Book Read Free

Taming the Whirlwind

Page 23

by L. M. Heidle

  “Where’s Andrew?”

  “I’m wounded that you would prefer him over me.” I smacked his arm. “He had to answer a call about the club and asked me to wait for you.” I lifted an eyebrow. “Pretty much he wanted to keep Kade away.”

  “He told me he doesn’t like Kip because he wouldn’t invest to get his club started.”

  “Kip? Who’s that?”

  “Sorry. That’s the nickname I gave Kade. I thought it was cute.” I shrugged.

  “Ah sure. I don’t doubt at all that Andrew’s interested in you because well, look at you. Just promise you’ll be careful.” I nodded my head and we started to walk back to the ballroom when Brent stopped.

  When I heard Kade’s voice, I was surprised. “Brent, mind if I have a word or two with Liz?”

  “You’re asking me? That’s a first. If Gel doesn’t mind, I don’t. Just make it fast before Andrew finds out.”

  “I can take care of him, but thank you.” Brent nodded and walked a couple of steps away, turning his back to us. Kade stepped closer to me. “Liz, it felt so good to have you in my arms. It’s all I can think about. I didn’t realize how much I missed you until I was holding you.” He cupped my face as he pushed me against the wall with his body. He brought his mouth to mine and softly kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he kissed me until I was breathless. “I’ve wanted to do that since I laid eyes on you.” I just stood there staring into his eyes.

  We heard Brent cough, but before Kade walked away, he whispered into my ear, “Your nickname is H because you will always have my heart.” With that, he turned to walk down the hall.

  I took a deep breath to collect myself then walked to Brent’s side as if nothing had happened. “There you are, sweetie. I was starting to worry.” He looked over my head down the hallway.

  “No need to worry, Andrew. You know women; the line for the mirror was atrociously long.”

  The rest of the night went by with a blur. All I could think about was that kiss with Kade. I wish I could get a kiss like that every day.

  Andrew leaned over to interrupt my daydream, “Are you all right? You seem like you’re a million miles away right now.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m just exhausted.” This wasn’t exactly a lie because I was tired.

  “All right, then. Let’s get you home. Amber, are you ready to leave?”

  She turned to face us. “I thought you would never ask. My feet are killing me. I’m sure whoever created the high heel had to be a man.” I shook my head in agreement.

  “Well then, ladies, let’s get you home.” Brent and Andrew both stood to offer their arms.

  I noticed a waiter walk over to Brent to give him a piece of paper. He read it before smiling at me. It was weird, but that was Brent.

  I about fell asleep on the car ride home against Andrew’s shoulder. He put his arm around me to run his fingers up and down my arm. He kissed my hair. “Sleep, sweetie,” he whispered softly. Before I knew it, I was being carried from the car by Andrew into my apartment. Meg stood holding the door open.

  Andrew, being the gentleman that he was, simply lay me on the bed before turning to Meg, “I think you’ve got it from here.”

  Brent handed her my clutch while leaning over to whisper something to her. She looked between us then nodded in agreement. I heard the door shut as both men left.

  “Liz, wake up. You can’t sleep in that dress. I’m going to borrow it someday, and I don’t want it wrinkled.” She made me laugh.

  “All right, I’m sitting up. I didn’t realize just how exhausted I was until we sat down in the car.”

  She hung the dress up for me while I changed into PJs. She handed me my clutch, “Brent told me to have you check it tonight.” I gave her a quizzical look.

  I opened my clutch to find the note I saw him get earlier. I opened the note to see it was from Kade.

  I hope you have sweet dreams, H. I know mine will be because I’ll be dreaming of you.

  Your Kip

  I must have showed the shock on my face because Meg ripped it out of my hands. “What is this about? Who is Kip?” I smiled. He could be so sweet. “Excuse me, still waiting here.”

  “Sorry. Kip is short for Kade Ian Parker. It’s the nickname I gave him tonight when we danced.”

