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Barefoot Blue Jean Night

Page 16

by Debbi Rawlins

  Their tongues met in a heated rush, and she clung to him, her fingers digging into the firm muscles of his shoulders. She could feel him, hard against her belly, taste his desire mixed with an odd desperation in his kiss. He skimmed his hands down her back, over the curve of her bottom, then cupped her cheeks, pulling her snugger still against his arousal.

  As good as it felt, she couldn’t wait. She forced a hand between their bodies and touched the silky swollen crown of his penis. He hissed in a breath, moved against her probing fingers.

  “Check the water,” he whispered, his voice a raspy flow of warm breath in her mouth.

  Refusing to relinquish her newfound treasure, she stuck her other hand under the spray. “It’s perfect.”

  He caught her by the waist, paused to look down at her firm grip of his erection. A ghost of a smile tugged at one side of his mouth. “Better let go or this is going to get tricky.”

  “Yeah.” She laughed giddily, and glanced down at the raised lip of the old-fashioned shower. Falling on her ass while climbing into the stall was not her idea of romantic.

  She let go and turned to gingerly step over the eight-inch rim, then gained her footing on the wet floor. He followed her inside, and she grinned at how big he looked in the small space, his broad shoulders spanning to a matter of inches between the walls. They’d have little room to maneuver.

  “What?” he asked, taking a nip at the side of her neck. “Anybody ever tell you not to look as if you’re gonna laugh when a man gets naked?”

  She reached for the soap. “With you in it, this shower looks like something from Barbie’s dream house.”

  “This place was built in the 1800s, the upstairs addition around 1920.” He took the soap from her and worked up a lather. “I can’t recall when this room was last updated. We should’ve gone to mine. I have a nice big bathroom.” His mouth curved in a sexy smile. “I could’ve done all manner of wicked things to you.”

  “Don’t think you’re off the hook….” She gasped when he slid his soapy hand between her thighs. “Okay,” she said weakly. “I see we’re on the same page.”

  He chuckled low in his throat, the husky sound sizzling over her skin like a light electrical charge. Everywhere he touched was ultra-sensitive—her legs, her arms, even her knees and elbows, for heaven’s sake. And her breasts…oh, God, when he circled his slick palms around her nipples, she had to steady herself by shoving at the white tile wall on either side of her.

  “Shampoo?” he asked, and then slid his tongue inside her mouth when she started to answer.

  After a thorough sweep of her inner cheeks, her tongue, the roof of her mouth, he eased back, sucking in her lower lip between his as he retreated.

  The shampoo was on the sink, which she thought she could reach from the shower if he gave her a single second. Not that she wanted him to stop. But then there was still the bed, queen-size, with lots of room to get creative.

  “Shampoo,” she muttered, and firmly twisted away from him, then swatted blindly at the daisy shower curtain.

  It was a farther reach to the sink than she expected. She had to step one foot onto the bathmat and really stretch. She felt his teeth on her ass, and jerked, startled. “Not one to waste an advantage, are you?” she said with a shaky laugh, and snagged the bottle.

  He licked his way up her spine and planted a kiss on her shoulder. “Nope,” he said, then helped her squeeze back in to face him, the warm spray at her back feeling wonderful.

  She wasn’t sure what type of lover she’d imagined Cole to be. Although she hadn’t given the matter much consideration, on some level she’d assumed he’d be laid-back, perhaps even more traditional in his approach. That was probably because he’d given her a hard time in the beginning, or maybe it was because his image as an upstanding, responsible member of the community seemed important to him. Whatever…this playful sexiness suited her just fine.

  “Tilt your head back,” he told her, squeezing shampoo into his scarred palm.

  “You’re going to wash my hair?” She’d never had a man do that before.

  “That’s the plan.”

  “It’s already wet.”

  “I don’t care about the spray. I don’t want the sudsy water to get in your eyes.” He caught her earlobe between his teeth and then nuzzled the side of her neck.

