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Unbeatable Love

Page 19

by KaLyn Cooper

  Oh, shit.

  The girl stopped and stared at Tori, obviously recognizing her. When one of the boys threw his arm around her shoulder, she winced.

  We are so fucked!

  “Princess, up here beside me. Please,” Ademir added in a snide, condescending tone.

  One of the boys grabbed her jaw and Tori saw terror flash through the girl’s eyes as he lifted it, bringing his face down to hers. His kiss was brief, but she didn’t respond. “A prelude for tonight.” He pushed her toward the next boy who kissed her and spun her toward the last who fisted her hair and pulled her head back before he too kissed her. He pushed her toward Ademir.

  The girl looked stunned and terrified as she tripped the few steps toward the leader. He threw an arm over her small shoulders, his hand dangling over her chest. He squeezed her breast. Wincing, she made a sour face as though she was trying to hold in her emotions.

  “So, Victoria, you’ve met my cousin Cesar’s daughter, Christela?” His grin was arrogant as though he were saying gotcha.

  Tori held the girl’s gaze. “Yes. We met the night of the heist.” She giggled. “The heist that wasn’t a heist.”

  Ademir looked down at Christela for confirmation. Determination filled the girl’s face. “Yes, Victoria was there that night.”

  “Good girl.” Ademir bent to kiss the young girl, but she turned her head and gave him her cheek.

  This time Christela didn’t hide her contempt. She broke from his embrace and ran to Tori. “Sister, it’s so good to see you!” she said loudly in English. Throwing her arms around Tori’s neck, she whispered in her ear, “Please help me. Play along.”

  With a big smile, Christela announced, “I will take over Victoria’s introduction to the compound.”

  Through clenched teeth, barely moving her lips Tori added in a low tone so only Christela could hear, “And Marcus.”

  “And Marcus, of course,” the young girl quickly added.

  Ademir snapped his fingers and flicked his hand toward Marcus. In English he commanded, “No. The boys will take care of Marcus. You may show Victoria around and prepare her for tonight’s festivities.”

  “Victoria, you are in great luck.” He had changed the language back to Spanish with the El Salvadorian dialect. “We will be inducting recruits tonight and I’ve chosen you as my first fuck of the night.”

  The boy who had been standing beside Ademir strode up to Christela and dragged her to him. Grinning down at her, he declared, “I get you first.” At the grumbling from the other three boys standing behind Ademir, he raised his head. “Father promised I could pop that sweet little cherry.”

  Ademir laughed. “We do things differently down here. Our little princess is also getting initiated tonight. Granpapa Osmin can’t protect you down here, little princess. Besides, your father sent you to me and he knows that I don’t believe in Viper by birth.”

  He gestured to the boys. “Each of my sons endured the standard initiation.” His smile was pure evil as he looked at Christela. “You’ll like the way we initiate you young girls. Consider it training for being a Viper bitch.”

  Christela looked horrified as she scanned the room filled mostly with men.

  “Don’t worry, my little princess. I wouldn’t share you with everyone. You’re family.” He smiled at his sons. “You are going to learn the meaning of kissing cousins, though.”

  One of the boys bolted forward and grabbed her hand, rubbing it up and down his erection. “I can’t wait to show you how I like to initiate recruits.”

  Christela yanked her hand away and stumbled back. Tori grabbed her shoulders, turning her slowly until they faced each other. “It sounds like we’ve got a busy night so how about that tour?”

  The young woman gave her a thankful smile. “Let’s start outside as I show you around the compound.” Looking back over her shoulder at Ademir, she promised, “I’ll make sure Victoria is ready for tonight.”

  As soon as the two women were out the door, Christela took Tori’s hand and headed for the front gate. “You still have your car keys?”

  Since Tori hadn’t driven, no, she didn’t have the keys, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t start the car.

  Messages started filling Tori’s communication system. Delta Two wanted to know if she needed extraction. USSOCOM demanded to know who the girl was. Tori tried desperately to block out everything except Marcus.