  “Okay, what about the H part?”

  “It’s my nickname from him. He said that I would always have his heart.”

  “That’s a line worthy of a romance novel.” I slapped her arm. “I’m kidding. What else happened tonight?”

  “He pushed me up against a wall and kissed me.”

  “Who’s he? I can’t keep up.”

  “Oh, shut up. You know I’m talking about Kade. He cornered me outside the bathroom while Andrew took a call. The weirdest part? Brent was actually watching out for us.”

  “You mean the same Brent that was throwing punches with him a few weeks ago?” I nodded my head. “Miracles do exist. Anyway, what about the kiss?”

  “The kiss, like usual, was amazing.”

  “This is so beautiful. He kissed you! See? I told you that you two weren’t over.” Her eyes turned a little glassy.

  “Are you seriously about to cry?”

  “No, of course not. It’s my allergies.” Uh huh. “So back to the Brent thing. Why in the world would he be helping Kade? He can’t stand him.”

  “He still doesn’t necessarily like Kade, but I think he’s a little worried about Andrew’s intentions.”

  “I’m confused. Isn’t Andrew Brent’s friend?”

  “Yes he is, but Andrew was making a point of being really affectionate and kissing me every time Kade was near. It was almost like he was using me to piss Kade off.”

  “Why would he do that?”

  “I guess Andrew tried to get Kade to invest in his club. Kade said no. Andrew’s still pissed because it took him two more years to get it running.”

  “Well, just when I think I have it all figured out, you throw in a plot twist.”

  “You’re such a dork. Is it weird that I kind of feel like I’m cheating on Kade by seeing Andrew?”

  “Liz, I know you have strong feelings for Kade. Anyone that’s in the same room with you two can see it, but you can’t sit at home waiting. My advice? If you like Andrew, see where it goes. From what I’ve seen, he seems to be genuine, but be very careful and take it slow. You’re a smart girl. If he’s using you, you’ll be able to tell. Now get to bed. We can talk more tomorrow.”

  “Thanks Meg, I love you.” She squeezed me before kissing me on the forehead and walking out the door.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Sunday, October 6

  I woke more confused than when I went to sleep. Once again, Kade was in the middle of my love life problems. I wish he could just get his crap together. This going round and round was going to drive me nuts.

  I sat up as Meg knocked on the door. “Umm, Liz, you are not going to believe this but you have two huge bouquets of flowers out here. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you who they’re from. One is two dozen fuchsia roses with mini pink carnations and daisies, and the other is two dozen red roses with white calla lilies.

  “Are you serious?” She nodded, trying hard to hide her smile and failing miserably. I let my head fall back to my pillow. “Life just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it?”

  “Get out here. I want to know what the cards say! I’ve been dying out here. If you make me wait any longer, I’m going to open them without you.” She grabbed my arm dragged me out of bed.

  “Geez, I’m coming, I’m coming.” When I walked into the kitchen, I saw both bouquets sitting on the breakfast bar. “Wow, they’re gorgeous.”

  “I know right. Now, open the damn cards!”

  “Fine!” I went for the roses and daisies first.


  I can’t stop thinking about you, especially in that dress. I saw these roses and had to get them because they matched your dress. I want to see you more than
breathing right now. Every day it gets harder and harder to stay away.


  Now on to Andrew’s card.


  Last night was amazing. You were easily the most stunning woman there. I woke up thinking about you. Can we do lunch this week? I'll call you later (Brent gave me your number, in case you’re wondering).


  I sat down and put my head in my hands. “Could life get any more confusing? I’m seriously thinking about joining a convent.”

  “Look on the bright side: you have two very attractive and wealthy men vying for your attention. Most women only dream of what you are experiencing right now.”

  “Yeah, that makes me feel so much better.” I replied sarcastically.

  “Geez, tone down the sarcasm a little.”

  “I feel like I’m playing tug o’ war with these two but I’m the rope.”

