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Trickery & Envy

Page 14

by Johnson, D. C.

  “I know you guys are addicted to coffee, but you can’t wait until tomorrow to go.”

  “Would I be calling you if I wanted to wait until tomorrow? Charles is going to want a cup before going to work in the morning. So no, get up and get ready. I’m heading out,” and Jennifer coughed.

  “I guess Jennifer. How was your treatment today?”

  “We’ll talk about it in the car.” Jennifer disconnected the call.

  While driving to Starbucks Jennifer commented that she felt the treatments were making her worse. That she always have a lack of energy. That it could be the reason she finds herself drinking more coffee, just to stay up.

  “Vi, you should try the mochas. Girl they are good, especially with the whip cream in them,” Jennifer stated in line and waiting to be waited on. She then covered a coughed that escaped.

  “I am not about to get addicted to Starbucks. I already see how it’s got you coming out the house at seven o’clock in the evening. And let me move away from you. I do not want to catch a cold.”

  “Vi, I do not have a cold. I told you it’s these treatments.”

  “What can I get for you?” the young man behind the counter asked.

  Toni drove up to Starbucks a little emotional. He had just listened to the duet Ain’t Understanding Mellow by Jerry Butler and Brenda Lee Eager that played on the radio. “If only it were true,” he said shutting off his car. He paused getting out of his car. “This will be my last attempt. God, please let this woman pick up the phone,” he said and reached into his pocket for his cell phone. When he located Vivian’s number he punched call. He then proceeded to get out of his SUV.

  Vivian heard her cell phone ringing that was in her purse tucked under her armpit. She removed it and saw that it was Toni. She paused, unsure if she wanted to answer, but did.

  “Hello, Toni,” she said and then turned away from Jennifer who immediately smiled when she heard the greeting.

  Toni was about to open the door to Starbucks but stopped in his tracks, surprised that she responded.

  “Wow, I almost…speechless. I didn’t think you would answer,” he said.

  “Tall Latte,” Toni heard someone say on Vivian’s end.

  “Wait…where are you?”

  “I made a run with Jennifer. We’re in Starbucks. Why?”

  “What a coincidence, that exactly where I’m headed. I was about to walk into a Starbucks. Which one are you at?” Toni asked and after opening the door received his answer. He froze when he laid eyes on Vivian, not sure of what to do next.

  Vivian quickly turned around as if she knew they were at the same Starbucks. Her heart started to race after seeing Toni. Her feeling of love for him began to battle with her feeling of deceit with neither having the advantage.

  God, give me the strength. Vivian opened her purse to put her cell phone back in it. She tried to appear calm.

  Toni shook himself out of his amazement and began walking over to Vivian.

  Jennifer stood smiling at them holding a tall mocha in one hand and a bag of roasted coffee in the other.

  Toni opened his arms to give Vivian a hug. She allowed the hug, but didn’t reciprocate. It was obvious she was a little uncomfortable seeing Toni.

  “What are you doing in this part of town,” Vivian said not knowing what else to say to him.

  Toni couldn’t take his eyes off Vivian, but felt there was something different about her. She was more radiant that he’d ever seen her.

  “I overdrove the one I usually go to. Thinking about you may have caused it. I remember seeing this one from when I would come out here,” Toni said.

  “Umm hum,” Jennifer said clearing her throat and breaking up the awkwardness between them. “How have you been Toni?” she said smiling at him even though they have yet to be formerly introduced.

  “I’ve been good,” Toni replied with his eyes still on Vivian.

  “Toni, I really need to get back home,” Vivian said. “Maybe we’ll talk some other time” and Vivian moved pass Toni and out of Starbucks.

  Jennifer whispered to Toni, “She’s just shocked. Believe me she’s happy to see you. This moment was no coincidence. Call her again,” and Jennifer moved pass him and out of the door.

  Vivian kept glancing over at Toni’s SUV as she waited for Jennifer to unlock the car doors. What is going on? I decide to ride with Jennifer to get coffee and you overdrive where you were going and we end up in the same place. She took a deep breath. I have experience too many coincidences with this man.

