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Chasing His Puma (Big Bad Bunnies Book 3)

Page 17

by Golden Angel

  They moaned together as he pushed inside of her, stretching her pussy with small, firm thrusts, working his way into her body. She was so wet he could have probably slid in with just one, but Brock liked to tease… to torment… and no amount of writhing or digging in of her heels to the backs of his thighs made him go any faster. Which was both incredibly frustrating and infuriatingly hot.

  When his groin was finally flush with hers, she was so on fire with need, so full of him, she felt like her body would be levitating if it wasn’t for his weight holding her down. The slow, grinding rotation of his hips pressed his groin against her pussy, rubbing over her sensitive lips and clit, and she cried out against his kiss in utter sexual rapture at the sensation.

  Then he pulled his hips back.



  Her body pulsed as he did it again.

  And again.

  Her puma ran out of patience at the same time she did. Teeth lengthening to fangs, she let out an almost primal scream—her cat’s scream—and her legs wrapped around his hips as she sank her teeth into his shoulder.

  Pure triumph rushed through her, as strong as an orgasm, and it was swiftly followed by a bite of pain and then pleasure as Brock bellowed and sank his teeth into her as well.

  Ecstasy, so intense it hurt, ravaged her body as he thrust, hard, fast, wildly out-of-control as the after-effects of the mating bite spiraled around both of them. Doc screamed around his shoulder as tears sparked in her eyes, her orgasm crashing through her with the force of an avalanche. It wasn’t just her desire and pleasure she was feeling, it was Brock’s too she realized.

  The connection between them was deep, abrupt, and utterly complete.

  She could feel his love, his rapture inside of her, a small knot of emotion and sensation taking up space in her head next to her puma—who lolled in contentment at finally having her mate.

  Slowly the sensations ebbed… her teeth receded…

  The mark on her shoulder didn’t hurt at all surprisingly. If anything, she felt more sensitive than ever, and she spasmed with a small ripple of orgasm when Brock laved his tongue over it. His large body slumped over hers, his weight pressing her down and making her feel utterly surrounded and protected by him.

  “That… that was intense,” he muttered. “I can… I can feel you inside me.”

  “I think that’s my line,” she quipped, then giggled as he growled and moved his hips slightly.

  Yup, she could definitely still feel him inside of her, although slowly shrinking.

  They kissed. Gently. Tenderly.

  When he rolled off of her, she moved in to snuggle against him, his arms still holding her tightly.

  This was everything she’d ever wanted. The happily-ever-after she’d always yearned for.

  And it was interrupted by a small wail coming over the baby monitor.

  Both of them were in motion before they even thought about it, grabbing up clothing and practically racing each other to the bedroom door as they yanked on their pajamas. She had to grab a new top from her dresser but she was still right behind him. Catching her new mate’s eye as he opened the door, she grinned at him. He grinned back.

  “Let’s go take care of our little girl,” he said.

  Doc’s puma purred. She slipped her arm around his waist as they went down the hall together.

  Yup. This was definitely her happily-ever-after.

  Epilogue 1

  It was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Brice had no responsibilities at all. Inside his head, Behemoth (which was what Brice had named his shifter side) was feeling just as lazy. Laying out in the sun by the lake which gave Lakewood its name, he was on the verge of falling asleep when a shadow fell over his face.

  Opening his eyes, he squinted as he looked up.

  “Hey lazybones,” said Kurt, one of his squad mates. He and the cheetah shifter got along pretty well, but they had what some might call a unique relationship. “You look more like a sloth than a soldier.”

  “Your mother was a hamster,” Brice responded, closing his eyes. “And your father smelt of elderberries.”

  “What?” Kurt asked, laughing.

  That, in a nutshell, was why they couldn’t be best friends. Kurt hadn’t even gotten past the credits of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Who didn’t love the credits? People with no sense of humor. Which, admittedly, definitely described Kurt. He was all about competition and showmanship, being funny didn’t really play into that.

  Brice used his worst French accent to finish the quote, waving his hands at Kurt dismissively. “Now go away, or I shall taunt you a-second time-ah.”

  “You’re quoting that weird movie again, aren’t you?”

  He let out a heartfelt sigh. “You make me sad.”

  “Whatever. I just came to let you know there’s a whole bevy of hot biker chicks that just arrived. They’re stopping by on their way to Cryus Peak, but they’ll be back here in a month if you wanted to come and attempt to make a decent first impression.”

  That got Brice’s attention. His eyes popped open as he immediately jumped up, ignoring Behemoth’s grumbles. Unlike Brice, Behemoth rarely cared about members of the opposite sex—it was like the creature had no sex drive at all. Brice on the other hand loved the ladies. “Seriously? Why didn’t you say so?!”

  He jumped to his feet, ignoring Kurt’s smirk. The two of them were complete opposites in a lot of ways.

  Brice had sun-streaked brown hair that managed to look windswept no matter what he did to it, so he’d ended up embracing the careless look. The ladies certainly liked it. After so many years cooped up indoors, he was now outside every chance he got and the honey tint to his hair had only become more pronounced, and his tanned skin made his blue eyes look even brighter. While he didn’t have quite the height and build of his older brothers, without them around to be compared with he definitely had one of the more impressive physiques at Lakewood.

