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Page 5

by Lily Harlem

  I moved toward the bedroom and peeked in. The thick bedspread had been turned back and there was a single chocolate on the pillow.

  After placing my purse next to my laptop case, I turned to Shane.

  “Come here,” he said, holding out a hand. “It’s warm in front of the fire.”

  I forced my shoulders to relax. I didn’t want him to see how nervous I was about being alone in a hotel room with a hot guy.

  Stepping toward him, suddenly my shoes didn’t feel so comfortable anymore. I paused, wriggled my feet out, first the left then the right, and abandoned them on the deep pile.

  “Hey, you’re really little,” he said with a chuckle.

  “You’re just tall,” I said, drawing up in front of him. The fire was warm, but heat from his body was more potent and more alive than any flame.

  He reached out and cupped my cheeks in his palms. “They say opposites attract,” he murmured. “And my god I’m so attracted to you, you wouldn’t believe.”

  Utterly mesmerized, I watched as he poked out his tongue and smoothed it over his bottom lip. His nostrils flared as though he was dragging in a deep breath then his lips parted.

  I stood, arms hanging at my sides, knees buckled, as he lowered his head and pressed his mouth to mine.

  It was a gentle kiss, not wet and not dry, the perfect combination of smoothness and maleness. I parted my mouth and held my breath as he delicately traced my bottom lip with his tongue, then I captured his taste—wine and water, man and musk. Pulling in air, I was treated to his gorgeous light scent again, which was now infused with a definite dose of testosterone.

  “You’re so sweet,” he murmured, pulling back a fraction. “Like a little sugary doll.”

  Pushing to my toes, I pressed my lips to his, wanting more of his taste and his desire.

  This time the kiss quickly turned hotter and harder. Still he kept my face cradled in his hands, holding me just where he wanted me as he probed his tongue deeper, searching for mine with the hot, insistent tip.

  I lifted my tongue from the base of my mouth and tentatively touched it to his. He gave a small groan of approval and slanted his head. Our tongues tangled and I reached up and curled my hands into the material of his shirt. Hung on as our breaths quickened and our mouths fed off each other. I became lost in his kiss, he was all I could think of. His taste, his smell, the way he was holding me was my entire universe. Bubbles of pleasure erupted deep within me. A crazy new need flowed like lava through my veins, settled in my breasts, seeped between my legs and spread over my skin.

  He pulled back and dropped his hands from my face.

  I opened my eyes.

  His mouth was shiny from our kiss and his eyelids heavy. “Lose this,” he whispered, sliding his fingers beneath the thin shoulder straps of my dress.

  I prayed my heart wouldn’t give out, it was beating so hard and fast. He wanted me to take off my dress. Of course he wanted me to take off my dress. We were going to have sex for heaven’s sake. The dress had to come off.

  I slid down the zip and the material loosened around my ribs. He stooped, gripped the hem and began to lift. It smoothed up over my thighs and waist and air breezed over my buttocks, which were exposed by my thong.

  He straightened, his face heavy with concentration as he carried on peeling the dress upward. I stretched my arms above my head and was blinded momentarily as the dress brushed over my face.

  Shane didn’t drop the dress on the floor. Instead he shook it straight and laid it on the back of the sofa. Instinct made me want to cross my arms over my breasts, flatten a palm over the shockingly tiny piece of lace that made up the front of the thong Dawn had provided. But I forced my arms to remain still, hanging at my sides as he turned to me.

  “Phew,” he said, blowing out a breath and scanning my legs. “I must have been a really good boy this year to get stockings filled so sweetly.”

  I couldn’t help but notice there was a long, hard bulge straining against his fly. My stomach flipped and I quickly averted my eyes and glanced down at my legs, which were encased in black fishnet. The scalloped tops looked fine and dainty against my pale thighs. The flickering shadows from the fire caressed their outline and even I had to admit, they looked damn good.

  “You think so?” I asked nervously, trying not to dwell on the size of the bulge I’d just seen.

