, wagging his finger at Cooper as he glances across the room at Sam, who’s watching their exchange with great interest. “Your time will come, my friend. And frankly, I’m going to enjoy watching you squirm.”

  * * *

  I follow Shane to our private suite to watch him change out of his suit and into something casual. Standing just inside the closet, leaning against the door jamb, I enjoy one of my favorite pastimes—watching my husband undress. Partly it’s because he has a body that never fails to make me weak in the knees. But I love simply watching him strip out of his CEO attire. In his suit and tie, he makes my pulse race. But in jeans and a T-shirt, he instantly becomes a big, sometimes scruffy teddy bear, and I just want to wrap myself around him.

  He’s not looking at me, but he’s perfectly aware that I’m watching him undress. It’s not exactly a strip-tease, but personally I find it just as mesmerizing. After tossing his shirt in the hamper, he steps out of his slacks, flashing me his taut, muscular thighs and his sexy, black boxer briefs.

  My hungry gaze follows him as he walks across the closet to grab a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

  I can’t believe my good fortune and where my life has taken me. I think back to the person I was before I met Shane, just a shell of who I am today. It seems like a lifetime ago that I lived quite happily in a townhouse in Hyde Park with my best friend, Gabrielle. My life was simple. I spent my days working as a reference librarian at the medical school library, and I came home every evening to an empty house and ate dinner alone as Gabrielle, a sous chef, worked the coveted evening shift at Renaldo’s. I was afraid of my own shadow back then, afraid of meeting new people, especially afraid of men. I was more or less a hostage of my own fear and anxiety.

  My life changed almost overnight when I met Shane at Clancy’s Bookshop. I smile now at the memory. I can almost hear his rough, sexy voice, when he said, “Do you like what you’re reading?” Of course, he had to catch me reading an anthology of spanking stories. I was so mortified, I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. But, he didn’t let me.

  He introduced himself and asked for my name, setting off all kinds of warning bells in my head. I tried to retreat back into my quiet, safe world and hide, but he didn’t let me run. He gave me the courage to stay, to try, and he made everything all right. He always makes everything all right.


  I shake myself out of my reverie and glance at my husband, who’s in the process of zipping up his jeans. “Hmm?”

  “Is everything okay, sweetheart?”

  I nod, blushing. “Fine. I was just thinking about the night we met.”

  Dressed only in jeans, he approaches, towering over me, and my heart races. My God, he’s everything to me now, and that frightens me sometimes. The thought of losing him sends me to a very dark place, and suddenly, old memories come crashing back. I remember that damp, musty cellar, ice cold and pitch black. I remember lying naked on the ground, shivering uncontrollably, my arms bound behind me. I was so terrified I could barely breathe. And, my God, that monster! Rationally, I know Howard Kline is dead. Shane killed him, for me. But what if he hadn’t? The thought of Kline coming after me now—after our baby—horrifies me.

  My breath catches in my throat, and I choke on a sob.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” He wipes the trail of tears from my cheeks and peers down at me, searching my face for answers.

  I close my eyes and shake my head, trying to chase away the chilling remnants of old memories. Kline is dead. He’s dead! There’s nothing to be afraid of. “I’m sorry. It’s nothing.”

  “It’s not nothing, Beth,” he says, drawing me close. “You’re shaking. Come here.” He leads me across the room and pulls me down beside him on the sofa. Then he grabs a tissue from the box on the coffee table and hands it to me. “Talk to me, sweetheart. What just happened?”

  “It’s nothing, honestly.” I laugh shakily and take a deep breath. “It’s these darn pregnancy hormones.”

  He narrows his gaze. “You were on the verge of having a panic attack. Why?”

  I lean into him, hiding my face. “I was thinking about Howard Kline. And the baby.” Just putting those two names together in a single thought horrifies me.

  “Oh, sweetheart.” Shane tightens his arms around me, and I close my eyes when I feel his lips in my hair. “Kline’s gone. He can’t hurt you anymore. I won’t let anyone hurt you or our child, I promise.”

