A Pirate's Hellion

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A Pirate's Hellion Page 2

by Jaden Sinclair

  The silent challenge was broken when the pirate took a step in her direction. Izzy broke into a run down the stairs. She heard him running close behind her.

  "Father!” Izzy screamed.

  Izzy glanced behind her to judge her lead from her pursuant. Her fright increased when she saw he was nearly upon her. He reached out to grab her. Izzy tried to duck but tripped and landed hard. The breath was knocked out of her as she lay face down on the floor. Like impending doom, he hovered over her.

  Izzy was grabbed roughly by her arm and flipped over to face the man towering over her. He grabbed her hair in a fist, pulling her up to a sitting position. He brought her closer to his face, his nose a mere breath away from hers. “Finally. You will be mine tonight."

  The warning was spoken in a deep, rough voice right before she was jerked to her feet and shoved against the wall.

  Izzy looked up at the man with frightened eyes. He was foreboding, but that didn't stop her from kicking him in the shin, a weak defense against a man of his size. It worked, however, to momentarily stun him. She was released and ducked to run, but didn't get far. Her hair was grabbed again and she was yanked back. Izzy grunted when she was, once more, slammed into the wall.

  "You little hellcat!” he ground out.

  "No. It can't be!” Henry gasped.

  Izzy fought hard against the pirate's hold when she heard her father's voice. She tried to bite his wrist, but was rewarded with a shove and a hard jerk of her hair.

  Izzy managed to glance at her father, noting his ashen expression. She didn't know or understand what the connection was between this man and her father, but something told her that this all went beyond a town being raided. This was personal.

  "A debt paid,” the pirate announced victoriously. “With interest.” He pulled out his knife, freed Izzy's hair, and with one quick swipe left Henry with a slice on his left cheek. Izzy screamed and tried to go to her father but was stopped by the man grabbing her arm in an almost brutal grip. “Be thankful I don't kill you for the beating my man got because of you. Know that I will enjoy your daughter's pleasures for a long time."

  Izzy tried to yank her arm away in the hope of his grip loosening. “Let go of me!"

  "Not my daughter!” Henry begged, holding his bleeding cheek. “Please not my little girl!"

  Izzy twisted and managed to slap the man in the face. “You bastard."

  He grabbed her wrist and she bit him. He gave a hard shake. “Slap me again and I'll make you clean my deck, naked, while my crew watches,” he threatened.

  He turned her then, pushed her up against the wall. A knee pressed into her back, keeping her in place.

  "Check Mr. Graham. Then tie him up.” The man holding her was obviously the leader of these men. And if she had any doubt he was their captain, the way his command was obeyed made the fact quite clear. He grabbed her wrists and pulled them behind her back. “Bite me again, and I promise I'll put you over my knee and give you a spanking you'll never forget. And I'll make sure you're bare when I do it."

  Izzy's indignation prevented her from going meekly with this brutal bastard. “How dare you treat me like this?"

  When her wrists were secured he turned around. “I treat what belongs to me however I wish.” He grabbed her breasts, squeezing them. “And you belong to me, pet."

  "I don't belong to you.” She spit on his polished boots. “You disgust me."

  He glanced down at the spittle, a tic starting in his cheek, “I would have expected better manners from a lady. Yet, what does one expect when faced with a spoiled brat?” He smirked. “And you will be polishing them."

  Izzy went to respond but was quieted by his mouth slamming down on hers in a punishing kiss. Before she could push away, he ended the kiss.

  "And yet, the brat does taste good.” He grinned, licking his lips. “I look forward to tasting much more."

  Izzy was dragged out of her home, bound, shoeless and with only her chemise and robe for protection. Her hair was free, blowing in her face as this stranger dragged her along. She watched in disbelief as men ran around with arms full of stolen goods.

  "Where are you taking me?” she yelled at him as another cannon blast hit the island.

  "To my ship,” he replied calmly.

  Izzy again tried to free her arm from his grasp, which in turn forced him to tighten his hold. “Why are you doing this?"

