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My Steadfast Love (Highland Loves Book 2)

Page 14

by Melissa Limoges

  Of course, busying herself plucking blossoms in the solitude of the forest hardly helped clear her head. Her traitorous mind strayed to Liam most of the morn. Even now, her lips tingled with the memory of his kiss. Saints, ’twas ridiculous.

  Nora snorted. She was ridiculous.

  Annoyed with her foolish thoughts, she hastened over the field until her slippered foot struck a rock, causing her to fumble. The top two baskets teetered precariously atop the one grasped in her arms. Struggling to balance the load, she weaved to and fro to steady the cumbersome burden. Just when she was certain the baskets would topple over, the top two were lifted away, permitting her an unimpeded view of Laird MacGregor’s wife, Arabella, and his sister, Mairi.

  Nora’s jaw slackened at the sight of Liam’s kin. She cursed her rotten luck. Saints, she truly should’ve remained abed much longer that morn.

  “Good day, Nora. Arabella and I were on our way to lend a hand with the feast. Seems we happened along at just the right moment.” Mairi beamed a bright smile, enhancing the light hue of her blue gaze.

  Nora narrowed her eyes a slight fraction. Intuition told her the pair wished for more than to merely lend a helping hand. Surely, Liam had not spoken of their kiss to his family. Had he?

  For a few scant moments, she peered between the two women, taken in by their brilliant smiles and matching beauties, before she recalled her manners.

  “Thank you for the aid, my ladies. No doubt, the villagers shall be happy to set the pair of you to work.”

  As sunlight glimmered off her red-gold locks, Arabella proffered a kind smile. “Please, call us by our given names.”

  “Aye,” Mairi agreed. “I’ve a feeling the three of us shall become fast friends in no time.”

  Nora lifted her brows at the comment, unsure if Liam’s cousin truly meant the words or if the woman sought to flatter her.

  “’Tis such a fine day.” Tipping her face toward the sun, Mairi balanced the basket on one hip. “Please, lead the way, Nora.”

  With a healthy measure of apprehension, Nora strolled alongside the pair, each of them carrying a basket full of blossoms. The closer they drew to the village green, the more her stomach twisted with unease, as if an emblazoned mark across her forehead announced the truth of what she’d done with Liam the prior eve.

  Needing to fill the silence, she cast a quick glance between the two women. “’Tis kind of you both to help.”

  “I, for one, am glad to be out of the keep for a change.” Arabella lifted of her chin and inhaled a deep breath of fresh, spring air.

  Mairi snorted. “At least, until your bossy husband ushers you back inside.”

  Arabella rolled her eyes in exasperation. “He’d better not if he knows what’s good for him.”

  Nora ducked her head to stifle a grin. ’Twas far too easy to imagine Laird MacGregor overprotective of his wife.

  “You made it!” Sarah waved from where she sat at one of the trestle tables the men had moved to the meadow. Her friend’s gaze moved from the lidded baskets to the three of them. “Saints, you’ve been busy this morn, Nora. And I see you’ve brought along more help. ’Tis a pleasure to see you both again, my ladies.”

  “Lady Arabella and Lady Mairi sought a breath of fresh air.” She placed her wicker carrier on the tabletop and unlatched the lid to vibrant splashes of color.

  “Good to see you again, too, Sarah.” Mairi set her basket beside Nora’s.

  Sarah ran her fingers over the delicate flowers. “These are perfect, Nora. They shall look stunning draped around the tables.”

  Doris, the village baker, waddled over to peruse the contents. The stout elder plucked a blue blossom from the basket and a soft smile eased the ancient creases in her aged face.

  “I cannot believe you found bluebells this early, lass.” She lifted the flower to her nose to sniff and her eyes slid closed for a brief moment. “Bless his soul, my dear Neil used to bring these home each evening in spring after he worked in the pastures.”

  Heartened by the older woman’s sweet memory of her late husband, Nora gathered a bunch of bluebells and swiped a length of twine from the table. Wrapping the flowers in a tidy bundle, she presented the small bouquet to the baker with a smile. “Take a bundle with you, Doris, to brighten your day.”