  “I know you think Andrew is playing a game, but do you think Kade is trying to play the game too?”

  “I don’t know what to think. If Andrew is playing a game and Kade picked up on it, we both know he won’t back down. Kade has kissed out of reaction before and maybe that’s what it started as, but I know it wasn’t just that. I want to believe it has nothing to do with Andrew. The note last night and then the one today; he can be so sweet when he wants to be.”

  “Wait. What note? Never mind the one from last night. I can’t keep up here. In all honesty, I don’t know Andrew well enough to say one way or the other but I do know Kade. Yes, seeing you with Andrew probably drove him insane but there is no doubt in my mind the strength of his feelings for you. I just wish he’d man up and come out and admit it.”

  “You’re telling me? Do you think it’s funny that the flowers are from the same place and about the same size?”

  “Yeah, that thought had crossed my mind. I wonder who made their order first. Let’s call the florist to find out.” She grabbed the phone and dialed their number. “Hello yes, I just received two beautiful bouquets from you guys this morning. I was wondering if you could tell me which bouquet was called in first.” She listened for a moment, “The last name is Day. All right, thank you so much for your help.”

  I was chewing on my nail, waging an internal war. Who did I want to have called first? “Spit it out! The suspense is killing me.”

  “Well, Kade called first, but Andrew is a repeat customer. This is the first time Kade has ever used them. That doesn’t necessarily mean anything, though. That flower shop is the closest, I think.”

  “So that tells me nothing. Life can be such a pain sometimes.” Before I could say anything else, my phone rang. “Wonder which pain this is going to be.” She laughed at me. “Oh, it’s Brent.” I clicked accept. “Hey Brent.”

  “What would your ideal date be?” Huh? I thought we were passed the idea of us dating. “Before you freak, I’m asking because I’m taking Amber out for dinner and I wanted to do something besides a restaurant.”

  “You’re calling me for dating advice. Seriously?” He chuckled. “This is a new one. It’s going to be nice this afternoon, so take her on a picnic. I’m sure that’s not something she does very often, if ever. Go buy the food, though; your cooking would scare her away.”

  “Ha, ha very funny. Where should I go for the food? Where do I take her? Remember, I’m still pretty new to New York.”

  “There’s a place close to you that makes amazing sandwiches. It’s called Simbos. Stop by there to get a few different kinds. Get a couple of sides while you’re at it. If you want to wow her, maybe get a nice bottle of wine. I’m sure your aunt has a basket you could use to carry it all. Take her to the park by your aunt’s house. Oh and don’t forget a blanket.”

  “Thanks. How’s your love life going?”

  “Just peachy,” I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. “Hey, you’re a guy…”

  He busted out laughing, “Yeah, last time I checked.”

  “Would you stop being a smart ass long enough for me to ask a question? Do you think either one of them is playing a game? I mean, like competing with each other?”


  “No, I love it when you lie to me.” Even though he couldn’t see me, I still rolled my eyes at him. Meg waved at me to put it on speaker so she could hear.

  “Wow, you’re testy this morning. By the way, I know you rolled your eyes at me. I think Andrew might be, but I don’t believe Kade is specifically. Andrew, I know, has had issues with Kade in the past. Do I think that may play a part in this situation? Maybe, but he does seem to genuinely like you or I wouldn’t let him near you. Kade’s motives are completely different. He’s not trying to get back at Andrew; I think he’s more trying to protect.”

  “Why would Kade do that?”

  “You saw how he acted with me before we decided to be friends. Then you saw how he was last night towards me. He decided I wasn’t a threat anymore, so he didn’t have a problem with me. He now sees Andrew as a threat and he knows how much Andrew hates him. It’s not a secret that you were romantically connected not that long ago. Kade’s probably just trying to make sure he isn’t using you to get back at him. I honestly believe that man would do just about anything to make sure you’re safe and happy.”

  “Men are idiots.”

