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DARK BLISS (Dangerous Games,)

Page 16

by Smart, Madison

  He looked at Claudia and frowned. “This is going to be a lot more interesting without that bra.” He turned to her husband. “Brad, with your permission, I’d like to have your wife’s bra removed.”

  Brad signaled his okay and Rock gestured for a female member of the stage crew to take off her bra, revealing the woman’s ample, attractive breasts, nipples surrounded by a light chocolate aureole. Rock positioned the globe less than an inch from a nipple and slowly moved it closer. The area of the globe closest to her began to glow purple and tiny purple lightning zigzagged to her nipple.

  “Ahhh!” Claudia cried.

  Rock pulled the globe away. “Did that hurt, Claudia?”

  “Only a little, Master. I was just… surprised.”

  “What did it feel like?”

  “It tingled, Master. It felt like a static shock. I get that sometimes when I fold laundry, but this was… well, different.”

  Rock turned to the audience. “Actually, it’s exactly the same static shock we all get one way or another. It felt different to Claudia because she doesn't use her breasts to fold laundry.”

  The audience gave a small laugh. “I can adjust the strength of the shock with a dial on the handle. I can also adjust it by how far I hold it from her skin. Watch.” He turned to his sub. “Claudia, I’m going to actually touch you with the wand. Do you understand? “

  “Yes, Master.”

  He put the globe on her nipple. “What do you feel, Claudia?”

  “Nothing much, Master. It feels a little warm.”

  He took the globe away and spoke to the audience. “For the wand to work, you have to leave a small space between the electrode and the sub’s skin. Not a lot of space, an inch is too far. Watch me.”

  Rock turned to Claudia and positioned the globe near her nipple. It glowed and sparked and she again gasped. He moved it in tight circles around the nipple, which began to respond. The audience was too big to invite onstage, so he gestured for the cameraman to move in for a close-up. Claudia apparently had a short fuse and as he played with her, the nipple hardened quickly and visibly. He heard an appreciative murmur in the audience. “How does that feel, Claudia?”

  “It feels… so good, Master,” she said breathily.

  “What is it like? Is it like being licked or whipped?”

  “It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced, Master.”

  Rock turned the wand off and then unscrewed the globe. A helper opened a small cooler and he took out an instrument that looked like a small glass rake. “You can get electrodes in any shape you want. This rake is a very popular one, for obvious reasons. It’s also been packed in ice. All of you are familiar with using an ice cube to tease a sub. What Claudia is going to feel now is coldness amplified by the electric current. Ice and fire, if you will.”

  He brought the icy globe close to her other breast and moved it over but not on the skin. Claudia’s eyes were big, watching the glowing rake as if hypnotized. When he actually raked her skin, she cried loudly. “Oh my God!”

  He pulled the glass rake away a little. The cameraman closed in and the screen above them showed tendrils of electricity darting from the glowing globe to her chocolate aureole.

  “Did you feel the cold, Claudia?”

  “Oh, yes! Yes, Master, it’s like ice but… more so.”

  “What she’s actually feeling,” Rock said to the audience. “Is first the electricity, then the cold, never both at the same time. However, her skin is still tender from the static charge, which makes the cold more intense and also makes it feel like the two are happening together.” He took away the globe and turned off the wand. “Now we’re going to go to the second method of wand play, which is indirect application.”

  A crew member wrapped a special metal cable around his chest. It was attached to an electric cord connected to an outlet. “This is what’s called a body contact probe,” Rock said. “When the current is turned on, I become the electrode. Watch what happens when I do.” He flicked a small switch connected to an apparatus on the chain, then turned back to the audience.

  He smiled. “Nothing. Nothing happens to me. Sorry if you were expecting my hair to stand on end. This probe is just a Tesla coil in a different form. It works exactly like the wand I was holding. Right now, I’m fully electrified but I feel no different. That is, until I come close enough to Claudia for the current to jump.”

