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Harcourte Vampyre Society 02 Dangerous Choices

Page 43

by Unknown

  “It’s okay, Clariel. It’s over,” Jolie reassured. She felt guilty about them being hurt, but it was out of her hands. “I would have been here sooner, but Malachi ambushed us at dusk. I was killed.”

  The woman looked up at Jolie and was confused. “Killed?”

  “Oui, I was very fortunate, and we’ll leave it at that,” she said softly. “I got here as soon as I was strong enough.”

  “Yes, Mistress.” She wiped a tear that slid down her face. “He tortured the family and raped some of us to force our allegiance to Malachi.”

  “I’m sorry,” Jolie whispered beginning to feel her own tears fall. “I wish I could have saved everyone.”

  Jacques wiped her cheek, and Brogan kissed her softly on the lips in support. They both sent peace and warmth into her body. There was no doubt that she would carry this forever.

  “What will we do now, Mistress?” asked Trina. “We can’t stay here.”

  “I can’t live in this house of horrors any longer,” whispered Clariel, sliding over toward Trina.

  When the two women clung to each other, fingers twined, Jolie realized that they were more than just friends. It was the way they curled against each other that gave it away.

  It was Mathew who spoke first. “I could share my room, Mistress. I don’t mind. Please let me help them.” He sounded like a little child asking politely for a new gift.

  “No, they can’t stay in your room, Mathew. I won’t have it.” Jolie’s heart ached as all of their faces fell. “They can have their own suite. I have more than enough room to share with them. We’ll give them the quarters next to yours. I assume you both would like to rest together?”

  They nodded cautiously as if waiting for some trick.

  “Very well then. Let’s get out of here. The bodies will be completely decayed soon. Then, we’ll sell this travesty or burn it to the ground.”

  Jolie motioned toward the door and everyone followed. Mathew and Flynn scooped up the females to carry them to the vehicle.

  Finally, Jacques voiced his opinion, “I say we burn it down, mon amour,” he suggested, taking her hand as they walked away from the house together.

  Brogan nodded in agreement. Then, his eye caught Jacques’s and he understood what needed to be done.

  Lowering Trina to her feet, he had one thing to do. Rushing back into the house, he set the candles by the curtains. When he headed back outside, he visualized them bursting to life.

  It didn't take long for the place to go up in a blaze.

  When the mission was accomplished, he scooped the wounded vampyre up and loaded her into the back of the H2.

  For now, they needed to get what was left of the inherited family home and protect them.

  That job superseded everything else.

  The ride home was a silent one.

  Jolie sat beside Mathew and allowed him to place his head on her shoulder. She stroked his hair lovingly and tried to sooth him the best she could.

  Trina and Clariel were on the back seat, wrapped around each other. The mercury that Boris had used was leeching from their systems and their wounds were slowly healing.

  For now, they were safe.

  Jolie relaxed as their home loomed ahead in the distance. They needed to get inside and offer the two women some peace.

  Jacques parked in the driveway, knowing that the two other vampyres needed to be invited in. Pulling into the garage would be incredibly painful.

  Once the H2 stopped, Brogan opened Jolie's door and held out his hand. She moved away from Mathew and let him help her down. It made Jolie grin when he kissed her knuckles.

  It was something Jacques would have done.

  It looked like Flynn was blending with her other mate. Jolie didn't mind in the least. She liked being sandwiched between their two larger bodies.

  At the door, the three faced Trina and Clariel.

  “Welcome to our home. We invite you in.”

  It wasn’t missed by any of them that the women clung to Mathew as they warily stepped inside. It was as if they expected a nasty surprise to be waiting for them.

  Once in the kitchen, Jolie approached them with a vow. “You’ll be safe here, we promise.”

  The women looked from her to Mathew as if looking for confirmation on her words.

  Mathew grinned like a small child before speaking, “She’s more than we ever thought possible.” He bowed his head as Jolie walked toward him. The fear overtook him as he realized he spoke freely. He tensed as if waiting for a blow, and when she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and hugged him, tears filled his eyes.

