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Taming the Whirlwind

Page 15

by L. M. Heidle

  I grinned at him, “They can’t be that bad.”

  “Oh, trust me. They can be so dull. They make watching paint dry exciting.”

  “Sounds like a blast. So do you usually go alone?” Okay so I might have been fishing for details.

  “Usually I do unless I find someone who doesn’t mind the torture.”

  I wasn’t about to tell him I saw the pictures of his model girlfriend. I quickly changed the subject. “Your tattoos. I was curious why you got them. They don’t fit in with the business look persona.”

  He winked at me, “Hmm… I thought they looked good.”

  They definitely look good, better than good. “I’m not saying they don’t look good, but I’m just saying you don’t see many CEOs sporting them.”

  “Well, I got mine before I made my money. The youthful rebellion and all.”

  “Youthful rebellion? What kind of youthful rebellion did you have?”

  He completely avoided my question, “Would you look at that? My hour is up. I need to be going. Thanks for making this session so interesting.”

  “All right Mr. Parker, I hope you have a good night.” With that, he was out the door. I have no idea what just happened. I shook my head.

  I cleaned up then made my way home. I walked into the apartment to find Meg sitting on the couch watching TV. “How was your day?”

  She barely looked away from the TV. “It was great, but you look like hell.”

  “You sure know how to make someone feel good about themselves.”

  She smirked at me. “You know damn well that’s not what I meant. I’m guessing that look involves Mr. Sexy.”

  “Yeah, part of it.” I threw her the magazine from earlier. “This shouldn’t bother me because we are just friends, but it does.”

  “Yeah, you guys are ‘just friends’. I think only a blind person would believe that, but I’m pretty sure even they would figure it out.”

  “Whatever. According to that article, he has a very attractive girlfriend. Even if I wanted to, which I don’t, he’s taken. Besides, if he dates women like her, I don’t stand a chance in hell.” Before she could argue with me, I changed the topic to Brent. “By the way, I had lunch with Brent today. We were supposed to meet at the café, but somehow he knew where I worked. Do you have any idea how he knew?” I stared at her, knowing full well she did it.

  “I have no idea what you are talking about. I haven’t talked him since the other day.” She smiled as sweetly as she could which totally gave her away. “What did you guys talk about?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure you don’t. He apologized for how he behaved in high school. It was so cute; he was so nervous to talk about it. After that, we talked about anything you could imagine.”

  “Apologize for high school? That’s hilarious. Well, at least you know he’s been thinking about you.”

  “I know. Did you order dinner yet?” She nodded. “Great! I’m going to get in the shower.”

  We ate dinner and I called it a night.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Tuesday, September 10

  Wednesday, September 11

  The next two days flew by. I don’t know if it was the excitement or mostly nervousness about going to the charity with Kade, but it felt like it went from Monday to Thursday in the blink of an eye.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Thursday, September 12

  I rolled over to hit the snooze button while stretching. I didn’t want to start another workday. I crawled slowly out of bed and headed to the kitchen because this day was not going to happen unless I had my coffee.

  I heard Meg talking as she made her way down the hall. Who in the heck was she talking to this early? If it was Derrick, I was going to gag. She walked around the corner holding my phone. I looked at her, puzzled; why did she have my phone? She laughed at my face.

  “It’s Brent. You left it in the living room last night.” She handed me the phone and got a mug down from the cabinet.

  “Hey Brent. What are you doing up so early? That was never your style.” I remembered all of the times I had to literally drag his butt out of bed to get to school on time.

  “I know, I know. It still isn’t, but my aunt is dead set against me sleeping in. She has me running all around this city. Plus, I wanted to talk to you. How about lunch today? We could hit up the hot dog vendor and eat in the park.”

  “That sounds great. Same time?”

  “Yeah, I’ll meet you at work. Hope you have a good morning. I better get going before my aunt freaks out. See ya later.” I laughed as he hung up. I turned to see Meg staring at me.

