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Justice for Leanne

Page 4

by Aine, Brigit; McLeod, Kayden

  “Posh, special? I am nothing more than a freak at this point,” Leanne’s tone was light as she joked with Faith. She was feeling marginally better, but the darkness worried her.

  “Most of those on the mortal plain see everything so black and white that they can’t see the good in those who may have done just one thing wrong. Justice, even as a god, had finally gotten to that point. It had taken him thousands of years to get there, but he’d finally lost the ability; he had gotten so used to seeing the evil, he could no longer spot the good. When you died and the Higher gods looked inside of you, they noticed that you looked at the world differently and with shades of grey.”

  Leanne laughed lightly, “I could never understand how people thought there was no good or no evil in everyone. No one is perfect.”

  “No matter what else was happening, they gave you to Justice to help him regain the perspective needed for the job. Those scales were Justice’s way of helping you adjust and be a part of his world. He needed you to have an easy way to understand and to help you assimilate into what he needed you to do.”

  Leanne listened to what Faith was telling her beyond the words. Faith was saying some of the same things Justice had said earlier. But she was also giving Leanne more information; it was the assurance that she hadn’t ever been wrong. Even though in her first life, people had died because of her decisions, they were the right decisions to make.

  “This is some tough stuff to assimilate; that it has always been me. But I understand what you are saying. Never in my prior life, or this one, have I made a wrong decision regarding people’s souls. While this is good to know, unfortunately I think that may be just as hard to digest.”

  “Why do you suppose that is? Why will it be so hard for you to digest that your decisions have always been the right ones?” Leanne could see where Faith was going with these types of questions. She was trying hard to get to the bottom of why Leanne was having such a hard time with the information she was given.

  “I mean think about it, first I learn I’m the dusa skala and that I have been the one weighing these people’s souls this whole time. Okay that part is huge. But now, to learn that I have been right every single time? Wow. Those people who went back to Hell, they have been bad but it was always easier to look at the scale and show them.”

  “You can still use the props if you want for that part of the job Leanne. No one has said you can’t.” Faith’s tone seemed to gentle. Leanne felt a hand at her back as Faith guided her towards the couch. “Here, sit down. I want to talk about the other part of life.”

  Leanne leaned her head against the back of the cushion as she sat down. “The other part of life?”

  “I asked you at the window what you felt inside. So tell me now, is it anxious souls for tomorrow or something bigger trying to come through the portal? Your sixth sense is good for more than just souls, honey. Your eyes have been magicked to help with the souls; also, your instinct is what makes the decision.” Leanne knew that Faith was trying to give her a sense of security.

  “In other situations where there is little or no help from your eyes, or you have to rely on that feeling, it still isn’t wrong. When I asked you to look beyond what you saw, there was a reason for that, because I wanted to know what you felt, what your intuition was telling you. So back to my question about the sky outside.”

  “It’s more, Faith. I know it is. I can feel it. And I looked earlier, with my magicked-vision; the energy was off. It scared me because it felt angry, like it wanted to lash out at me. A terrible thing is trying to come through the portal, something that will tip the balance on the mortal plain.” Leanne looked at Faith with wide eyes.

  “I figured it was. I can feel the need for more faith in the area. People feel the evil in the air and are praying to the gods.”

  “Well, it isn’t coming through tonight, so let’s talk about men and get some of that good-feeling flowing.” Leanne knew they weren’t in any direct danger. After her little breakdown earlier, she wanted to talk about something other than her job, or the danger surrounding them or even Justice.

  “I agree with you.” Leanne watched as Faith picked up her cup of tea, sipping it. “I just don’t think its men we will be talking about. More like one man, and he has a name... Justice.”

  “Oh no, that one topic is off limits for now. I need to recover some still, and process everything in my own head.” Leanne blinked innocently at her friend. “We were talking about you. I want to know about the song, and I think there is a story behind it linking to a man. While we were looking out the window, I was trying to read the energy out there; I remembered where I’d heard it before. I will tell you, if you give me the total scoop behind where you learned it.”