  “Thank you for your kind words, Mathew,” she said, smiling at the women. “Shall we see you to your new quarters?”

  Flynn and Jacques held out their hands and Jolie went to them. Now that they were home, they could enjoy the safety.

  “Your home is beautiful, Mistress,” commented Clariel cautiously, still unsure if she could believe that Jolie was indeed what she appeared. She clutched Trina’s hand as they ascended the stairs.

  “Our house is beautiful,” she emphasized, making sure they understood that. “As I explained to Mathew, this home is yours now too.” She paused, turning back to have direct eye contact. “I do ask but one thing from both of you.”

  They stopped moving, expecting the worst.

  “Yes, Mistress? What can we offer you?” asked Trina, “We have nothing of value.”

  “The most important thing you have to offer is your loyalty. We will love you and protect you, but if you betray us or the ones we love,” she said, glancing over at her mates, “I will kill you. Please don’t test me on this.”

  When no one spoke, they continued up the stairs.

  In front of a door, Jolie pushed it open and turned to Clariel and Trina. “Please let me know if it suits you.”

  The women crept cautiously into the elegantly decorated room. It was done is soft shades of cream and peach, making them glance around in confusion.

  “All this is ours?” asked Clariel incredulously.

  “Yes. Let me show you the bath and sitting areas,” she offered. First, she showed them her favorite part. “The nicest part is the large tub. One of my favorite things is to sink into a hot bath filled with bubbles and pretty smelling things,” she offered. With the wave of her hand, lights went on and the room glowed.

  “It’s pretty,” Mathew said, grinning. He was happy for his family. They deserved to enjoy this moment.

  “It fits more than one,” she added, winking at the women.

  “It is spectacular in here. Really, it is ours?” Clariel questioned.

  “Yes, it is.”

  They didn't speak.

  Jolie touched Mathew’s arm. “Will you show them around and help them adjust?” she asked, pleased that he didn’t flinch at her touch.

  Progress at last!

  He nodded eagerly.

  Jolie remembered one last thing. “Oh, tomorrow I need you to meet with Chloe. She’ll get your sizes and will help you fill your closets with pretty things. That’s one of my other pleasures in life,” she offered, sharing a part of her with the new family.

  Trust built more trust.

  When no one spoke, she had to know. “What’s wrong?” she asked, cocking her head. “You don’t want or like clothing?”

  “Delina used such things as bribes or gifts after a difficult… session,” said Clariel, all tense.

  Jolie walked to the women and first leaned in and kissed Trina on the forehead, and then Clariel on the cheek. “Trust me when I say you owe me nothing but loyalty. I offer you clothing because I know the value of nice things and the comfort of owning possessions of your own. Choose whatever you wish. Until your things arrive, Chloe will get you some things from my closet. You are my size Clariel and Trina’s can be altered down to fit, or we can find another family member who is closer to your size.”

  “Master Jacques let me have things from his closet,” Mathew said, sharing his joy with the women
with that one sentence.

  “If you want things with more color, Mathew, Flynn has bright shirts. He isn't into black and white like Jacques.”

  He stared at them and mouthed, ‘See?’

  “Wander all you like, but knock before entering a private room. It’s really the only rule we have here. Mathew will show you the patio and library, if you like to read. I hope you all have a good rest. It’s been a long and difficult day, and I wish to curl up with my mates and relax.”

  “Mistress?” called Clariel after the woman.

  “Oui?” she asked, turning patiently.

  “You would really give us your own beautiful clothing?” she asked, pointing at Jolie’s gorgeous dress.

  “Yes, because you’re in need. As leader of this family, it’s my job to provide for you. Today, you proved your loyalty. It is my pleasure to reward that.” Again, she turned to leave.


  “Yes?” she said again, turning toward them.

  Slowly, all three approached her, waiting to see what she would do. Her mates watched from the doorway, just in case.