  We sit there together, holding each other, until a quiet knock on the door brings us back to the present.

  “Yes?” Shane calls.

  Cooper’s voice comes loud and clear through the closed door. “Dinner’s ready. Are you guys coming?”

  “We’ll be out in a few minutes,” Shane says.

  “Sure. Take your time.”

  Shane kisses my forehead. “Everything’s okay, right?” he says. “We’re okay. The baby’s okay. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

  I nod, wishing it were that easy. I take a deep breath and force myself to ignore the low hum of anxiety coursing through me. “Right. Everything’s okay.”

  * * *

  Dinner is a joyous affair, surrounded by good friends. Not just Cooper and Sam, but Lia and Jonah as well. These people are part of my family now, and I love them all dearly.

  The meal is delicious—the chicken breasts are flavorful and tender, and Cooper made my favorite sides. Everyone’s relaxed and enjoying a bottle of white wine, except for me. I stick to water. For dessert, Cooper brings out a hot berry cobbler, which he serves with scoops of vanilla ice cream.

  Lia and Shane plan our itinerary for tomorrow’s little excursion. We’ll meet here in the penthouse at ten o’clock. We should hit Harbor Springs by noon, where we’ll have lunch at the diner, and then we’ll walk around the little downtown and maybe visit the marina and look at the boats. That evening, we’ll go to Lucky’s Tavern for dinner and see Hal. Jonah will bring his guitar and do a few live sets at the tavern.

  Cooper frowns throughout our impromptu planning session, clearly unhappy with our plans, but he refrains from saying anything more. He made his concerns known to Shane already, and he’s said his piece.

  Sam seems rather subdued, and I wonder if he’s remembering the horrible shooting that took place in the woods near Jake’s cabin when he and Cooper visited there a few months ago. The shooting that nearly took Cooper’s life. If Sam hadn’t been there to take care of Cooper and take out the shooter, Cooper would have bled out.

  “Are you okay?” I ask Sam, reaching over to touch his arm.

  He gives me a sad smile. “Sure. Fine.”

  I slide my hand down to his and give it a squeeze.

  * * *

  After dinner, Lia and Jonah head down to their own apartment to pack and relax for the rest of the evening.

  Sam and I do the dishes, while Shane disappears into his home office to make some work calls.

  “Where’s Cooper?” I ask Sam, as I hand him a plate to put in the dishwasher.

  He shrugs. “Probably in our room.”

  “He’s not happy about the trip.”

  “No, he’s not. Frankly, Beth, I’m not happy about it either. You shouldn’t be leaving town right now.”

  Sam leans against the kitchen counter, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m surprised Shane a
greed to this.”

  “I asked him to. Actually, I sort of begged him. This will probably be our last chance to get away for a while before the baby comes.”

  Sam frowns. “That man can’t say no to you, but that doesn’t mean this is a good idea.”

  Guilt is weighing me down, and I certainly can’t argue with Cooper’s and Sam’s concerns. Maybe this trip is a mistake. Maybe we should cancel our plans, stay home and play it safe. I can’t help thinking I’m taking unfair advantage of Shane by asking for this.

  “Just promise me you’ll be careful,” Sam says. “Shane and Lia will be with you, so you’ll be in good hands. But still, I can’t help worrying about you. As I’m your bodyguard, it’s in my job description.”

  Chapter 5


  After we finish the dishes, Sam excuses himself to go in search of Cooper. As I watch him head down the hallway toward the suite he shares with Cooper, I can’t help wondering what those two are getting up to in the privacy of their own room. I’m so happy for them both—happy that they found each other, happy that Cooper feels able to open himself up to Sam and to the rest of us. I love these two men dearly—they’re every bit as much my family as the one I was born into.

  Shane is still holed up in his office, probably making plans to clear the way for him to be out of town this weekend. As the boss, he’s always on call and constantly fielding client calls and text messages from operatives in the field.