  “Thanks a lot. About Andrew, he’s a friend but I want you to be careful.”

  “If you’re not comfortable, then why did you introduce us?” I accused.

  “Gel, I honestly didn’t think you’d like him. We’d only just decided to be friends the night you met him, so I didn’t think about it. His attitude last night surprised me.”

  “What do you mean about his attitude?”

  “Every time I’ve ever hung out with him, he’s been extremely laid back but last night he was the complete opposite.”

  “He wants to take me out to lunch this week. Worst case scenario, I’ll get a free lunch. ”

  “Ha nice. If you want to double or something for another pair of eyes, just let me know. Thanks for the advice about Amber. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

  “Anytime. Have a great time.” I hung up the phone and finally looked Meg in the face. “You were quiet. What are you thinking?”

  “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but Brent is right. Kade would do anything for you. I’m also starting to not like Andrew.”

  “I think I’m just going to cautiously see him. I don’t need or want to get serious with anyone right now, but it would be fun to go out.”

  “Yeah, but you don’t want to be a pawn in Andrew’s testosterone-fueled game. Once again, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Brent has a good point about the double date. Derrick and I could go out with you guys too.”

  “That would be awesome. We could all go out in a group.” As soon as I finished speaking, my phone rang again. “Let’s see who it is this time.” Andrew. “Hello?”

  “Hey beautiful. How’s your morning going?”

  “It’s been pretty good so far. The flowers are lovely, thank you.”

  “I’m glad you liked them. I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you. I was wondering when I could take you out again. Are you available Monday for lunch? There’s a small café by where you work.”

  “Yeah, I know the one you’re talking about. Lunch on Monday sounds great. Andrew, I’m sorry I’ve got to go; someone’s at the door. How about we meet there at noon?” I heard Meg going to answer the door. I didn’t even hear the knock, but it was a good excuse.

  “That sounds great. I look forward to seeing you then. Hope you have a great day. See you tomorrow, beautiful.” With that, he hung up.

  I knew who was behind me without even looking. I took a deep breath before turning around. When I turned, I was staring into two stunning blue eyes. “Kip, what are you doing here? I didn’t know you’d be stopping by.”

  He smirked at me. “I was in the neighborhood so I thought I’d swing by.” He motioned to the flowers, “I see I’
m not the only one who thought you deserved flowers.”

  Should I tell him Andrew sent them? No, I’m sure he already knows. “Thank you for them. They’re so beautiful. If you’re not careful, I’m going to go to every charity event possible just to get flowers the next day.”

  “You don’t have to go anywhere to be worthy of flowers.” Just the way he said it made me blush. “What are you two ladies doing today?”

  Meg was the first to speak, “I’m not sure. We don’t have any plans yet.”

  “In that case, would you ladies like to join me for lunch?”

  I was about to decline when Meg butted in. “That would be awesome. I was just wondering what we were going to do. Sleepyhead over there slept through breakfast, so I’m sure she’s starving.” I turned to glare at Meg.

  “I guess I’ll go get ready then,” I mumbled. I was silently cursing Meg as I walked down the hall.

  I spent the next ten minutes in front of my closet, deciding what in the hell to wear. He looked amazing as usual dressed in faded jeans, a tight white shirt, with a black leather jacket. For one day, one freaking day, could he just look horrible? Is that too much to ask for? Finally, I decided on a fitted one-shoulder white sweater dress with black high-heeled boots. I ran a brush through my hair then added a little eye makeup and lip-gloss.

  I walked into the living room to find Kade sitting by himself. “Where’s Meg?”

  He was smiling when he looked at me, “She said she forgot she was supposed to meet Derrick for lunch and ran out of here.” You’ve got to be freaking kidding me! I’m seriously going to kill her.

  I turned my back to him and grabbed my phone to text her.

  Me: I swear I’m going to kill you in your sleep.

  Meg: No you won’t. You can thank me later.

  Me: Thank you? Do you enjoy punishing me?


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