  “Ah, Nora.” Doris accepted the flowers as if Nora had given her a coffer full of shining jewels. “You’re a sweet lass. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.” With a soft squeeze of Nora’s arm, the older woman toddled along. “’Tis time I’m off. My tarts are not going to bake themselves. I’ll send some along with Will for you later, Nora dear.”

  Doris would get no complaints from Nora. The baker’s honeyed berry tarts were a favorite among the clan. Along with her oatmeal cakes. No wonder the village anticipated the harvest feasts each season. Between the variety of roasted meats, pottages and stews, breads and sweet desserts, everyone would dine well.

  Arabella lifted the lid of her basket to peek inside. “That was sweet of you, Nora.”

  “I’m sure you and Mairi would’ve done the same.” She shrugged off the praise. “Besides, Doris has always been kind to me and Will.”

  The redhead plucked a yellow flower from inside the basket. “I’m sure she has, but my guess is you have a kind heart.”

  After Doris hobbled away for her bakehouse in the village, the four of them settled around one end of the trestle tables and sorted blossoms into stacks by hues. After they’d sorted the flowers, they cut lengths of twine needed for their tasks. While Mairi and Sarah strung together garlands of primrose, rowan and gorse, Arabella and Nora bundled small bouquets of heather, bluebells and bits of green foliage.

  Behind her, the village green hummed with activity, the good-natured chatter bringing a smile to her lips. Warm rays of mid-afternoon sun heated her scalp and back, chasing away the lingering chill in the air. Her fingers moved with a quick, practiced touch as she assembled bouquets. In truth, ’twas a task she enjoyed, working with vibrant colors and the delicate beauty of nature.

  The cool breeze ruffled the stray hairs of her braid and she cast a glance over her shoulder. Several villagers constructed massive fire pits in anticipation of the roasted game that would cook over the fires the day of the feast. Others arranged tables, benches and casks of ale and spiced wine, placing tankards and goblets out on tabletops.

  “How’s Laird Fraser?” Sarah’s query drew Nora’s attention.

  Snipping a bit of twine away from her garland, Mairi rolled her eyes. “As sour as ever and anxious to leave his chambers.”

  “I’m relieved at how much he’s improved,” Arabella added. “I’m sure he’s looking forward to getting out of doors and dining well at the feast. ’Tis truth, so am I. Especially after the baker spoke of honeyed tarts.”

  “Me, too. ’Tis one of my favorites,” Sarah agreed with a smile. “My John’s arranged a hunt with your husband and Liam on the morrow to gather game for the feast.”

  A laugh bubbled out of Arabella. “Aye, ’tis how we got out of the keep without too much of an argument. If my husband can do as he pleases, then so shall Mairi and I.”

  “’Tis not as if we’re truly alone.” Mairi snorted, nodding toward the sheep pastures a short distance away.

  Nora glanced at the pens, shielding her eyes from the sun, and squinted at the two MacGregor warriors leaning against the fencing with their arms crossed.

  Arabella turned to wave at the pair. “Hello, Sean. Gavin.”

  Their stances lax and uninterested, the men tipped their heads and grumbled acknowledgements which struck Nora as amusing.

  “Do not worry. They’re used to our teasing by now,” Mairi assured her.

  She grinned. “At least, Laird MacGregor cares enough to look after both of you.”

  “Oh, there’s no question of that. My husband’s a fierce protector. Now that I’m carrying, the man will scarcely let me lift a blasted scrap of linen. But, I understand his reasoning. He worries after what
happened to my uncle.”

  “’Tis truth, many of us do.” Slipping a rowan blossom onto the twine, Sarah frowned. “I could hardly believe my ears when John told me what happened. And then to blame poor Liam. ’Tis a good thing our Nora spoke to your husband, Lady Arabella.”

  Nora shot a quick glare at her friend, warning Sarah to bite her tongue, but the woman merely winked.

  Dropping the garland in her lap, Mairi offered her an appreciative smile. “We can never thank you enough for your help, Nora.”

  She squirmed awkwardly on the bench. The invisible brand she imagined seared into her forehead burned deeper, scalding into her mind. Unwilling for Liam’s kin to think the worst of her, she was compelled to speak the truth. “We did not…he slept on the floor,” she blurted. “Alone.”

