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The Complete Works of William Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English (Translated)

Page 425

by William Shakespeare

  Through your bravery,

  for all the pleasure I have given you in the night–


  These are strange conjurings.

  These are strange demands.


  Nay then I’ll in too.


  By all our friendship, sir, by all our dangers,

  By all you love most—wars, and this sweet lady—

  Well, I'll join in too.

  For our friendship, sir, for all our dangers,

  by all you love most–war, and this sweet lady–


  By that you would have trembled to deny

  A blushing maid—

  For something that you would be afraid to deny

  a blushing girl–


  By your own eyes, by strength,

  In which you swore I went beyond all women,

  Almost all men, and yet I yielded, Theseus—

  For the sake of your own eyes, and my strength,

  which is always greater than that of any woman,

  and almost all men, and yet I surrendered to you, Theseus–


  To crown all this, by your most noble soul,

  Which cannot want due mercy, I beg first.

  On top of everything, for your most noble soul,

  which cannot be lacking in mercy, I beg you.


  Next hear my prayers.

  And hear my prayers next.


  Last let me entreat, sir.

  And let me beg you last of all, sir.


  For mercy.

  For mercy.





  Mercy on these princes.

  Have mercy on these princes.


  Ye make my faith reel. Say I felt

  Compassion to ’em both, how would you place it?

  You've put my mind in a whirl. What if I felt

  sorry for them both, what should I do then?


  Upon their lives; but with their banishments.

  Save their lives, just exile them.


  You are a right woman, sister, you have pity,

  But want the understanding where to use it.

  If you desire their lives, invent a way

  Safer than banishment. Can these two live,

  And have the agony of love about ’em,

  And not kill one another? Every day

  They’ld fight about you; hourly bring your honor

  In public question with their swords. Be wise then

  And here forget ’em; it concerns your credit

  And my oath equally. I have said they die;

  Better they fall by th’ law than one another.

  Bow not my honor.

  You are a good woman, sister, you have pity,

  but you don't know how you should apply it.

  If you want them to live, think of a way

  safer than exile. Can these two live,

  both suffering from the agony of love,

  and not kill each other? Every day

  they would fight over you; every hour they would

  duel for your honour in public. So be sensible

  and forget about them; it affects your reputation

  and my oath equally. I have said they will die;

  it's better for them to be executed by the law than each other.

  Don't make me be dishonourable.


  O my noble brother,

  That oath was rashly made, and in your anger,

  Your reason will not hold it. If such vows

  Stand for express will, all the world must perish.

  Beside, I have another oath ’gainst yours,

  Of more authority, I am sure more love,

  Not made in passion neither, but good heed.

  O my noble brother,

  you made that oath in the heat of the moment when you were angry,

  you won't keep to it when you think of it. If such oaths

  have to be maintained then the whole world would die.

  Besides, I have another oath to put against yours,

  which is more powerful, has more love in it,

  and was made rationally, not out of passion.


  What is it, sister?

  What is it, sister?


  Urge it home, brave lady.

  Drive it home, good lady.


  That you would nev’r deny me any thing

  Fit for my modest suit and your free granting.

  I tie you to your word now; if ye fall in’t,

  Think how you maim your honor

  (For now I am set a-begging, sir, I am deaf

  To all but your compassion), how their lives

  Might breed the ruin of my name; opinion,

  Shall any thing that loves me perish for me?

  That were a cruel wisdom. Do men proin

  The straight young boughs that blush with thousand blossoms,

  Because they may be rotten? O Duke Theseus,

  The goodly mothers that have groan’d for these,

  And all the longing maids that ever lov’d,

  If your vow stand, shall curse me and my beauty,

  And in their funeral songs for these two cousins

  Despise my cruelty, and cry woe worth me,

  Till I am nothing but the scorn of women.

  For heaven’s sake save their lives, and banish ’em.

  That you would never deny me anything

  within your power that was suitable for my modest position.