  Tori decided right then and there that this had to end tonight. As soon as possible. “Did I hear your name is Christela?”

  “Victoria.” The young girl tried to look everywhere at once. “We’ve got to get out of here right now.” Panic laced every word. “I…I…There’s no way in hell I’m going to let those snakes touch me. Especially my cousins.” Her whole body shuddered. “We may only be related through a common great-grandfather, but there’s no fucking way I’m going to let them gang rape me.”

  Tori took her by the shoulders. “Look at me. You know what I really am. I ordered your tongue cut out back in Georgia.”

  “But they didn’t do that. I know you were the one that made them stop. That dude in all black just make me scream. You saved me then. Please, save me from these animals.” Her head jerked from side to side as her eyes scanned the dimly lit compound. “We have to get out of here, now.”

  “Lady Falcon, this is Lady Hawk.” Tori’s immediate attention went to the voice of her team leader in her ear. “Did I understand that right? The girl with you is the one from the heist last week?”

  “Lady Hawk, you have the correct identification.”

  “SOCOM, this is Lady Hawk. We’re helping the girl escape.”

  “Lady Falcon, number one priority is to count the warheads. Make that happen. Now,” General Lyon ordered.

  “Christela, the warheads that you were supposed to steal last week. Where are they?” Tori demanded.

  “We have to leave, now.” Tears streamed down the pretty young face. “If Ademir finds us anywhere near there, he’ll kill us. He shot the men who drove the trucks. He…he was being all nice and friendly to them and…” Sniff. “Then he reached as though he was going to get his wallet to pay them and…” She shuddered. “Instead he grabbed his gun, and…” She bawled. “He…he shot them. I never saw anybody get shot before.”

  “Christela, I need you to get a grip. I promise you we will leave tonight.” One way or another, Tori was going to be sure that this brave young lady was on her way back to the United States. “But first, I need to see the warheads.”

  “Then we can leave?” She begged.

  “Yes, I promise I’ll get you away safely.” With Delta at her back, she was sure they could keep her safe. She wished that her team of Black Swans was close but the last she had heard they were still on standby. Christela would probably be more comfortable if surrounded by women. The deltas were used to raid and rescue missions and they would take care of the young woman.

  Taking a few deep breaths, Christela seemed to fortify herself. She looped her hand through Tori’s arm and began a running tour as they strolled toward the barracks, and eventually the bunker.

  Thinking quick, Tori started talking in a low voice, rolling her hand to signal Christela to continue. “Delta Two. This is Lady Falcon. I need backup at the munitions dump and an extraction plan for my young guest.”

  “Lady Falcon this is Delta Two. We’re not going to let those fuckers touch her.” The promise in his voice could not be missed.

  When they reached the front of the bunker, two of the guards stood chatting and smoking.

  “I’ve got this,” Christela quietly assured. She strode up to the men in the same way a real princess would approach one of her guards. “You know who I am. I have been sent to prove to Victoria that we have the power to unite El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras into a force to be reckoned with worldwide. Salvador libre.” When she punched her fist into the air, the men raised their guns above their heads. Tori did too, admiring the composure of the young woman. “
You know I am to be protected at all times, so please guard the door while we’re inside.”

  Upon entering, Christela flicked on the lights. The long semi-circle extended back into the mountain at least a quarter mile. Tori stared in amazement at the amount of weaponry stacked nearly to the ceiling and filling the fifty-yard wide space. Certainly enough to start another civil war in Central America.

  Knowing their time was limited, she pressed. “Where did they put the warheads?”

  “Nearly at the other end. Follow me.” Christela seemed more confident.

  Tori immediately started reporting as they walked down the long center aisle. Each stack had one box open as though for display. Twelve pallets of rocket launchers stacked five high, machine gun ammunition, twenty pallets…” Her list continued until they came to the warheads.

  She double-counted before she reported the number. “Are they all here?” Holding her breath, she waited for the general’s response.

