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The Man in Black_A Standalone Mafia Romance

Page 27

by Soraya Naomi

  She rubs her temples, clearly tired, so I guide her to sit on the couch and claim the seat next to her.

  Thankfully, she leans into my side, and I toss my arm around her, sensing we both need the comfort at the moment.

  Kissing the top of her head, I confess, “I’m sorry I lied.”

  “So am I,” she whispers and probes, “Why did you marry us on May tenth and not today?”

  “Because I don’t want the day you ended Ivo to be our anniversary. I don’t want you to overthink anything either. I am happy about our child, Brielle.”

  Her lips curve up slightly, so I give her a quick kiss.

  “In essence, nothing will change except that you’re completely part of our corrupt world now.”

  “I have so many questions, but I’m exhausted,” she says.

  “Then nap. You’ll learn everything as we go. There’s no need to discuss it all now. You need to rest and I’ll have food delivered.”

  “I am hungry.” She yawns, and I situate her to lie with her head in my lap and legs on the couch.

  While I stroke her blonde hair, I urge her, “Nap. Stop thinking. Or do I need to let you read your own self-help book?”

  She laughs and briefly mock-glares at me, and then I quietly caress her hair until her eyes fall closed.

  When her breathing settles, I get my phone from my pocket to type a message.

  Michael: Brielle’s too calm, so I think she’s still in shock, but I expect her to start firing questions at me soon.

  Fallon: Then distract her as much as possible with things like moving her stuff over and selling her apartment since she’ll be living with you now. You can also let her buy items for the baby. I’ll talk to her and make sure she learns fast how to move on from Syndicate issues. I know how to do it; I’ve been there.

  Michael: Can you come over tomorrow morning?

  Fallon: Yes. I’ve always wanted more women in this Syndicate and I’m very excited about your baby! Congratulations!

  Michael: Thanks. By the way, I’m going to keep her away from Palermo and the men for a few days so that we can focus on us and she won’t worry about my life in the Syndicate.

  Fallon: Maybe that’s best.

  Meanwhile, my palm has moved to Brielle’s stomach, and I softly rub her still-flat belly, finding myself smiling. Deep down, I want her to enjoy the time to come too, and I hope that her easygoing side will allow her to do so.

  While violence doesn’t faze me, she has to learn to cope with it, so I think about how I can keep her busy to make this transition smooth.



  A NAP BECOMES A SNOOZE-fest of almost twenty-four hours where Michael only wakes me to drink some water and eat.

  When my eyes open, I’m alone in his king-size bed and have a perfect view of the azure sky through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Because this mattress feels like heaven, I stretch languidly.

  At that moment, Michael saunters out of the closet and stands beside the bed, running a hand over a day’s growth of beard but still looking just as handsome and imposing in his charcoal suit.

  “Good morning.” He studies me intently.

  “Morning. What time is it?”

  “Nine. How are you feeling?”

  As I throw the covers off, I see that I’m wearing an oversized white T-shirt with my panties.

  “I changed your clothes and you barely noticed. You were so tired.”

  “I was, but I feel fine. Just a little pain in my back.” When I climb out of bed, I’m revitalized. I definitely needed the rest, undoubtedly for my body and my mind.

  But before I get to ask anything, Michael says, “Go shower and we’ll have a healthy breakfast.”

  “That would be smart. I’m really going to eat healthier. I need a pregnancy book too,” I mumble all at once.

  Michael’s lips quirk up as he observes me and tucks my hair behind my ear. “Calma. One step at a time. I’ll get you all the books you want. Go shower first.”


  Going into the bathroom, I see that Michael has set out everything for me. The few items I already had here aren’t lying in my bag on the counter anymore. Instead, my toothbrush is in a holder by the left sink and my makeup and toiletries are in a drawer where Michael has cleared out space for me. Once I undress and get into the stall, I find my shampoo sitting next to his musk shower gel, and after I wash quickly, I put on a simple lilac wrap-around summer dress and my ballet flats.