  I hold you to your word now; if you don't keep it,

  think what damage you do your honour

  (now I have started begging, Sir, I can't hear

  anything but your compassion), how their deaths

  would ruin my reputation; what would people think,

  if anyone who loved me should die for it?

  That would be a cruel judgement. Do men prune

  straight young branches that hold a thousand flowers,

  because they might be rotten? Oh Duke Theseus,

  if you stick to your word the good mothers

  who suffered to give these men birth,

  and all the longing girls that ever were in love,

  shall curse me and my beauty,

  and in their funeral songs for these two cousins

  they will hate my cruelty, and call for me to suffer,

  until I am hated by all women.

  For the sake of heaven save their lives, and banish them.


  On what conditions?

  On what conditions?


  Swear ’em never more

  To make me their contention, or to know me,

  To tread upon thy dukedom, and to be,

  Where ever they shall travel, ever strangers

  To one another.

  Make them swear they will never

  fight over me again, or try to find me,

  or walk in your lands, and that

  wherever they go they will never

  see each other again.


  I’ll be cut a-pieces

  Before I take this oath. Forget I love her?

  O all ye gods, despise me then. Thy banishment

  I not mislike, so we may fairly carry

  Our swords and cause along; else, never trifle,

  But take our lives, Duke. I must love, and will,

  And for that love must and dare kill this cousin,

  On any piece the earth has.

  I'll be cut to pieces

  before I swear this. Forget I love her?

  Then all the gods can despise me. I don't object

  to being exiled, if we can take our swor

  and continue our battle; otherwise, don't mess about,

  but take our lives, Duke. I must love, and I will,

  and for that love I must and there to kill this cousin,

  wherever he is on Earth.


  Will you, Arcite,

  Take these conditions?

  Will you agree to these

  conditions, Arcite?


  He’s a villain then.

  He's a villain if he does.


  These are men!

  These are truly men!


  No, never. Duke. ’Tis worse to me than begging

  To take my life so basely. Though I think

  I never shall enjoy her, yet I’ll preserve

  The honor of affection, and die for her,

  Make death a devil.

  No, never, Duke. I would rather be a beggar

  the man lives my life so dishonourably. Though I think

  I shall never have her, I'll still uphold

  the honour of my love, and die for her,

  if death were the devil himself.


  What may be done? For now I feel compassion.

  What can be done? For now I feel pity.


  Let it not fall again, sir.

  Hold on to that feeling, sir.


  Say, Emilia,

  If one of them were dead, as one must, are you

  Content to take th’ other to your husband?

  They cannot both enjoy you. They are princes

  As goodly as your own eyes, and as noble

  As ever fame yet spoke of. Look upon ’em

  And if you can love, end this difference.

  I give consent.—Are you content too, princes?

  Tell me, Emilia,

  if one of them was dead, as one of them must be, are you

  happy to take the other one as your husband?

  They cannot both enjoy you. They are princes

  as handsome as your own eyes, and as noble

  as any in legend. Look at them and if

  you can love one of them, stop this argument.

  I give consent.–Do you agree, princes?


  With all our souls.

  With all our souls.


  He that she refuses

  Must die then.

  Whoever she turns down

  must die then.


  Any death thou canst invent, Duke.

  Any death you name, Duke.


  If I fall from that mouth, I fall with favor,

  And lovers yet unborn shall bless my ashes.

  If I am condemned by that mouth, I will die lucky,

  and future generations of lovers will bless my ashes.


  If she refuse me, yet my grave will wed me,

  And soldiers sing my epitaph.

  If she turns me down, my grave will be like a wedding bed,

  and soldiers will sing my epitaph.


  Make choice then.

  Make your choice then.


  I cannot, sir, they are both too excellent:

  For me, a hair shall never fall of these men.

  I cannot, sir, they are both too wonderful:

  I don't want to see any harm come to either of them for my sake.


  What will become of ’em?

  What will become of them?