  He turned to Claudia’s husband and asked for permission to lower her panties, which was quickly given. The same female crew member ran out and pulled them down, revealing a shaven vagina. Rock stepped close and drew a finger along her slit, close but never touching. A small lightning storm erupted and tiny bolts shot to her folds.

  “Ahhh!” she cried, bucking and jerking on the cross. “Oh, my God!”

  “Do you like that, Claudia?”

  “Oh, God! Yes! It feels incredible!”

  “I felt it too,” Rock told the audience, but only on my finger, so nowhere as intensely.” He played with her some more and the cameraman did a close-up. On the screen above them, the audience watched rapt as purple sparks played along Claudia’s red, wet folds. She instinctively pushed toward Rock and he withdrew his finger to keep the distance.

  “I don’t think I’m giving anything away if I tell you that this lady is hot!” he said. The audience broke into applause and several cheered. “Now as an ordinary male animal,” he continued. “I’m turned on too and what I want to do is insert my finger into her. I’m resisting that because, just like the wand, once we’re touching, the electric charge is gone. No, that’s not right. What I mean to say is that she no longer feels the electric charge. I’ll explain.”

  He took his hand away and turned to the husband. “Brad, will you come over here for a moment?”

  “Gladly.” Brad quickly joined them.

  “I want you to stand beside Claudia, close enough to touch her, only don’t.”

  Brad took a place next to his wife. “Now ordinarily,” said Rock. “I wouldn’t ask this of someone I’d only known a few moments, but under the circumstances, I feel I’m not out of line. Brad, would you give me permission to stick my finger in your wife’s pussy?”

  The crowd laughed and they laughed again when Brad cheerfully replied, “So long as it’s only in the interest of science.”

  “It’s in the interest of the art and science of erotica. Thank you, Brad.” Rock slipped his finger into Claudia’s slit. She gasped and groaned.

  “Claudia, how does that feel?”

  “It feels very nice, Master.”

  “Good, but do you feel anything else. I mean like what you’ve been feeling?”

  “No, just a little warmth, Master. No electric charge.”

  “Right, because now you’ve become part of the electric field too. As far as the current is concerned, you and I are one thing. Now, Brad, I want you to hold out a finger and extend it to Claudia, toward her shoulder so that the audience has a clear view. Don’t actually touch her, just come as close as you can. Go slow.”

  Brad complied, moving his finger closer and closer to his wife until, almost touching, a small purple bolt passed from her to him. He yipped and jumped backward. The audience roared.

  “Did that hurt, Brad?” asked Rock.

  “No. No it didn’t,” he said with a sheepish laugh. “I was just surprised is all.”

  “Do it again.”

  This time Brad stayed still when the purple bolts erupted. After a count of ten, Rock told the audience. “Now I’m going to reluctantly remove my finger from this gracious lady.”

  He did so and the lighting vanished. “I pulled the plug, so to speak. I’m still electrified but she isn’t. Thank you, Brad! I’m going to let you have more fun in a moment but you’ll have to wait.”

  “For this, I can wait all night!” said Brad, returning to the side of the stage amid applause.

  “All of me is electrified,” said Rock. “So I can do more than use my fingers on Claudia.” He gesture
d to the cameraman, who moved in as he bent to her breast and stuck out his tongue, moving slowly closer.

  The screen above showed a tight shot of Claudia’s brown nipple and his red tongue, just as purple sparks jumped between them. Then it showed Rock’s tongue withdraw and his white teeth almost close around Claudia’s nipple. “Oh God!” she screeched.

  Rock stood and smiled. He turned off the contact probe and a helper came out to unwrap it from his body. “The possibilities of this wand,” he told the audience, “are limited only by your imagination and a regard for common sense. Now the last type of play we’re going to explore is called indirect application. That’s when we ‘hotwire’ the sub herself.”

  The helper wrapped the cable around Claudia’s waist and Rock turned it on. “A moment ago,” he said. “Claudia was in an electric field, but only so long as she was attached to me. Now she’s the field. Reverse application is basically the same as indirect application except the sub and not the dom is charged. Now I could demonstrate all the things this makes possible with a live wire like Claudia but I don’t want to hog all the fun. Brad has been a terrific sport, so I’m going to put him in charge. I’m sure he’ll know what to do. Won’t you, Brad?”

