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The Billionaire Bachelor_Clean Billionaire Romance

Page 24

by Judy Corry

  Drew pulled her into his arms. "See, I knew I picked the right girl."

  "Yes, you did. Though, you do realize that we haven't even been on an actual date?"

  Drew laughed, as if the thought had never even dawned on him. "We've been dating ever since you came back into my life. And before that, each time you talked me into doing one of your silly films, I fell more and more in love with you. And if that's not enough, we can date while we're planning the wedding and then for the rest of our lives."



  "Any last guess on what it will be?" Drew asked Kate as they followed the sonographer back to the ultrasound room at the hospital.

  Kate rubbed her belly, which had finally started to show that she was pregnant. She'd been hiding her tummy for months, hating that people thought she was getting fat. But he loved seeing that life was growing inside of her. Their baby was a product of their love.

  "I don't know. Yesterday I was thinking it was a girl. But today I'm leaning more towards a boy."

  Drew grinned, feeling his eyes crinkle at the edges. "It's going to be a boy. I was thinking manly thoughts when he was conceived."

  Kate slapped his arm, but she couldn't keep that adorable smile off her lips. "You are so bad."

  He shrugged. "Just saying. I'm so amazing that I can control something like that."

  She just rolled her eyes. "Yes, you're good at everything. I already know that."

  "I only care that I'm good enough for you, Mrs. My-Screenplay-Is-Going-to-Be-a-Major-Blockbuster-Hit in a few months." He was so proud of Kate for never giving up on her dreams. But he was even happier that she had never given up on him.

  He was also thankful that even though he hadn't given America the finale they'd thought they were getting, he hadn't turned into the most hated man in all of Finding Your Soulmate's history. In fact, his fans all cheered when they found out the news. Apparently, no one had liked Gwen, and they thought she and Dion deserved each other.

  Except, even that hadn't worked out. Just two weeks after the finale aired, he heard Dion had cheated on Gwen and she was going on some other reality TV show in her race for stardom.

  Kate and Drew followed the sonographer into a dimly lit room with a bed and a bunch of machinery.

  The sonographer pointed to the bed. "Just lie down and we'll get started in a moment."

  Drew was so excited to see their little baby, he could barely hold it in.

  A little while later, they were watching a screen on the wall with the most beautiful black-and-white movie he'd ever seen. Their baby wiggled around as the sonographer snapped photos and took measurements.

  "It looks like the baby is measuring right on for its gestation," the sonographer said as she moved the transducer probe along Kate's belly.

  Kate turned her head to smile at Drew, and his chest lightened with relief that everything checked out so far.

  "Do you want to know the baby's gender?"

  "Yes," Kate answered for both of them.

  Drew squeezed Kate's hand as anticipation filled him.

  The screen on the wall shifted as the sonographer tried to get a good view.

  "Is our baby being modest?" Drew joked after a minute.

  Kate laughed. "Like father, like son."

  "Like son?" His heart blipped and he sat up straighter to get a better look. "How do you know that?"

  Kate pointed. "I've seen these before."

  Drew squinted, as if it would help. He didn't know the first thing about ultrasounds.

  And then the sonographer put a little arrow on the screen and typed out the word "boy."

  Drew grinned and leaned closer to Kate's ear. "See, I told you I was thinking manly thoughts."

  Kate just smiled at him, the smile that made him want to give her the world. Her and their baby boy.

  "Do you have any names picked out yet?" the sonographer asked as she wiped the goo from Kate's belly with a towel.

  Kate and Drew both looked at each other before saying in unison, "Aiden."


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  I kind of can’t believe that I’m here again! But I know it wouldn’t be possible without some pretty amazing people in my life. So this is for them…

  First off, I need thank my wonderful husband, Jared, for supporting me in this writing dream of mine, for holding down the fort so I could meet my self-inflicted deadlines, and then for being a great listening ear when I needed advice or help with brainstorming. And of course, for being the best husband a girl could ask for! I’d never be able to write love stories if it wasn’t for you.

  Thanks to James, Janelle, Jonah, and Jade for letting me talk about my books and characters with you. You make me feel like the coolest author mom in the world. I’m so lucky you’re mine forever!

  To “The Writing Gals”—Victorine Lieske, Michelle Pennington, and Anne-Marie Meyer. Your friendship and support have been such a game-changer in my life. Words can’t express how happy and grateful I am to have found you!

  To my early readers whose feedback is invaluable: Michelle Pennington, Victorian Lieske, Anne-Marie Meyer, Cassie Shiels, Idena Ward, Jami Lyn Niles, Lara Ann, Ashley Brown, Amberly Lucas, and Lisa Mussi. Thank you! Your insights are so helpful when I can’t see the forest through the trees

  So many thanks to Precy Larkins for being my amazing editor! I could never get my books to this level on my own.

  To my cover designer, Victorine E. Lieske, for once again making a gorgeous cover!

  Thank you to all my family and friends for your love and support through this crazy adventure of mine. I couldn’t do it without you.

  Thank you to the members of my online writing community who have been so willing to share your wisdom and help make this publishing adventure so much less daunting than it would have been on my own.

  I’m especially thankful to my Heavenly Father for the inspiration and “aha” moments. Sometimes I like to think that I’m in charge of my stories, but I’m pretty sure I’m not.


  Judy Corry has been addicted to love stories for as long as she can remember. She reads and writes YA Romance because she can't get enough of the feeling of falling in love. She graduated from Southern Utah University in an area that has nothing to do with writing. Some of her favorite things are chick flicks, singing, and playing the piano. She believes in swoon-worthy kisses and happily ever afters.

  Judy met her soul mate while in high school, and married him a few years later. She and her husband are raising four beautiful and crazy children in Southern Utah.




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