  “Is there anything you would like to tell me?” I blankly stared at her. I had no idea what she was talking about. “About Brent?” she prompted. Once again I was lost. She threw her arms up in the air. “Are you serious? You aren’t going to say anything about it?”

  “Whoa! Calm down. I have no idea what you are talking about. Brent and I are having lunch today. Why is that so interesting?”

  “It’s interesting because of the smile you just had on your face. You aren’t falling for him again, are you?”

  “What? Are you kidding? We’re two friends meeting for lunch. Even if I was, nothing has changed. He lives in Missouri and I live in New York.” She raised one eyebrow at me. “You’re being ridiculous. I’m going to get ready for work.”

  I walked out of the room still shaking my head. I think she was going crazy. Having lunch together didn’t mean we were getting married, for heaven’s sake.

  After a long and boring morning, I was looking forward to lunch. I walked into the elevator and looked up to see Kade. Good Lord! Could I not take an elevator ride without this man? He smiled at me but said nothing. I’m assuming that was due to the other people heading to lunch too. After the doors opened and everyone rushed out, I felt a hand at my elbow. The contact sent shivers up my spine.

  “Going out for lunch again today?” he said as he eyed Brent standing at the exit. How did he see him when I hadn’t even found him yet?

  “Yes, Brent and I are going to the park.” He slowly released my elbow. “I hope you have a great lunch.” I smiled at him then walked over to Brent. I put my hand on the inside of his elbow when he offered it. I didn’t look back at Kade but I could feel his eyes.

  We grabbed lunch and found a bench to sit on. I smiled. “Who knew hot dogs could be so much fun?”

  “They’re great as long as you don’t think about what they are made of.”

  “Don’t be silly. They’re just regular hot dogs. It’s not like there is a special brand of ‘New York’ hot dogs.”

  “No, no there is. I saw a documentary on it. It’s gross what these hot dogs go through. You don’t want to see where the vendors keep their carts at night. You would be puking your guts out right now.”

  “Wow, thanks Brent. I think I’m done with lunch.”

  “I’m just keeping it real. How has your day been going?”

  We spent the rest of the time talking about crazy stories from high school. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. It was so relaxing talking to him.

  “I wish I could blow off work, but I need to get back.” He offered me his arm as we walked back. “Thank you again for lunch. It’s been great seeing you again.”

  We walked in silence the rest of the way. Brent looked lost in thought and when we stopped in front of the building, he seemed nervous. When I tried to pull away, he tightened his arm. “Liz, eating lunch with you has been great, but I was wondering if maybe we could go on a date, for old time’s sake.”

  Wow, that caught me off guard. “Umm, sure! That would be fun.” What was I supposed to say? He kinda put me on the spot. Besides it would be fun hanging out with him for more than an hour. I hadn’t realized how much I missed him.

  “Okay, how about tomorrow night? We can go out to dinner and you can show me the hot clubs in town.”

  “A club? You? Since when did you start to like dancing?” He had protested going to any da
nce with me in high school. I had to threaten him to get him to take me to prom.

  He brushed the hair off my face. “I thought I would give it another shot.” For some reason, that felt like it had a double meaning.

  “All right. Just give me a call tonight and we can set up a time and all of that. Talk to you later, Brent.” I turned to head into the building.

  To my surprise, Kade was there waiting for me. “I see lunch went well.”

  “Yep.” He gave me a tight smile.

  “What are you doing tomorrow night? I thought we could go to dinner to sort out all of the details for Saturday.”

  “Sorry, Brent and I just made plans for dinner and dancing. What sort of details could there be? It’s black tie, it starts at 7, and it’s going to be long and boring. What else is there?”

  He snapped, “Fine. I will just send you an email. I wouldn’t want to interrupt your social calendar.” He turned around and stormed off. He stopped a few feet from me to swing around and walk back to me. “You could show a little respect, you know. You’re going to the event with me but you won’t give me five minutes of your time? Plus, I’m the one who paid for everything!” He turned to stomp off again.