  He stopped in front of a boat. “Give the signal,” he ordered another pirate.

  Izzy managed to escape his hold, only to be stopped just as instantly. She cried out as a strong arm went around her waist, easily lifting her.

  "You do have determination.” He grunted as he fought with her. “I'll give you that."

  Izzy was dropped inside the boat, landing with a solid thud. By the time she struggled to sit up, they were away from shore, with other boats following in their wake.

  "You won't get away with this.” She warned. “The navy will come after you."

  "Trust me, you are not worth a whole navy to fight for you. You are the daughter of a man who owes an obscene amount of money to a lot of people,” his voice lowered and his finger traveled down her throat to circle around a nipple that was stiff from the cold. “They will write you off as nothing more than a lost wager in a card game."

  Izzy did everything she could not to make a sound as he fondled her body. She refused to give him the satisfaction of any response to his merciless touch.

  "I'm a man who came searching for what was owed to him,” he continued, his hand moving from her breasts only to go inside the chemise and cup her breasts without the protection of her clothes. “You can belong to me, or I can take you back to daddy and he can sell you to whatever prick wants to marry you and pay his debt.” His gaze roamed over her body while his hand kept massaging her breasts. “I didn't think so,” he sneered. “On my ship I am God, master, and the king. I decide if you live, die, eat or fuck,” he lowered his voice as he took his other hand and started to run it up under her chemise.

  "Don't.” Izzy barely managed to speak as she tried to squirm away from her captor's hand. Even though he was rough with her, Izzy found his touch on her leg was gentle. The calluses on his palm weren't a bother, either. In fact, she found it all strangely arousing and compelling.

  "And I do plan on fucking you, my pretty little prisoner. I have at least three years to make up for. I'm hard, heavy, and aching for the sweet treasure your daddy gambled away to me. Until I say otherwise, you're mine.” he vowed, his hand cupped around her bare breast.

  "I'll never be yours,” she spat.

  His smile was cold, calculating. “We will see.” He brushed his knuckles across her cheek with his free hand before he gave his full attention to the rowing.

  She was pushed face down with his knee placed in the middle of her back. Snake wanted to keep his little pet safe from the gunfire as well as the chill in the air, but she didn't need to know that. And damn if he didn't have a little hellcat.

  For the longest ride of her life, Izzy was filled with dread as she was taken farther and farther away from her home. When the boat bumped the side of the ship she closed her eyes and tried to pray this was nothing more than a bad dream, and soon she would wake and be back in her bed.

  "Time to go, kitten.” He chuckled.

  Izzy was roughly brought up and flung over his shoulder. Her arms were numb from being tied, and her legs were cold from the night air.

  "Only the cowardly bastard of a whore would treat a lady like this!” she accused, while he climbed the rope ladder.

  "And a true lady wouldn't lower herself to speak like a whore,” he smarted back.

  "Go to the devil!"

  As soon as his shoulders were level with the ship, he tossed her over. Izzy landed on her rear on the deck, her chemise hovering up on her thighs. Izzy stared defiantly at him as he finished the climb over. He returned the glare as he walked away from her.

  "Mr. Wills!” he yelled. “Are the men on their way

  "Aye, Captain."

  "As soon as the last boat is tied to the ship, we put the island to our rudders. Head us home.” The word home got another cheer from the ones who remained behind on the ship during the raid.

  Izzy was grabbed and jerked to her feet, then dragged, helpless, towards a door in the center of the ship. Once inside, she received a quick view of a dining room with two side doors. When she tried to stop in order to look around, hoping to find a place to either hide from him or escape, she was tugged to a door on the right.

  They stopped only after she'd been hauled down a narrow flight of stairs and down a dark hallway until they reached the last cabin door. As soon as her captor opened the door, he shoved her inside, toward the bed. She landed face down.

  "I am so tired of you pushing me around,” she dared to say, struggling to roll over on the bed.

  "I don't really care what you are tired of.” He kicked the door shut.

