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The Ancients Series

Page 3

by Christine M. Butler

  “Well, in that case,” I slipped a five out and dropped it in his tip jar. He thanked me, and I held the drinks up to acknowledge the guys who had paid for them, and I walked back to Ashley. “Heads up chica, we’re about to get company in 4, 3, 2…”

  “Hey ladies!” The taller of the drunk guys from down the bar were right behind me as I slid Ashley her vodka cranberry.

  “Drinks were on these guys,” I said to her as she took a sip, and gave me a questioning look.

  “Ah, I see. Well thank you…” her southern draw was always a little bit thicker when she was using her manners, or flirting, but she paused waiting for them to give their names.

  “Adrian,” the taller one said, then hit his friend in the chest, “and this is Bobby.”

  “And this seems to be our lucky night,” Bobby interjected, looking back and forth between Ashley and I like he’d just won the lottery.

  With that, I spit some of my Captain and Coke back into my glass. Ashley, on the other hand was the picture of poise and perfection. “Well, fellas, we just got here. So, why don’t you give us just a bit to unwind and have some girly downtime before we work on anything else, m’kay?”

  They both looked confused, but nodded their heads and started to walk off when the couple next to us left their table. “What’d I tell ya? Lucky night!” Bobby shouted at his friend as they slipped into the stools at the table next to ours. They were being rather obvious with the ogling they were doing too.

  “Oh God, leave it to you to make one little trip to the bar, and end up with stage 5 clingers!” Ashley laughed, her deep sultry laugh, and I joined her.

  “What can I say, it’s a talent. All the douchebags want a piece of this!”

  “Yeah, well… maybe we can at least find you a tall bit of sexy trouble for the night, because you would make whimpering idiots out of either of them.”

  I heard laughter from over by the bar that didn’t sound entirely human. I looked up and caught the eyes of a guy in some faded blue jeans and a black t-shirt that was straining so hard against his muscular physique that it almost appeared to be a second skin. His hair was so dark it could have been black, but it was hard to tell in the club’s low level of lighting, even with wolf-vision enhancements. Some shorter pieces of hair fell out of the leather thong he had tying it all back in a ponytail. Those stray pieces framed his jaw to perfection, and I knew by the gleam in his eye, and the prickling sensation wrapping around my skin, that he was a Were and he was going to be my kind of trouble tonight.

  “Oh my God! Holy sex on a bar stool, that is just the yummiest piece of man I have ever laid eyes on!” Ash spewed that little bit out before I gave her a warning shake of the head. Then I pointed to my ears to let her know he could hear her. She had the presence of mind to blush to the roots of her red hair. “Damn, seriously?”

  “Seriously,” I said, without giving away what we were talking about. Another man, putting off just as much power strode up to the sexy thing that was still watching us, and after a moment of me pretending I wasn’t keeping an eye on him through my lowered lashes, he moved along to the back of the bar with his buddy. They must have been here to shoot some pool.

  “So, looks like Zach has some competition after all. You couldn’t take your slutty little eyes off of him! I could almost see your thoughts, and there was nothing virginal going on up in there.” When I looked at her funny she kept going. “Oh, yeah, you had that look on your face. You know, the one where you’re ready to throw down right here, right now, in front of everyone and just not give a fuck. I guess giving a fuck would be more the point, actually.” Ashley was giggling into! her drink as she took a sip.

  “Ha ha ha, I swear Ash, sometimes I don’t know where you get this shit. Maybe you need to read more real romance novels instead of the smut you prefer. Also, stop trying to pawn your dirty thoughts off on me like you weren’t thinking about it yourself!”

  “Sometimes, romance is overrated. That’s the kind of man, who’s going to take charge, throw your ass down, and fuck you stupid.” She started fanning herself at that. “Mmm, mmm, mmm. Well, if you don’t want him, maybe you can convince him that my kind isn’t so bad. Hell that friend of his was all kinds of walking hotness too! I’d take either of them.”

  “You’re horrible, Ash, and I need to stay clear of those two. I never believed for a minute that my dad was being serious about other wolves prowling around to snatch up females from other packs, but with the power rolling off of those two, they’d be able to do it.”