  “He’s still breath taking, huh,” Jennifer said as she was unlocking the doors with her car remote.

  “I can’t lie to you Jen, yes,” Vivian said after they got inside the car. “Girl, I am at a loss for words. Did you call him and tell him where we were going? You know I already thought you wanting to go get coffee this late were out of the ordinary,” Vivian said looking over at her friend.

  “Now where am I going to get Toni’s phone number from? Vi, this is the work of the Lord. Though, I did just whisper to him to call you.”

  “Why did you do that?” Vivian said as if she was now angry at Jennifer for interfering.

  “Look, I’m not going there with you,” Jennifer said starting her car and she coughed a couple times. “You already have the answer. It’s written, what God has joined together only HE can separate. Accept it.”

  “Whatever Jennifer, and when did you become holy.”

  Jennifer didn’t respond and just smiled. They rode back home in silence.


  It was Halloween and nearly another month had passed. Vivian was sitting sideways on the sofa in her royal-blue jogging suit with Darling in her lap. She waited patiently for her bell to ring again so that she could hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters. She also thought about Toni, despite ignoring the few calls he made to her after running into him in Starbucks.

  “God what am I going to do.” and she began to tear up. “I can’t feel this strong about him. Why do I keep dismissing him?” and her tears ran from her eyes, which caused Darling to stir in her lap. “I love him, how could that be. I don’t even know you, Toni” and an ocean of emotions had Darling licking Vivian a few times on the arm. Vivian began to jerk from her depths of sentiments. “I don’t want to be a single mother,” she cried out and Darling looked up at her again then jumped from her lap to the floor. She began to walk away, then stopped, turned and looked at Vivian again. As if she decided once more that Vivian was too much, Darling resumed walking and down into the basement where she snuggled next to Darren. He woke from his nap and with lazy eyes looked over at Darling as if to say, she’s whining again, huh,” and both poodles closed their eyes for a more sound nap.

  “I’m a mess,” Vivian told herself and the doorbell rang. She wiped at her eyes, tried to appear happy for her trick-o-treat kids as she went for the jack-o-lantern filled with candy by the door.

  Darling and Darren took their time but came up from the basement. They didn’t care too much for the outdoors and sat a few feet away to watch the action.

  “Trick or Treat!” about seven children sung in harmony after Vivian opened the door. Their bags were already open for treats. Vivian began putting candy into open bags. A couple of parents stood at the walkway waiting for the kids to move to the next house.

  “Who or what are you suppose to be,” Vivian happily asked a kid who had taking a brown box a little bigger than his head and cut sections out for his eyes and nose.

  “I’m a box head,” the kid countered as if his costume was self-explanatory and looking up at Vivian as if to say, so where’s my candy.

  “Ok,” Vivian replied a little tickled and dropping a handful of candy into his big brown paper bag. The boy swiftly turned leaving the other kids as he galloped across the lawn to the next house.

  Vivian dropped another load of candy into a lantern and a second later one kid looked up at her as if he was disappointed. “No taffy apples?” he inquired.

“Oops, I almost forgot about them. I sure do have taffy apples,” and Vivian walked briskly over to the kitchen for the taffy apples on the counter. She handed out six taffy apples. Just as she was closing the door, the phone rang. Vivian didn’t bother to check the caller ID as she normally screened her calls. “Hello,” was jovially said into the phone.

  There was a short pause.

  “Hello...Vivian,” Toni said.

  Vivian mouth opened some and then she slowly exhaled. “Hi Toni,” she said.

  Darling and Darren as if they had been waiting on the call began wagging their tails a bit. Vivian couldn’t help but take notice of her poodles excited after hearing Toni’s name. She took a seat on the sofa and tucked her feet underneath her buttocks. She then slid her hand down her hardly noticeable pregnant belly.

  Toni too had an intake of breath after the calm response from Vivian. He had actually stood to his feet from lying on the couch and pantomimed to the Heavens, thank you.