  For several long moments, the three women gaped at her abrupt, spontaneous admission. Mortified, she swallowed hard while her cheeks burned hot. By the Saints, why had she opened her blasted mouth?

  Arabella placed her finished bouquet on the table and shifted to face Nora, but she refused to meet the redhead’s gaze. Absorbed in her task, she continued to twine together bundles of heather and bluebells as fast as her fingers would labor. Alas, the other woman would not be denied. Arabella grabbed hold of the flowers in Nora’s hands and snatched them from her grasp. With a deep sigh, she cast a sideways glance at the woman, meeting her emerald gaze.

  “You do not owe anyone an explanation,” Arabella said. “But please, put your mind at rest. Elena, Mairi and I are well aware you and Liam did not…well, you know…”

  She frowned. “You are?”

  “Of course, we know better,” Mairi spoke from the other side of the table.

  Nora narrowed her eyes at the other woman. “How?”

  Mairi plucked more flowers from the center of the table to add to her pile. “He’s different with you.”

  The heavy thump of Nora’s heart deepened to a pounding hammer. She should not care, nor should she ask, but… “Different? How so?”

  Tucking a lock of ebony hair behind her ear, Mairi paused before speaking. “’Tis hard to explain. I suppose because he’s shown a more serious side of himself in the last sennight than he has his entire life.” She shrugged. “After everything that happened with my aunt and Hammish, I’ve no doubt the revelation of his birth was a sobering truth. And mayhap, my thoughts are amiss, but I believe you are also part of the reason for this new side of him.”

  Arabella snorted. “The silly man scarcely takes anything to heart. He spends his time charming the lasses or jesting at the most inopportune moments. Though, I’m inclined to agree with Mairi. He is different with you.”

  “Saints, if you’d seen him in the hall after that horrid mess with Beatrice…” Sarah blew a low whistle.

  Nora’s head snapped around to peer at her friend. ’Twas the first she’d heard of his behavior in the hall. At the time, she simply wished to flee from the watchful eyes of the clan as fast as her legs would carry her. “Why? What happened?”

  Sarah set her length of garland aside and leaned closer, as if she divined some long, lost secret. “Once you left, he lost his temper with the clan. He swore if anyone spoke another ill word of you, he’d have them tossed from the hall on their backsides.”

  The woman flung her hand in the air and snapped her fingers in an amusing, exaggerated flourish. Arabella and Mairi tossed their heads back and laughed.

  “Not quite his words, but the meaning was the same,” Arabella managed to speak between giggles.

  “There, you see.” Mairi sat taller on the bench as if Sarah’s words had proven her point.

  Where Liam was concerned, Nora’s mind spun in utter disarray. Too many worries revolved around in her head. At times, she could read his intentions without a bit of difficulty. Others, she hardly understood the man or his motives. What did he truly want from her? A fleeting amusement? ’Twas hard to gauge when she stared into his magnificent blue eyes.

  Before she thought better of her loose tongue, she revealed a nagging concern. “I do not understand why he’d bother with me when he has his pick of women.”

  Barbs of jealousy gnawed at her, chipping away at her waning confidence. Despite the fact she’d never experienced such familiarity with a man in her life, Liam had shared plenty of kisses with other females. And far more than kisses when she truly delved into the matter. She cringed at the unsavory reminder.

  Crossing her arms, Mairi leaned her elbows on the table. “Nora, please listen to me. I’ll be the first to admit he’s no saint. He’s never been, but none of the women in his past have ever snared his heart, or even close.”

  When Nora’s mouth dropped open, horrified he’d left a slew of broken hearts in his wake, his cousin huffed an annoyed sigh.

  “Saints, let me finish before you go thinking the worst of him. He’s no villain, stealing the virtue from innocent maidens left and right. In truth, the women in his past were not looking to capture his heart. They simply wished for a quick tumble and probably a bit of coin. Naught more. What you must understand is there are women who are every bit as lecherous as some men. Does not a certain, foul-tempered maid spring to mind?” Mairi lifted a knowing brow.

  “Well, that’s hardly anything to recommend.” Nora wrinkled her nose.

  Sarah chuckled. “I doubt they’re seeking recommendation, Nora.”