  Mathew dropped to his knees and wrapped himself around her legs, Clariel hugged her from behind, and Trina curled into the front of her body. They formed a giant vampyric blanket around her, sharing their space.

  For abused creatures, it was very telling and special.

  It filled Jolie’s eyes with tears. She knew how hard that one moment was for all of them.

  “You’re safe,” she offered, hugging them back.

  “Yes, Mistress,” answered Trina, wanting to ask her something important.

  Jolie could feel the anxiety. “Feel free to all sleep in one room if that comforts you,” she said, stroking Mathew’s brown hair.

  “You don’t mind?” asked Clariel, afraid to push her good fortune, but they enjoyed having Mathew near. He often kept them safe.

  “No, we don’t. If it comforts and pleases all of you, then by all means, be together. I know I rest better curled between my mates.”

  They released her and as soon as the door closed, there was giggling and laughter.

  The men grinned from their places against the wall.

  “Well, Mom, it looks like we’ve adopted two more lost children,” Brogan said, winking at her.

  “Yes, we have. Do you mind?”

  “No,” they said in unison offering her their arms.

  “Thank God we’re home. I’ve had one hell of a night, and wish to slide between two sexy men. Know where I can find them?” she teased.

  This time, it was Flynn who patted her on the derrière. “No idea,” he replied.

  Jacques snorted when she scolded the other man.

  Since they were in a good mood, Flynn continued, “For the record, Jacques is pretty. I’m the handsome one,” said Brogan pointing to Jacques.

  “I disagree,” said Jacques. “I’m handsome, you’re austerely attractive,” replied Jacques.

  Jolie just laughed at their antics.

  “Why do I feel like I’ve been insulted? What the hell does ‘austerely’ mean anyway?”

  “What am I going to do with you two?” she asked, glancing back and forth between them.

  “I have a few ideas,” Brogan whispered, nipping her ear.

  “Me too,” Jacques added licking her neck.

  “Somehow, I knew you both would.

  ∞ Chapter Twenty-Six ∞

  Thursday Afternoon

  Death released her easily.

  The cold tendrils backed away, giving her passage back to life. It was odd, since normally they needed to fight their way back to the living, but who was she to complain?

  Jolie would take it and run.

  Beside her, the men in her life were slowly waking. Flynn was facing her, watching her in awe. She imagined it was the same way she stared at him, questioning how she got that lucky.

  “Morning,” he whispered, leaving a kiss on her lips. “I wondered when you’d join me.”

  She squirmed closer to press her body against his. Her mate was awake and ready to roll around. Just as Jolie was about to begin her torment, Jacques gasped and slid back into the land of the living too.

  “Horrible timing,” Brogan teased.

  Jacques rolled to his side to lean against his mate. “I heard that,” he said, laughing. “Want me to close my eyes and play dead?”

  Jolie was about to remind them that they had their fun earlier, when Jacques went completely still.

  “We have company,” he warned, seconds before the knock sounded.

  “Enter, Chloe,” Jolie offered, sitting up between the two men. When they were left to face each other, it made her smile.

  “Mistress, I hate to bother you, but we’ve been summoned to meet with the council again.”

  Both men tensed, recalling the last city and last meeting. It ended up with them nearly being executed.

  Brogan took her hand in his, squeezing it nervously. He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

  “I’ll be fine, Flynn,” she reassured, patting his cheek. “We’re vindicated this time, since Malachi came into our home to kill us. You were threatened, and I was killed. There’s nothing that they can say about the outcome.”

  “Thank you, Chloe,” nodded Jacques, agreeing with Jolie to reassure their other mate.

  When Chloe left the room, she continued, “We’ll attend and bring Clariel, Trina, and Mathew. I have a feeling we’ll be questioned on what happened in Delina’s house.”

  Jacques was willing to take one for the team. “Do you want me to tell them?”

