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Brothers Forever

Page 1

by Tawa M. Witko

  Brothers Forever

  “Some bonds can never be broken”


  T.M. Witko

  Copyright All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2017

  ISBN 978-0-9981134-6-3 (ebook)

  ISBN 978-0-9981134-7-0 (paperback)

  Tampa, Florida

  Copyright © 2017 Winyan Press, LLC

  Cover Art © Alex Marin


  This book is dedicated to all the people out there who enjoy having a little bad boy in their lives, now and again.


  I would like to take a moment to thank all of my friends and family that have encouraged me to write over the years. Your support means the world to me.

  To my partner in crime, Mindy Marin, thank you for all that you do; not only for our company, but also for what you do for me as a friend. Love you so much and can’t wait until we are closer together!

  To our Winyan Press illustrator, Alex Marin, seriously, dude I love your art and you are pretty awesome yourself. What you have done with all the covers and illustrations has been nothing short of amazing.

  To my long time editor, Amanda Rash, thank you for everything you have done for me on this writing journey. I can’t imagine doing this without you by my side. You are the best and I love you!

  So, one of my writing processes is to develop these intricate backstories for pretty much all of my primary and secondary characters. I think maybe it’s the psychologist in me that wants to know why they do the things they do and what made them into this person, good or bad, which is pretty much how this story came to be. This book is an offshoot from another story I wrote, which I only published online. It was one of those things where I just sort of fell in love with a character and wanted more.

  Brothers Forever, is the story of a man who was once a bad guy, who gives up the lifestyle to be a better man for his wife and unborn son. But in the process of doing that he is forced to give up a piece of himself that he would never be able to replace. A brotherhood that spanned most of his life and defined him more than anything else would. But when situations arise that make him tap into that old side of himself again, can he do it? Can he go back to the person he was before and more importantly, can he mend the bond that was broken so long ago?

  One more thing. There is some Russian dialogue in this story but I explain what’s being said. The Russian is written in proper Russian with the exception of Charles and Dimitri’s nicknames. I used the phonetic spelling of those, so that people could read it easier. Charles is called, Большой, which means ‘big’ in Russian. It will be spelled as Bolʹshoĭ. Dimitri is called, Младший, which means ‘Junior’ in Russian. It will be spelled as Mladshiĭ.

  So, that’s it. I hope that you enjoy reading about Charles and Dimitri, and that as you do, you realize why I love them so darn much!


  Winyan Press, LLC would like to acknowledge the following individuals for their contributions on Brothers Forever.

  Leeanne Lemaster, Proofreader

  Alex Marin, Graphic Artist/Illustrator

  Amanda Rash, Copy Editor




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29


  Outtake 1

  Outtake 2

  Outtake 3

  Author Note



  Chapter 1

  Looking out onto the city from my large panoramic window, I am faced with conflicting emotions. A part of me is afraid of the man that I am becoming again, yet another part of me relishes his return. Since the incident with Dante, I have had many thoughts of my previous life, the life I had with Dimitri before Michael was born. I run my hand over my shoulder. I can feel the distinct bump from where the bullet entered me. It has healed well, much better than the first time I was shot.

  “Mr. Livingston, you have a call from Mr. Elkins on line one,” Janel says over my intercom.

  I take a deep breath and walk over to my desk, sitting in my high back leather chair and tapping the button on my intercom.

  “Thank you, Janel.”

  Benny Elkins has been on Sonya’s trail since everything happened a few months ago. I still can’t believe that she got away from him. Twice. Of course, the first time was at the condo when everything went down with Dante so I suppose I can’t really blame him for that one. The second time happened three weeks ago in Texas, and while that situation was not completely his fault, I’m still extremely upset about it.

  Sonya has proven to be a lot more resourceful than Elkins or I had anticipated. Dante apparently had a lot of money stashed away, which she had access to. After she left Sacramento, she went to Arizona, withdrew all of Dante’s money from his safe deposit boxes, and took off. Elkins just missed her in Arizona and now she has been moving in such an erratic fashion that it’s been hard to keep track of her. Elkins also found that a lot of her history was fabricated, which made it even harder to figure out her plan. Of course, this has made Elkins even more determined. He has never been foiled by anyone, so he’s on his own personal mission to find her. With that in mind, it didn't surprise me when he was able to gather some legitimate intelligence on her, which is how he tracked her to Texas where the second slip occurred. She made it across the border, having convinced some idiot she was probably having sex with to help her escape, citing that she had an abusive ex that was following her. When Elkins showed up asking questions about her, he was carted off to the police station for questioning. The whole thing was a complete mess. Elkins was irate and now all he keeps talking about is nailing Sonya to the wall. If he wasn’t determined to find her before, he certainly was after that.

  “Did you find her?” I ask abruptly as I tap the speaker button on my phone.

  “Yeah, I got her,” Elkins says with a tone of indifference. You would think he would be happy but then again, Elkins has never been a ‘happy’ kind of guy.

  “Where are you exactly?”