  When I return to the bedroom, Fallon’s sitting on the edge of the mattress. “Hey.”

  “Hey. What are you doing here so early?” I stop across from her as she stands up.

  “I wanted to see how you’re doing. I heard the baby’s okay.”

  I smile shyly and admit, “I want to be so happy about that, but everything that happened yesterday is clouding it.”

  “I was afraid that would happen. That’s also why I came by. I’m sorry we lied, but we didn’t want to dump all the information on you at once. See, I know exactly how you feel and how overwhelming it can be; I’ve been down that road. I wasn’t always part of Palermo,” she explains, and I sense that she’s avoiding saying Syndicate or mafia. “But I’ve seen how this world works. And feeling guilt over men like Ivo isn’t worth it. You need to realize that he would’ve killed you to save his own ass.”

  “I know.”

  “So forget him. If you start to give everything too much thought, you’ll fall down a rabbit hole while you have a baby to focus on. That’s more important than you and Michael and the Syndicate. You’re having a baby!” She beams so widely that I can’t help but do the same, her excitement infectious.

  “I still can’t believe it. But I have so many questions.”

  “About what?”

  “Like what exactly does Michael do for the Syndicate? Who’s involved?”

  “Why do you need to know all of that right now? Adriano is the boss, and Luca is the underboss. They sell drugs in Chicago but don’t use them themselves. If the Syndicate didn’t import them, someone else would. That’s it. I don’t know everything Luca does, and I don’t need to. I know he loves me and he will always protect our kids. And I think that you, who also lost her parents and suddenly found herself all alone, want a family too.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “You want to feel a sense of belonging again, right? Because it was unexpectedly taken away when you were eighteen?”

  I nod. “Yes, ever since my parents died.”

  “I have that as well, and Luca’s my soulmate because we take care of each other and have a bond no one can break. I know with certainty that he’ll always shield his family. I love every part of Luca and since this world is a fucked-up place, I didn’t want to go through it alone. I think you wanted the all-consuming affection Michael gives because you two have been drawn to each other from day one. That’s also what happened between me and Luca.”

  I’ve always admired their relationship, but I wonder if Michael would have ever married me if it wasn’t for the baby.

  “Stop overthinking it, Brielle,” Fallon warns, seeing me becoming lost in my head.

  “But would he have married me if things were different? Can he love me?”

  “Think about this: Michael bent over backward to keep you safe before he knew you were pregnant – is that not love? Regardless, you and he need to be completely honest about your feelings. You’re already married, so you have nothing to lose. His job is just his job – you only need to be concerned with what he tells you so that you can keep yourself and the baby safe. Luca and I have a normal life, right?”

  “Apart from the fact that you’re loaded,” I pipe in and she chuckles.

  “So are you now,” she retorts. “However, remember that you only have a few months to get settled before the baby comes, so don’t waste that time by worrying about his Syndicate life, which pays your bills, by the way. Just enjoy that you found each other, and don’t let the other
stuff consume your mind; you can do it. Deep down, you already knew Palermo wasn’t completely legal, but you took your chances there too.”

  “I did know something was up, but I was preoccupied with Michael.”

  “Now you have Michael – don’t ruin it.”

  “I don’t want to ruin it,” I confess, understanding that her words make sense to me. Maybe I’ve been affected much more by them than I realized? “I want to enjoy this pregnancy.”

  “You should. You both deserve some happiness.” She hugs me, comforting me in a sisterly manner as she adds, “I’m your family now too. You can call me anytime.” Then she pulls back. “But always trust Michael and talk to him about your feelings right away. Don’t keep it inside.”

  “I won’t. And I’ll talk to him,” I promise her before leading us down the staircase that ends in the middle of the high-ceilinged living room.

  From there, Fallon heads toward the front door as I go to the kitchen where Michael’s standing at the counter, sipping a drink, and we both say goodbye to her when she leaves.