  Thus I ordain it,

  And by mine honor, once again it stands,

  Or both shall die: you shall both to your country,

  And each within this month, accompanied

  With three fair knights, appear again in this place,

  In which I’ll plant a pyramid; and whether,

  Before us that are here, can force his cousin

  By fair and knightly strength to touch the pillar,

  He shall enjoy her; the other lose his head,

  And all his friends; nor shall he grudge to fall,

  Nor think he dies with interest in this lady.

  Will this content ye?

  This is what I order,

  and by my honour, this must be obeyed

  or you both shall die: you shall both go to your country,

  and within a month each of you, accompanied

  by three good knights, will come back to this place,

  where I will place a pyramid; and whoever,

  in our presence, can force his cousin

  in a fair and chivalrous duel to touch the pillar,

  he will have first; the other will lose his head,

  and so will his companions; and he will not complain

  or think that he dies with any rights to this lady.

  Will this satisfy you?


  Yes. Here, cousin Arcite,

  I am friends again till that hour.

  Yes. Come here, cousin Arcite,

  I am your friend again until that time.


  I embrace ye.

  I embrace you.


  Are you content, sister?

  Are you satisfied, sister?


  Yes, I must, sir,

  Else both miscarry.

  Yes, I must be, sir,

  otherwise they both will die.


  Come shake hands again then,

  And take heed, as you are gentlemen, this quarrel

  Sleep till the hour prefix’d, and hold your course.

  Come and shake hands again then,

  and make sure, on your honour as gentlemen, that this quarrel

  is over until the time I said, keep your promise.


  We dare not fail thee, Theseus.

  We do not fail you, Theseus.


  Come, I’ll give ye

  Now usage like to princes and to friends.

  When ye return, who wins I’ll settle here;

  Who loses, yet I’ll weep upon his bier.


  Come, now I'll treat you

  as princes and friends should be treated.

  When you come back, I will give whoever wins a position here;

  whoever loses, I will weep at his funeral.

  Athens. A room in the prison.

  (Jailer, Two Friends, Wooer, Jailer’s Brother, Daughter)

  Enter Jailer and his Friend.


  Hear you no more? Was nothing said of me

  Concerning the escape of Palamon?

  Good sir, remember.

  Did you hear anything else? Wasn't anything said about me

  regarding Palamon's escape?

  Good sir, try to remember.


  Nothing that I heard,

  For I came home before the business

  Was fully ended. Yet I might perceive,

  Ere I departed, a great likelihood

  Of both their pardons; for Hippolyta,

  And fair-ey’d Emily, upon their knees

  Begg’d with such handsome pity, that the Duke

  Methought stood staggering whether he should follow

  His rash oath, or the sweet compassion

  Of those two ladies; and to second them,

  That truly noble prince Pirithous,

  Half his own heart, set in too, that I hope

  All shall be well. Neither heard I one question

  Of your name, or his scape.

  I heard nothing,

  though I came home before the business

  was wrapped up. But I noticed,

  before I left, it seemed very likely

  that they would both be pardoned; for Hippolyta

  and beautiful
Emily were begging for pity

  so beautifully upon their knees, that the Duke

  seemed to me to be wavering between keeping

  his hasty oath, or showing pity

  to those two ladies; and to back them up,

  that truly noble Prince Pirithous

  threw in his heartfelt opinions, so I hope

  all will be well. I didn't hear anyone mention

  you, or his escape.


  Pray heaven it hold so!

  May heaven keep it that way!

  Enter Second Friend.


  Be of good comfort, man; I bring you news,

  Good news.

  Cheer up, man; I bring you news,

  good news.


  They are welcome.

  That would be welcome.


  Palamon has clear’d you,

  And got your pardon, and discover’d how

  And by whose means he escap’d, which was your daughter’s,

  Whose pardon is procur’d too; and the prisoner—

  Not to be held ungrateful to her goodness—

  Has given a sum of money to her marriage,

  A large one, I’ll assure you.

  Palamon has exonerated you,

  and you have been pardoned, he has revealed how

  and with whose help he escaped; it was your daughter who helped him,

  she has been pardoned too; and the prisoner–

  not wanting to seem ungrateful for her help–

  has given her a sum of money for a dowry,


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