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'Tis the Season for Love: A Charity Box Set

Page 42

by Maggie Dallen

  I open my mouth to tell a fib when Sierra says, "I wouldn't ask, but Denver and I are considering marrying here. As much as I love New York, Georgia is a much better destination for a winter wedding.” She gazes down at the rare alexandrite gemstone that once belonged to my mother. It shines from the ring finger of her left hand. "And if we plan to do so before the baby arrives," she says, smiling up at me, her face glowing, "then we need to start checking out venues. I made the appointments last minute, but I don't want to cancel."

  "Oh, sure," I croak. "I can grab Finn. My last shift at Cork's was yesterday. Unless they run into trouble and are short-staffed, I am officially off for the next few weeks until I leave for Edinburgh in January. And, oh my God, what venues? Do you really think y'all will marry before the peanut arrives?"

  "I honestly have no idea. I'm due in May, so it depends on how quickly we can pull together a wedding. I feel like if the stars align and the planning is smooth, then sure, why not? But if it seems like too much work, then Den wants to wait until after the baby since he’s worried about me.”

  “You’re not still on bedrest, are you?”

  Sierra shakes her head, “No, I’ve been cleared to fly, obviously, and can participate in moderate activities. But, you know your brother.” She rolls her eyes but they gleam with happiness.

  I bite back my grin. It’s incredible to see my best friend so in love with my brother. "Yeah, that makes sense."

  "Anyway, I'm so freaking excited for you. You're going to love Edinburgh. And working there will be such an awesome opportunity and a new adventure for you. I'm apologizing in advance for my mom. She says to call her once you have your flight sorted. She's seriously going to annoy the hell out of you since I'm so far away, and she's surrounded by all the boys and their dumbness."

  I laugh, shaking my head. Sierra's mom is wonderful and has sort of stepped in as my mother figure after Sierra and I were paired as roommates and became best friends at ASU. My mom passed when I was so young; I barely remember her, but I like to think she would have been similar to Sierra's mom, and that we would have had a close relationship like theirs. "Stop. I love your mom."

  Sierra smiles at me again and closes her laptop. "Okay. I'm going to grab your brother so we can get moving. I just forwarded you Finn's flight details. Thanks again for picking him up. We'll see you tonight?"

  I nod, lifting my hand in a half wave as my best friend scurries away to fall into my brother's arms. The most unexpected and perfect love story ever. My other two brothers are out front stringing Christmas lights while their women watch them, cracking jokes, laughing, and sipping sweet tea. I could go out and join them, but who wants to feel like a fifth wheel?

  Sighing, I open my email browser on my phone, and yep, an email from Sierra stares at me. Finlay Anderson's plane lands in Savannah in two and a half hours. Glancing down at my stained yoga pants and oversized T-shirt, I know exactly what I'll be doing in the near future. And it starts with a shower.

  Standing in arrivals, I scan Finn's flight details again. He should be here any moment, and the thought of coming face-to-face with him sets my blood on fire, causes my heart rate to spike, and my palms to grow clammy. I'm like a preteen girl with a crush on the quarterback. This is not my usual reaction to hot guys. If I’m being honest, with three older brothers, I’ve been around hot guys since I was old enough to appreciate them.

  Carter’s baseball team, the bikers Den used to roll with, and the sturdy men with buzz cuts from Jax’s time in the military ensured I outgrew my girlish giggle and shy uncertainty by the time I entered high school.

  I know how to banter, give as good as I get, and act completely uninterested in a guy I have the hots for, just so my brothers won’t know what’s up. But this time, everything seems different. Finn throws me off-kilter with one look, one grin, one well-timed joke. His blue eyes cut to my core when he stares directly at me, and his presence overwhelms me, wrapping me up in a tight cocoon I can’t escape from. Nor do I want to. And then, there’s the accent. My God, I could sit all day, stare at him dreamily, and listen to the cadence of his Scottish brogue as he says anything. Anything at all.

