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The Firecracker Gets Her Man

Page 10

by Joannie Kay

  “They could use it, Arnold. Thank you for thinking of that; it wouldn’t have occurred to me to mention it to Clay. Now, if he is asleep, or in pain, which he must be, I want you to postpone your talk until later.”

  “Yes, sir, Doc,” Arnie agreed. “You lead the way. I’ll keep it brief,” he promised.

  Caleb shook his head when he realized that Clay was waiting to speak to the sheriff. “This is our sheriff, Clay.”

  “I’m sure thankful you were able to defend Doc. This whole town depends on him. Just tell me in your own words what happened.” Arnie listened, and then nodded. “Don’t leave town without tellin’ me where you’re headed. You have a hefty reward coming to you, and—”

  “No. I don’t want money for killing a man,” Clay shook his head stubbornly. “It isn’t right to take money for doing what I needed to do to save a good friend.”

  “You sound like Miss Rachel. She turned in the reward money for the Anderson brothers and gave it to the sisters who run the orphanage and school at Saint Michael’s. I can give yours to them too, if that’s what you want?”

  “That is perfect, Sheriff. Thank you.”

  “We’ll speak again when the money gets here. You talk to your missus and if you change your mind, I’ll be happy to give you the reward.” He left then, telling Doc he would be right back with Joe, and then hurried off to get the undertaker.

  “Son,” Caleb spoke to Lance. “I need check out Clay and look in on my other patients. Tell my daughter I will join you in a few minutes.”

  “Yes, sir.” Lance headed for the kitchen, but when he got out there, he found no sign of his feisty redhead. He could see that she’d put coffee in the pot, but no water. The cookies weren’t out either. So, where was she? He looked around, and then ran upstairs and checked her room. Rachel wasn’t there. He went downstairs and into the doctor’s rooms.

  “What’s wrong, son?” Caleb asked, looking at him in concern.

  “It’s Rachel; she’s missing. I can’t find her anywhere.

  Caleb closed his green eyes for a moment, and then looked at Lance in genuine concern. “She’s probably furious with Jeremy, Lance. She realized she wouldn’t have been back here in time to save me, and she will be blaming Jeremy. That girl of mine has a hellish temper!”

  “I’ll go and look for her,” Lance offered. “In the meantime, if you see her, sit on her until I get back!”

  As Lance ran quickly toward the hotel, he couldn’t help but understand why Rachel would be frustrated. Her father would be dead if Mary hadn’t told Clay what was happening, and how Clay made it out there and took the shot was a pure miracle. The man had been as weak as a babe as he helped him to back to bed.

  He heard voices raised in anger even before he reached the hotel. He ran faster and saw that Rachel was meting out her own special brand of justice. Jeremy was blubbering and begging her to have mercy on him.

  “Why should I have mercy on you? I came to get Lance like he told me to, and you decided I was here for immoral reasons, and while you were being an idiot, Wade Hart was trying to kill Papa! Thank God one of our patients got out of his sickbed and shot Hart before he shot Papa. You nearly got my father killed by your stupidity. Have mercy on you? No, I don’t think so! I think you need a serious lesson!”

  “You put that whip down, Miss Rachel! It ain’t my fault you done got yourself a bad reputation, running off with that man and all!” Jeremy accused, and then he screamed in pain as she snapped her whip and caught him on the chin.

  “Rachel, honey, please put down the whip. This man was born a narrow-minded fool. You know that, and fortunately, Doc is alive, or I would gun him down myself.”

  “You would?” She lowered the whip and gave him a lopsided grin. “Really?”

  “I’ll do it right now if the darn fool doesn’t apologize to you for telling untruths about you and judging you when there is nothing to judge.”

  “He’s too stupid to know what you are saying. Jeremy was raised by his mother, and she is the most narrow-minded woman in this town. I still say she was never married. No man would be stupid enough to marry that sharp-tongued nag!”

  “That’s not true! You take that back, Rachel Waterford!” Jeremy blustered.