  “Did you send her over to talk to me?”

  “Yes,” he answers as I stand across from him. “Did it help?”

  “Maybe...she told me to not overthink everything, like you. But I need to know where we go from here.”

  Michael’s brows rise before he contemplates his response. “I gave Rachel the option to leave if she wanted to when I told her about the Syndicate, but she didn’t. Though we still fought and she was claiming I didn’t give her enough of my time the day before she died. That’s one reason I was so messed up and couldn’t heal after I moved back. And it only became worse when I tried to suppress my emotions and keep going. Then I met you. You were truly a burst of freshness in my chaotic world, and I wanted to tell you the truth about Palermo, but my need to shield you from harm got the better of me. So no matter how we go forward, I’ll always protect you, because you were wrong when you said that Rachel was the love of my life. I cared for her in the way that I could back then, which wasn’t a good way, and although she was my first love, I was hesitant about marrying her from almost the beginning. You’re the one I chose to marry without a second thought. I may have let her go, but I’ll never give you up, Brielle. Even if you begged me, I wouldn’t be able to. I won’t give you the option to leave.”

  He inches closer, palming my stomach as he clutches my waist, and on their own accord, my arms wind around his neck. His statement eases my mind and fills the void in my heart, although flashes of yesterday and all the information I learned still attempt to pervade it.

  “If I’d never met you, I’d still be in that horrible place. That tells me that I need you.” He pauses to touch his forehead to mine. “You know everything now.”

  “Thank you for that. I guess I’m just overwhelmed.”

  “I know, but remember life stops for wonderful things,” he uses my own words. “Our child is one of them; forget everything else.”

  “That sounds like an order, Carrion.”

  “It is...” He sends me a lopsided grin.

  Finally, I understand the root of his commanding ways; it’s the Syndicate man inside him. The man who doesn’t scare me at all, I realize, because fear of him hasn’t once crossed my mind.

  “We have enough to do anyway,” he mentions.

  I rear back. “Like what?”

  “Well, we’re married and you’re having our baby, so we have to get all your belongings and sell your apartment. We also have to get everything for the baby.”

  At first, that sounds like a lot, but then I let it sink in and conclude that it’s the only option. “We’re doing everything backward. We’re already married and pregnant and now we’re moving in together...” I comment. “And, by the way, this apartment needs more color.”

  That makes Michael laugh, and I punch him playfully.

  “You can redecorate and add as much color as you want,” he replies.

  “I don’t know if we should do all of this now.” I hesitate. “However, I do want my cooking equipment so that I can bake and unwind.”

  His smile widens. “Then we’ll pick up your cooking equipment today,” he offers, which makes me feel cherished. “But first, we’ll have breakfast.” He tangles our hands, like he seems to do constantly and leads me to the door, where he turns to me before he opens it to pledge, “You’re the mother of my child now. Whatever happens, I’ll never pull away again.”

  “Do you promise?” I ask.

  Cupping my cheek, he vows, “Lo prometto.” I promise.

  When he says those words, I know he means them, because once he gives a promise in Italian, he never breaks it – of that I am sure.



  THE LAST WEEK HAS FLOWN by, and after another busy day, I’ve been attempting to clean up the kitchen, where it looks like a bomb exploded. Since I’m worn out, I decide to finish it tomorrow and make my way to our new light grey couch in the center of the living room that has my salmon pillows strewn across it.

  As I plop down, I lean back, relaxing for the first time in nine days. I’ve been going non-stop ever since I moved in with Michael. All my stuff is here, and now my plants, colored pillows, and mahogany bookcase liven up this museum. Although my favorite things are the chameleons.