  “Hell, yeah.” He stepped back over. “I must have accidently found a cure for cancer or secured world peace to get such a great present.”

  A small, apprehensive giggle escaped my lips. “You like the stockings then?”

  “I’ve never liked stockings more than at this moment in time,” he whispered onto my mouth. “Promise me you’ll keep them on, even when you take everything else off. I want to feel them rubbing against my skin when you’re wrapped around me.”

  I shivered in a breath at the wonderfully erotic image he’d just created. “I promise.”

  He glanced down at my jutting breasts. “You’re beautiful, you know that.” He traced his finger over the soft curve at the top of my right breast and into my newly deepened cleavage.

  A dart of pleasure shot to my nipples, as though the weight of my breasts had doubled under his touch. They were suddenly tingly and tight.

  “You do know that, don’t you?” he said again as he traced over my left breast. “Of course you do, I’m sure you’ve been told by plenty of guys.”

  “Er, no,” I said, pressing my palm over his shirt and feeling his hard pectoral muscle shifting slightly beneath.

  “No, you don’t know it or no, you haven’t been told?”


  His gaze captured mine and he tipped his head to the side. “Are you okay?” He stilled his finger.

  “Yes, it’s just…” I slid my hand up to his shoulder and held on for support. I had to tell him. I didn’t think I could go through with “wrapping myself around him” if he thought I was experienced and confident. I’d be sure to disappoint or let him down somehow. He deserved to know. Besides, Saffron had told Tobias, so had Felicity in Lord Morton’s Maid and Skye had left a note for Ralph in Optimum Pleasure. All my heroines told their men it was their first time. It was the right thing to do.

  “What is it?” Shane asked again, his eyes searching mine.

  “I-I haven’t, you know, done it before.”

  “Done what?” He creased his forehead into a frown.

  “You know, it, had sex.” I stared down at my dark, stockinged feet. They contrasted sharply with the golden carpet. “I’m a virgin.”

  His whole body snapped backward. It was as if he’d been electrocuted. “Jesus,” he said, shoving his fingers through the hair on the crown of his head and stretching his elbows out to the side. “What the hell?” He stared at me with wide eyes.

  I crossed my hands over my chest. “I’m sorry.” A shard of fear sliced into my heart. He didn’t want me anymore. Now he knew I was a virgin he no longer desired me. He’d wanted an experienced lover for the night, not some naïve little girl.

  “And you let it get this far before you told me?”

  “What do you mean? We haven’t done anything other than kiss.”

  He huffed. “Yeah, one hot kiss with you looking like the best damn Christmas present of my life.” He shoved his hands down his waistband and appeared to re-arrange the bulge behind his fly.

  “I’m sorry. Partly for letting it get so far and…” I paused. “And partly because you look to be in physical discomfort.”

  “There’s no need to be sorry,” he said, glancing at the door and pulling his hand from his pants.

  “Well, clearly there is.” I was getting frustrated now. “If I wasn’t a virgin we’d be heading into the bedroom by now. Clearly my inexperience has put you off.”

  “I had that in mind actually,” he said, pointing at the deeply cushioned sofa next to us. “It’s wide and soft and by the fire. It would have done just fine.”

  I tightened my a
rms around myself. He’d wanted to make love to me on the sofa. Just the thought of it sent a tremble up my spine. It would have been so perfect. So sensual and sweet.

  He rubbed his hand around the nape of his neck. His dark, tousled hair fell over his ears and he cast his eyes downward.

  “I had to tell you,” I whispered, shivering despite the blasting heat of the fire.

  “Thank goodness you did. Imagine if I’d just gone for it, not knowing. It would have been catastrophic.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I haven’t been with a woman for a while,” he said, frowning. “And you in those damn stockings and with your sexy little body.” He pulled in a deep breath. “I was just about to lose control. It wouldn’t have been the gentle initiation to sex that you deserve, Ashley, it would have left you dazed and confused and wondering what kind of beast you’d invited to your room.”