  “Why should she? She has as much right to lie about you and your mother as you do to lie about her,” Lance said, trying not to grin.

  “But, I ain’t lying!”

  “Yes, you are.” Lance got in the other man’s face. “You are lying, Jeremy. And, if you do it again, I’m going to leave and let Rachel have at you with her whip. She would be within her rights. You almost got Doc killed by your self-righteous ways.”

  “I didn’t mean to!” he whined, and then he burst into tears.

  “Oh, good grief! Let’s go, Lance. I just can’t take any more of him today.” She linked her arm through his, and rested her head on his upper arm. “Thank you for coming to get me,” she whispered. “I lost my darn temper. When I think of how close Papa came to dying because of that fool, I just lost my temper and I was after him in a heartbeat!”

  “I understand. Let’s get you home safe and sound.”

  “Oh no! Am I in trouble with you?” she asked in trepidation.

  “Not this time. I understand you were sorely provoked, honey. Besides, it is really late. I don’t think anyone will see you out here right now.”

  “I wouldn’t care if they saw me with you, Lance,” she whispered.

  “Well, now, I guess I wouldn’t care about that, either, as long as it wasn’t Jared Cane and his bunch.”

  “Misty Feathers will arrive on the stage later today,” she reminded him. “And, if I am right, Jared will try to sneak into town about this time, just so he is here for the fourth and can rob the bank while the town is celebrating.”

  “Don’t you worry about it, Rachel. We will see to it that the bank is protected, and I hope to have Cane in custody before the fireworks go off tomorrow evening.”

  “I know you will,” she said, and then hurried inside the house and started making coffee.

  “I’ll go and let your father know you are home and safe,” Lance said with a smile.

  “Sure,” she agreed, rushing around the kitchen while he headed for Doc’s office, certain that is where he would find him.

  “Did you find my daughter, young man?” Caleb asked, looking up from his desk.

  “Yes, sir, I did. The coffee will be ready soon.”

  “Was she after Jeremy?” Doc asked with a knowing smile.

  “She was, and I understand why she was angry too. I wasn’t happy with the fool either. He was calling her names, and I promised to shoot him if he didn’t shut up.”

  “Oh, I can see you and Rachel going toe to toe at times,” Caleb said, smiling. He motioned towards his patients in the other rooms and said, “Everyone here is quiet; let’s go on and have some coffee and cookies. Arnold should be back soon.”

  Arnie came to the back door, stating he didn’t want to wake those who were sleeping. “I heard you went after Jeremy with a buggy whip, Miss Rachel. I’m sorry I missed it.” He started laughing. “He thought I should arrest you. I told him that if Doc had died, I would be arresting him and hanging him as an accomplice to murder. He started blubbering like a little girl, and said he was going to tell his ma and have me fired. I told him to go ahead, and asked if he wanted to wear a badge. He was horrified.”

  “I will deal with his mother,” Caleb promised. “This coffee is the best ever, Rachel. You’ll have to forgive me, but I am very tired and need to catch some sleep while everything is quiet. I figure the three of you have plans to make, right?’

  “We do, Papa,” Rachel said with a smile.

  “We do not,” Lance corrected her as Caleb left the kitchen. “You, little girl, are going to spend the rest of this day inside your bedroom, where you cannot be seen. Ah, ah, ah!” he said, shaking his finger at her. “No arguing with me,” he ordered when it was obvious she was not happy and was p
lanning to protest. “I mean it, little one. This is not the time to push me, either. Arnie and I are going to do our best to keep you safe, and you must do what you are told if that is going to happen.”

  “I am not arguing, Lance, but you know I need to be in on arresting Jared Cane. He killed Doctor Merritt. I really need to put him in a cell.”

  “It is not safe, my love. You will have the satisfaction of testifying against him in a court of law, and it is your testimony that will see him hanged for murder. That is if you cooperate and stay hidden from view.”

  “That is something, at least,” she replied, but she was pouting.

  “It is everything, honey. Arnie and I can lock him up, but without your testimony, he would get away with murdering the doctor. We need you, Rachel.”