  Which was probably why Kurt liked to hang around with him so much—he only liked to compete against the best.

  With pale skin, dark black hair, and soulful black eyes, Kurt looked serious and brooding, which was nearly as appealing to the ladies as Brice’s casual demeanor and boyish good looks. They were about the same height—a little over six feet tall—with similar musculature, so it really was a fair competition.

  “Shifters?” Brice asked, as they began to head up the hill which led to the Lakewood compound and parking lot.

  “Honey badgers,” Kurt said with a grin. “Honey badgers are fucking wild.”

  Brice couldn’t help but eye the other man. “And they like you?”

  He couldn’t imagine Kurt getting wild.

  “Oh no, they hate me,” Kurt said, shaking his head. “They take one look and all they want to do is shake me, chew me up, and spit me out. They can’t resist the challenge of someone dark, brooding, and disapproving. The sex gets intense like you wouldn’t believe.”

  That sounded… different. Normally the women who went for Kurt were more into swooning. But if honey badgers wanted to get wild, well Brice was definitely down for that. Unlike Kurt, he was definitely down for getting wild, partying, whatever. He’d missed out on all the normal growing up stuff that teenagers and college students did and he was determined to make up for it now.

  Well, in between saving the world from The Company. That was definitely priority number one.

  “Holy shit…” Brice said, letting out his breath on a slow whistle as the parking lot came into view. Ten bikes, ten incredibly stunning women. They all had caramel colored skin or darker, their black hair was in ponytails, braids, and—in one case—short cropped curls which stood out around her head like a halo.

  “They’re all cousins,” Kurt said in a low voice, making sure none of them would be able to hear him even with a shifter’s enhanced senses. “Some more distantly related than others. You met Jacqueline in Steele’s pack, right? She’s one of them.

  Yeah, he’d met Jacqueline. While he wouldn’t call her a wild partier or anything, the pack Omega did have some really interesting—and occasionally violent—ways of keeping the peace. Then again, she was the only honey badger in Steele’s pack. Maybe she became wild when she was around the rest of her kind?

  That was something he’d love to see.

  “Uh oh, looks like some of them are already packing up,” Kurt said, sounding a little smug. “You’d better hurry over if you want to make any kind of impression.”

  Asshole. He’d probably come to get Brice at the last minute just to watch him scramble to introduce himself to the ladies. Brice was half tempted to just stand at Kurt’s side and watch them, unconcerned. If they were coming back in a month anyway he could meet them then.

  On the other hand, he could also saunter through—say hi to Eli who was talking to one of the gorgeous ladies, ask her to pass some kind of loving message on to his family who were at the Peak, and hopefully impress her a little bit with his familial bonds. Anyone who traveled with an entire group of their cousins had to value family, right? And then she’d tell the other ladies too.

  Smirking at Kurt, Brice sauntered forward. No need to rush. Make a good impression on one family member and it was a good impression on them all.

  He did shoot a grin at several of the ladies though, who eyed him from a distance as he walked past. That was still a good impression too.

  Unlike Kurt, if they were up for a wild time then so was he.

  Although… damn, as he moved closer to Eli he could really appreciate the beauty of the woman currently speaking with the alpha. She had creamy cocoa skin, her hair was done in a multitude of tiny braids, each one decorated with a little gold bead at the end, full lips, long lashes, and a curvy figure he would love to get his hands on. The leathers she was wearing only made her look even sexier.

  As he approached, they both turned to look at him, and—to his surprise—Behemoth suddenly stirred as the light scent of something floral and sweet hit his nose.

  “Hello,” he said, smiling widely at her. She smiled back, which meant she didn’t mind her conversation being interrupted. Excellent. “I heard you’re going to Cryus Peak and…” His sentence cut off as Behemoth suddenly reared in his head, jumping and practically dancing with joy as he came close enough for her scent to fully imprint itself in his nose.

  Ours! Mate! Claim!

  Stunned, he skidded to a halt, staring at her with utter shock. She stepped back, glancing between him and Eli with a slightly worried expression on her face.

  “You’re my mate!” he said, utterly incredulous.

  The woman barked a laugh, rolling her eyes heavenward. “Oh geez… not another one.”

  Another one? What the hell? Immediately Behemoth went from joyous to ready to kill whoever this other interloper was.

  Mine! No sharing!

  “Eli, it was good to see you, I’m outta here,” she said, turning and pulling her helmet on over her head, striding quickly to her bike while Brice just stood there gaping at her.

  Hey, wait a second, what the hell?!

  Wasn’t she supposed to also immediately know? Shouldn’t her honey badger be having the same reaction as Behemoth?

  The big guy was whining, stunned and practically shaking at seeing their mate dismiss and reject them so thoroughly. That only lasted a minute before he was jumping about in Brice’s head, demanding that they chase after her.

