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Trickery & Envy

Page 5

by Johnson, D. C.

  Patricia, petrified, had moved swiftly in the direction of Vivian’s office.

  “Toni I’m going to call you back,” and Vivian immediately hung up the phone just as Patricia entered.

  “Somebody threw something huge through the window!” Patricia said. “I believe it was a brick. I think one of your clients is hurt.”

  “Call the police, Patricia,” Vivian said and left her office to investigate the incident.

  Patricia used the phone in her boss’s office to call the police.

  “Is everyone okay,” Vivian asked then saw a woman near the wash bowls holding a towel to the side of her face. “I don’t want anyone to touch that brick,” and she walked in the direction of the injured woman. “Shit,” she mumbled.

  The woman injured, Robin Robertson, was a local anchorwoman for channel twelve. She had been a client of Vivian’s since the beginning. They met when Robin walked into her salon. Robin had just done a live report in the rain and was due to go back on the air. Her personal stylist was out and she asked Vivian if it was possible she could style her hair, explaining she was due back on the air in a couple of hours. Vivian didn’t hesitate and took care of Robin herself. Robin liked what Vivian had done with her hair and asked if she would be her regular stylist, because hers would soon be moving to LA. Vivian couldn’t get the word absolutely out quick enough.

  “Robin I am so sorry,” Vivian said and placing her hand gently on her client’s shoulder.

  “I think I’m okay. It was a piece of flying glass that hit me.”

  “Do you mind if I take a look?” Vivian asked.

  Robin removed the towel from the side of her face and it began to bleed again.

  “Are you sure you’re okay. Do you want medical attention?”

  “Seriously, I think I’m fine. I just need to contact the station. There is no way I can go on the air with a bandage on my face. It was probably some old silly kids walking by anyway.”

  Vivian turned and said to one of her stylist, “Jacqueline if you don’t mind would you get the First Aid kit from the back for me.”

  Jacqueline without hesitation went to get the kit. She returned handing it to Vivian.

  “Robin if there is anything I can do for you please don’t hesitate to call me,” Vivian said, applying some Neosporin to the injured area of her clients face. “You have my cell number, don’t you?”

  “Girl if you don’t stop about this little nick.”

  Vivian after tending to Robin proceeded over to the broken pane window. “Did anyone see who did this,” she inquired with her back to everyone and as she looked at the broken window with vengeance on her face. Her sights were then set for any movement taking place across the street. It was as if she knew who the culprit was. Vernon was nowhere in sight.

  “Uh umm, I didn’t,” was the responses she received.

  Two of Vivian’s stylist resumed with attending to their clients, and careful of where they stepped.

  “Robin the police are going to want a statement from you.”

  “I don’t have a problem with that,” Robin responded.

  Vivian continued to watch for Vernon despising him. She glared between the cars parked across the street for a glimpse of him. She felt he was hiding, observing her reaction to his carried out threat. He was no doubt on the prowl and out to intimidate her.

  Rochelle, a young woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties had a quizzical look as she looked around her. “What happened to Patricia?” She too was alarmed after the brick was thrown; however she wanted her hair finished. She had a job and needed to be there within the next hour.

  Jacqueline then became tickled that Patricia hadn’t come out of Vivian’s office. “Patricia’s a scary cat. Patricia! Bring your old scary self out here. Your client wants you to finish her up.”

  Patricia poked her head out of Vivian’s office, still afraid. Whatever was going on was starting to frighten her. First someone breaks in and a couple weeks later a brick is thrown through the window. Hell, to the no, somebody is out to get Ms. Fowler. I surely don’t want to be in the way.

  Vivian turned from the window and headed back to her office. She saw Patricia about to exit. “Hold on a minute,” she said to Patricia.

  Patricia moved back into the office and Vivian closed the door behind them.

  “Was this your brother again, Ms. Fowler,” Patricia said with her eyes a bit wide.

  “I’m not sure, but I did see him standing across the street on my way in. You don’t have to be afraid, Patricia he’s just trying to scare me.”