  “All right then,” she grudgingly agreed.

  “Do you mean that? Or are you attempting to throw me off guard so you can do as you please?” Lance asked, looking at her.

  “I will do as you ask, unless something serious precludes my promise, and then I will need to warn you, or do what I feel is right under the circumstances.”

  “Rachel, do I need to put you across my knee right here in front of Arnie?” the ranger asked.

  “I would rather you didn’t. I’m sore, Lance. And, I really do intend to keep my promise, but I also know that things sometimes don’t go as we plan, and then I will need to do something that we didn’t count on. Please try to understand. I’m not trying to be difficult.”

  “You are sassy, is what you are!”

  “No, I’m not! I am agreeing with you.”

  “Are you sure?” He teased her, but his dark eyes were very serious.

  “Lance, I’m not trying to upset you. I just don’t wish to be accused of breaking my promise to you if things go wrong on this end and I need to come and save your life.”

  “What I do not want you to do is to place your life in danger. I am a Texas Ranger; I am sworn to place myself in danger if necessary; you are a pretty lady, and you are not supposed to put your life in danger for any reason. I need to know you are here, safe.”

  “I will try to do what you want,” she meekly agreed.

  “That is what I want and need to hear. You will stay in your room today, and once we have Jared Cane and Misty Flowers locked up, I will come and free you, and we’ll take in the Fourth of July activities together.”

  “I am going to look forward to that, Lance. I do not like to be confined to my room.”

  “I wouldn’t like it either, but this way Cane can’t peek into your house and see you caring for patients, or cooking a meal. He will be convinced you aren’t here, and he won’t dare speak to anyone about you without letting them know he is in town.”

  “We’ll see. What about feeding everyone?” she asked, worrying.

  “Mary will see to that; she offered, honey. She wants you to be safe.”

  “That is so nice of her.”

  “It is,” he agreed.

  “So, what do you and Arnie plan to do?” she questioned.

  “We are going to try your plan,” he admitted. “It just stands to reason that Jared will try to sneak into her room tonight. We will be watching, and try to pick him up without anyone being hurt.”

  “Very well.” Her disappointment was evident in her lovely green eyes, and in the way she held herself. She really wanted to be there when they captured Jared Cane. She wanted to be right there when he was locked away!

  “I know you would like to be there, but I honestly think it best if we do it. Jared Cane is a bit crazy, and we must keep the two of you apart so that you can testify.” They talked a bit more, with Lance making sure to include Rachel as much as possible. He wanted her to be a part of the arrest in that she knew their plan and would feel included, even though she would be safe in her bedroom until it was all over. “Disobey me, little one, and I promise you that if Jared Cane doesn’t get you, I will!”

  Chapter Nine

  “There is no need to threaten me, Lance Underwood!” Rachel huffed, thoroughly insulted. “I gave you my promise that I would try and obey you. That is all the guarantee you are going to get. What if Cane sends someone after you and I find out about it? What if something terrible happens and Misty Flowers comes to Papa for help and she confesses something you need to know? Good grief, Lance! It would be just like the Mary situation; you could need to know something!” Rachel was perfectly serious.

  “This is where I leave. You take that one in hand, my friend, before she gets us all killed. If ever a woman needed a good tanning, it’s this little gal, and I expect you to do a good job of it. A good wooden spoon works wonders. She’s too fragile for a belting,” Arnie stated. “And you don’t want to make your gun hand too sore that you can’t do your job either.”

  “I’ve got it under control, Arnie. Go and get a few hours of sleep. You’ll need them because the town will fill up early with all of the contests going on and the other activities.”

  “You’ve got that right. Miss Rachel, you listen to this man. He loves you and he’s tryin’ to keep you alive!” With those final words, Arnie put his hat on his head, and then marched out the kitchen door, preferring to take the alley down to the jail. He was going to sleep on a cot there so he would hear any commotion and be up to handle it.

  “You can just stop thinking what you are thinking, Lance Underwood!” Rachel bluffed for all she was worth. It had been stupid of her to mention the Mary situation. He was still aggravated with her for thinking he didn’t know how to read the signs around the site where Clay was found, and for saving his life!