  What in the hell was that about? I was beyond tired of his mood swings. He could have a serious girlfriend on the side but he gets all pissy when I go to dinner with an old friend. Who does he think he is? I stormed off after him and caught him as he was walking into the elevator. We weren’t alone but I didn’t care. “Excuse me. What in the hell is your problem? Why does my social calendar have anything to do with you? We’re friends, according to you! I’m going as your stand-in for Grazia and you don’t see me bitching about it.” A look of shock crossed his face before he went back to looking stoic. “Yeah, I know all about her. According to the magazines, you’re pretty serious but yet you’ve never mentioned her before.” The way he was glaring at me made me take a step back; I’d never seen him so mad.

  He leaned over to speak in my ear, “We’ll finish this discussion in my office.” It wasn’t a question so much as a statement. I jerked my head around to argue, but he was staring at me, daring me to open my mouth. I wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction so I smiled sweetly at him and looked away. I’m pretty sure that pissed him off even more. If the statement ‘looks could kill’ were true, I would have been dead several floors ago. The elevator was so silent you could have heard a pin drop. The elevator moved at an excruciatingly slow pace and I swear people were getting off on the wrong floor just to get away from him. I could still feel his eyes boring a hole through my head, but I refused to look at him.

  When the elevator opened to my floor, I started to walk out but he grabbed my elbow and yanked me back, “Like hell you’re getting off! This discussion is far from over. I said we’d finish it in my office and I mean now.”

  I yanked my arm free and he turned to face me, blocking the door. “I don’t have to do a damn thing you say, so get outta my way!” When he didn’t move, I smacked him hard across the face. “You don’t own me! Hell, I don’t even work for you. You can sure as hell forget about me going to the charity with you Saturday. I wouldn’t be caught dead on your arm!” He was still so stunned by the smack that he didn’t try to stop me as I skirted around him to exit.

  The nerve of that man! How dare he treat me like that? I was angry all afternoon. I tried not to be short with anyone but it was so hard. I was still fuming when I walked into the apartment. I slammed the door so hard behind me that it made me jump.

  Meg ran down the hall, “What in the hell is wrong with you?”

  “You will not believe what that jerk did today!! He got mad at me for not being available to go to dinner Friday because I already had plans with Brent. We got into this huge argument on the elevator, no less. He said that since he paid for everything, that I should show a little more respect! When he wouldn’t let me off the elevator, I smacked him hard across the cheek and told him to forget about the charity because I wouldn’t be caught dead on his arm. He was pissed at me, but yet he can use me to stand in for his girlfriend, which by the way, I would probably have never known about if I didn’t read about it. Then he gets ticked when I have dinner with an old friend. I don’t freaking think so.”

  “You slapped him? Are you crazy? You slapped the most eligible bachelor in New York City and turned the charity down? I bet he was freaking pissed.”

  “You should have seen the look on his face. The expression about daggers coming from the eyes was nothing compared to what was coming from his eyes.”

  Just as she was getting ready to say something, there was a knock at the door. Once again, Billy hadn’t called us so we had no idea who it was. Meg looked out the peephole, turned to me, and said, “I’m guessing it’s for you.” I stared at her, completely confused. She opened the door and all I could see were roses. It was a huge bouquet of white, pink, and red roses. I’d never seen an arrangement so big. That meant one thing: it was from Kade. Did he think roses were going to erase our fight?

  Billy was having a hard time holding it so I ushered him in to sit them on the dining room table and then he left. I opened the card and laughed.

  Liz, I’m sorry I lost my temper, but you were irrational too. Can we please talk about this?


  “Really? Who sends an accusatory apology card? If he thought I was irrational before then guess what? He hasn’t seen anything yet.”

  Meg read the card over my shoulder, shaking her head. “Wow, that’s a new one. What’re you going to do?”