  “All are accounted for,” SOCOM operations center confirmed. “Delta Two this is Operations. Move in and secure the bunker. Once inside, take possession of the package. Lady Falcon hold onto the package until the area is secure.”

  Tori thought that was the end of the instructions, but to her delight, they kept coming. “Black Swan Team Two, secure the north side. Black Swan Team One, secure the east side. Guardian, secure the south side. Silent. No prisoners. I repeat, no prisoners at this stage.”

  “Boys, I think we need to start the initiation a little bit early, like right now.” Ademir’s voice was clear through Marcus’s comm unit.

  Cheers echoed throughout the room. “Yeah.” “Fucking right.” “Let’s do this.”

  “Operations, this is Delta Two, West side is secure. Lady Falcon, we are entering the bunker. Do not shoot.”

  Ademir must’ve been standing close. “So, Marcus, how many times have you fucked Victoria?”

  Marcus chuckled. “Today?”

  Tori was thrilled that her man was holding his own against those thugs.

  “Lady Falcon this is operations. Delta Two is entering the bunker in three, two, one. Do not shoot. I repeat, do not shoot.”

  Ademir burst out laughing. “Oh, well, let’s just say during the past week while you were on the run.”

  “None of your fucking business.” Marcus shot back.

  Delta Two entered using standard tactics for taking the building. They divided into three teams. Knees bent, rifles at their shoulders, on silent feet they searched every nook and cranny of the long tubular building. When they came to the warheads, the one who had reported to SOCOM using her sat phone and tablet, stopped and signaled for his men to complete the search. “Lady Falcon, my men will continue to secure the building. Is this the package?” He nodded toward Christela.

  “Yes.” She turned toward the young woman. “Christela, these men will take you to safety. We will get you back to the United States just as soon as possible.”

  “You have a smart mouth for a recruit,” Ademir chastised. “You need to show respect for senior members.” The distinct sound of flesh meeting in the form of a punch sliced through all conversations in Tori’s earpiece. Marcus let out an oomph.

  Oh, no. They are beating Marcus. After everything he’s been through, he should never have to experience another beating. Tori saw red. She had to rescue Marcus. She was supposed to be protecting him, and he may be the only one who knew how to disarm the warheads if it came to that.

  “Now, recruit, don’t you dare lie to me. How many times have you fucked Victoria?” Ademir insisted.

  A low grunt indicated that someone had hit Marcus again.

  Tori looked at the man she knew only as Delta Two. “You got this.” It wasn’t a question, it was command. On her first step, she realized they had taken her weapons when she entered the camp.

  She bolted toward the front door, running as fast as she could. When she ran by a pallet of machine gun ammunition, all she could do was smile at the terrorists’ arrogance. Two loaded machine guns sat on top with magazines already filled. She paused for only a minute to grab one and check the bolt. Although both were stiff, one seemed smoother than the other, but she took them both. Every warrior knew that you always had a backup.

  One of the Deltas approached from the side and kept stride with her. “Lady Falcon, you might need these.” At the door, he handed her a tactical knife and a forty-five caliber Colt. “Good luck.”

  A brief thanks was all the time she would allot him. The grunts and groans that had filled her ear kept her moving.

  “Marcus, I’m coming. Hang in there.” She hoped he could hear her. When she stepped out onto the dirt road, her gaze swept the area looking for bad guys, Deltas, and teammates.

  Ademir laughed at something Marcus obviously said. “What makes you think you’ll live through the night? I’m going to personally punch you once for every time your puny little cock has been inside Victoria. She’s mine now.”

  “Oh, fuck, no.” Tori whispered as her long legs ate up the ground. She had tuned out all the other background noise coming across her communication unit. All she heard were smacks, grunts, and moans coming from Marcus. They were killing him.

  He couldn’t die. A world without Marcus Hernandez was inconceivable. He owned her heart, and without it, without him, life wouldn’t be worth living. She would kill every son of a bitch who had hurt Marcus, ever. That included the cartel men who had kidnapped him.