  “You bet!”

  Rock turned to the audience. “This is my first appearance in two years as Dom Miguel and I was a little nervous, but you’ve been wonderful and I really appreciate it. I also want to thank Claudia for her candor and for her readiness to play sub for me. So, Claudia, did you learn anything from this demonstration?”

  “Yes,” said Claudia happily. “I learned we’re going to get a violet wand right away! Thank you, Master! We’ll gladly pay another babysitter to see your next demo!”

  The audience burst into applause as Rock waved and left the stage to the sounds of Claudia moaning from her husband’s ministrations.

  People showered him with congratulations as he walked to the bar. The two owners were delighted. “Great!” enthused Theo. “Terrific show. I’m sorry Luna couldn’t come but the girl you got went over big.”

  “Yeah, she was all right,” said Rock without a similar enthusiasm. After several more minutes of chat, he excused himself and went to the restroom. On the way, he passed Jamie McQueen. Their eyes met and Rock nodded slightly.

  He was standing in front of a urinal when McQueen entered the restroom. He took a position next to Rock and unzipped, gesturing toward the toilet stalls with a quizzical look.

  “Empty,” said Rock. “We’re alone. Roxy left yet?”

  “Just before your show ended. She made a flashy exit so people would know she was leaving. Smart girl, learns quick. Real stage presence too. Has she ever acted?”

  “No idea. She take our cab?”

  “Yeah, just like arranged. Looks like a real one but the driver’s one of us. I’ve got a deep tail on it so we’ll know if anyone follows it.”

  “Good. You spot anyone interesting?”

  “Two. One already left. We’ve got his license plate but someone’s tailing him anyway. We’ll do the same with the other whenever he takes off. I don’t think either will pan out though.”

  “Harmless kooks?”

  “Too weird to be entirely harmless but also too weird to be working for Oberon. He’d never hire somebody that would stand out. On the plus side, the team did well. No glitches. Everyone knew his job, especially you. You put on a good show.”

  “You sound disappointed.”

  “I’m doing my best to keep this professional, Raptor,” McQueen said stiffly.

  “All right, you are. I apologize.”

  “Not necessary.”

  “I’m going on home unless you have something for me.”

  “Nothing. Go on.”

  “What comes after this?”

  “I’ll phone Kookaburra with an unofficial report in the morning, just to let him know how it went. Luna should be out of the hospital sometime tomorrow. You and I should meet with her and the three of us will decide on her replacement. I’m not looking forward to that.”

  “Me neither but it’s got to be done. She ought to be kept on the team though, undercover if she wants. She’ll have to wash that dye out though. Even if she’s not doing the demo, that hair looks too much like bait.”

  “Hmm, I’m not sure it’s that simple. Might be she can’t just wash it out.”

  “Well, she can wear a wig. I mean, a wig that doesn’t look like a wig. Anyway, that’s her problem and she created it herself. Luna likes attention. That’s why she wanted to do the demo.”

  “She wanted to work with you, Rock. You know that.”

  “Well, I can’t help that. Listen, I want to start this tour right away. How soon can we be set up?”

  “We’ve got three more dates already, so we launch next week. Ask Harvey for a copy of tonight’s video.”

  “That’s already in the works.”

  “Good. We can edit that and use if for promotion.”

  “Thought of that too. You’ve got someone that can do it?”

  “Yeah, good at it too. Once they see that, every club in the country will want to book you. The plan right now is a dozen towns but we might bump it up. We’ll do smaller cities on weekdays, big ones on weekends. The team for this is pretty big itself, thirteen people. It’s going to be like a rock tour, except no bus. Well, surveillance can travel together but not undercovers, not even on the plane. You and whoever we get for your sub can travel together but you should have separate hotel rooms. The idea is you’re performers, not a couple. Also we’ll need to let the local cops know we’re in town. Lots of details. It’ll be a complicated operation. Expensive too, which tells you how much Zookeeper wants Oberon.”