  With nothing else to do, I head to our suite and begin packing an overnight bag for the two of us. We won’t need to bring much—just some PJs, a fresh change of clothes for Sunday, and our toiletries. I leave the oversized duffle bag on the bench at the foot of our bed in case Shane wants to add anything.

  My thoughts are interrupted by a brisk knock at the door. “Come in.”

  The door opens, and Cooper’s standing there with a grin on his face. “Special delivery,” he says, nodding to the nursery, which is right next to our room. “A package just arrived for you.”

  I follow him eagerly into the nursery, smiling when I see Sam using a wickedly sharp pocket knife to cut the tape sealing the massive box lying on the floor. On the front of the box is a picture of the gorgeous mahogany baby crib we ordered from an online boutique. “The crib!”

  Cooper stands aside, ushering me into the room. Sam has the box open now, and he’s pulling pieces of the crib out, along with what looks like a complicated installation diagram.

  “You want us to put it together for you?” Cooper asks as he helps Sam haul more heavy pieces of wood out of the box.

  “Would you mind?” I say.

  The nursery is pretty much ready for the baby’s arrival. I have a matching mahogany changing table already in place, along with a super cozy, padded rocking chair and matching footstool. The walls have been painted a pale blue with white trim, and there’s a plush blue rug on the gleaming wood floors. The closet is filled with outfits for a newborn baby boy, and the changing table is stocked with diapers, sleepers, socks, knit caps, and other baby paraphernalia. A small bookcase holds a selection of baby books, and a trio of darling teddy bear prints decorates the wall above.

  “You sit down and relax,” Cooper tells me, pointing at the rocking chair.

  I take a seat and watch as Cooper and Sam lay out all of the crib pieces and the hardware. Apparently, Sam is in charge of reading off the instructions, while Cooper puts the pieces together.

  “Which bolt do I use here?” Cooper says, staring at the wide array of options.

  “That one,” Sam says, pointing. “The big one with the flat head.”

  “Which one? This one?”

  “No, the other one. The one with the flat head, to the left of that one.”

  “This one?”

  “Yeah, that one. You should have eight of those.”

  “You guys should sell tickets,” says a baritone voice coming from the doorway. I look back to see Jake leaning against the door jamb, a highly amused expression on his face.

  “Hi, Jake!” I say, waving my brother-in-law into the room. “The crib arrived today.”

  “Yes, I can see that.” He grins at the guys. “You two need some help with that?”

  “No,” Cooper grumbles as he uses a wrench to tighten a bolt. “We’re doing just fine, thank you.”

  “Hey, what am I missing?” Shane says, brushing past his brother as he enters the nursery. He studies the partially-completed crib. “Do you guys need some help?”

  “No!” Cooper says. “Why does everyone keep asking that?”

  “Take it easy,” Shane says, lifting his hand in a peace offering. “It just looks a little complicated, that’s all.”

  Sam rises to his feet, offering Cooper a hand. The guys lift two sides of the crib and position them. “Here, hold this,” Sam says to Shane, “while we attach it to the back.”

  An overwhelming sense of contentment fills me as I watch the guys, all four of them now, assembling my baby’s crib. I rub my belly, feeling grateful that Lucas will be born into a big, loving family. He’ll be surrounded by aunts and uncles and grandparents who will love him unconditionally. When I was growing up, it was just me and my mom. My brother, Tyler, was grown and out of the house before I was old enough to walk. My family is really close, but there are just the three of us. Being part of a large, extended family is such a joy.

  As if summoned by my thoughts, Lucas performs a somersault in my womb, sending a ripple through my abdomen and making me smile. My baby is strong and healthy, growing just as he should, and in little over a month, he will join our family.

  I watch Shane as he holds one side of the crib upright so Cooper can attach it to the back panel. The four men, all dear to me, work together to attach the remaining sections. When they’re done, they position the crib against the wall and stand back to admire their handiwork.