  “Scare you. Ms. Fowler, that wasn’t an ordinary brick. He threw a concrete block through the window. I don’t think he thought you may be sitting by it or about to walk by when it was thrown. He’s out to hurt anybody in your path.”

  “I understand what you’re saying Patricia. But I think his mission is to scare me more than to hurt me. He is my brother. Also, I would appreciate it if you can keep what’s going on to yourself. I don’t want anyone in here on guard, afraid to come to work. Believe me, he will get caught.” Vivian crossed her arms. “Let the stylists know that if any of their clients are uncomfortable staying that I will reimburse them for their loss.”

  “Okay Ms. Fowler.” Patricia took a deep breath and left.

  While Vivian waited for the police to arrive she also called her mother to inform her of what was going on. Her mother warned her to be careful and to call the police on Vernon despite him being her half brother. She reminded Vivian of what Vernon did to land him in jail and how angry he was after learning he had been slashed from the Will.

  * * *

  Toni and Vivian were holding hands as they strolled down magnificent mile on Michigan Ave. They looked as if they were in love. They exchanged a few smiles with a few couples carrying shopping bags and enjoying a night out on the town. Though it’s only been a couple of weeks, you’d think they were secretly classifying themselves as a couple. It was in Vivian’s smile how content she was in Toni’s company. His calm demeanor and eyes that spoke he was falling in love was easily felt.

  Vivian beamed, “Ooh, Toni, look,” she said as a horse carriage chauffeuring an older couple slowly passed them. “Have you ever ridden in one?”

  “Where do we board my Cinderella?” he asked and giving a soft squeeze to her hand that was in his.

  “Why don’t we save that moment for another time,” she said and her smile lingered as they continued their stroll.

  “As you desire my princess,” Toni countered and giving another soft squeeze to her hand. “We haven’t eaten yet, what do you have an appetite for?” he asked glancing over at Vivian.

  “I’m open. Do you have a craving for something?”

  “Steak, have you ever been to Michael Jordan’s restaurant?”

  Vivian was impressed with his selection, but questioned. “Don’t you have to make reservation for his restaurant?”

  “Yes. You do. But, sometimes it’s about who you know. I have a friend who’s close to Michael. He said anytime I wanted to visit to reserve under his name. So are you game,” he said smiling over at her.

  “Of course,” Vivian replied.

  Toni held the door open for Vivian as they entered Michael Jordan’s steak house. The beautiful deep crimson red booths and platinum-tinted walls took Vivian’s breath away. It was warm and inviting.

  After being seated Vivian again was taking away by the majestic views MJ’s restaurant had to offer. It wasn’t but a few more seconds before they were being handed menus by the waitress.

  “I’ll give you a minute to look over your menu,” the waitress said with a smile and then walked away.

  After placing their orders and receiving the glasses of wine they requested, Vivian said, “So I take it that you’re a Bulls fan,” and she lifted her glass of wine for a sip.

  “I am. Though it’s not often I watch them play. I guess you can say I was a bigger fan when MJ played. How about you? Do you have a favorite sports

  “I would sometimes watch when Michael played; even though I didn’t understand the calls being made. So Toni, tell me a little bit about you. We haven’t really talked about our families.”

  “Can I say first Vivian you are one beautiful woman,” and gazing at her. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this enthralled by a woman until you. You’re beautiful.”

  Vivian as she always does when Toni says something pleasant about her blushed. “Thank you for the compliment Toni. I have to say you are very charming.”

  “Thank you and not to diminish the moment, but I lost my mother when I was eight. She was in a fatal car accident.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that Toni,” Vivian said.

  Toni nodded slightly at Vivian and said, “I’m an only child. My grandparents raised me. Unfortunately, my grandfather passed a few years ago. And I usually visit my grandmother three times a year. She lives in Oregon. Let’s see, I never knew my father. My mother was an only child. As a result, I don’t have any aunts or uncles to praise about.”

  “So you’re from Oregon. What brought you to Chicago?”

  “My job did. I found that I can make more money here in clinical research. Too, I hear it’s a great city.”