  I had already pulled my phone out to dial Tony’s number. “Tony, can you please come over? I need to do something.” Meg gawked at me, totally confused. “Okay, I will see you in about ten minutes. Thanks.” I went into my room to find a piece of paper.

  Kade, you thought I was irrational before? Then you’re going to love this! You can take your roses and shove them. Here’s the jewelry and shoes back; I would hate for you to waste a dime on someone who doesn’t respect you!! As for the dress, I’m keeping it for having to put up with your arrogant, self-centered, and downright obnoxious personality. If you don’t like it, get the hell over it because I could care less.

  Ms. Day

  Meg busted out laughing when she finished reading my note. “You’re going to royally piss him off, you know that, right? I would give anything to be there when he reads it.”

  “Oh, so would I!” Right on time, Billy rang that the car was here.

  Tony just stared at me as I walked out with a vase of roses and a shopping bag. I’m sure he knew exactly what was going on, and I’m sure he didn’t want to be the messenger. I felt bad for putting Tony in the middle of it but this had to be done!

  “Tony, could you please give these back to Mr. Parker? I would greatly appreciate it.”

  “Ma’am, I’m not so sure this is a good idea.”

  “It’s the perfect idea, if you ask me. Please make sure he gets these tonight. Thank you.” He nodded, got back in the car, and drove away.

  I was smiling the whole way back to the apartment. I took a quick shower before going to the kitchen to get something to eat. As I walked into the living room, I heard my phone. The caller ID said Kade. It hadn’t even been forty-five minutes yet. I hit ignore and walked into the kitchen. My phone went off again and again and again. Finally, I just shut the ringer off. Meg couldn’t stop laughing. “You know, I wouldn’t put it past him to just show up here.”

  “And if he does, I’ll tell Billy no and lock the door.” Not that Billy could stop him, but in theory, it could work.

  “Yeah, because that’s going to stop him. You’re seriously playing with fire right now.” She jumped when her phone started going off. “He better not start calling me. Nope, must be Brent. It’s our old area code.”

  “Give me the phone.” She handed it over. I snapped, “Hello, Brenton?”

  “Whoa, what’s with the attitude?”

  I sighed. I hadn’t meant to snap at
him. “Nothing.”

  “Okay, if you say so. What’s up with your phone? I have been trying to call for half an hour and just got your voicemail.”

  “Oh, I turned it off. Whatcha need?”

  “Well, I have a huge favor to ask you. You can say no if you want. Trust me I won’t be mad at all.”

  “You make it sound so exciting. What is it?”

  He took a deep breath, “My aunt is part of this homeless shelter charity that’s going on this Saturday. She isn’t going to go because she isn’t feeling well but she’s making me go instead. If you don’t go with me, she is going to set me up with someone. I know its short notice so if you can’t, I understand.” Are you freaking kidding me? This is going to be awesome! Ha, ha, Kade freaking Parker, you’re going to love this!

  “You have the best timing ever. I was supposed to go to that with someone else, but that recently changed. I already have everything, so why not?”

  “Are you sure?” I could hear his smile. “We don’t have to stay long. We just have to make an appearance for my aunt.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Thank you so much. I was terrified of who she was going to set me up with. Well, I better get going. I’ll call you in the morning about tomorrow night.”

  “All right, Brent, talk to you later.” I hung up the phone with a huge grin. “Meg, I’m going to need to borrow a pair of shoes because you’re not going to believe what just happened. Brent just asked me to the charity event.”

  “That’s funny, but you aren’t seriously going to go, are you?”

  “You’re damn right I am! I’m going to wear the dress he bought too.”

  “Not that I don’t appreciate a little payback, but are you sure you want to do this? It could end badly and Brent would be in the middle of it.”

  “I hadn’t thought about that, but I already told him I would go. I guess I should call and give him a heads up, huh?” She nodded.


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