Beyond Armageddon: Book 02 - Empire
Page 42
Trevor expended the last of that clip, ejected the magazine, and reloaded it from a box of bullets. Tyr yapped to alert Trevor to company.
Gordon Knox approached, holding a sheet of paper. He wore a bomber jacket in light of the lowering temperatures. The weather promised to get much colder in the days ahead.
Trevor removed his ear guards but continued to load bullets into the clip; each one harder to slip in as the spring inside the magazine grew more taut.
“Where’s the family?” Knox asked.
“Just left, went to dinner,” Trevor said.
“What is it Gordon? What have you got for me? More protests in Scranton? Did they raid a food distribution center in Hagerstown again? Let me guess, this is full-fledged rebellion now.”
Gordon laughed, “Nothing of the sort, Trevor. I wouldn’t let some scattered protests get you upset. It was bound to happen sooner or later.”
Trevor smacked the reloaded clip into the pistol.
“Maybe I should just sic the canines on them.”
“Well, I think my timing couldn’t be better,” Gordon said.
“What does that mean?”
“Let’s just say, it strikes me that you need this bit of news right now.”
“Okay then, spit it out.”
“My people intercepted a message sent from Atlanta to Columbia before we captured the city. The Hivvan commander in Columbia never got the message because we took him out with a bunker buster before it got to him. We’ve finally translated it.”
Trevor turned his head and waited.
Knox told him, “It’s a directive from primary headquarters in Atlanta to the commander of Columbia. It tells that commander that after their heavy losses in North Carolina, the high command had decided to evacuate Columbia and consolidate defensive lines using the lakes and rivers on the South Carolina, Georgia border. It appears they were not planning a counter-attack on Raleigh after all.”
“Oh,” Trevor shivered. “So you’re telling me…you’re telling me they were going to evacuate Columbia, anyway? So you’re telling me…Jesus Christ…you’re telling me that it was for nothing? That…that I killed all those people for—?”
“That’s not the entire message.”
Trevor bowed his head.
Knox told him the rest.
“The commander in Columbia was ordered to begin eradication of all human slaves in custody and to use the most expeditious means.”
Stone raised his head again. His eyes stared off at something unseen.
“Trevor,” Gordon told him. “If you hadn’t pushed through New Winnabow, the commander at Columbia would have received this message. If you had gone another way or pulled back, those ten thousand people in Columbia would have been slaughtered. You did the right thing.”
Trevor chuckled but not in good humor. “The right thing, Gordon?”
“Yes,” Knox answered. “How many casualties at New Winnabow? One hundred?”
The answer lived at the tip of Trevor’s tongue, “One hundred and twenty two.”
“Against ten thousand saved? Not a bad price to pay.”
Stone cocked the slide on his pistol, chambering a new round.
“What a bargain…” Trevor echoed.
Ten thousand saved for the low price of just one soul.
“What are you going to do now, Trevor?”
The Emperor told the man the obvious.
“I’m going to do some more target practice. Have to stay sharp. Have to be ready. A lot more fighting to do.”
Trevor raised the pistol and squeezed the trigger.
A lot more killing.
Tony DeCosmo, October 7, 2004
Next: Beyond Armageddon Book III: Parallels
Table of Contents
Book II: Empire
1. Raleigh
2. Observations
3. Fishing
4. Powwow
5. Opposing Views
6. Marching Orders
7. Goat-Walker
8. Lair
9. Hunter-Killer
10. Enclave
11. Hostage Situation
12. New Winnabow
13. Little Girl Lost
14. Shadow Falls
15. Olive Branch
16. Blood on the Snow
17. Potential
18. Illumination
19. Divination
20. Battle at the Top of the World
21. Moot Point
22. Sincerest Form
23. Enigma
24. Ten ‘Til Midnight
25. Midnight
26. But What of the Meek?
27. Sow