  “Well you heard right. Chicago does have a lot to offer.”

  The waitress walked up with their meals and placed them in front of them.

  “Ummm…yummy,” Vivian said looking at the steak and baked potato on her plate.

  “Is there anything else I can get for you?” the waitress asked.

  Toni looked at Vivian to see if she desired anything else.

  “That will be all, thank you,” Vivian said and smiling at the kind waitress.

  “I’ll be back later to see if you’d like dessert,” and with a pleasant smile she glanced at Toni and Vivian and then walked away to assist other diners.

  Toni glanced and saw a woman in a booth across from them peering at him. She had just been seated with another woman who was already looking over her menu. Toni dipped his head at her then focused back on Vivian even though his mind went back to when he met the woman. It was two years ago at his companies Christmas party. A co-worker had introduced them. After dating a few weeks, Toni revealed to her that he was a hermaphrodite. The woman after asking to see his private area looked turned to revolting. She waited a couple days before she told Toni she no longer wanted to pursue a relationship with him. Though Toni had only known her a few weeks the rejection weighed heavy on his mind. He almost felt like giving up dating women; wondered if he’d ever find a woman who would accept him being different.

  Vivian had caught the exchange. “Do you know her, Toni?” she asked him. “She’s looking as if she knows you,” and Vivian smiled briefly at the woman.

  The woman returned the smile then began whispering something to her friend.

  “Yes, I know her. We dated. It was short-term, didn’t evolve into anything.”

  “I don’t mind moving to another table if you’re uncomfortable,” Vivian said.

  “I’m, back to us,” Toni said and he and Vivian picked up their utensils, and then carried on with their evening.


  A few weeks had passed and Toni and Vivian were spending a lot of time together. In addition to going to dinner, they spent one day seeing movies. They had seen three different movies at the same theater. It was if they couldn’t get enough of each other’s company.

  Today they had gone to the Hilton Hotel in downtown Chicago where an art fair took place. They both selected a colorful piece worth over two hundred fifty dollars from a local artist, by the name of Vaughn D. Joseph.

  The good time they were having and now as they lounged at her house led Vivian to saying, “Toni I have to say the last several weeks have really been good. Outside of my brother trying to make things difficult for me, I’ve been having a lot of fun. You’re very entertaining.” Vivian had on lavender silk pajamas and was laid back contentedly in Toni’s arms in her bed. “Thanks for allowing me to get comfortable,” she said.

  Toni began to give light strokes to her hair. “I’m having as much fun as you are. I’m really starting to care about you Vivian. What do you plan to do about your brother? You’re not afraid of him are you?”

  “I don’t think he would try to hurt me physically. Until he’s caught in one of his little acts there’s not much I can do. The police haven’t been able to lift any of his prints. Toni, Vernon’s no dummy. He knows he’s in the system. Enough about Vernon,” she said and looked tenderly up at Toni. “Kiss me,” and she puckered her lips for a kiss.

  Toni fulfilled her request and kissed her passionately.

  “Woman you’re going to make me fall in love with you,” Toni confessed and kissed her waiting lips again.

  “I have to admit, you probably won’t be there alone.”

  Toni smiled. “So we’re moving at the same pace?”

  Vivian reached and tugged at one of his locks. “Yeah, and I like the pace at which you’re moving. Someone else may have tried to bed me by now. That’s why I’m really enjoying you. You’re taking your time, letting feelings develop. I want you Toni.”

  Toni was taken by surprise. He had no idea that his admission of how he felt would lead to intimacy, at least not tonight. He was hoping that once their feelings were on the same page, that it would be easier to explain his situation.

  Vivian interrupted his thinking and smiling up at him said, “I’m surprised you’re taking this long to respond. Especially after revealing how we feel about each other. Is there something wrong?” Vivian’s pleasurable smile turned to looking perplexed.

  Toni smiled. “There’s nothing wrong...raise up baby,” he said and after she did he rose from the bed, slid his hands into his front pants pockets and looked softly at her.

  Vivian rose from the bed, too, and then laid her head gently into Toni’s chest.