  She could not fathom surrendering her virtue to any man without deeply caring for him. Of course, ’twas not her place to cast stones at those females or Liam, for that matter. Though, she still despised the thought of him with other women.

  “I’m sorry, Nora, but I cannot help but ask…” A mischievous grin curved Arabella’s lips. “Do you care for Liam? Even just the slightest bit?”

  Glancing heavenward, Nora groaned aloud, sending the three women into a fit of laughter. As soon as Liam’s kin appeared on the other side of her wicker baskets, she’d suspected the pair sought her out to satisfy their own curiosities. Mayhap, when she crossed paths with Liam next, she just might blacken his other eye after all.

  With three inquisitive gazes locked on her, she grumbled beneath her breath before spouting a partial truth. “He’s a decent fellow. Honest and kind. We are…friends of a sort.”

  ’Twas the limit of what she’d share with the women. Her and Liam’s kiss beneath the moonlight was private—a special intimacy between the two of them. Or at least, the moment was special to her. She worried if the tale was shared, somehow, she might diminish its importance. No doubt, ’twas an irrational notion but, for now, she wished to cling to the memory as long as possible.

  The women waited for her to say more, but she refused. “That’s all the lot of you are getting from me.”

  Grabbing a length of twine from the table, she began to bundle the next bouquet, effectively dismissing them altogether.

  “I understand why my husband likes you.” Arabella chuckled. “I think you’ll be good for our Liam.”

  “See, I was not mistaken.” Mairi flashed a toothsome grin. “I knew we’d become fast friends.”

  Nora shot the woman a dry look which prompted another round of giggles from the women. Stifling her own grin, she bowed her head and focused on twining flowers together.

  In truth, she liked Liam’s kin. Being around them, hearing their jests and seeing their close, affable kinship summoned memories of her own family. ’Twas not often she permitted her mind stray to her mother and father, or remember the clan she and Will left behind.

  A loud bang shook the trestle table, eliciting a jump from each of them. Nora darted a quick look at the opposite end and her shoulders slumped. With a bucket full of vegetables in front of her, Beatrice stared the length of the table, her gaze lingering on Nora. If possible, the woman’s glare would’ve slain her where she sat.

  “I see you’ve made friends,” the blonde sneered.

  Not in the mood to deal with the woman, Nora returned her attention to her bundle of flowers.
r />   “I pity you if you think befriending MacGregor’s family will keep you in his bed.”

  The tart remark snapped the frayed threads holding Nora’s restraint in check. By the Saints, she’d had enough of the foul woman to last a lifetime. At the end of her tether, she chucked the unfinished bouquet on the table, scattering the blossoms, and rose to her feet, slapping her palms flat on the grains of wood.

  “What’s your damned problem, Beatrice?”

  “My problem?” She scoffed. “’Tis you who shall have a problem when you figure out MacGregor is only using you to get what he wants.”

  Before Nora spat out a sound, Mairi was off the bench. “Hush your wretched mouth, you foul wench. Do not presume to think you know my cousin.”

  Beatrice stepped clear of the table, pressing her fists into her sides. “Oh, come now. We all know MacGregor lies with whoever’s willing to share his bed. When he tires of them, he moves on to the next. I should know.” She slanted a harsh glare at Nora. “Hardly took him long to jump from my bed to yours, did it?”

  Fury fired through Nora’s blood, incinerating her from the top of her head down to her toes. She’d not considered the possibility of the two of them together, and now that the blasted woman had thrown it in her face, she itched to scratch Beatrice’s eyes out.

  “Oh?” Mairi stepped out from in between the table and bench, crossing her arms over her chest. “Are you truly comfortable spreading that lie, Beatrice? Because I know for a fact your used-up charms failed to ensnare my cousin.”

  “Why you bitch!” Beatrice snarled as she charged straight for Mairi.

  Standing firm, Mairi dropped her arms, fisting her hands at her sides.

  Nora swallowed her surprise and stepped from the bench to aid Liam’s cousin. As soon as Arabella rose to join in, she pressed a firm, staying hand on the other woman’s shoulder, shoving her back down on the bench. She warned, “Do not even dare, or I vow I’ll tell your husband.”

  Sarah sprang to her feet and Nora shouted at her friend, “Get Liam and Laird MacGregor. Hurry, Sarah!”


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