  “Lady Falcon, this is Lady Hawk.” Her name in her team leader’s voice brought Tori to an abrupt halt and she slid into the deepest shadow she could find. Cheers erupted in the dining hall, followed milliseconds in her ear. That’s where Ademir was beating the shit out of Marcus.

  “Lady Falcon, hold while we get into position.” In between the next two rapid heartbeats, Lady Hawk was standing beside her, Alex at her side.

  “Mar—” she wasn’t able to get out the word before she was interrupted by her team leader.

  “I’m walking straight in that front door and getting their attention.” Katlin was in command mode.

  Kayla, Black Swan Team Two leader, stepped up, forming a square. “On my signal, everyone move in. One person from each team search the premises for stragglers. Stay in touch. You heard the general, he doesn’t give a shit about prisoners.”

  “Ademir is mine.” Tori stared at Katlin who held her gaze unflinchingly. Her friend, her team leader, gave her a single nod.

  Chapter 19

  Marcus could taste the blood in his mouth. Ademir had gotten in a couple good shots, but he was nowhere near as effective as the bruisers the cartel had sent to kidnap him. His ribs were even stronger than ever since healing, but the group leader had managed to get in a good kidney punch. He’d be pissing blood for a week.

  Ademir grinned before he punched him in the jaw, once again. “Well, Marcus, I’m glad to see you taking this like a man. Maybe you are good enough to be one of us.”

  The next shot was to the abdomen, just below the rib cage. He hadn’t tightened his muscles in time and the hit was a little bit harder than the others. He doubled over but kept standing.

  Marcus’s greatest concern was that Tori was on her way and going to attempt to save him. He would take beatings for hours from these assholes as long as they didn’t touch her. If Ademir was using him as a punching bag, he wasn’t raping Tori. He would do anything to keep her safe.

  There was a lot of other mission chatter in his ear, but he was tuned in to hear only the words Tori said.

  “So, are you going to tell me how many times you fucked Victoria in the past week? Or should I guess?” Ademir’s next shot was to his side, but Marcus had seen where it was coming and prepared. Although he often cursed his physical therapy sessions, they had put him in the best shape of his life.

  Goddamn Ademir. Had he waited for the designated time to start the initiation, perhaps he and Tori could have found the warheads and gotten the hell out of there. Had he heard that the warheads wer
e secured? Maybe that last blow to the head was more effective than he thought.

  Ademir looked tough on the surface with all his tattoos, but the demand of running an organization of that size was taking its toll. He was beginning to show his age. Marcus thought he remembered reading somewhere that Ademir was in his early forties. Gang life must be physically hard on the man because he looked a decade older. His good life in America was also showing in the paunch belly.

  When he moved behind Marcus, he prepared his body for another blow to the back but instead had his knee knocked out from under him. He went down to the floor hard to the cheers of the members who had formed a circle around the one-sided fight.

  Katlin’s voice sounded in his ear, but he had to pay attention or Ademir might get in a dangerous punch. Struggling up from his knees to stand proud and take the next blow, Marcus was ready for anything. Or so he thought.

  The gunshot echoed throughout the large dining room. A ceiling tile fell in shattered pieces to the floor.

  “Stop. Now.”

  Marcus recognized that voice. It was Katlin using her command tone. It looked as though the cavalry had arrived. Well, the Black Swans at least. He should’ve known that Tori’s team would not let her go into a dangerous situation without them backing her up.

  It seemed as though the sea of fight revelers parted, creating an arc behind their leader so everyone could see the woman who had garnered their attention.

  The outer edges of the group seemed to move and were immediately hemmed in by men and women in black fatigues, black face paint and lots of black guns pointed at the members of SV-16.

  Ademir grabbed him from behind, his massive forearm pressing against Marcus’s windpipe. He knew how to break that hold. As he shifted his weight, preparing to reverse their positions, the cold barrel of a gun touched his temple.

  Marcus froze.

  “Are these friends of yours?” Ademir spoke so close to his ear that Marcus could hear the man’s heavy breaths, smell the sweat he’d worked up beating him.


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