  It took us two days to sort through my belongings, even with Fallon and Cam helping. Then Fallon and I started buying pregnancy books so that I could read up on what to expect the next few months. She and I have actually been together daily, and any time Michael’s gone for even a few hours, she either calls to invite me to come play with her babies or to eat a meal with her. After a while, it hits me that Michael and Fallon have purposely kept me occupied, most likely to prevent me from thinking too much. Clearly, it’s helped, because I went back to Palermo and worked yesterday – everything seemed the same.

  My life is progressing at a hectic pace that doesn’t allow my brain to wander, which is smart, and I’m thankful for their guidance, along with their making sure I’m never lonely and that I feel like I’m part of a close-knit family.

  As I gaze at the dark curtains, I decide I want a brighter color, though I’m not sure my paycheck has gone in. After I grab my phone from the coffee table, I check my bank account’s app, frowning when I read that I have an extra two thousand dollars in my account. The details tell me that it’s another deposit from Palermo.

  Leaning back again, I start to lie down when the door unlocks and Michael steps inside, looking sharp and distinguished in his navy slacks and white dress shirt, sleeves folded up to his elbows.

  “Hey. Are you resting?”

  “Yes,” I answer as he stands in front of me. “I just noticed that I received two thousand dollars extra from Palermo. Did you pay me extra, Michael?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “But I have my own income.”

  “I want you to have enough money, and this is the easiest way for me to give it to you legally.” He pulls me up and drags me against him, warming me as he cuddles me tightly.

  “You don’t have to do that,” I reply, even though it touches my heart how far he’s willing to go to care for me. “We also need to talk about the bills here. I want to pay for half of them.”

  Michael’s brows knit together. “Why? I make more than enough and I don’t want you to worry about money. You use your income for yourself and the baby. I’ll keep upping your salary at Palermo, whether you want it or not.”

  I shake my head and smile. “So bossy, Carrion.”

  “Isn’t that why you fell for me, Duchenne?” he says and adds, “No, wait; I mean, Carrion. You’re Mrs. Carrion.”

  I laugh at the absurdity. “We keep forgetting it.”

  Michael grins. “We’re just getting used to living together, then we’ll focus on the baby, and in time, we’ll remember we’re married.”

  Smiling, I retort, “This is so weird.”

  He kisses my lips briefly. “It is, but I wouldn�
�t change a thing. You’re mine.”

  “You’re mine too...”

  “Our marriage certificate says so,” he whispers, and I adore the gleam in his ashy-grey eyes. “Do you want a wedding party? You haven’t mentioned it.”

  “Because I don’t need that. I just want to be together with our baby,” I tell him.

  “This is why I want to do everything for you. Because you never ask for anything. Because you cheer up this apartment. Because you’ve been adapting so well without even realizing it.”

  “Don’t make me overthink it,” I warn, teasing, and he laughs again.

  “By the way, I do need to let you know about our accounts. I have offshore accounts with a lot of money in them. If anything ever happens, Carmine will let you know how to access my money. As my wife, you’ll inherit everything.”

  Alarm fills me. “What do you mean if anything ever happens?”

  “It’s just a precaution. Anything can happen, and I want you to know that you’re taken care of. I’ll keep you safe forever. Also, another way to make sure you’re safe is being with Fallon. You understand that you can trust Fallon, right?”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Keep Fallon close. That way, you’re doubly protected. See, Luca will always back Fallon, and he has a lot of power over Adriano, so if you have Fallon in your corner, you’ll also have Luca and Adriano. They’re more brothers than boss and underboss.”

  “I noticed they’re really close,” I remark.

  “They are. Also, remember Corrado?”

  “The guard?”

  “Yes. He’s been assigned to you, so if you go anywhere outside the Loop, take Corrado with you.”

  “Okay.” Fallon also often has a guard and we don’t even notice him.

  Suddenly, the oven pings. We break apart and I hurry into the kitchen to open the door a little bit, giving the key lime cake I was craving the best finish and preventing it from cracking.

  Michael’s eyes round when he sees the entire counter is covered with flour, dirty equipment, and kiwis and limes.


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