  “Acuña,” he growls and I hear the disdain in his voice. “You know I hate this shit town.” Ah, that explains the attitude.

  “Yeah, I know.” I run my hand through my hair. “Just don’t draw any attention to yourself.”

  “Like I don’t know how to do that. Do you think I’m a damn amateur, Charles?” he asks bitterly and I can almost picture the veins in his forehead popping out.

  “No, calm down. I just know you have history there. I don’t want this more complicated than it needs to be. We don’t want witnesses that can identify either of us.”

  I hear a stream of profanities explode out of his mouth and I can tell
that he is pacing around the room. Then a door opens and there’s a loud noise on the other side of the phone. God, I thought I was paranoid, but Elkins far exceeds me in that department. I need to go down there. I must handle this myself. Elkins is excellent at tracking and getting me the information I need, but he can’t do what I can do. And right now, I need to take care of Sonya. I can’t have her deciding later that she wants to seek revenge on Michael or Rachel. That simply cannot happen. I also know that if Sonya is out there that Michael will be anxious and nervous. I will not let that happen. He will lead a happy, normal life with Rachel, providing she’s capable of that. I shake my head and smile. Those two have been intense from the very beginning.

  “What do you want me to do?” Elkins asks calmly, disrupting my thoughts.

  “Keep an eye on her. I will ready my plane and be down there tonight. I need to pick up my things at your place and then I will head out.”

  “Are we going after her tonight?”

  “Yes. You’re sure she’s secure?”

  “Yeah, she ain’t going anywhere. I could have taken her down earlier but I know you want the honors.”

  “Damn right I do! Give me your location.”

  I proceed to write down the address of the motel he is at and then hang up. I have a lot to do. I take a moment to think about what the plan is and then send a quick text to Estelle to let her know I will be leaving this afternoon. I then call my pilot to have him prepare my plane. He tells me it won’t be ready for a few hours and that if we leave by 1:00 or 2:00 p.m. we will arrive this evening. I stare at my phone and sigh. I better let Michael know what’s going on. If he finds out I have left town, he will worry. Of course, that is nothing new for him. He worries continuously.

  C: Can we meet for lunch?

  M: I am available between 11:30 and 1:00 and then after 3:00. Is everything alright?

  Oh for crying out loud, Michael. I frown at my phone. I don’t want to tell him through a text because I need to assess his body language and facial expressions. Otherwise, I won’t be able to diffuse any of his concerns.

  C: I will pick you up in the east parking lot a 11:30

  I pocket my phone then roll my shoulder, which tends to get stiff more frequently now thanks to Dante. If Rachel hadn’t stabbed him, I would have killed him myself. In fact, I wish I’d been the one to do it. I glance around my office, not seeing anything I will need, and head out into the reception area.

  “Janel,” I say firmly, catching her off guard.

  “Yes, sir,” she answers quickly, slightly panicked.

  “Cancel the rest of my week. I have unexpected business that will take me out of the office. I will be back on Monday,” I say crisply, not wanting to have any dialogue with her.

  “Yes, sir,” she replies flustered, pulling up my schedule as I walk away.

  I look at my watch as I enter the elevator, 8:18 a.m. Alright, first things first, I need to go to Elkins’ place and pick up my briefcase. Then, I will need to go to the house and pack some clothes. After that, I will meet up with Michael, have lunch, and go see Estelle at her office before heading to the airport. With the time zone change, I’ll need to be in the air by 2:00 p.m. at the very latest in order to get there by early evening. This will be taken care of tonight.

  Chapter 2

  Generally speaking, I don't have my driver take me to Elkins’ place but there is no easy way around it. I have far too many things to do today to drive myself. I trust George enough; he has been with me a long time. He is sworn to secrecy and I believe he has enough fear of me not to disclose anything that he might see or hear. If not, well, that can be taken care of. The ride to Elkins’ house doesn't take long, and once we arrive, I sit in the car for a moment, gathering my thoughts, before reaching for the door.

  “I won’t be long. Keep the car running,” I say as I step out of the vehicle.

  Although this is Elkins’ place, almost everything in here I have supplied. It is very convenient for me as I use one of the spare rooms to house the many items that I do not wish to have at my residence. Although it is rare that I need to utilize anything here, I like knowing that it is easily available to me should I need it. I walk into ‘my’ room and go to the closet, tapping some buttons that are camouflaged on the sidewall. The back-wall slides open, displaying rows of shelves with various items on it. I pull out a briefcase from the top shelf and bring it to the desk in the room. Now this is not your typical briefcase. It has been designed specifically for me and my needs. It is made of bullet and fire proof material, and inside it is custom fit to house all the items I might need, safely tucked underneath a hidden compartment. In addition, if it were to be x-rayed it would not reveal the actual contents of what's inside, but instead would only display the boring things that most businessmen carry. It cost me a half million dollars to design, but it was well worth it. I set it down and open it. I remove the legal pad and manila folders, setting them to the side and allow my fingers to tap on the two buttons that must be pressed simultaneously to reveal the secret compartment.

