A Pirate's Hellion

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A Pirate's Hellion Page 1

by Jaden Sinclair

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  Lyrical Press, Inc.


  Copyright ©2008 by Jaden Sinclair

  First published in 2008, 2008

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  A Pirate's Hellion

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  About Jaden Sinclair

  Also Available from Lyrical Press

  Coming Soon from Lyrical Press

  Lyrical Press

  * * * *

  Lyrical Press, Incorporated

  A Pirate's Hellion

  Copyright © 2008, Jaden Sinclair

  Edited by Renee Rocco

  Book design by Emma Wayne Porter and Renee Rocco

  Cover Art by Renee Rocco

  Lyrical Press, Incorporated

  17 Ludlow Street

  Staten Island, New York 10312

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  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

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  Published in the United States of America by Lyrical Press, Incorporated

  First Lyrical Press, Inc. electronic publication: December, 2008

  A Pirate's Hellion

  by Jaden Sinclair

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 1

  Henry Graham wiped the sweat from his forehead as he studied his cards, waiting for the barmaid to bring him his pint. He was in his late forties with thinning hair and a slight bulge to his stomach. Henry had a nasty habit of gambling with everything he had, and more of what he didn't have. He didn't know what to do with the hand of cards the man across him had dealt, but he did know that he needed to win the pot.

  "It's your move,” his opponent announced impassively.

  Henry glanced up again at the man, who slouched in his chair, staring back with blue eyes sharp as the steel on his hip. He had jet-black hair slicked back in a leather thong. A nice sized diamond stud pierced his left lobe and a well-trimmed mustache and goatee covered his upper lip and chin. His clothes appeared to be of the finest quality, something Henry found strange for a man sitting in this kind of pub.

  "How ... How much was the bet again?” Henry's voice shook.

  The man smiled, his tan face showing clean, white teeth. He leaned forward in his chair, clasping his hands together. Henry licked his dry lips, staring at the pinky ring on his right hand. His ring was a snake wrapped around his finger to form the band, with two rubies for its eyes.

  "One hundred dollars,” the man repeated.

  Henry looked at his cards. He knew he had a damn good hand with three tens, but what he didn't have was the hundred dollars. What he did need, however, was the money in that pot. It would pay off the many debts he owed. The money would even get him and his daughter to their new home, which is where they'd been headed until he lost all of their money, and was now trying to gain some of it back.

  With a desperate move on his part, Henry pulled out a small cameo of his sixteen-year-old daughter. He dropped it in the pile, gazing at it with deep regret in his heart.

  "What's that?"

  "My daughter,” Henry answered in a dull voice. “I will bet my daughter."

  The lips on the stranger twitched. “You would ante your child in our poker game?"

  Henry heard the disbelief in the man's voice. “I have no choice here, mister. I need the money real bad."

  He watched as the cameo was picked up and opened. Henry saw the sudden interest in that intense gaze as his opponent examined Henry's only daughter. The bastard was all but undressing his little girl with his eyes.

  "Do we have a deal?” Henry kept his voice tight.

  The man closed the locket and placed it back in the ante pile. When he stared Henry in the eyes, Henry felt a chill of dread hit him. He regretted what he had done but knew it was too late to undo it. “We have a deal."

  Henry let out a sigh as he readied to show his cards. With immense satisfaction, he lay down his tens. He smiled up at his opponent, triumphant, but his grin was soon gone. Four jacks overshadowed his tens, telling Henry not only had he lost the money he so needed, but his daughter was forfeit as well.

  "That can't be,” Henry breathed out with a mixture of shock and disbelief. “Not my Izzy."

  Henry watched the man pickup the cameo and shoved the money towards him. “My man here will go with you to escort the winnings to my ship."

  Henry was helped to his feet as the money was stuffed into his pockets. All he could do was stand there and stare after the cameo the stranger was rubbing with his thumb. How could he have been so stupid as to put Izzy up for a prize? How could he have lost his daughter?

  "Your ... your ship?” Henry stuttered, lost in a confused haze of horror.

  "You don't really think I live here?” Humor lit his eyes. “I expect her within the hour.” He nodded at the man next to him before Henry was dragged from the table and out the front door.

  * * * *

  One hour passed, then two, and still the prize he had won didn't show up. What did show up after four hours were Wills and another man dragging in the sailor who had accompanied Henry to bring back his prize.

  "He's been beaten pretty bad, Captain,” Wills said, frowning.

  "Our Mr. Graham?” the captain asked, his voice cold.

  "Gone,” Wills replied. “Whole room is cleaned out. He took the ship that left port ‘bout an hour ago."

  "Seems I have been cheated out of my winnings, Mr. Wills.” The captain strode to the side of his ship, gazing out at the dark sea. “And what I hate the most, Mr. Wills, is a welsher."

  Wills said nothing as he watched the backside of his captain. It was a well-known fact how the man was when crossed. The crew knew when to stay out of their captain's way, and now was one of those dreaded times.