  Leanne watched as her friend laughed and shook her head. “You think you’re so funny, okay girl talk about me it is. But don’t think Justice won’t be here in the morning, so you had better process fast, because he won’t be put off.”

  “Oh, well don’t worry. It isn’t like I am just going to just forgive him. He has known all of this and not said a word for over three hundred years. And he just thinks he can decide that we should take our relationship to a different level because he wants to? Like I have no say in this at all? Of course, he did say he wanted me, and a century is a long time to wait.” Leanne giggled, meeting Faith’s gaze. They were both breathless with laughter. Within a few minutes, the rest of the tension and left over wariness disappeared from the room.

  “That’s all I needed to know,” Leanne watch Faith laughing still, trying to catch her breath. “I learned the song long before you were a part of Justice’s life, or even originally born here on the mortal plain. A young man by the name of Spero came through Brimstone. He was one of the first people I actually met on this plain when I knew I couldn’t go back. It was right after Justice had been forced to remove me from Prya.

  Leanne walked over and sat next to Faith, giving her support. “I know that was hard for both of you. I can’t imagine what that must have been like to be taken from everything you know and left here alone.”

  “I was lonely and even knowing that I had done the right thing, my faith was running short. Trust me, that doesn’t happen very often. I am the goddess of Faith for a reason, and for me to be as low as I was, well it wasn’t just affecting me; I was not able to do what Justice had hoped I could do in Brimstone.”

  “What was it that Justice wanted you to do?” Leanne didn’t realize that Justice had asked Faith to do something when he helped to banish her; that was rather arrogant of him.

  “We were friends, Justice and I, so when he knew I was being banished he thought this was a good place. I would be able to help those who lived here keep their faith as they worked hard to help those who were just passing through. I would also be able to give faith to those who were leaving for the rest of the plain. I was failing because of my own depression and thoughts; that was just pushing me tighter into the circle of not having faith.”

  Faith looked over at Leanne and Leanne could see the question in Faith’s eyes. “Trust me, I get it. It was something similar to what happened to me tonight, only you didn’t have anyone to lean on. Oh Faith, I am so sorry, I wish I could have been here for you.” Leanne gave her a big hug, trying to help now.

  “When Spero came through Brimstone, he was my lifesaver. He reminded me that it was my job to be here. In fact it was more like destiny. He showed that I was needed here for a purpose. Spero taught me this song as a way of always knowing that I was never truly alone. When I sing it, I remember his visit and the things he helped me with. He told me anytime I sang it, to remember him and know that he was thinking of me as well. I have to tell you that I do exactly that. I also wonder if he does really think of me. Of course he is long gone, it was so long ago that I was sent here and he wasn’t anyone except a human with a kind heart. Now you silly thing, tell me where you heard it.”

  Leanne saw that Faith tried for a fierce look to help her order, but sh
e just couldn’t manage it. Leanne started giggling. It felt good to laugh and talk with Faith. In all the years that she had been here, never before had they spent time like this; just talking about nothing and laughing.

  “First tell me, did he look good? Was he hard muscle and drop dead gorgeous to look at?”

  “Silly girl, you just can’t leave well enough alone can you? Okay. He was gorgeous; all muscle, tanned, sandy brown hair, and brown eyes to match. He actually made my heart flutter, something in all my years as a goddess hadn’t happened. There, are you happy now?”

  Leanne saw Faith pick up the pillow next to her on the couch and never saw the blow that was coming with it. This led to a pillow fight between the two, that had them rolling around on the floor and hiding behind the couch instead of sitting on it.

  “Truce!” Faith called. “Tell me where you think you heard this song, and why you asked what Spero looked like.”

