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The New New Deal

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by Grunwald, Michael

  Mondale, Walter, 93

  monetary stimulus, 58, 89, 103

  vs. fiscal, 61, 391, 487

  monetizing, 165–66

  Moneyball, 47

  “Monkeys Get High for Science,” 319

  Morning in America, 210

  mortgage crisis, 52, 68, 106, 240, 374, 433–34

  Moses, Robert, 411

  Mount Redoubt, 278–79

  Mulcahy, Anne, 78

  Munday, Mark, 313

  Murkowski, Lisa, 208, 211–12, 219, 220, 348

  Murphy, Scott, 283–84, 400

  Murphy, Tim, 480

  Murray, Patty, 219

  Musk, Elon, 373

  Nabors, Rob, 127–28, 129, 131–34, 153, 188

  Namasté Solar, 242–44

  nanophosphate powder, 361

  Nasdaq, Obama’s speech at, 51–52, 71

  National Association of Manufacturers, 213

  National Economic Council (NEC), 80, 100, 107, 405

  National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 181, 182, 185, 195, 198–99, 315

  National Governors Association, 125, 225

  National Institutes of Health (NIH), 209, 223, 284, 285, 318–19, 443

  National Inventory of Structures, 332

  National Mall revitalization (Sod on the Mall), 180–81, 184–85, 193, 198

  National Taxpayers Union, 183

  natural gas, 373, 438

  Navistar, 361

  Navy, U.S., 366, 440

  Nelson, Ben, 212, 220–22, 223–25, 233, 238, 246, 345–46, 348

  Nelson-Collins plan, 222

  New Deal:

  GOP criticism of, 191–92, 289

  lessons of, 103, 137, 333

  new, 9, 84, 104–5, 121, 191, 243, 292, 302, 397, 447

  Obama on, 30–31

  projects of, 10, 30, 123, 169–70, 181, 314, 331

  Recovery Act vs., 8–12, 14, 237

  New Foundation, 291–92, 417, 446, 451, 453

  New Jobs Investment Tax Credit, 107

  “New New Deal, The,” 104

  New START arms reduction program, 403, 405

  New York Times, 30, 47, 63, 101, 221, 292, 301, 323, 338

  Nissan Leaf, 360, 363, 439

  Nixon, Richard, 38, 92, 108

  No Apologies (Romney), 450

  Nobel Prize recipients, 3, 38, 63, 84, 94, 99, 266, 433

  No Child Left Behind, 49, 66, 144

  Noonan, Peggy, 105

  Normal, Ill., 413

  Norquist, Grover, 300

  Northeast Corridor, 355–57, 414, 392

  nuclear power, 40, 184, 271–72, 382

  Nudge (Sunstein), 126

  Nutter, Michael, 171

  Obama, Barack:

  accomplishments of, 345, 349–51, 360, 401, 406, 418, 452–53

  approval ratings of, 2, 7, 154, 186, 280, 302, 331, 391, 423

  background of, 28–30, 49, 50

  bipartisanship of, 29, 50, 71, 151, 205–6, 215, 245, 247–48

  Bush inheritance of, 8, 13, 15, 76, 79, 246, 247, 276, 283, 296, 297, 298, 300, 304, 334–35, 397–98, 428, 434

  case for reelection of, 452–53, 455

  change as vision of, 12, 21, 27, 33

  commanding style of, 72, 96

  compared to Biden, 256, 258

  compared to FDR, 12, 14, 26, 27, 84, 104, 105

  as conciliatory, 130–31, 176, 185, 214, 227, 245, 351

  counterattack by, 217, 393, 421, 423

  counterfactual problems for, 276–77, 294, 298–99, 310, 313, 423–24

  as deeds guy, 451–52

  Democratic criticism of, 383, 400

  determination of, 104, 244

  economic constraints on, 430–34

  on fiscal stimulus vs. deficit reduction, 333–35, 341

  four pillars of, 35–36, 37–56, 291–92, 446; see also specific pillars

  GOP criticism of, 97, 127–28, 280

  and H. Clinton, 67–78

  inauguration of, 25–27, 176, 183

  inspirational style of, 1, 20–21, 25, 50–51, 84–85, 154, 248, 446

  liberal criticism of, 97–98, 101, 107, 118, 119–20, 342–43, 349–51, 392, 400, 406, 419–20, 432

  messaging failures of, 18, 75, 108, 126–28, 202–3, 234, 244–45, 291–92, 294, 298–302, 358, 359, 382–83, 384–87, 400–401, 416–17, 421, 451–52