  "If you are going to be a bastard, the least you could do is give me a name to call you. Son of a Whore seems so impersonal.” She maintained a smile and spoke that sarcasm charmingly.

  His eyes narrowed as he tugged the weapons from his waistband. “Snake."

  She frowned at him. “Excuse me?"

  "Call me Snake."

  Izzy laughed. “You expect me to believe you are the infamous Snake? The pirate who terrorizes every ship on the ocean and chases maidens down for his pleasure.” She rolled her eyes at him. “Hardly!"

  Snake strolled toward her and spoke calmly, proving he was in complete control. “You have a smart mouth on you."

  "And you are a bully,” she said tightly as she tried to block out the pain in her arms and her head.

  "There is only one way I know to deal with a smart mouthed girl."

  She cocked her head to one side. “Bully them more?"

  "No. I shut them up.” His eyes turned cold, as did his voice.

  Izzy watched intently while he took two steps back and started to remove his belt and sash. Her mouth ran dry when he pulled the vest from his shoulders, tossing it on a chair. Her heart pounded as she watched him work the tie of his breeches, freeing his erection. This was her first view of what a man looked like undressed, and he was an amazing sight to behold. She couldn't understand why this man infuriated her and made her want to touch him at the same time.

  "Your hungry gaze shows interest, pet.” He grinned.

  He turned to her, and stroked his stiff shaft, obviously enjoying her watching him. With his free hand, Snake grabbed her arm. He let go of his cock and pulled her chemise up to her waist.

  Izzy stared up at him in stunned silence. Her eyes opened wide when his hand cupped her between the legs and brought his cock close to her face. “Now open that pretty mouth and suck."

  She shook her head no, but it only caused him to plunge two fingers inside her.

  "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way,” he moved his fingers, causing Izzy to bit her lower lip. “Don't matter to me much, but before this night is over you will pleasure me with your mouth,” he growled, letting her know she had no way to avoid the inevitable. “Now open your mouth and be a good girl. If you please me, my fingers will please you."

  He teased her sex, forcing Izzy to open her mouth on an involuntary moan. Snake seized the moment and pushed his cock deep into her mouth, holding tightly to the back of her head.

  "You bite me and I will strip you, tie you on deck and fuck you in front of my men. Do you understand what I'm telling you?"

  Izzy didn't dare test his threat. Instead, she did as he commanded and pleasured him.

  * * * *

  Snake parted his legs and held onto her head with one hand. Eyes closed, he pumped his hips slowly. He moaned as Isabella sucked on his erection.

  "Yes, just like that."

  Snake moved his hips in time with his fingers, working her mouth and pussy with determination to bring them both to orgasm. His excitement rose when her throat muscles relaxed, allowing him to sink fully into her mouth. By the wetness pouring over his hand and the enthusiastic way she sucked on him, he was damn near to spilling his seed. He didn't dare allow himself to imagine what her cunt would feel like stretched over his cock. But it was her heated tongue on the underside of the head that was his undoing. That pleasure alone brought his orgasm to surface faster than he would have liked.

  On a deep moan, Snake came hard and fast into her mouth. At her cry of release, he knew they were both spent. Satisfaction surged through him as some of the three years of pent up sexual hunger spilled into her mouth.

  His head dropped back on a groan as she swallowed the last drop of him, prolonging his orgasm for what seemed an eternity.

  "Oh fuck, baby. Suck me dry.” His hips jerked one last time.

  Only after the last aftershock was over did Snake withdraw his cock from her mouth and his fingers from her sex. He laced up his britches, his eyes on her pouting mouth. Her lips were wet and swollen, and she refused to look at him.

  "No more smart mouth from you?” he asked. He placed his hands on his hips, cocked his head to one side and raised up a single brow. “I'm disappointed."

  "Can you release my arms? They are starting to hurt.” When he did nothing, she begged. “Please.” She ground out between gritted teeth.