  That was enough for her head to loll back and her eyes to drift closed. By the time his fingers began massaging her scalp, she was complete mush. How she managed to stay on her feet was astonishing—she ran her palms down his chest, smiling when she hit the mother lode. He was still rock-hard, and she wished she could see him. But feeling blindly was good, too.

  Cole groaned, his hands stilling. “Jesus.”

  “What?” she asked, all innocence, and used the back of her wrist to wipe her closed eyes.

  “Keep your head back.” He closed his fist over her other probing hand. “And no touching.”


  “Because I’m gonna come, that’s why,” he growled, his voice low and gravelly.

  “Oh. Got a hair trigger, have you?” Chuckling, she opened her eyes and blinked. Shampoo streamed in between her lids. She abruptly released him, squeezed her eyes shut again and used the heels of both hands to try to staunch the stinging. “Dammit.”

  He chuckled. “That’s called frontier justice.”

  “Ha. Ha.” She blindly felt for the towel hanging on the rack beyond the shower curtain. Suddenly it was in her hands, she was pretty sure with his help. “Dangerous talk for a guy who thinks he’s going to get lucky tonight.”

  “I have insurance.” He touched her breast, then toyed with her nipple before taking it into his mouth.

  His ministration seemed to cure the stinging. She tossed the towel toward the sink and then threaded her fingers through his hair. He’d crouched in front of her, and rolled his tongue over her breast, around her aroused nipple, occasionally using his teeth and then soothing her again with the flat of his tongue. The wet she felt between her legs had nothing to do with the water raining down on them.

  He couldn’t be comfortable…they had to get out and dry off. Then again they hadn’t finished, and if she were a nicer person she’d be shampooing his hair instead of nearly pulling it out at the roots. Except she wasn’t breathing well or all that steady on her feet. He had a keen way of reducing her to a mindless, boneless lump.

  Jamie used everything she had to pull herself together. She found the discarded shampoo bottle on the soap ledge, squirted the vanilla-scented cream into his hair. He ignored her. If you didn’t include him dragging his mouth, all teeth and tongue and sharp sucks, down to her belly.

  Quickly she worked up a lather, not easy when she had to fight the spraying water. She did a half-assed job, hoping she at least got rid of the smoke smell, and rinsed out the suds just as his mouth landed at the juncture of her thighs.

  “No, up.” She shoved at his shoulders.

  He froze, his body tensing.

  For a second, she didn’t understand. And then she did. “No, no, it’s not that I don’t want you to do that. You look too uncomfortable scrunched up like that.”

  He leaned back, holding her hips, and gave her a crooked smile. Then he grimaced, squinting, when water dripped into his eyes.

  “Poor baby.” She tried not to laugh but he looked on the young side of twelve. “I know it stings,” she said, fighting with the curtain then finding the towel she’d discarded. “We seriously have to get out of here before you end up a pretzel.”

  She turned off the water and gave him the towel. While he dried his face, she helped him up, impressed that he could still be so hard through all of that.

  “Wait a minute,” he said, blinking down at himself. “I didn’t get all the soap off.”

  “I’ll turn the water back on, but I’m getting out first.”

  “No.” He reached for her arm but it was too slick.

  “Yes,” she said, laughing, slipping out of the stall.
“Or we’ll never get dry.”

  She pulled the curtain shut. Instead of drying off, she wiped the steam from the mirror over the sink. Just what she thought. Raccoon eyes. Really bad ones. Shit. She plucked tissues from the box behind the toilet seat and dabbed furiously.

  The shower came to life briefly, then off. Cole ducked his head out. The vinyl curtain covered enough of him that he looked as if he were wearing a yellow daisy-print muumuu.

  Jamie laughed, then covered her mouth when she heard a noise. A floorboard creaked. She recognized it as coming from outside her bedroom door. Someone was out in the hall, either headed for his room or looking for them. Eyes wide, she silently pointed.

  “So what?” Cole leaned over and lightly pinched her bottom. “Get me a towel.”

  “Shh. Your highness.” She threw him the spare.