  “I am going to do more than think about spanking you, young lady. You do know how to try a man’s patience, and I can see that I am going to wear out my hand on you for the first few years we are married. You are going to test the limits of the word obey every darn chance you get, and I am going to set your sweet butt on fire each and every time you push those limits.”

  The only thing to do was run, and Rachel was closer to the door than he was. If she made it to the front steps in the hallway, he wouldn’t dare follow her upstairs to her bedroom, especially with Papa up there! Rachel was on her feet and running in the next second, but before she reached the doorway, Lance caught her. “You let me go, Lance Underwood!” Rachel tried to jerk free, but he was simply too strong, and too used to dealing with criminals. She wasn’t going anywhere unless he released her, and she knew he wasn’t going to do that. “Please, Lance! Don’t!”

  “Too late, Miss Rachel.” He sat on the chair she’d been sitting on, and pulled her over his lap. She was wearing a dark skirt and he flipped it right up, along with her petticoats. He then brought his hand down on the seat of her drawers and she gasped in pain and renewed her efforts to free herself. He whacked her again, and she cursed, using a word that his ma had switched him for using when he thought he was much too old for a tanning! “That language just cost you your drawers, young lady. You will not use that word, ever! I’ll cut a switch if you ever do it again, and stripe your bare fanny.”

  “No! Don’t you dare do that!” Rachel cried out in shock, anger and outraged dignity as Lance reached beneath her and untied the pink ribbon holding up the delicate garment. All too soon she felt cool air on her bare skin, and she knew her face was burning and red with embarrassment. “No! This is not proper! We are not married!” she whispered, stricken. “What if Papa or Mary comes in here?”

  “Then they will see you getting a sound spanking!” he said, and started spanking her delicate skin once more. She cried out in pain each time his hand landed on her pretty butt, and he would be lying if he claimed he wasn’t interested in turning her over and making love to her right here and now. He always did have a fondness for a female bottom.

  “Stop, Lance! You are truly hurting me!”

  “A spanking is supposed to hurt. Next time you will think before pushing, won’t you?” He spanked her again, and she cried out. Her skin was already burning and hot to his t
ouch, and he knew he couldn’t spank her much longer or she was going to be black and blue. He wanted to lesson her, not harm her. “Get up and go bring me a wooden spoon and we will finish this spanking,” he ordered.

  “No! I can’t!” she protested. “It is too embarrassing!” His answer to that was to spank her sit spots until she agreed to get up and get the damned spoon. Rachel’s drawers fell around her shoes, and she simply stepped out of them so she could walk. At least her skirts were covering her naked bottom; she took comfort in the one small blessing.

  “Don’t take too long, Rachel, or I will reheat you before I start with the spoon!”

  “You are being mean!” she accused.

  “I am being firm and giving you to understand that I am a man of my word. Now get back here or your spanking will last that much longer.”

  She was determined to dawdle as long as possible – until Lance started counting. That bothered her because she didn’t know what it meant. Was it the number he was going to give her with the dratted spoon? Rachel grabbed the smallest spoon she owned, hoping it wouldn’t hurt so very much, and she walked over to him. He held out his hand, and she wanted to throw it at him and run.

  “Don’t do it,” he softly warned. “It won’t go well for you.” He smiled when she handed him the spoon. “Thank you. Now, pull up your skirts and lie across my knees.”

  “I c-can’t!” she stammered, tears filling her eyes. “It isn’t right; we aren’t married!”

  “Very well,” he conceded. He pulled her over his lap, and then he flipped up her garments giving him a bared target. “I hate to tell you this, honey, but a little spoon like this still stings.” He proved it with several stinging smacks to her sit spots. Rachel was quickly in tears and promising she would obey him. “Now we’re getting somewhere.” He then spanked her rounded bottom until she was stinging and on fire. Rachel was sobbing, and saying she was sorry by the time he stopped the spanking and regretfully pulled down her clothing to give her back her modesty.


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