  “Well, they disappeared in back, and didn’t bother coming back. I guess they weren’t interested in stealing your virtue away.” She thought for a minute, “I wonder if they can sniff out the fact that you’re still a virgin? Is that a thing?”

  “Um, no.” I said, and suddenly I wasn’t so certain. That would be embarrassing.

  We made it through two more rounds of drinks and a bunch of ‘get my mind off of Zach’ small talk before Ash let me know that if she didn’t start dancing off her buzz, I was going to be holding her hair for her later. I sometimes forgot what alcohol did to humans. Three drinks in didn’t even get me close to a buzz. I would have to slam shot after shot for that to happen, and even then, I wouldn’t stay drunk long. Werewolf metabolism burned off the alcohol too quickly. I followed Ashley out to the dance floor, and we started moving to the music. Ashley was a good dancer, if a little off balance thanks to the alcohol. I was an amazing dancer, because being a werewolf lent itself to a certain inbred grace. We had a rhythm all our own. Ashley and I played off of each other as we danced. We were gyrating and swaying with the best of them. We were making a spectacle of ourselves, especially as Ash started rolling her head, and flinging those wonderful red curls everywhere. I knew she was lost in the moment when she started doing that, and I just rolled with it, needing to get just as lost.

  She grabbed my hand and pulled me close, spun around until she was behind me, back to back, and then she dropped inch by inch as she ground her butt into mine, and down my legs. I couldn’t see her facial expressions, but whatever she was doing back there was making more than a few guys on the dance floor drool like idiots. Just as suddenly as she started that, she rose right back up, spun around, and smacked the hell out of my ass. I let out a low growl that would have embarrassed me if we were around pack members, but there wasn’t anyone here who would have heard it, or paid attention. At least, that’s what I thought in the moment. I spun to face Ashley, and pulled her close, grinding down her body. She put her hands right on top of my head, as if to push me lower. By the time my head was level with her hips, she threw her head back and yelped, as if she were in ecstasy.

  I popped up quickly, and spun around her, giving her the smack back on her ass that she deserved for the pop she gave me moments ago. She actually squeaked when I did it. Looking around, I noticed we were definitely making a spectacle of ourselves. All the guys were thinking they were getting a freaky hot lesbian love show, and hoping they could be a part of it later. What they didn’t know was this was just playful dancing for Ash and I. As I wound back around to face Ashley, I felt that familiar tingle of power ripple over my body. I tried to ignore it, and snatched Ash up, and pulled her into a mock tango position. I scooted us three steps to the left, dipped her, and as she came back up I spun her toward the bar, “Your turn to buy,” I yelled at her. She flipped me off, as I turned to head back to our table.

  Unfortunately, as I spun around I ran right smack into a brick wall, or at least a chest that felt an awful lot like a brick wall. “Oh sorry, excuse me.” I semi-shouted as I waited for him to back up a bit and let me pass. When he didn’t, I put my arm out, hand flat against the craziest set of abs I’d ever felt, and tried to push him back just a hair. He still didn’t move, but power trickled from those abs straight into my hand. I pulled back, feeling as though I’d been shocked. I retreated a step, something I would normally never do, just to be able to look up and see what I was dealing with. It was the
guy from earlier at the bar. He still had loose hairs falling to frame his face. This close, I could see the scruff of a five o’clock shadow that adorned his jawline. When I finally made it past his scruffy jaw, and those lusciously thick, kissable lips, I thought I would drown in the cobalt blue depths of his eyes.

  I was feeling all kinds of weak in the knees right about then. A feeling I certainly had never been familiar with before. His lips turned up at the corners as he reached forward to touch me, but I sidestepped him at the last minute, trying to get my distance. Something wasn’t right. I felt light headed, and damn near drunk, which was impossible. I started to the right of him, getting ready to head back to my table. He cut me off stepping in my way, still not saying a word to me. Frustrated, I stepped back, huffed, and tried moving around the left side of him. Again, he was there before I could get passed him.