  He didn’t look like a beast, and he certainly hadn’t touched me like one. His fingertip on my flesh had been gentle and reverent. Although now he mentioned it, when he’d looked at my stockings there’d been a glint in his eye that had made me wonder how much control he had.

  “Does it change things between us so much?” I asked quietly.

  He sighed. “Of course it does.”

  “But why?”

  “Because your first time should be special, with someone you care deeply about…love.”

  “I care about you.”

  “But we’ve only just met.”

  “But I still care about you more than any other guy I’ve ever met.” I swept my hands down the exposed skin on my body. “No one else has seen me like this before.”

  His brows twitched as his gaze roamed my underwear. “Lucky me.”

  I frowned. “Shane, I want to do this, with you. Tonight.”

  “But surely you want more than…” He shrugged and clamped his lips into a tight line.

  “Than what? Go on, say it. We’re both adults. We both know what we’re doing.”

  “Okay, surely you want more than a one-night stand to give away your virginity to?”

  My jaw clenched. Of course I knew that’s what this was. But having it said aloud hurt. Quickly I shoved that stupid bit of hurt way down deep. I had a more pressing matter to concentrate on and I wasn’t about to let this opportunity slip through my fingers. “I’m twenty-three, Shane, I’m still a virgin and I don’t want to be.” I pulled in a deep, determined breath. “I’ve chosen you over a bunch of losers who’ve chatted me up and asked me out over the years. It’s taken me a long time to find someone I want to have sex with. One-night stand or not, I want you to make sure I’m not a virgin when I wake up in the morning.” I put my hands on my hips and narrowed my eyes. “Do you think you’re man enough to do that?”

  “Oh, I’m man enough all right. I’m also man enough to walk away and stop you making a mistake you’ll never be able to undo.”

  “But how can it be a mistake if it’s what I want?”

  “Because you don’t know what you want. Why can’t you see that?”

  “How dare you.” I stepped up to him, poked out my index finger and pressed it against his chest. “You have no idea what I want or need.”

  He looked surprised by my sudden rise in voice and stern tone.

  “I’m a virgin not an idiot. I know about love and lust and I know there’s a difference. I also know I want to be initiated into the world of sex by someone handsome, intelligent, experienced and…and…”

  “Expert?” He lifted his brows.

  I tutted and lowered my finger. “Yes, that will do quite nicely, expert. I want someone who isn’t going to fumble and falter. I want someone who knows which buttons to press.”

  “Buttons?” He gave a hesitant smile and a lock of hair fell over his right eye.

  “This is not funny, you know.”

  “Oh, believe me, there’s nothing funny about the ache in my pants I can’t do anything about.” He pushed his hair from his face.

  “Of course you can.” I lowered my voice, gentled my tone. “I’ve been reading up and I know what you need too, I know what you’d like, Shane. It doesn’t have to be boring because it’s my first time.”

  He twitched his thick eyebrows. “What have you been reading?”

  I shrugged. “Stuff.”


  “Stories about sex, men and women, things they do other than just the missionary position.”

  A flicker of interest crossed his face. “Like what?”

  “Things like oral sex,” I said quietly. “A woman taking a man into her mouth, sucking and licking until he comes down her throat.” I paused, sensing his heightened attention. “I want to try that.”

  “Anything else you been reading about?” he asked, shifting from one foot to the other.

  “Yes, tying up a lover and doing whatever you want to their bodies, making them squirm with pleasure and cry out for more.” I could hardly believe I was saying all this stuff.

  “You want me to tie you up?” His eyes widened.

  “Not my first time.” I silently congratulated myself on not blushing.

  “Your second?”

  “Maybe, perhaps I’ll wait ’til third though.” I reached for the first, fastened white button on his shirt.

  Opportunity. Grab it like a terrier.

  “There’s something else I want to try before that,” I whispered.

  “And what’s that?” he asked, watching me undo the button. His voice had calmed, his body was still. He was no longer stealing glances at the door.

  “I want to try it from behind.”

  “What, in your—?” His eyes snapped up to mine.