  “Are you kidding? That is the same description of the guy who sung it the first time I heard it. Do you really want to know who it was?” Leanne cocked an eyebrow, and waited knowing that Faith was going to say yes.

  “Oh my goodness, you have seen him? Where on earth would you have seen him? Yes I want to know! Don’t be a brat, you child. I sat here while you had your breakdown, now you should be gracious and give me all the information you have.”

  Leanne knew she had something that Faith had waited for. She just couldn’t believe they had never talked about these things until now. As Leanne thought back on it in more depth, she realized that while they were friends they never had done the “girl” thing; no makeovers, sleepovers, or talking about boys. Leanne supposed that when one of you was immortal and the other was three hundred years old, those kinds of things didn’t seem as important; but maybe they really were more so.

  Leanne said with a broad smile, “Okay just remember you asked. He is the one who sang my soul across so that Justice could save me.”

  Her friend leapt up from the couch, “What?” She got up, pacing agitatedly, voice rising dramatically. “Are you kidding? What are you trying to say? This isn’t funny.” It was Leanne’s turn to try and calm Faith down.

  “Hey, calm down now. Tell me what the issue is?” Leanne didn’t understand why Faith was so upset, but she could see that she was. Leanne had never seen Faith upset by anything and it truly bothered her to see it now.

  “A god, I should’ve known. All these years, that is why the song has stuck with me, making me feel better. He’s a god Leanne. All of this time, I’ve thought he was a mortal; that by now, he’d be gone. I have sung that song when I needed to remember, or when someone has needed some extra faith. I’ve always believed I kept his memory alive with the song. Now I know I have kept the connection between us alive all this time. Oh my. I don’t know I want that. It means he can come back and find me.”

  “Are you telling me you don’t want some hot-bodied god to find you? Faith you can’t be alone forever. You are a former goddess. You are immortal to a point. If this is someone that could learn to love you, and is also going to live forever, I don’t understand the problem. I know that part of why you have been alone in all the years I have known you is because you don’t want to lose someone,” Leanne couldn’t keep the incredulous tone out of her voice.

  “I don’t think you understand at all. In answer to your first question, no, I don’t want him to find me. I don’t want to discover that the man I dream of is actually a god. I have always thought that I could remember him with fondness and thank him for the things that he gave me. I understood that he was probably gone and have resigned myself to that. For him to be a god means that he is still alive. Leanne, I can’t go back to Prya. I’m banished. He can’t ever be a part of my life if he is a god.”

  Leanne saw her friend take a deep breath before she continued, “I could never have a relationship with someone who could live in Prya. Why would he want to stay here with me if he could go there? No, him being a god isn’t the great thing you think it is.”

  “What if he wanted to live here?” Leanne questioned Faith curiously. After all, Leanne couldn’t live in Prya either. “What if he decided that this was where he wanted to be rather then in Prya? I mean isn’t that the same choice that Justice will have to make? I can’t live in Prya. I have to stay here on the mortal plain. If you don’t think someone would choose to live here for you, a former goddess, why would Justice choose to stay here with me? Or if Justice does choose that because he loves me, why do you think, if given the chance to try for a relationship, Spero wouldn’t want to stay with you?”

  “I don’t know, I hadn’t really thought of that. And I don’t want you to think that Justice won’t choose to stay here, because I know he will. You do make some good arguments.” Leanne watched as Faith settled back down on the couch and smiled over at her.

  “Well you might want to think on them. I mean you could have some gorgeous beautifully voiced god in your bed, if you play your cards right. Think about him hard enough, oh wait, you don’t even have to because you could contact him telepathically.”

  “I think I have been Leanne. I see him in my dreams and now I’m wondering if those have been true.” Faith looked at her with wide eyes. “What if I have been developing this relationship all along and I was thinking it was just dreams? Oh my goodness, we may have more going then I imagined. Here I thought I was destined to be alone, but now maybe, I have been going forward without even knowing it.”