  “Seriously?” I questioned.

  He leaned in, so close to my ear I could feel his breath as he whispered. “Seriously.” His voice had a strange accent that I was unfamiliar with. Between the accent, his breath tickling my neck and ear, and the superbly, manly, spicy, scent emanating from him I was having a hard time controlling my breathing. This was not normal, even for werewolves. I felt completely drawn to him, and power drunk. I hadn’t felt this heady since my awakening when all my heightened senses kicked in at once.

  He was still there, by my ear, and I simply could not move. My damn feet were traitors. I couldn’t convince them there might be danger, and we had to go now. Hell, I was having a hard time convincing my brain of that, especially when he leaned even further in, putting his nose right against my neck, just behind my ear. He inhaled deeply, and as he did, his arm snaked around my waist, pulling me into him. My stupid hands didn’t listen to me either. One of them immediately tried to slip around to his back to pull us even closer together, while the other went straight to those luscious pecks that were at chin level for me now.

  The low growl that slipped from somewhere in the back of his throat made my knees go weak in the most literal sense. Thankfully, his grasp didn’t fail me, because I would have hit the floor hard had he not held me steady. Not to mention the slightly embarrassing whimper that came from my own body in response to his growl. That’s all the approval he needed apparently, because from there his lips trailed little kisses up my ear, and back down my neck, all the while he rubbed his face across my skin, scenting me. Shit, he was scenting me. Alarm bells were ringing like a motherfucker in my head, but my body would not respond. Actually, my fingers were kneading themselves into the muscles of his back and chest. Oh, God, Ashley had been right, I was ready for him to take me right here, and I didn’t even care who was watching.

  That growl came again, louder this time. I was sure people standing near us had to notice by now. Not only were we both erupting with growl laden moans, but we had to look like we were full on making out by now. In fact, his left hand was heading due south towards my ass, while his other one had threaded through my hair and pulled me closer as he continued to mark me with his scent.

  Another man slipped up behind him, whispered one word in his ear, and pointed to the back of the bar. The new guy looked me up and down once, huffing into the air, and then stalked off. The man, whose arms were suddenly disentangling from my body, had a shit-eating grin plastered across his face. “I will find you again soon, little wolf.” The deep timbre of his voice melted me a little bit further, and as his hand finally left my body, and he turned to leave, I stumbled. I fucking stumbled. Completely thrown off balance. I never stumbled.

  Ashley was suddenly beside me, grabbing my elbow, and pulling me at a quick pace over to our table. “Holy fucking hell, Jess, what was that?”

  “Oh my God, I don’t even know what just happened.”

  “That shit looked serious. Hell, I was about to climax just watching the two of you, and you were both fully clothed.”

  “Ash, seriously… it wasn’t…”

  “Oh, the hell it wasn’t! Crap, I didn’t even order the drinks, because I was so wrapped up in what was going down with the two of you, in front of everyone!” A smile grew on Ashley’s face and her eyes lit up as she continued. “Well, since you’ve already claimed that one, maybe you can still hook me up with his dead sexy friend.”


  “What do you mean who? The other God in the room. You know, the one who took lover boy away from you.”

  “Oh, I didn’t really see him.” I was still in a bit of a daze, and I was trying to come out of it. I also needed a big drink, and probably the world’s coldest shower right about now.

  “Yeah, no kidding, because you were too busy trying to implant yourself into the other dude. So, what’s his name anyway?”

  “No clue,” I said, still dazed. I managed to get up and walk a few paces away to snag the waitresses arm. I may have done it a little harder than necessary since she winced. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to grab you so hard.”

  “Yeah, whatever,” she responded. “Can I help you?” She looked pointedly at her arm, in specific where my hand was still clasped around it.

  “Shit, sorry.” I dropped my hand to my side. We need 3 rounds of Irish car bombs for the two of us.” The waitress looked back and forth between Ashley and I, like it would be impossible for us to drink that much, but she ended up shrugging her shoulders and wandered off to the bar to place my order.