  midterm elections as referendum on, 399–401

  misrepresentation of, 27–28

  outreach to GOP by, 189–93, 214–16

  perceived weakness of, 237–38, 247, 359–60

  personal qualities of, 28–30

  policies vs. politics for, 35–36, 151, 190–91, 290–91, 381–82

  political constraints on, 429–30

  political ideology of, 27, 30–33, 100–101, 335, 400, 451

  political style of, 28–30

  as president-elect, 90–112

  purported socialism of, 74, 75, 280, 300, 346

  as rational and reasonable, 29–30, 40–44, 46, 227, 404

  rationale for, 432–34

  Recovery Act as representative of, 19–20

  Recovery Act lessons learned by, 244–49

  Recovery Act road trips of, 234–35

  resilience of, 402–3

  signing of Recovery Act by, 243–44

  sinking support for, 202–4

  Solyndra visit of, 384–87

  stimulus plan of, see American Recovery and Reinvestment Act; stimulus plan

  in 2008 election, 25–36, 37–56, 451–52

  of 2008 vs. 2012, 451–52

  in 2012 election, 449–50

  as unprepared for Republican attack, 184–85

  as visionary, 12, 21, 27, 33, 84–85, 123–24, 149, 154, 161, 247–48, 320

  Obama, Malia, 91, 360

  Obama, Michelle, 30, 247

  Obama, Sasha, 91

  Obama administration:

  2011 status quo of, 418–24

  cabinet of, 108–9; see also specific posts

  Clinton holdover staff in, 10, 45, 68, 77–78, 81–83, 89, 93, 99, 101–2, 120, 129, 161, 245

  first hundred days accomplishments of, 290–91

  staff changes in, 402

  Washington insiders in, 129–31

  Obamacare, see universal health care

  “Obama Losing the Stimulus Message War,” 203

  Oberstar, Jim, 135, 158, 295–96, 391–92, 400

  Obey, David, 118–19, 127, 131–32, 138, 145, 182–83, 185, 188, 320, 400, 475

  in battle for passage of Recovery Act, 193, 195, 198, 200, 229, 232

  prickly style of, 132, 152–53, 157, 176, 193, 195, 198

  and school reform, 152–53, 176

  O’Donnell, Christine, 347–48

  Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, 17

  Office of Federal High Performance Green Buildings, 372

  Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 82, 101, 127, 164, 274, 303, 321, 322, 385, 388, 396–97, 415, 445

  Office of Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs (The Turkey Farm), 307–10

  oil, 3, 35–36, 40, 467

  argument against, 359–60

  growing of, 440–41

  renewable synthetic alternatives to, 365–69, 440

  soaring price of, 420

  U.S. production vs. consumption of, 38–39

  O’Neill, Tip, 82

  One Party Country, 140

  OPX, 379

  Oracle, 314

  Orszag, Jonathan, 78

  Orszag, Peter, 45, 63, 77, 78, 110, 163, 173, 340, 402, 420

  in battle for passage of Recovery Act, 193, 199, 229, 232–33

  in cost debate, 115–17, 121, 123, 124

  on deficit reduction, 335–37

  in economic team conflict, 339–40

  as OMB director, 101, 129, 183, 263, 264

  Overhaul (Rattner), 363

  “Ownership Society,” 33, 51

  Palin, Sarah, 2, 259, 281,
299, 369


  polarization and, 64–65, 138

  as producing stalemate, 418–24

  in response to Recovery Act, 138–39

  in Roosevelt era, 91–92

  see also Republican obstructionism

  Partnership to Improve Patient Care, 173

  Paul, Rand, 348, 399

  Paul, Ron, 348

  Paulson, Henry, 65, 69, 71

  Peck, Bob, 370–71

  Peeler, Harvey, 289

  Pell Grants, 221, 239, 364, 419, 444, 451

  Pelosi, Nancy, 60, 63, 71, 72, 75, 92, 117, 141, 152, 156, 185, 247, 338, 399, 474

  in battle for passage of Recovery Act, 201, 216, 222, 226, 228, 229, 231–33, 240, 246, 299

  Boehner and, 66–67, 145–46

  as coalition builder, 65–70

  partisanship of, 65, 130, 194

  as Republican target, 142–43, 188, 195

  stimulus favored by, 76, 81

  Pence, Mike, 143, 192, 197–98, 202, 217, 282–83

  Penn, William, 416

  Perriello, Tom, 133, 400

  Perry, Rick, 125, 279, 281, 310, 422–23

  personalized medicine, 318–19

  Peterson, Collin, 135

  PETRO (Plants Engineered to Replace Oil), 440

  Pfeiffer, Dan, 92, 184–85, 292, 324, 338, 342–43

  “phantom districts,” 320

  Philadelphia, 416

  photosynthesis, 3–7, 21, 365, 379, 440

  Pledge to America, 399

  Plunkitt, George Washington, 170

  Podesta, John, 215

  as head of shadow transition, 77–78, 80, 100, 101

  Politico, 203, 216, 291

  Polyplus, 378

  pork, see earmarks

  “Porkulus,” 8, 200, 300

  Power of Progress, The (Podesta), 77

  Prasher, Ravi, 378

  prescription drugs, 172–74

  “prevailing wage,” 306–7

  Progressive Change Campaign Committee, 237

  Project Amp, 388–89

  “Promises, Promises: Web Site Likely to Fall Short,” 322

  ProPublica, 323

  Proterra, 381

  public opinion:

  ambivalence in, 343

  on economic crisis, 75, 148, 293

  on Obama, 2, 7, 154, 186, 280, 291, 298, 302, 391, 422, 455

  on Pelosi, 186

  power of, 393

  on Recovery Act, 7–8, 126, 128, 186, 203, 301, 302, 321, 325, 416

  on spending, 335, 338, 341–42

  “public option,” 350

  public works, as stimulus, 63, 122–23, 179, 343, 421

  see also infrastructure initiatives

  PUMAs (Party Unity My Ass), 76

  “Quit Doling Out That Bad Economy Line” (Luskin), 70

  races to the top, proposed, 446

  Race to Green, 446

  Race to the Top, 17, 176, 178, 222, 224–25, 239, 263, 292, 451–53

  controversy over, 394–95

  expansion of, 419

  grants in, 325–27, 443–44

  Rahm’s Rule, 164, 170, 288, 303–4

  Range Fuels, 368

  Rangel, Charlie, 142, 169, 170, 188, 232, 282

  Rattner, Steve, 363

  Rayburn, Sam, 66

  Reagan, Ronald, 11, 31, 40, 80, 82, 105, 210, 287, 288–89, 343

  recessions, 59, 75, 83, 114

  see also Great Recession

  Recovery Accountability and Transparency (Rat) Board, 260–62, 320, 445

  Recovery Act, see American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 17, 319, 321–22

  Recovery Summer (2010), 381–82, 390–96, 401

  Redford, Robert, 89, 185

  regional transmission planning, 167

  Reich, Robert, 54–55, 78, 79, 80, 406

  Reicher, Dan, 96

  Reid, Harry, 63, 67, 71, 75, 76, 110, 130, 134, 152, 156, 166–67, 344, 382, 415, 421

  in battle for passage of Recovery Act, 215, 219, 229, 233–34, 241, 246

  in Senate outreach for Recovery Act, 209–10, 218, 222, 224, 226

  Reid, Rory, 63

  Rell, Jodi, 214

  Rendell, Ed, 253–54, 285, 310, 415–17

  Republican obstructionism, 19, 138–39, 180–204, 205–27, 241–42, 245–46, 341, 344, 345, 350, 362, 391, 392, 397, 398, 404, 441, 444, 447

  compared to Clinton budget war, 201–2

  GOP unanimity in, 189–98, 200, 202, 207, 210, 287, 300

  hostile undercurrent in, 191–92

  in House, 142–46, 189–204, 399, 419, 421

  hypocrisy of, 282

  political appeal for, 210–14

  potential GOP mavericks from, 194–97

  pressure in support of, 145, 190, 207, 215, 221, 225, 230, 283

  in primary debates, 422

  public sentiment for, 187

  recasting of Recovery Act projects for, 180–85, 195

  in Senate, 146–51, 205–27

  show of cooperation in, 148

  as strategy for GOP resurgence, 140–60, 198–204, 207, 246, 349

  Tea Party and, 348–49, 409

  Republican Party (GOP):

  call for unity in, 144–48, 150, 472

  “cash and trash,” 282

  criticism of Obama by, 97, 127–28, 298–99, 365, 391–92, 421

  derision of Recovery Act by, 7–9, 180–81, 218, 226, 293, 317–19, 371, 396–97, 447

  “failed stimulus” message of, 14–15

  filibuster threat by, 67, 130, 137, 207, 210, 211, 231, 232, 286, 344–46, 430, 472–73, 482