  ✓ Glock 21, with silencer, loaded, extra magazine

  ✓ Hunting knife

  ✓ Rope

  ✓ Gloves

  ✓ Binoculars

  ✓ Taser

  ✓ Passports

  ✓ Cash, $100,000 US currency

  I stand and walk back to the closet, glancing at another bin before bringing it out. I flip through the many bags of cash within it, bypassing currency from Russia, Japan, France, the United Kingdom, and China until I find what I want. I thumb my finger through it. There is around 100,000 Mexican Pesos here. Hopefully, I won't need more. I throw it in the briefcase and glance at my old knife. I sigh and pick it up, tracing my fingers along the flat side of the blade and over the engraving, remembering the first time I used it versus just playing around with it.

  “Bolʹshoĭ!” Dimitri says, hitting the back of my head with his hand.

  “What the hell did you do that for, Mladshiĭ?” I ask through clenched teeth.

  “Just screw the girl and get it over with. I need you here focused on what we need to do, not thinking about some piece of ass,” he says laughing, much to the delight of Stephan and Viktor.

  I step in front of him with my hands balled at my sides. Everyone stops laughing and watches us. No one steps up to Dimitri like I’m doing. They all know that he is destined to lead the family, but screw it. We have been friends since we were eight and I can say anything I want. Well, at least I hope so.

  “Вы хотите бороться мне, брат?” he asks calmly, not bothering to look up.

  Do I want to fight him? I unclench my fists and run my hand through my hair. Damn it! What the hell am I doing? The reality is he doesn’t understand any of this. Of course, I don’t understand it either, but Estelle is different. The minute I saw her in the diner last week, I wanted her. I needed her in a way I had never experienced before. I have already been running around, following her and gathering intel on her movements, but I haven’t approached her yet. Dimitri has not been pleased with me, even though I haven’t let my activities or my pursuit of her interfere with my obligations to him.

  “She’s just a girl, брат! You have lots of women to screw around with. What’s so special about this one?” he asks, bringing his drink to his mouth.

  I step back from him and look at the ground, trying to get my act together. “I don’t know,” I say, letting out a deep sigh. “It feels… different.”

  “Fine, fine. After tonight, you go and find her. Go have sex with her, get it out of your system, and then come back. I need you here with me. We have business to take care of.” He then takes his hands and holds my face, bringing his forehead to mine and looking at me intently. “Do not let her come between us. Do you understand, брат? She’s just a woman, but you and I? We are brothers.”

  “I know. I know.” I swallow hard, afraid to meet his eyes, knowing that I can’t take his warning lightly. “My first res
ponsibility is to you. Always,” I finally say quietly.

  God! If I thought I could avoid her I would, but I just don’t think I can. I already need to see her and I have a bad feeling that she is going to be my undoing. Maybe Dimitri is right. Maybe if I just have sex with her I can quit thinking about her. I’ll find her tomorrow. I’ll make my move then.

  “Good!” he says, bringing me out of my thoughts. He then smacks my face lightly on each side and laughs. “Do you see this, boys? Bolʹshoĭ is trying to fall in love.”

  Stephan and Viktor proceed to laugh heartedly with him. I take a deep breath as I walk to the bar and down my drink. As I reach behind the counter to grab the bottle, I see four guys in the mirror as they come into the bar. They look like a bunch of wannabe gangsters. This is going to get messed up fast. They stroll over to us and, as usual, Dimitri shows them absolutely no fear. If anything, he looks at them with disdain.

  “What do you want?” he asks with an air of intimidation about him.

  “Give me your cash, Comrade,” Gangster Wannabe One says, glowering viciously at him.

  Dimitri smiles and waves his hand. Stephan and Viktor step in front of him while I come up next to him and shove him behind me. This is nothing new. A lot of people come in here thinking they can start trouble with ‘the Russians’, but they don't realize how ruthless they can be. Dimitri is as much my brother as any real brother could be, but I know he wouldn’t hesitate to kill me if I crossed him. I don’t plan on ever letting that happen though. Since we were young, I have protected him, and now that we are older, it is my job to make sure that no one ever gets close enough to touch him and I do my job well. Very well.

  “Boys, it looks like our comrades here don't want to play nice,” Gangster Wannabe One says with a laugh. “Well that’s fine by me.”

  He sneers at us and then motions to his companions who proceed to attack Stephan and Viktor, while Gangster Wannabe's One and Four come towards me and Dimitri. I don't let them get too close before I throw my first punch, landing it right across Gangster Wannabe Four’s face, dropping him to his knees. I don’t hesitate or stop at all as I bring my foot up and proceed to stomp his face with the sole of my boot. I watch as he falls to the ground with a thud, blood spilling out of his mouth. I smile and bring my boot to his gut, kicking him several times and watching as each blow causes blood to propel out of his mouth. In the meantime, Gangster Wannabe One strides towards Dimitri who doesn’t move at all. Dimitri is watching him with indifference, almost daring him to try something. I reach into my boot to grab my knife. I come up behind him and put him in a chokehold while I bring my knife to his throat.


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