  “We all do,” said Rock grimly. He zipped up and left.


  Once back at the hotel, I tried to calm down as I waited for Rock. Our show had left me sore but exhilarated and despite the pain, not a little aroused. The second show, the one he’d improvised with the female spectator, also excited me, though it made me more than a little jealous. I watched it while I circulated in the bar area, chatting with people and declining drinks. The ham in me loved being the center of attention but I was also apprehensive at the thought that somewhere someone might be eyeing me as a prospective plaything, an unwilling one. Been there, done that. My resolve to help catch Oberon was weaker now that I was actually bait on the hook.

  I felt a little better when I saw Jaime McQueen in the crowd, looking as inconspicuous as it was possible for a blonde hunk with smooth moves and a hot outfit. I wondered absently if Jaime was bisexual. He wasn’t at all effeminate but there was something silkily soft about him that I could see appealing to gays. For that matter, I saw several gays ogling Rock. Dream on, boys, I thought with amusement.

  Nervous as I was, I was glad to be riding back to the hotel in a cab driven by a sturdy DARC agent. His name was Edgar and brushed aside my thanks. “It’s all part of the job, Roxy.” The DARC team was a professional operation, maintaining my cover name even alone in the cab.

  Back at the hotel, I showered and changed into a nightgown I’d bought that afternoon, a creamy elegant silk number with a lace bodice. I dried my wet hair, carefully brushed and arranged it and dabbed my neck with Shalini perfume, a compound of five scents—musk, sandalwood, tuberose, tiara flower and neroli—to make an irresistible fragrance. It cost $409 an ounce, pricey even for a rich girl. There was a complementary bottle of Riesling in the suite’s mini-fridge, not what I was used to but it would do. I poured myself a glass and had just sat down when Rock entered. He eyed at me with a wolfish leer. “Spanking must agree with you.”

  “Did you have to hit so hard?” I said with a pout. “My bottom still stings!”

  “That so? Let me kiss it and make it better.” He came over and pulled me to my feet, planting a long kiss on my lips. Reluctantly, I pushed him away. “You’re sweaty!” I giggled. “Go take a shower.”

  “Pretty bossy for a sub, aren’t you?”
  “I’m not your sub at the moment. I’m a lady and don’t you forget it.”

  “We’ll see. I have to warn you I’m no gentleman.” He started shucking his clothes in front of me.

  “Sir,” I said. “Have you no modesty?”

  “If you’re embarrassed, cover your eyes,” he replied, taking off his jockey shorts. He had an erection already, an alarmingly big one. “Oh my God,” I squeaked.

  “That’s what Claudia kept saying, and she couldn’t even see it.” He was completely naked now, a bare, hairy barbarian who wouldn’t have been out of place in the warrior caste of any ancient civilization. In fact, at the moment he looked like a man from an even earlier era, maybe someone clad in an animal skin, armed with a flint spear for downing wooly mammoths.

  He strolled naked to the bathroom. “Come keep me company,” he said in a tone that sounded perilously close to a command. I picked up my wine and followed obediently after, already falling under the sway of his domineering growl.

  He stepped inside the shower stall and turned on the water. I leaned against the door and drank my wine, watching his muscular silhouette in the frosted glass. “Did you have to spend quite so much time with that woman?” I complained.

  He laughed. “No need to be jealous. She couldn’t hold a candle, but yeah I had to. The wand is a wonderful tool but nobody uses it because they’re scared. I could tell she was dominant and I didn’t know how well she’d do playing submissive, but as soon as she had a defined role, she fell right in place.”

  The steam made it harder to see him now but his motions told me he was washing his body, running the bar of soap along his arms and legs. “Liked her husband. When you play with somebody’s spouse, it’s important that you don’t come off as a threat. That’s why I turned over the demo to him at the end. The audience liked that.”


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