  “No, no, just from behind so I can find my G-spot.”

  “Jesus, you have been reading up.”

  I undid the next button and the next and reached for the cuffs. “Yes, I like to do my research.” I tugged his now-undone shirt from the waistband of his smart black pants. “If I’m going to do something, I like to do it properly.”

  “Me too,” he said in a quiet, calm voice.

  Shoving the shirt over his shoulders, I stepped in real close and let my breasts press into the tightly coiled hair sprinkled over his chest. “Which is what makes you so perfect for my needs,” I said, sliding the shirt down his arms and letting it fall on the floor.

  “Damn, you’ve nearly got me persuaded,” he said, lowering his head. His lips rested against my temple and I heard him swallow tightly.

  I pulled back and looked up at his dark eyes, they were thick and velvety. I parted my lips and held them a whisper from his. “Will this persuade you?” I cupped my palm against the taut material of his pants and gave his cock a firm, confident squeeze.

  Chapter Four

  Shane dragged in a sharp breath. “Bloody hell,” he muttered.

  “I want you, Shane, I want you to take my virginity.”

  “Ashley, are you sure?”

  “More than sure.” Over his pants, I rubbed my palm up the length of his erection, marveling at its solidity and size. “Please don’t leave, not now, because that would be the worst thing to have ever happened in my life. That would be something I could never undo.” And it was certainly something that didn’t happen in my books.

  Suddenly his lips hit down on mine, strong and assertive. “If it’s really what you want then I’m not going anywhere.” He breathed into my mouth. “Except to bed…with you, right now.”

  “Yes, yes, it’s what I want.” My stomach flipped with excitement. I’d persuaded him to stay. I’d grabbed my opportunity―quite literally.

  Letting go of his erection, I looped my hands around his neck, pressing the entire length of my body into his until his cock was squeezed tight between us. My heart thumped and my skin was alive with new, interesting, wild sensations.

  “I told you, it’s been a while for me,” he said, pulling back to look at my face. “Your vampish little virgin thing may have me reaching the finish line
early if you’re not careful.”

  “I’m sure we can make more than one finish line.”

  He chuckled and I sensed the last shred of tension and uncertainty leave him. “Yeah, you’re right.” He smoothed his hands to the back of my bra. “We have all night and we’re well and truly snowed in so what’s the rush?” He undid the clasp with a finely tuned movement and the lacy cups fell from my breasts.

  “No rush,” I murmured even though impatience was bubbling like a cauldron deep within me.

  His gaze drifted downward. “You have great tits,” he said. “Pert and pretty.” He stroked his thumbs over my nipples. They twisted into tight buds, as if straining for more of his attention. “Has anyone even done this to you before?” he asked.

  “No,” I said on a shaky breath, watching his every move the way a hawk watches a mouse. “Never.”

  “So I’m guessing no one has done this either.” He bent and kissed over the rise of my right breast, his soft lips inquisitive as he traced the mound.

  “No,” I managed.

  Shifting his shoulders, he pulled my erect nipple deep into his hot mouth.

  I buried my hands in his thick mop of hair. “God, no,” I gasped. “Not that either.”

  He switched to the other breast and used his hands to feed my hypersensitive flesh gently into his mouth. I closed my eyes and tipped my head to the ceiling, it felt divine, warm and wet, tingly and strong. His tongue was injecting white-hot lust into my veins.

  “Ah, you’re sweet all over,” he said, straightening and pulling me close again. My damp breasts pressed against his scratchy chest. “I’m going to make this right for you, Ashley. I’m honored you’ve chosen me. You won’t regret it.”

  “I know.” I touched my fingertips to his stubbled jawline. “I know, Shane. I trust you.”

  With one quick movement he scooped me into his arms. I clasped my hands around his neck as his strength surrounded me. He began to walk toward the bedroom.

  “We’re not doing it on the sofa?” I asked.

  “No, we’ll do the sofa later, your first time should definitely be in bed,” he said, stepping through the doorway. His eyes widened. “And wow, what a bed.”


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