  Toni wrapped his arms around her as if they were in love.

  “I wouldn’t have said that if I really wasn’t feeling you, too, Toni. I don’t want you to think that I’m loose. I really like you. I’ve never felt this way about someone so quickly.”

  Toni took in a breath and slowly exhaled. “I want you, too. I just don’t want to rush intimacy. Let’s hold out a little longer.” He lifted Vivian’s chin to kiss her.

  Vivian parted their lips and looked serious and longing into Toni eyes. “I want you,” and she cupped his crotch area.”

  Toni quickly had an intake of breath and extended from the three inches he is to a hard four inches.

  Vivian with her eyes on Toni began to undress and then she slowly got into bed.

  Toni was caught between a rock and a hard place, literally. He was uncertain if he should follow through without telling her about his imperfection. He moved to the foot of the king size bed that had deep brown profound carved posts. The headboard was of the same texture, almost regal in stature.

  Vivian said, “You seem hesitant, Toni. I have one question for you and I hope you will be honest.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Do you have anything? I don’t care for condoms and I certainly don’t want to catch a STD. Too, I’ve protected myself from childbearing.”

  Toni smiled. “No. I can assure you that I don’t have a sexually transmitted disease. How about we have an appetizer first?” he said.

  Vivian blushed. “Appetizer, umm, I like that,” she said thinking he meant foreplay and she stretched one foot which he took and began delivering delicate kisses to each toe. “Ooh,” Vivian uttered.

  Toni moved slowly up Vivian’s leg with his kisses. He then reached for her other leg placing them both over his shoulders and resumed his affection to her thighs. Vivian’s eyes slowly closed in pleasure. Toni then began to massage Vivian’s nectar with his thumb. This man is too gentle. I’m going to mess around and come before the main course, Vivian thought wetter than a ripe peach. Toni wrapped his arms around Vivian’s thighs a
nd indulged into waiting nectar. Vivian gasped at the sensation and planted her hands gently on Toni’s shoulders.

  “Yes... appetizer,” she uttered. “’s so warm, baby.” Toni took Vivian’s nectar on a smooth slow rotation. It was with such precision a tear escaped her eyes. Her murmurs were in the tone of a baby, “Its good Toni. Baby it’s so good. Ooh...Toni, baby, its good.”

  Toni kept on his quest for her to have him by his method. The sensation was about to overwhelm Vivian. Toni knew it and went for the finale. He withdrew his thumb and reinserted it deeper and slowly stirred.

  “Ooh,” Vivian murmured. “This is too good.” Vivian released Toni’s shoulder and took a handful of her breast, squeezed her nipples simultaneously. “I’m gon’ come...” she said and at that moment she exploded. “Ooh Toni...”

  Toni didn’t waver stayed connected on her nectar while his finger waltzed inside her. It was too much for Vivian. She tried to scoot back and take her peach from Toni but he wasn’t having it and kept it secure in his works. Vivian nearly lost it. “Stop, oh baby, stop. I can’t take this...I can’t take it,” and her body started squirming in delight. “Ah...”she expressed in utter pleasure.

  “Baby, what do you say we call it a night,” Toni said with a grin, happy he was able to satisfy her wanting him.

  Vivian could barely answer him as she nodded her head, okay.

  “Can you let yourself out,” she said in almost a whisper. “I don’t have the strength,” and when he rose, she curled up securing her nectar with her hands.

  Toni a little tickled said, “I’ll make sure the door is locked.”

  “I’m going to get you Toni...if you tell anyone,” Vivian murmured.

  “Your secret’s safe with me.”


  Jennifer sat in her doctor’s office in a discolored gown with Charles by her side. They held hands waiting for Dr. Hasina Howard to return with the results of her biopsy. There was a tap on the door.

  Jennifer glanced at her husband, “Come in,” she said.

  Dr. Howard entered with her patients chart in hand.

  Both Jennifer and Charles watched as Dr. Howard walked over to the table. They tried to get a read on her face if what she was going to tell them would be good or bad.


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