  "Aye, Captain.” Wills kept his voice low.

  Wills watched the captain retrieve a cameo from his pocket and open it. He waited for the captain to inform him of what his next duty would be.

  "Mr. Wills.” The captain called sternly.

  "Aye, Captain?” Wills braced himself for the worst.

  "Find out everything you can about our Mr. Graham. He has a debt to pay.” The captain studied the full moon. A soft breeze touched his face along with the spray of the sea. “The kind I personally intend to have paid."

  * * * *

  Three years later:

  "Isabella ... Please honey ... Listen.” Henry Graham stood outside his daughter's be
droom door, pleading with her to come out. “He is a nice gentleman who has traveled a long way to meet you."

  "Hah! Save it father, I have heard this all before.” Isabella Graham stood in front of her bedroom window looking at the calm sea. For three years she had lived on this island. During that time, loneliness was all she'd known. The only visitors the island seemed to attract were men her father owed money to or ones who wanted to call on her with marriage in mind. Both disgusted her. “I won't be a pawn in your games any longer!"

  "All he wants, my sweet, is one evening, and my slate is clean."

  Izzy stormed to her door, throwing it open with as much anger as she could muster. She stood with her hands on her slim waist, wearing new custom riding pants and shirt. “For your information, father, the last gentleman who wanted an evening kissed me and tried to get his hands down my gown. I don't care to go through that again."

  Henry Graham knew full well his nineteen-year-old daughter was breathtaking with her long, soft brown hair braided down her back. Her deep, sea green eyes always attracted male attention. Her eyes were so like her mother's, he often got lost in them. With her full lips and delicate heart-shaped face, Izzy was a vision for anyone to behold. She was also a hellion when angry.

  "Izzy, please,” Henry begged. “I promise this is the last time."

  "That's what you said last time,” she yelled. “Besides, I am going riding. The horses haven't been exercised and Max needs to run or he'll grow fat. You,” she jabbed a finger at his chest. “Can take care of your gentleman on your own.” Isabella stormed out of the house, straight to the barn.

  * * * *

  "Right on time, lass,” Wills said to himself as he watched the girl walk into the barn. The way she stormed in, he suspected her mood was anything but sweet and proper today. “Captain's going to have his hands full with you.” He chuckled. “That's for sure."

  For the past two weeks, Wills had been watching the captain's prize like a hawk. His orders were simple. Watch her, learn her routine, and don't be seen. Get as much information as he could about her and her father. Lastly, he was to get the layout of the island. He had one month only to complete his tasks, and that month was over. Tonight the captain would come to take this spitfire.

  Wills had found out quite a lot in the month he'd been here, much that he was sure would make the captain happy. Lately, making the captain happy had become a difficult task. He was grumpy, moody, and had no wench around to take the hardness from his cock. He knew the cause of the captain's bad mood was this here lass. The captain had an itch for her that wouldn't go away. An itch that be needing a special kind of scratch.

  Wills learned Henry Graham had a gambling problem. He was so deep in debt he had reduced himself to using his daughter to pay them off, but still only managed to keep his head above the water. He knew the girl remained untouched. The way her father was going about things, however, it wouldn't be long before one of these men forced himself on her.

  Wills watched Isabella Graham ride out of the barn as if the fires of hell were on her heels. He smiled as he started his walk back to the port where his dinghy was secured. It was time to report back to his captain.

  "Enjoy your ride, lass,” Wills warned aloud, though he knew Isabella couldn't hear him. “The next ride you'll get will be with the captain."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 2

  Captain Dantel ‘Snake’ Le Serpente lounged in his cabin with his feet propped on the nailed down table, studying the cameo of Isabella Graham. He assumed she would be about nineteen years old now, and ripe for the picking. His piercing gaze caressed every inch of the picture, imagining the feel of her soft skin. His thoughts drifted, and he couldn't stop himself from wondering what it would feel like to plunge his cock into her pussy.

  "Captain?” A knock on his door forced Snake to come out of his darkly erotic imaginings.

  "Enter,” he snapped.

  "Captain, sorry to bother you. Wills be coming back."

  Snake replaced the cameo in his vest pocket and stood. He stuck the large curved knife into his sash as he walked past the young cabin boy. Dressed only in black pants, knee high boots, blood red sash around his waist, and leather vest, he waited in the middle of the bow, feet apart, as the dinghy slowly returned to the ship.

  The day he'd discovered where Graham had been living, Snake had dropped his man off on the island with strict instructions, leaving him there for one month in order to get the layout of the place and the information he required. Snake wanted to know her entire routine before he made his move. With the month over, Snake was ready to strike. Wills's mission was over and Snake couldn't wait to hear what the man had to tell him.

  With fists on hips, Snake watched his only friend ascend the ladder while the dinghy was hauled up.

  "Well?” Snake demanded.