  Unfortunately, she was on a chrome-plated Harley Davidson and he only had his own two feet. Well, four if he shifted, but if he did that he couldn’t talk and what was Behemoth going to be able to do other than knock her off of her bike?

  All of this passed through his mind as he stood there, mouth open like a fucking cartoon character, wondering what the hell had just happened.

  Turning to Eli he stared at the Alpha, who had his hand covering his mouth and looked like he was trying not to crack up. After a long moment, he finally managed to find his voice to ask the question.

  “What the hell?”

  Epilogue 2

  “Dammit!” Aiden kicked the head like a soccer ball before he started to pace, making all the hardened men in front of him flinch. Sheila flinched too, especially at the squishy splat noise the head made when it hit the wall. “Out! All of you get out!”

  His voice turned into a roar by the last words and the soldiers went scurrying. Aiden’s temper was dangerous at the best of times. Sheila tried to slide toward the door as well, but the movement caught Aiden’s eye.

  “Not you, Sheila,” he said, his voice softening slightly. “I swear, you’re the only person in this entire place who doesn’t piss me the fuck off.”

  She knew that. She did it on purpose. One of the benefits of having a long-time association with a complete narcissist was knowing exactly how to appeal to his ego. Her polar bear didn’t like it (or him for that matter) and it wanted her to find an excuse to leave. The bear was unsure if it could protect her from Aiden if he ever did lose his temper with her.

  But… right now she also needed information. She glanced at the head and looked away again. “Is that… was that…”

  “Dr. Montgomery,” Aiden said with a growl. Sheila cringed making herself look smaller and more upset than she actually was—although it really was pretty gross, so cringing wasn’t too far a stretch. Immediately his growl went away, his expression clearing slightly. Playing the delicate damsel in distress was usually the best way to appeal to Aiden—he liked to think he was a hero. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, you shouldn’t have had to see that.”

  Now her acting abilities really came into play as Aiden came over to put his arm around her shoulders, making sure she was facing away from the head. Inside her head she could hear her bear growling as it paced back and forth, anxious over having him so close to her, touching her.

  “Why did they even bring it here?” she asked.

  “Proof of death… which was smart of them, really,” he said, more to himself than to her, thinking out loud. “I would have never believed Eli would be so ruthless if I hadn’t seen it myself. That was definitely not an accidental shot which killed him.”

  Yeah, the odds of an accidental shot straight through a man’s forehead were pretty low. Which meant Eli had given a kill order in case The Company came for Dr. Montgomery. She wasn’t surprised he was ruthless enough, but she also wasn’t surprised that Aiden hadn’t expected it.

  He thought Eli didn’t have the strength, the personality, to really lead all the shifters. As Eli’s older brother, and his better (in Aiden’s opinion), he thought he should be the leader. That Eli had been become the leader slowly, working with all sorts of packs and factions to attain his position, never seemed to matter to Aiden. He only saw that his little brother had power and position which he didn’t, which he coveted.

  Sheila could almost feel sorry for him if he hadn’t taken it this far. Kidnapping and experimenting on shifters, on humans, all in search of a way to make him stronger and more powerful than Eli. He thought if he could beat his brother in a fight that it would make him king of the shifter world.

  Personally, she doubted it. The factions and packs would just go back to being autonomous without Eli. While physical strength was something they respected, it wasn’t the end-all-be-all. They were held together by choice and by Eli, who had made the connections and kept them all going.

  But Aiden couldn’t see all that. He didn’t want to.

  “My brother is turning out to be more than I thought,” Aiden muttered, his hand rubbing Sheila’s shoulder. She wanted him to stop, but she also couldn’t give up her role. Being Aiden’s secretary had led to all sorts of useful information she could pass on, and she didn’t dare do anything which might raise his suspicions. Suddenly Aiden laughed. “A worthy adversary. I shouldn’t be too surprised, I suppose, we are related. He has no idea what’s coming though.”

  “What… what is coming?” she asked, keeping her voice ti
mid. It wasn’t too hard. That was how she’d been taught to act, especially around the Mansfield brothers, since everyone had assumed one of them would take over as alpha of their den eventually. A den which had basically dismantled itself after Eli left, which also infuriated Aiden. He hadn’t even been given the chance to lead.

  “I’m almost ready,” Aiden said, smiling down at her, an almost fanatical light in his eyes. “Dr. Montgomery was supposed to provide the final piece to my puzzle but… I can do this without him. Come… I think it’s time I showed you.”


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  About the Author

  About me? Right… I’m a writer, I should be able to do that, right?

  I’m a happily married young woman, no kids so far, and I like tater tots, small fuzzy animals, naming my plants, hiking, reading, writing, sexy time, naked time, shirtless o’clock, anything sparkly or shiny, and weirding people out with my OCD food habits.

  I believe in Happy Endings. And fairies. And Santa Claus. Because without a little magic, what’s the point of living?

  I write because I must. I live in several different worlds at any given moment. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Want to know more about my other books and stories? Sign up for my newsletter! Come visit my website! I also update my blog at least a couple times a month.

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  Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed the story… and don’t forget, the best thing you can do in return for any author is to leave them feedback!

  Stay sassy.


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