  Strong and powerful, successful with just the right dash of arrogance, Finlay Anderson is a well-educated, well-mannered lawyer who works his ass off to maintain his corner office. He’s a professional in every sense of the word from his sharp, custom-tailored suits to his expensive cologne and designer shoes. But underneath that persona, he’s also funny and witty, a poker aficionado and drinker of Scotch. He likes to play rugby and watch sports with a pint in his hand. He’s a blend of sophisticated perfection and down-to-earth athleticism with the hard muscles and sharp planes to match. He’s everything.

  Even though I’ve only been in Finn’s company a handful of times, I know so much about him from the stories Sierra shared about her family. Those stories, even the unfavorable ones about him being a player and picking up girls with just a joke, caused me to develop a curiosity about Finlay Anderson from afar. But being in his presence, getting to know him just a tiny bit, transformed that curiosity into a full-blown crush. Whenever I see him, I always wish we had more time together, to talk and laugh. And now, that wish is coming true, as I’m heading to Edinburgh in a few weeks to work at the same office as Finn.

  I'm so lost in thought I don't even sense him until he's next to me, ducking his head to meet my eyes.

  "Daisy?" His low voice cuts the air and pulls my attention to him until I fall into his deep blue eyes like I’m being sucked into a black hole.

  "Hey." I give an awkward wave, immediately lifting my fingers to tuck my hair behind my ear. Lame lame lame.

  He smiles then, the simple gesture transforming his face into pure radiance. My poor heart might just give out at the sight.

  "How are you?" he asks conversationally, pulling me into a casual hug.

  I sigh, allowing myself this one moment to be enveloped by his scent—expensive cologne, fresh soap, and a heady mixture of confidence with just the right amount of cocky. Once he pulls away, I grin up at him, my brain short-circuiting when my gaze meets his deep azure eyes. Jeez, a girl can get lost in Finn Anderson.

  He stares at me for a long moment, his expression unreadable, a darkness shuddering over his eyes before he shrugs it away. Chuckling, he tucks a strand of hair that I missed behind my ear and grabs his suitcase. "Where to, love?"

  Why does he have to be Sierra's cousin? Why does he kinda, sorta have to be my new boss? And why, oh why, does he have to be not even remotely interested in me?

  Sighing, I shift the weight of my purse and force a smile on my face. "I just parked over here." I point toward the sliding doors at the end of the terminal. "How was your flight?"

  He snorts. "Bloody awful, if I'm being honest. Loads of turbulence. But I suppose I can't complain much since I'm still able to celebrate Christmas with family and friends instead of stuck inside JFK or worse, diverted to a city where I don't know anyone."

  "Yeah. I know this isn't where you planned to spend the holidays, but I guess it could be worse."

  "Definitely. And at least now, I get to see Sisi. I have a feeling she's keeping another secret." He raises his eyebrows at me, and I bite my bottom lip, shaking my head.

  No way am I spilling the beans on Sierra's and Denver's engagement. I know they told Sierra's mom, step-dad, and brothers a few nights ago, but Sierra is excited to tell her cousin in person.

  "Not even a tell," Finn comments as we step outside, the cool breeze greeting us.

  "Huh?" I ask, looking up at him.

  A smirk glances off his lips, and I can't help but check out the rest of him. Clad in a pressed grey suit and a white button down that's tailored in all the right places, he looks sharp, professional, and sexy as sin. But while his attire is all qualified lawyer, his teasing expression and clear eyes are all boyish charm.

  Ugh. Again, I ask the universe, why?

  "You're really not going to tell me that Sierra is engaged
to your brother?" he asks.

  He knows? I bite back the laugh threatening to burst forth and shake my head, avoiding eye contact. "I don't know what you're talking about. If Sierra has something to share with you, she will when you see her."

  His grin grows, his eyes sparkling when I peek up at him.

  "All right, love. I'll give this to you. You've a much better poker face than Sisi, although that isn't saying much. Where is she, anyway?"

  "She had a few appointments."

  The color drains from his face. "Appointments? Is everything all right with the baby? I thought—”

  "She's fine. Great, actually," I rush to reassure him.

  But the concerned pinch between his brows doesn't smooth away and that concern, that love for his family, makes me crush on him just a little bit harder.