  “It’s probably Jesse. He’s the only one with a room past ours.” Cole blotted his face dry, and said, “What are you gonna do, tell my mother I didn’t say, ‘please pass the towel’?”

  “Maybe. I know she raised you with better manners.” She turned back to the mirror to finish repairing her face.

  He came up behind her, pressing his erection against the cleft of her ass. “A gentleman…is that what you want, Jamie?”

  “Screw you.” Impossible to hide her smile as she turned to slide her arms around his neck.

  He kissed her, slowly, gently, sending waves of pleasure through her body, yet making her impatient at the same time. She started to kiss him back in earnest, when he suddenly lifted his head. “Oh, hell.”

  “Um, not the reaction I’d hoped for.”

  “Condoms.” He sighed. “They’re in my room.”

  “Relax. I have a couple in my bag.”

  Surprise flickered in his eyes, and he gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head that somehow made her feel defensive for being a sensible, prepared woman. But then his sexy smile chased it away. “May not be enough.”

  “I am so telling your mother,” she murmured against his curved mouth.

  “Dare you.”

  Jamie laughed. “I wouldn’t want to embarrass her.”

  “She has three boys.”

  “Ah, point taken. I’ll still spare her.”

  “Right.” He used his towel to dry her back, her butt and the backs of her thighs, then tried to sneak in a detour that had her squirming and giggling.

  “I hope this room is soundproof,” she said, pushing away his hand and trying to stifle her silly girlish laughter.

  “I reckon only Jesse can hear.”

  “Oh, God.”

  “I’m kidding.” He finished drying himself off, his eyes tracking her as she did the same and then combed back her hair. “I need a trim,” he said, slicking back his own dark locks. He caught his reflection in the mirror. Frowning, he rubbed his stubbly jaw. “I should’ve shaved first.”

  “I don’t care.”

  His gaze fell to her throat, then moved to her breasts. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I’m tougher than I look.”

  “Think so?” He lightly bit her shoulder.

  “Oh, honey, you better believe it.”

  The strangest expression flitted across his face. It almost looked like doubt. Why, because thunder rattled her? One small blip in her otherwise self-contained life. Jeez.

  “Get the condoms. Please,” he added, with an amused lift of his brow. Then touched her nipple, gently tugging at it. “I don’t want to be interrupted again.”

  “Only because you said please.” She could barely utter the few words without sounding as if she’d run a marathon.

  She hurried to her bag, which she’d stuffed on the floor at the back of the closet, silently praying that she hadn’t lied. Normally she kept a couple of condoms with her when she traveled, but with the excitement over Linda’s wedding, it was possible Jamie had forgotten to pack them.

  The notion stopped her. She’d barely thought about the gang. A week ago she’d been in a funk wondering what she’d do for the Labor Day long weekend, or whether she’d bother going alone to her neighbor’s annual Halloween party. Good God, she hadn’t even checked her messages in the past two days.

  Or been online. This had to be a record.

  Well, she sure as hell wouldn’t check in now, or, she hoped, for the rest of the night.

  “Something wrong?”

  At the sound of Cole’s voice, she turned and saw him standing outside the bathroom door, his lean nude body a sheer work of art. Just the right amount of sinew and crisp curling hair, and she wanted him, desperately, under her, on top of her, inside her.

  She snapped out of her trance. “Wrong?” she repeated.

  His face was dark, uncertain. “You look as if you’re having second thoughts.”

  “What?” She realized she’d been just standing there, her hand on the closet knob. “No. The opposite. I was thinking that my friends must think I’ve dropped off the face of the earth.”

  “That’s a good thing?” He moved to the bed and pulled down the quilt.

  “You don’t understand. I’m never without my phone.” She dragged her bag out. “Or away from my website. I haven’t given either one a thought.”

  “But you are now?”

  “No. I… Don’t try and figure out this convoluted brain of mine. It’ll give you a headache.” She found the small pink case and the two condoms inside.