  “How have you been?” he asked, wearing jeans, a t-shirt and bare feet.

  Soft knocks came to his door and he ignored what he knew for sure was more trick-or-treaters. They would be the only ones to have access to knocking on his door. Toni lived on the sixteen-floor of a condominium complex. The security officer knew better to let anyone up without his consent.

  “I’ve been about you?” Vivian continued to glide her hand over her stomach.

  “Not so good. I’ve miss you terribly,” and Toni sat back down on the sofa, rested his elbows on his knees as he talked. “I’ve tried to resist the urge to call you, but the love I have for you begins to tug at my heart. Vivian no matter how much I tell myself that it’s over, I can’t help but feel that it isn’t.”

  Vivian was so deeply touched by his words that she grabbed at her chest. It certainly isn’t. She sniffled after a tear escaped, which she wiped away with her forefinger.

  “Are you okay, I didn’t mean to upset you?”

  “You didn’t. Toni, we need to talk.”

  Toni looked up thanking God again and feeling he was about to get a second chance with Vivian.

  Vivian’s doorbell rang.

  “Excuse me a second Toni. I have trick-or-treaters at the door,” and Vivian sat the cordless on the cocktail table and moved a little faster than she did before to the door.

  A second after she opened the door she was punched solid in the face and knocked to the floor by rugged knuckles. Blood ran quickly from her nose down onto her lips. Someone dressed like a fat Batman closed the door then stood over her.

  “Watch her ass and make sure she doesn’t get up,” Vernon said in a disguised voice and to Tracie who entered the house with him dressed as Wonder Woman.

  Darling and Darren gave a few barks then took off to the basement seeking protection behind the washer and dryer. It was as if they knew who one of the masked invaders was. Vernon took off toward Vivian’s bedroom.

  As Toni waited for Vivian to return to the phone his mind had shifted to times when they were together. He had no idea that she was just brutally assaulted and laying helplessly on her living room floor half unconscious.

  Tracie was shocked at how violent Vernon hit his sister. She stood with white gloves on her hands covering her mouth.

  “Why did he have to hit her so hard,” soft words was uttered from her.

  Tracie...why would this? Vivian thought through her confusion.

  Toni snapped out of his dreamy state and spoke into his cell phone, “Hello...Vivian,” and not getting a response thought she must have a ton of kids at the door. He rose to get bottled water from his refrigerator.

  Vernon walked back into the living room stashing money he took from Vivian’s wallet into the money belt tied around his waist.

  “Is she still out,” he said to Tracie.

  “Is she still out?” Toni uttered, and set the bottled water down on the counter in his kitchen. “Vivian,” he said into the phone and looking perplexed. He picked the bottle of water up and went back to his living room taking a seat on the edge of the sofa.

  “There’s got to be more money around here somewhere,” Vernon said and moving over to Tracie who was still stunned at what he had done. “Tank and Lil John are on their way to get the televisions,” he stated, using fake names for his friends.

  Toni looked totally confused at what he was hearing.

  Tracie looked surprised at Vernon as if his friends coming to take things from Vivian’s house were new news to her.

  “What’s going on over there,” a confused Toni uttered and stood from the sofa with his cell phone mashed to his ear.

  “I think you may have killed her...she’s not moving,” Tracie said afraid that he did.

  Toni’s eyes grew wide.

  Vernon under his costume eyes grew wide, too. “What the hell did I tell you? Didn’t I say not to open your mouth, to move that big head of yours up and down when I ask you something.”

  Tracie nodded her head yes at Vernon.

  Toni’s mouth balled in fury at the words. “Whoever you are you better not hurt her,” and he began to move fast around his house.

  Vivian though she was still a bit confused was now sure Tracie was in her house. She decided to play completely unconscious.

  Vernon shouted, “Now go see what’s in the refrigerator and put it in these bags!” ire plastered across his face and extending two plastic bags to Tracie that he took from the kitchen.