  It's fine, right? I mean, crushes are completely harmless.

  Chapter 2

  When we arrive home, I'm relieved the front yard has been pulled together in the Christmas spirit. I've never been embarrassed of my home before. In fact, I've always been incredibly proud my three brothers and I have managed to make it on our own all these years. Sure, there have been some bumps along the way, but we always come out all right on the other side.

  But suddenly, easing the loner car into the driveway and sitting next to Finn, my heart rate kicks up a notch. What will he think when he sees my home? He grew up surrounded by considerable wealth. He spends his holidays vacationing on islands and his Saturday mornings brunching at five-star hotels. His childhood never knew the pangs of hunger or the teasing barbs of school-friends for wearing the same shirt two days in a row and not having the right hair clips or purses. I cringe at the feelings and thoughts flooding through me because they're not me. I am not this girl. But I can't help the tightness locking down my limbs, or the fear I have at seeing Finn's expression.

  While Sierra was introduced to her current lifestyle when her mom married James, her upbringing was much, much more in line with mine. It's one of the reasons we clicked so fast.

  "Your brothers put the lights up?" he asks, nodding to the front yard.

  "Yeah, they were doing them earlier today."

  He smiles then, his face transforming into one of angelic proportions. Gah! I consider banging my head against the steering wheel and knocking myself out. How am I supposed to have him in my family home and act like everything is normal for the next few days?

  How am I supposed to work with him in Scotland next month?

  "You okay, Dais?" he asks, using the familiar nickname everyone uses. But when he says it, my insides warm and my cheeks heat.

  "Yeah, fine." I tilt my head toward the house. "All set?"

  Finn nods once, the action curt.

  We exit the car and enter my home, and I'm beyond grateful the shenanigans unfolding inside are enough to pull Finn into a series of greetings and conversations, allowing me a moment to collect myself.

  "So, what's the deal with him?" Taylor asks, as she and Evie corner me in the kitchen an hour later.

  Denver and Sierra are still off looking at wedding venues, and it's just me, Finn, my two brothers, and the women who successfully claimed their hearts.

  "Finlay?" I ask, feigning stupidity.

  Evie rolls her eyes. "You're really going to be working with him?"

  I nod, too nervous to voice anything.

  Evie's eyebrows dip. "What's wrong? He seems really nice. Don’t you like—"

  I close my eyes, shaking my head. "That's the problem."

  "What is?" Taylor asks, pulling me closer to the backdoor. Her eyes scan behind us to make sure we're still alone in the kitchen.

  "I like him," I whisper, feeling the hot, red patches of embarrassment crawl up my neck and spread across my cheeks at the admission. I hope my crush isn’t obvious to everyone; I really need to confide in Sierra and see if she has any words of wisdom on my growing feelings for Finn.

  "Oh, Dais." Evie throws an arm around my shoulder and tugs me into her side.

  "Yeah." Taylor nods in agreement. "What's not to like?"

  I snort. "You guys. It's awful. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I'm crushing on him so hard, and he looks at me like a little sister-slash-cousin. He treats me the same way as Sierra, which is great because he's nice, but awful because I—"

  "Want him to treat you differently,” Taylor surmises.

  "Yeah. And I’m so lame around him. Like a blushing preteen who can’t connect my thoughts or string two sentences together."

  Evie laughs, shaking her head again. “That’s so not like you. You’re always calling guys out on…well, everything. And joking around. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen you flustered by a man before.”

  “I know,” I groan, rubbing the space between my eyes.

  "Babe, it’s fine,” Taylor states matter-of-factly. “It means you just really like him, and that’s a good thing, right? To be really into someone? He’s gonna come around."

  I roll my eyes, refusing to meet hers. What if he never comes around and I spend a ridiculous amount of time pining for someone who thinks of me as a little sister?

  Oh God. What if he does come around and we’re working together? Won’t that complicate my position with his family’s company? Will I lose my job?

  Which scenario is worse?

  "I'm serious. He's into you, just better at hiding it," Taylor insists.