  “No, I’ll get dressed and handle it, my love, but thank you. I appreciate your willingness to deal with the messy things in our life.” Sliding out of bed, Jolie entered their closet to pick out her attire for the evening. It would need to be comfortable, just in case. When she exited in black leather pants and a matching vest, both men watched her intently.

  “What time are we leaving?” Brogan asked, as Jolie leaned over to pull on her boots. Both men tipped their heads the same way to check her out.

  “We’ll leave at nightfall, so you two may wish to get out of bed and get dressed.” Jolie glanced over her shoulder and grinned wickedly. “Oh, and I know you both were checking out my derrière.”

  They didn't deny it in the least. In leather pants, it was pretty spectacular. When she was gone, Flynn glanced over at Jacques.

  “Can they hurt us?” he asked.

  “It’s tough to say. If they believe our story, then we’re in the clear for Malachi, since he entered our home. Now, as for Delina’s house of horrors, that’s going to take some fast talking and witnesses. If she can get them to come, we may have a shot. If not…”

  “So, essentially we’re screwed.”

  “Oui, it’ll come down to atrocities that Malachi and Boris have committed. We’re the new vampyres in town, so they’ll either view us as conquering evil or potential antagonist.”

  “Great. Just great,” said Brogan, rolling from the bed to head into the bathroom to shower. He was beginning to really hate councils. So far, they’d been nothing but a pain in all of their asses.

  Stopping at the door, he glanced over his shoulder. “One day, Jacques, I hope council becomes an easy thing.”

  He found that amusing since he’d been dealing with them for countless centuries, and nothing had changed.

  “I wouldn’t bet on that, mon ami. Not in this lifetime.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Thursday Evening

  Jolie knocked on Mathew’s door and when no one answered, she had no choice but to seek him out. Inside, she found him relaxing in the bath. Jolie made no move to disturb him, worried that she’d scare the hell out of him. Eventually, he’d realize he wasn’t alone.

  It didn't take long.

  Jolie could tell when his body tensed that he figured it out. Opening his eyes, he pulled the ear buds out of his ears and lowered his gaze.

  “Mistress,” he said, ap
ologetically. “I didn’t hear you enter.”

  “I knocked and when no one answered, I came in. I hope you don’t mind,” she replied, taking a seat on the settee in the corner. She wanted to give the young vampyre plenty of space. “I see that you’re enjoying the bath.”

  “I don’t mind you coming in, Mistress, you’re always welcome,” he said blushing. “I’m really happy here, thank you. I didn't know what I was missing.”

  Jolie found it endearing. “Did you rest well?”

  “Yes, Mistress. We did stay together after all. I’m accustomed to watching over Clariel and Trina,” he added, still staring down. “I’ve watched them for years.”

  “Why won’t you look me in the eyes?” she asked, as he hid behind his hair.

  “We weren’t allowed to look into the face of the mistress. If we forgot ourselves, we would be punished.” The water cooled around his body with his fear.

  Jolie felt his discomfort and heated it back up with just a thought. “I’m not Delina, Mathew. If you wish to ever be happy here, you should keep that in mind.”

  “No, Mistress, you certainly aren’t.” He slowly lifted his face to stare directly into her eyes.

  “I want you to always look me in the face. I may be in charge, but you’re not a slave. I don’t own you,” She watched him fight to keep his face blank. “Just say it, Mathew. I won’t punish you for being honest.”

  “Why are you treating me like this? Why do you care about me? I’m just some vampyre you got stuck with because you killed her,” he whispered, unable to say her name.

  Jolie was surprised by his question, and that the vampyres she inherited felt they mattered so little. Jolie wanted to give him an answer without giving too much away about her own past.

  Moving to the edge of the tub, she tried to share some of her heart. “Let just say that I haven’t always been a leader, and I know better than anyone about the incomprehensible cruelty of some.”

  He swallowed.

  “I’ll wait for you in your room, and then we need to talk.” She left, heels clicking on the tile floor.


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