  “How does that look?” Shane asks me. “Do you like it?”

  “I love it. Thank you, guys.”

  Cooper leans down to kiss the top of my head. “You’re welcome, honey.”

  The room is perfect now, everything in place and ready for Lucas. The baby rolls again, this time managing to kick my bladder. I let out a breathy “oof!” as I press my hand to my abdomen.

  “Are you okay?” Shane says, eyeing me quizzically.

  “I’m fine. Your son just kicked my bladder.”

  Shane presses his hand against my bump. “Settle down in there, pal,” he says, drawing amused glances from the rest of the guys. “Take it easy on your mama.”

  Jake grins as he shakes his head at Shane. “Watching you playing daddy is going to be quite entertaining.”

  * * *

  After the crib construction project is completed, the guys celebrate with a round of beers. And while the guys entertain themselves at the bar, I curl up on the sofa with a well-worn copy of What to Expect When You’re Expecting and a blanket. As the evening wears on, my energy wanes, and I find myself yawning. When I read the same paragraph three times and still can’t make any sense of it, I realize it’s time for me to call it a night. With a sigh, I lean my head back and close my eyes, just for a few minutes.

  The next thing I know, Shane is sitting on the coffee table in front of me, taking the book from me and setting it aside. “Time for bed,” he says, smiling at me. “If we’re going to the cabin tomorrow, you need a good night’s sleep tonight.”

  He stands and pulls me to my feet. When I look toward the bar, I realize that Jake is gone and someone has turned down all the lights. It looks like the impromptu party is over.

  “Good night, guys,” Shane calls to Cooper and Sam, who are cleaning up at the bar.

  On the way to our suite, I pull Shane into the nursery and flip on the light. “Isn’t it perfect?” I pick up a newborn sleeper that’s been laid out on the changing table and hold it up, amazed at its tiny size. “Can you believe he’ll fit in this?”

  Shane wraps his arms around me from behind, his hands splaye
d out over my belly. “I can’t wait for our son to be born. I want to watch you hold him, rock him.” He nuzzles my neck, and then his voice drops, becoming huskier. “I want to watch you nurse him.”

  When I melt into his embrace, he kisses my temple, and then he swings me up into his arms. “Come on. You’re exhausted.”

  He carries me the few yards to our room and sets me on my feet in front of the bathroom door. “Get ready for bed. I’ll join you in a few minutes.”

  As I brush my teeth, I hear echoes of Cooper’s and Sam’s misgivings about the trip, and I wonder if I’m making a big mistake. Pregnant women travel all the time, don’t they? I’m not asking to do something unreasonable or risky, am I?

  Automatically my hands go to my belly, and I’m hoping to feel Lucas stir. It comforts me to feel him moving inside me. Sure enough, he humors me with a kick, making me smile.

  Shane joins me in the bathroom and reaches for his toothbrush. I leave to get undressed. To surprise him, I put on a pale pink, baby doll silk nightie and matching panties—one of his favorites. By the time I come out of the dressing room, he’s already in bed, lying shirtless, looking relaxed with one arm tucked behind his head.

  When he sees me, his eyes widen appreciatively, giving me more than a hint of what he thinks of my choice of nightwear. “You’re asking for trouble, you know that, right?” he says, grinning at me.

  I smile back, hoping he’s right. I feel like getting in a bit of trouble right now. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Come here, and I’ll show you,” he says, pulling me onto the bed.

  Chapter 6


  Shane draws me across his lap so that I’m straddling his hips. Even though the bedding is between us, I can easily feel his erection swelling beneath me. His warm hands slide up beneath my nightgown and stroke over my belly. At first, I tense, feeling self-conscious about my body, but when he pushes my nightie up, exposing the taut, rounded shape of me to his heated gaze, the look in his eyes is all the reassurance I need.

  That is desire on his face, plain and simple. He finds my body attractive, even heavily pregnant.


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