  "Am I that obvious?" I murmur, and she shakes her head.

  "No, but you're sweeter than he is, and we know you better. Don't worry; you're not giving him any signs. You just, clam up around him, drop your eyes, soften your tone. To any other guy, you give them hell."

  Evie and I laugh at the character assessment and I nod. "I guess so."

  "Are you nervous because you're going to be working together?" Evie asks.

  "Yeah. There's that, too. I don't know. The whole thing is pointless. We're going to be working together, he's Sierra's cousin, and I don’t think he looks at me like that. I just need to get this little crush out of my system and move on, focus on the big picture."

  "Like your new job in Scotland?" Evie supplies.

  "Exactly. Even though he’ll be there every day too."

  Taylor chuckles at my predicament as Evie squeezes my shoulder sympathetically. Dropping her arm from around my shoulder, she tightens her ponytail. "I hear you. It's an innocent crush. No harm in that."

  "Exactly. It's just fun for a few days. You don't need to act on it," Taylor throws out.

  "Right," I say, taking a cleansing breath, feeling steadier with their support, and not mentioning it’s really been more like a few weeks. Or years, if I want to be completely honest. "I'll be over this by the New Year."

  "That's the spirit," Taylor agrees, leading me over to the kitchen island where a few tumblers and various liquor bottles sit. "Speaking of spirits, I think you need a cocktail." She fixes me a drink and asks Evie a question about her physical therapy program at Baylor-Army. Evie chats about her classes and final exams before filling a glass of water so the three of us can cheers. Taking a sip of the cocktail Taylor created, I'm impressed when the smooth, rich drink goes down way too easy.

  "What is this?" I ask Taylor.

  She shrugs. "It's called Santa's Sleigh."

  Evie snorts and I laugh. "Where'd you learn to make this one?"

  Taylor's eyes glimmer. "Pinterest."

  "Oh God. I don't even want to know what we're in store for over the next few days," Evie jokes.

  Taylor waggles her eyebrows, her blue eyes sparkling. "A little liquid courage never hurt no one," she tells me sweetly, but I don't trust the gleam in her eyes.

  I don't trust it for a minute.

  Chapter 3

  Finn's presence throws me off balance. And I don't like it—at all.

  The way he naturally blends into my family, the group dynamics only enhanced by his witty conversation and friendly grin, unnerves me. The way his head pops out of the refrigerator when I wal
k into the kitchen causes my spirit to soar at his familiarity in my surroundings and then drop because I know it won't last. It can't. Finn is only here for a handful of days, and I'm moving to Scotland.

  But I still indulge myself with teeny tiny little fantasies about me and Finn as a couple. As a couple who moves around the space of this house with ease and laughter.

  Please throat punch me.

  "Morning, Dais," he greets me warmly, placing his mug of coffee down on the kitchen island. He's still clad in his pajamas, soft pants hanging deliciously low on his hips and a simple blue, V-neck T-shirt. "How'd you sleep?" His voice is clear, as if he's been awake for hours. One look at his freshly-shaved face and bright eyes indicates he has been.

  "Pretty good," I rasp, my eyes still crossed from only waking up moments before. I lift my hand to my head and wince as my fingernails snag on the birds-nest careening on the side of my head. I should have at least fixed my hair before barging into the kitchen, but everyone knows I can't function before coffee. It's not my fault. Who really springs out of bed and seizes the day when they could languidly roll out and drink a gallon of caffeine?



  Finn turns and rummages through the cupboard until he finds a mug shaped like a snowman. Grinning at me, he fills it with coffee and sets it in front of me, nudging the cream forward, as I slide onto the barstool at the island.

  "Thanks." I pour a generous amount of cream into my coffee and blow on it, hoping it mixes well enough I won’t have to get up and grab a spoon. Lazy schmazy. After taking a few gulps, I feel the fog in my head begin to clear. I blame it on Taylor's Santa's Sleigh cocktails, glancing up to find Finn watching me intently. "What are your plans today?"

  He shrugs. "I don't really have any. I'm going to grab lunch with Sisi and Denver."

  "That's cool."


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