  "She's there,” Wills affirmed before he boarded the ship. “And she has a temper on her."

  Snake grinned, the first real smile in years. “Is that so?"

  Wills handed his bag to the cabin boy. “Aye, she be a handful. That father of hers is raising one hell of a spitfire. And he owes just about everyone on that island. Been using his daughter to settle some of the debt."

  Snake crossed his arms over his chest, going hot with the threat of rage. “Whoring her out?"

  "No, sir! She still be untouched, but I don't think for much longer. There is this fancy gent who old Henry owes more to than anyone else. He is planning on having the lass, be she willing or unwilling."

  Snake took a deep, calming breath. “Then, Mr. Wills, it is time for me to go fetch my prize.” Snake spun on his heel and started back to his cabin. Wills followed after him. “Let's set the plan in motion. Hoist the flag and ready the guns. Tonight, men, we plunder!"

  A cheer went out as the crew began to ready for the impending raid.

  "Mr. Wills, to my cabin.” Snake yelled over the noise.

  Wills trailed the captain down to his cabin. He closed the door and didn't move while Snake strapped on a belt and secured his sword. He stuffed two pistols in the front of the belt as well.

  "The house?” Snake questioned, securing a coiled whip to his belt before picking up a rope.

  "Straight up the hill. They share it with the governor."

  "Ah!” Snake smiled again. “So our Henry rubs elbows with the rich!"

  "Aye, he does. He be related to the owner by his late wife, governor's wife that is, were her sister.” Wills snickered. “They keep the gates open only until ten at night, so if you be wanting to walk in, now is the best time to go in without trouble. Her window is at the back of the house, facing the east side of the ocean. It is the only room with a balcony. She always leaves the doors open for the night air."


  "There a handful of guards who patrol the grounds. Only two at the sides of the gates, but they tend to sleep on the job."

  Snake grinned. “This is going to be too easy."

  "Not really, Captain.” Wills sighed deeply, rubbing his chin. “There may be only a few guards on his ground, but them Red Coats patrol the whole of the island. You want the cover of the guns? As soon as you hit the shore we can start the canons."

  "Good point. Make it so. You are in charge of the ship.” Snake stuffed a knife into his boot. “Go, ready the men. And tell them they keep what they take, but women are not to be brought on board. Their dicks will have to wait until we reach to the next port. They know what Isabella looks like?” At Wills's nod, he added, “Inform them she is mine and death to anyone who harms her. Twenty gold pieces to the man who brings her to me."

  Wills nodded. “Aye, Captain. We will be ready."

  After Wills had gone, Snake looked once more at the cameo. “Now, my pet, you will belong to me!"

  * * * *

  "Your new chemise, miss."

  Izzy rose from the bath, wrapping the drying cloth around her creamy skin. She dried quickly before slipping into the cool, white cott
on chemise. Her maid, Sally, had embroidered red roses along the neckline, giving it a more personal touch.

  "What did you hear?” Izzy asked.

  "The gentleman is making a deal with your father. He said if your father can get you to marry him he would consider the debts settled. I believe your father is going to accept the offer, miss. I think he is going to force you to marry him."

  "How could he do this to me?” Izzy slipped on her robe, tying the sash into a tight knot around her waist.

  "I know this isn't the time to tell you this, but there is talk the Serpent was spotted close to shore. Its captain is one creature I wish to never lay eyes on.” She swallowed hard. “I hear many things miss, one being he is as ruthless a man of the sea as he is in the bed."

  Izzy opened her mouth to speak but closed it. She walked to the balcony, frowning “Do you hear that? Sounds like whistling."

  "That isn't whistling!"

  Izzy was pulled to the ground and dragged behind her bed as an explosion hit the side of the house. Both women screamed as their entire world shook with the force of the canon. Izzy was the first to get up and rush over to the balcony. She watched in stunned silence as pirates stormed the governor's home.

  "Oh, my God,” she breathed, terror ripping through her.

  Izzy watched in horror as five men raced around the house to the balcony. Her eyes widened when she gaped at one particularly tall man with a trimmed goatee who seemed fixated on her. His grin was pure arrogance and it gave her a chill that ran bone deep.

  Izzy jumped back when a grappling rope came flying toward her. She gasped as it wrapped around the railing. For a few seconds more, Izzy stood still in stunned silence as the one she was staring at started to scale the rope. Another shot of canon fire erupted, prompting Izzy to finally move.

  She turned and ran, grabbing Sally by the arm. By the time her hand touched the knob she heard the first step of a boot strike the hardwood floor.

  "Run!” Sally yelled, pushing Izzy out the door.

  Izzy managed to reach the top of the stairs. She skidded to a halt, hearing her maid scream before something smashed into the wall. Izzy's heart dropped when her bedroom door crashed opened and out stormed the same pirate who invaded her room. Green eyes met icy blue ones in a silent challenge. All other noise was blocked out as the two faced off.


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