  “What?” Tracie pantomimed to Vernon and baffled by what he was demanding she do.

  Vernon twisted his lips at her panic-stricken expression. “Now I know your bigheaded ass didn’t think we were really going trick-or-treating,” he said to her. “Take these bags and go do what I told you to do!”

  Tracie’s hands and legs began to tremble deciding if she do as he said.

  Vernon balled his mouth. “Girl if you don’t take these bags.”

  Tracie snatched the bags from him and headed up to the kitchen with them. He’s going to get me in trouble. She looked on the verge of crying.

  “Where are they,” Vernon then said going over to the window where he moved the curtains a bit to look out. He sees trick-or-treaters heading up the walk way. He waved his hands at them as if to say, we out of candy and then ignored the doorbell ring. After a second ring the trick-or-treaters walked away.

  Tears ran from Tracie’s eyes under her Wonder Woman mask and as she helped Vernon invade his sister’s house. She was okay with the plan after getting fired and Vernon assuring her no one would was going to get hurt. She had actually begged him before they left her house to promise no one would get hurt because she knew the temper Vernon had.

  Earlier, Vernon had quickly rose from Tracie’s sofa and over to her with a threatening look. “Girl you’re about to make me,” he said and with his fist balled tight and aimed at her face. Vernon would at times take pleasure in punching Tracie in the face when she said something he didn’t like. “I told you I’m not going to hurt her. Hell, she my sister. I told you that. I also told you that she got everything. He was my father, too. I should have gotten paid. Until I get what’s mine I’m going to take it.”

  “I just don’t want you to do anything that’s going to land me or you in jail. I can get another job if it’s money that you need,” Tracie pleaded.

  Vernon had lifted Tracie up by the collar of the green blouse she had on and drove her against the wall. “Shut the hell up and just do what I tell you! She owes me. Now go put the damn costume on,” and he released Tracie leaving her physically distraught by his actions.

  Toni had slid into his gym shoes, brown leather jacket and grabbed his keys from the kitchen table. He was on the elevator repeatedly pressing the lobby button as if it was going to make the elevator move faster. He still had his cell phone pressed to his ear when he stepped off the elevator and into the lobby. He walked briskly up to his building security desk.

  “Grace, I have an emergency. I’m not sure if I loc
ked my door. Can you go up and make sure it’s secured.”

  “Sure Mr. Gentry.”

  Toni got into his car driving like his life depended on getting to Vivian.

  “God let her be okay. Please don’t let them hurt her,” Toni said and turned in the direction to take the expressway. He went down the twenty five mile an hour ramp going fifty, quickly merging into traffic. He knew there were certain areas on the expressway police would be stationed to catch speeding drivers. He was approaching one of the areas. He wanted to slow his speed but his rush to get to Vivian had his feet pressing down on the accelerator a little more. Toni whipped pass a patrol car and seconds later they were trailing him with their sirens blaring. Toni glanced at them through his rear view mirror. He didn’t want to, but slowed his pace.


  “Come on they’re here,” Vernon said and turned from the window.

  Tracie was placing the last package of meat from the freezer into the plastic bag. She had already filled the other bag with items from the refrigerator.

  Vernon opened the door for his two helpers dressed like Vampires. They parked the van they drove behind Vivian’s house along side of her black cast iron fence.

  Tracie was visibly anxious to leave after seeing Vernon’s friends entered dressed in costumes. She had the feeling something bad was going to happen and with the two bags of food in hand she ran past Vernon’s friends and out the door.

  Vernon looked at her scurrying out the front door and moved his head from side to side. He then whispered to one of them. “I didn’t mean to hit her so hard, but she’s knocked out. If she comes to before y’all get the goods, don’t hurt her, and just get out. Did y’all park in the alley like I said to?”

  “Yeah,” one of them responded.

  “You know where we’ll be waiting,” Vernon said and casually strolled out of his sister’s house. He saw Tracie moving rapidly up the street. “Girl, slow your butt down,” he said and spit the two cotton balls from his mouth he used to disguise his voice.


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