  Snake retrieved his knife from the table and pulled her to her feet. He turned her around and with one strong swipe, cut the rope. He watched her for only a moment as she rubbed some feeling back into her arms before he put his weapons out of her reach. When he turned back to her, he wasn't expecting to be met with a sharp slap.

  Her hand connected with his cheek with so much force that he was sure a red handprint would remain on his face. It stunned him enough to make him take a small step back from the blow.

  "You bastard. How dare you do that to me?” When she moved to strike him again, Snake grabbed her wrist, pulling her into his embrace, pinning her hands down to her sides.

  "Such a temper you have. I bet you are a wildcat in the sheets."

  "Go to the devil!"

  Snake laughed at her and at her attempts to wrest away from him. “I do love a woman with some fire to warm my bed. Makes the conquering that much more sweet.” He bent down to kiss her but Isabella bit him.

  "Bitch.” Snake shoved her away from him, wiping his lip. A small drop of blood stained his finger and he leered up at her, furious. “I warned you not to bite me."

  "I don't give a bloody damn what you told me. I will not stand by and let you maul me!” she yelled.

  "A bit late to be acting the shy maiden, don't you think?” He crossed his arms over his chest. “After all, you did get pleasure from it just as I did. And you have a punishment coming for biting me, pet."

  Izzy ran for the door, but was stopped by his hand curling around her arm. She cried out as he jerked her back. He ripped the robe from her, her scream reverberating throughout the cabin. She fought wildly as Snake sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her over his knees. The moment he exposed her backside and landed the first slap, he stunned her into silence.

  Snake was taking a guess no one, not even her father, had spanked her. Three more slaps came before he brought her to tears. He'd feel sorry for the wench if it weren't apparent by her indignation that the tears were more from frustration and humiliation than any pain he might have caused her.

  By the time he was done, her ass was a nice red and he already wanted her again. “Now, are we in agreement there will be no more biting?"

  Her answer was a mix of muttered sobs and sniffling. He set her on the bed and felt a pang of regret at the pathetic sight of her, with her torn robe, tangled hair and tear-stained face. “That's what I thought. Remember this, kitten, because every time you fight me, I'm going to put you over my knee."

  He stormed from the cabin, leaving her to ponder the error of her ways.

  For some reason he couldn't bear to stay and watch her tears.

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  Chapter 3

  "And how is your new pet doing?” Wills inquired.

  It had only been half a day since the Serpent docked and raised hell on the tiny island. Twelve hours since its captain acquired his prize, and the only thing he'd gotten out of his prize was a taking of her mouth. What Snake refused to admit aloud was, he was quite stumped when it came to Isabella Graham. He didn't know how to handle her. If he tried to seduce her, then he would be gentle. If he was rough, he could inadvertently hurt her. What really had him confused was the feeling for her. In all his years out at sea, Snake never thought he would care for a woman, let alone one with the fire Izzy possessed.

  Snake didn't answer Wills, but made a ‘humph’ sound. He walked by Snake and sat on the steps up to the wheel.

  "That good?” Wills added with a chuckle.

  "I had to tie and gag her before I left.” Snake shot a glare at him before he peered out at the open sea. “Don't ask. Why have we detoured from our course?"

  Wills maintained his smile. “We need supplies. Don't have enough to get us home.” He rubbed his stubbled check. “And the men could use some flesh, since you have a toy on board."

  Snake crossed his arms over his chest and glanced quickly at Wills. “Then you have everything under control, I see."

  "Aye Captain.” Wills said. “You go back and play with your new toy. We have at least two, maybe three days before we reach port."

  A slow grin started on his lips. “I think what I'm going to do, Mr. Wills, is have myself a meal. I hunger.” He slapped Wills on the back. “You have the wheel, Wills."

  "Aye, aye, Captain."

  Snake sauntered down toward galley to grab some food. During the raid they'd acquired food. He was expecting something better than the grub the cook had served them for the past few weeks. Snake already informed him that if he didn't start cooking better, the next port they stopped at would be where he got off ... if the crew didn't run him through first.


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