  He was right there, pulling her to her feet, running his hands over her body. “I can’t believe how much I want you,” he murmured into her hair, and then picked her up.

  She squealed like a little girl. “If you end up throwing out your back, I’m going to be so pissed.”

  He laid her on the bed. “I’m touched by your concern.”

  “Come here.” She didn’t have to tell him.

  Cole followed her down, half his body covering hers as he kissed her chin, then her lips and kneaded her breast. He smelled of rain, warm flesh and her vanilla shampoo. She forgot how to breathe when he deepened the kiss, his tongue mating with hers, his erection lying hot and heavy across her belly.


  COLE WOULDN’T BE ABLE to hold out for long. Twice in the shower he’d been so close to coming it shocked him. Hell, he’d been seventeen the last time he had to recite multiplication tables in his head to keep from making a jackass out of himself. Good to know he still remembered his lessons, he thought wryly.

  He slid his hand between her thighs, and prodded her eager legs apart. Skin soft and smooth like silk everywhere he touched. But feeling her wasn’t enough. He wanted to look at her, all of her, taste her, but that would put him in the danger zone again.

  “We don’t have to wait,” she whispered, as though reading his mind. “We do have two condoms.”

  Groaning, he lowered his mouth to her breast, suckled her nipple until she groaned with him. Moving his hand higher inside her thigh, his fingers brushed the damp curls that threatened his restraint. She shifted impatiently. That’s all the urging he needed to find her clit, find the slick heat that let him easily slide his finger inside her.

  He went deep, and she gasped, clenching her muscles around him. His cock jumped. Dammit, he had to sheath himself. Now. “Where did you—”

  She reached behind her and felt around the bedside table, quickly locating the silver packet and tearing it open. They both had to shift positions, and it killed him to have to pull his finger out of her but she was suddenly in charge. He’d put out his hand for the condom, but she ignored him.

  Instead, she shimmied down his body until she was mouth-level with his cock. “Jamie, no.” Not that he didn’t want that, but he’d come in seconds.

  She just smiled and briefly kissed the engorged crown, then leaned back and rolled on the condom. Moisture from his cock glistened on her lower lip, and he was back to multiplying. Except, damned if he knew what two-times-eight equaled. Or what his name was.

  “Now, where were we?” She crawled back up to
him, skimming his belly with her breasts, taunting him with those sweet hard nipples.

  “Sit on top of me.” He gripped her hips, gently urging her to straddle him, not afraid to beg if he had to. “I want to look at you.”

  Obliging him, she swung a leg over his thighs, and God help him but he couldn’t stop staring, even though the glimpse she’d allowed him was all too swift. With her pubic hair shaved and trimmed all nice and tidy, the view had been enough to stop a man’s heart.

  Her lean compact body was such a nice fit for him that all he had to do was raise his arms and close his hands over her high firm breasts. Jamie made that soft sighing sound, laced with enough of a whimper that it pushed him further to the edge, and he hadn’t even entered her yet.

  She lifted herself over his cock, toyed with him for a few moments, and then slid down on him in agonizing slowness. She moved a little, small settling movements as if adjusting to the invasion of her body, and driving him so friggin’ nuts he clenched his jaw and slammed his head back against the pillow.

  When she leaned over to kiss him, she forced his cock to an angle that nearly finished him.

  “This is going to be fast,” he warned.

  “As long as you don’t fall asleep on me right after.” She sucked his lower lip into her mouth, fisted his hair and rocked back and forth, her aroused pink nipples creating an unbearable friction on his chest.

  “Christ, Jamie.”


  His low guttural moan seemed to shake the room. He curled up slightly, slipped a hand behind her nape, holding her still and kissing her hard until they were both panting. She moved back into a sitting position, taking him with her, clenching her muscles around his cock so tightly, his last shred of control snapped.

  * * *

  JAMIE WATCHED COLE’S EYES close and his strong, sweat-slick body begin to tremble. When his groan grew so loud someone was bound to hear, she clamped a hand over his mouth, then replaced it with her own mouth.


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