  Leanne said, smiling at her friend, “I think that you might have to invite him back to Brimstone in the dream-world next time. I would like to meet him again, now that I am flesh and blood; instead of just a floating soul. Plus, I want to know how he does what he does. And for some reason my gut says he needs to be here.”

  “Always the curious one aren’t you? Always wanting to know how things work. I think that’s why you see the good in everyone. You never just look one way at anything. But okay enough of this; I have way too much to think about now. First, Spero being a god and the increased need for faith. The evil is coming, I do believe you.” Leanne heard the pause in Faith’s voice. “It is time for me to go to bed.” Giving her friend a hug, Leanne saw that Faith headed for the door, calling over her shoulder, “Let me know how it goes with Justice tomorrow.”

  “Wait,” Leanne said. “Please, can you just pop home? I don’t like the feel of the sky. Between what my eyes show me, and what my gut tells me, I don’t want you out there. I know that you don’t like to use your god powers, but for me, just this once please. I don’t know what that is,” Leanne gestured towards the window where the darkness was building, “but it isn’t good. When you sleep tonight, invite your friend for a visit. I think we are going to need him.”

  Leanne knew that Faith was surprised by her requests. Leanne very rarely asked for things from Faith. She hoped that Faith would do as she requested now.

  “Okay honey. I’ll do both of those things. Please, be careful with Justice out there tomorrow, and remember that he isn’t all bad.” With those words Leanne saw Faith close her eyes and fade out.

  Chapter Eight

  As the dawn shown through her window, Leanne slowly woke up and got out of bed.

  As she looked around her room it wasn’t long before she spotted Justice. He was sleeping in the chair she kept next to the window. It looked like he’d been there for a while.

  She remembered she should be mad at him, but figured a few minutes of enjoying looking at him wouldn’t hurt. It wasn’t like he was hard on the eyes. The picture he made, was one she wanted to be able to savor. She put his sleeping image in her memory banks as a good memory, for the things that were coming were not going to be okay. Her gaze drifted to the window he was in front of, and she frowned.

  As she glanced at her clock, she confirmed that it was in fact morning, even later than she’d first thought. She moved closer to the window and realized the sun was trying to come through, but the shadow seemed to have taken over
and was making it almost impossible.

  “Justice.” She shook his shoulder. “Justice, wake up, I think we are going to have trouble.”

  Leanne knew that Justice would wake with her touch. She almost never touched him of her volition so just the fact that she had, was enough for him to jump from the chair instantly ready. “What is it?”

  “I think we’re going to have trouble. Faith and I realized it last night, the feelings are even stronger this morning.”

  “What do you mean trouble?”

  “I think there is something large trying to get through the portal. An entity that doesn’t want to be in Hell anymore, but that shouldn’t be here on the mortal plain.” Leanne could feel his muscles under her fingers. She became preoccupied by his body, to the point where she wanted to just squeeze his arm and feel him tense under her fingers.

  This was going to be a problem if there was something big coming. She realized they could be distracted by this new tension between them and she might not listen to her gut when she needed to. Leanne realized that if she listened to her gut now, it was saying that they needed to get past this; unfortunately her brain wasn’t quite ready to let go of the past three hundred years.

  After all, just because Justice had turned on the charm didn’t mean she had to fall for it immediately. He needed to sweat a little she decided. She just had to be able to handle the vibes.

  “I have something to tell you,” Leanne began. “I’m still angry at you, and we will still need to have that discussion; however, before that, I want you to know I’ve loved you for more than one hundred years. It isn’t just infatuation, but the deep down I know all your secrets and I still love you kind. Whether you believe me or not isn’t important right now. I know we need to spend some time with each other getting to know all the ins and outs of us.”

  She could see she had shocked him when Justice just stared at her. “Are you kidding? Leanne, I want to move this relationship forward because I have deep feelings for you as well. After all this time I want to discover what they mean. I could so easily be in love with you.”


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