  I went back to my table, where Ashley was currently being groped by the tall guy from earlier in the night. I knew Ash was drunk and horny so I just ignored it. I knew her limits, and if she hit them I would take care of the guy. What was his name? Adrian, I think. I plopped my ass down on my stool and Adrian’s buddy came over and stood beside me. I guess he was expecting the same attention Ash was now giving his buddy.

  “So, who was that dude you were all over out on the dance floor? Was that your boyfriend, or are you just that friendly with any guy that doesn’t move out of your way?”

  I felt the ripple of energy before I saw him, and I knew he was coming for this little asshole. It didn’t matter. He’d be too late. I hauled off and punched the fuck out of Adrian’s friend’s face. I heard the crack of bone as his nose broke when my hand made contact. Then I heard that otherworldly laughter coming from my mystery man. I smiled up at him, and he tipped his fingers up to his head, bending forward with a bow, as if he were tipping his hat – had he been wearing one – and bowing at the same time. Oh, but he was sexy. It took a moment to register that Ashley was tugging on my arm.

  “Come on slugger, we need to get you out of here. Jesus, when I said we’d find some trouble tonight, I was thinking sexcapades, not bar room brawl.” That laughter echoed out behind me again, trailing off as he walked towards the back room of the bar again. We were intercepted by our waitress who was brining all six Irish car bombs to us.

  “Hey, you ordered these, you need to pay for them before you leave.” I pointed over to the bar, and she turned to head in that direction. I threw down a wad of cash for her, dropped the shots into each of the glasses of beer, and then one after another I started chugging them. A roar from the crowd blew up behind us, as the guys close enough to see what I was doing started chanting, “Chug! Chug! Chug” For about two minutes I felt like I was in a bad frat house movie. Then the bouncer was making his way over to us, with a bloody nosed guy that was going to need some serious plastic surgery to fix his face.

  I grabbed Ash’s hand and weaved through the crowd with her in tow, avoiding the bouncer, and hitting the front door at a near run. Ash was breathless as we hit the street, and I was exhilarated.

  “Holy shit, that was insane!” I yelled.

  “Yeah, no kidding.” She eyed me funnily, “also, I can’t believe you just sucked down four out of six Irish car bombs and you’re still on your feet.”

  “Mmhmm, but I really have to pee now, though.” I staggered a little as we started walking away from the club. Normally, I would play designated driver, but it would tak
e a little while to burn off all the alcohol I just consumed, so we were going to have to hoof it back to Ashley’s apartment. We were only a few blocks away, giggling and stumbling a little as Ashley joked about how bad-ass I was when I broke the guy’s nose.

  “Why did you do it anyway? I missed that part.”

  “I know you did, because you had your tongue stuffed down his friend’s throat. He basically asked me if I was a whore. He asked if he had to get in my way to get the same treatment my mystery man got on the dance floor.”

  “No fucking way? I’m so glad you punched him, then. I might not be getting any now, but it’s totally justified.”

  We were both laughing when I felt power ripple across my skin. I turned, almost expecting my mystery man to be making another appearance, but to my surprise it wasn’t him. Ashley stopped and spun around a moment later, trying to see what caught my attention. “Oh, hey!” She said, and then quieter to me she added, “that’s your friend’s buddy that you were too busy to notice earlier.”

  “What?” I looked from her to the man who was oozing power in front of me. “Oh… okay, gotcha.”

  He watched us for a moment like a complete creeper, and then spoke up in a booming deep voice, even though he was only talking slightly above a whisper. “You need to understand, this is just an experiment. Don’t go falling in love, planning mating parties, and pups. Do you understand?”

  I felt my own eyes grow wide as the man before me punctuated his statement with a bit of a menacing growl for good measure. “What the fuck?” Ashley spewed out.

  He looked her up and down, almost appreciatively for a moment, then turned back to me. “Do your friend a favor, and either make her one of us or ditch her. She’s in dangerous territory now that the Ancients have moved in.”

  “Wait, What?” My brain felt all kinds of fuzzy, and I knew I was missing something really important, but I drank a truck load of alcohol before leaving the bar and it was affecting me in a serious way. He was gone before I could get anything else out.


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