  government interference in economy opposed by, 268–69

  internal criticism of, 279–80

  as majority party, 399

  as minority party, 140–60

  minority purpose of, 142–45

  move to right in, 143–44, 216, 278–302

  Obama’s accommodation of, 102, 185, 214

  obstructionism of, see Republican obstructionism

  partisanship of, 138–39, 247

  resurgence of, 2, 18, 140–60, 198–204, 283, 349, 399–401

  turmoil in, 140–41, 143

  2008 election repudiation of, 84

  unanimity against Recovery Act, 189–98, 200, 240–41

  see also Tea Party movement

  Republican primary debates, 422–23

  “Republican Problem, The,” 201

  Republican Study Committee, 143, 197

  “Rescue Plan for the Middle Class,” 75

  retrofits, 369–70, 440, 447

  Richardson, Laura, 309

  Riley, Bart, 361

  Rive, Lyndon, 373, 374, 439

  “Road We Travelled, The,” 452

  Roberts, David, 42

  Roberts, John, 25, 256

  Roberts, Pat, 259

  Rogers, Matt, 267–72, 303–6, 309, 324, 366, 367, 385, 387, 395–96, 436, 439, 477

  Rogers, Mike, 130, 143, 191

  Rogoff, Peter, 178

  Romer, Christina, 13, 103, 105, 110, 199, 335, 341, 402, 420, 429

  as CEA head, 101–2, 103–4, 106–7

  in cost debate, 114–17, 121, 129

  on depressions, 71, 84, 101

  in economic team conflict, 339–40

  on election day, 83–85

  spending philosophy of, 111, 219, 293, 331–32, 336–38, 391

  see also Romer-Bernstein report

  Romer, David, 83–85

  Romer-Bernstein report, 157–60, 293–94, 325, 331, 335, 423, 426, 476

  Romney, Mitt, 58, 62, 376

  flip-flop history of, 449, 453

  on government spending, 428–29

  health care reform of, 299

  on poverty, 425

  in primary debates, 422–23

  vs. Obama in 2012, 449–55

  and Tea Party, 347, 454

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 10, 13, 31, 33, 91, 108, 175, 191, 192, 200

p; economic policy of, 103–4, 115, 192

  Obama compared to, 12, 14, 26, 27, 84, 91–92, 104, 105, 276, 419, 434

  Obama inspired by, 37, 51, 121

  in shift to austerity, 192, 333, 419

  see also New Deal

  Roquette, 367

  Rouse, Pete, 129

  Rove, Karl, 101, 140

  Rubin, Robert, 32, 54–55, 69, 78, 79, 93, 101, 335, 451, 487

  Rubio, Marco, 286, 375, 399

  Ryan, Paul, 142, 202, 282, 421–22, 454

  Sadoway, Don, 16

  SAFETEA-LU, 56, 135

  Salazar, Ken, 129–30

  Salt River Project, 312–13

  Sandalow, David, 164–65

  Sanford, Mark, 125, 281, 286, 287, 333, 382

  as fiscal conservative, 287–90, 429

  scandal of, 290

  “Sanfordville,” 288

  Santelli, Rick, 280, 291

  Santorum, Rick, 422–23

  Saturday Night Live, 226, 247

  scandals, 8, 32, 126, 260, 274, 290, 300, 320, 371, 445

  Solyndra spun as, 436–37

  Schiliro, Phil, 109–10, 117, 128–31, 134, 139, 153, 158, 176, 246

  in battle for passage of Recovery Act, 203, 233, 238

  S-CHIP children’s health insurance program, 109, 141, 205–6, 208, 213, 215, 291

  Schock, Aaron, 235

  School Improvement Grants, 239, 326

  school reform fund, 152–53

  Schumer, Chuck, 182, 219, 383, 392

  Schundler, Bret, 395

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 63, 106, 214, 281–82, 310, 327, 407, 412

  Scott, Rick, 300, 348, 392, 400, 407–10

  Scozzafava, Dede, 347, 348

  “scozzafavaed,” 347–48, 450

  Sebelius, Kathleen, 442

  second stimulus, 333, 336–39, 341, 350, 402–17, 432

  Senate, U.S.:

  Democratic disunity in, 154–55

  filibuster threat in, 67, 130, 137, 207, 210, 211, 231, 232, 286, 344–46, 430, 472–73, 482

  House vs., 67, 232

  Obama in, 28, 29, 34, 49, 129, 139

  obstructionism in, 146–51, 205–27

  Recovery Act in, 207–26, 241–42

  Sensenbrenner, James, 247

  Serious Materials, 316, 318, 372, 373

  Sessions, Pete, 140, 142–44, 282, 283

  shadow transition, 76–83, 96

  Shelton, James, 327

  Shepherds Flat wind farm, 388–89

  Shlaes, Amity, 191–92

  short-term goals, 154, 161–63, 203, 333, 417, 420, 430, 434

  expansion as, 97, 98

  recovery as, 9, 16, 61, 83, 108, 123, 426

  shovel-ready projects, 253–55, 474

  Siddiqui, Arshi, 67

  Silver, Jonathan, 388–89, 415

  Silver Spring Networks, 312–13, 315

  smart grid, 4, 41–42, 95, 123–25, 164, 175, 178, 179, 198, 199, 239, 303–4, 311–15, 318, 378, 441, 446, 447, 474

  synchronization problem of, 303–4


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