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A British Bride by Agreement

Page 18

by Stenzel, Therese

  The box said from Inspirational Concepts. Jonathan shook his head. He didn’t remember ordering any prints. He waved him to come in. “I need a coffee break. Go ahead.”

  “Any idea where you want ‘em hung?”

  Jonathan smirked. Like inspiration would help him now. “Surprise me.”

  After a few minutes, he paced back into his office. Needing peace, he shut his door behind him. As he sat in his chair, something caught his eye. Hanging on the facing wall were three huge framed photographs of the alps with scriptures calligraphied on the bottom.

  Promotion and power come from nowhere on earth, but only from God.

  Apart from me, you can do nothing.

  Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart's desires.

  The hairs on the back of Jonathan’s neck tingled. God was speaking directly to him. He couldn’t explain it but it was as if a holy presence filled the room. He pressed his eyes shut as realization dawned.

  God wasn’t failing him. He was failing God.


  Still feeling rattled after the conversation with her father, Emma paced over to her Steinway piano in the empty dining room and let her finger roll up the keys making a plinking sound. She hadn’t played in a long time. When she was a child, this was where she hid. In a torrent of music, she’d shut out the world and all its demands. Between the call from her father and the visit from Babsy, her childhood hiding place beckoned her back again.

  Play for Me, a voice in her spirit spoke.

  Ridiculous. She had a desperate financial black mail situation to sort out, a huge dinner to plan, a vast house to decorate, and a husband she loved but couldn’t tell.

  Play for Me. As the comforting voice spoke again, something inside of her let go.

  Wasn’t there a scripture that talked about giving your burdens to the Lord? She could almost see herself setting blocks of stone at God’s feet. A quiet confidence settled over her heart. What if she looked at playing the piano as for the Lord and not about performing? A smile founds its way onto her lips as she sat down and tentatively touched the cool white keys again.

  Closing her eyes, her fingers stirred instinctively. Her hands moved as the music swelled and a familiar tune echoed in the room. The music in her soul, long shut away, flowed out onto the keys and she found solace in letting go of her reasoning and playing with her heart. Song after song poured out of her as she immersed herself in familiar compositions.

  An hour later ,she stopped. Was the room brighter? The air somehow fresher? It was as if a weight had been lifted. She would never look at playing the piano the same way again. As unto the Lord. Why hadn’t she thought of that sooner? She glanced at the clock. Ten o’clock? Where had the morning gone?

  She jumped in the shower, got dressed, and headed to Bammerts. She was going to fill this house with furniture by the end of the day, or else. She had the money from the sale of the jewelry, it would have to do for now. She would work hard at being a good wife. Maybe if she kept enough plates spinning, when the truth came out about who her parents were, Jonathan would forgive her.

  She pulled into the Bammerts Furniture store parking lot. The place was already packed with cars. Making her way to the front of the store, after a few minutes she found the man with the fake tan. “Rex, can you help me?”

  “You’ll have to take a number—”

  “I’m Emma Steller.”

  He did a double take and squinted. “Mrs. Jonathan Steller?”

  Taking in a deep breath, she decided she liked this new feeling of confidence God had given her. “I need to buy some sport’s memorabilia, furniture, furnishings. Lots of it. And I need it today.”

  He grabbed a leather notebook off the reception desk and straitened his posture. “Of course, Mrs. Steller.” His voice suddenly full of deference. “Was there a particular piece you were interested in?”

  She glanced around the room. “As long as it doesn’t look like it belongs in the Sound of Music, I’m good with it.”

  A wide grin, like a Cheshire cat’s, filled his face. “Shall we get started?”


  Jonathan rubbed his eyes and glanced at his watch. Ten p.m. He hadn’t meant to stay at the office this late. His desk was covered in reports on the financial status of the charity. None of it good.

  “Hey, stranger.”

  Jonathan looked up to see Dede heading down the deserted hall toward his office. He shot to his feet, sending papers scattering to the floor. “What are you doing here?”

  “Nick called me and said you were a little overwhelmed and might need some help.” She held Nick’s security card in the air as she paused in the doorway. “Am I allowed to come in?”

  “Yes, of course.” He gathered up a few of the documents on the ground and returned to his chair.

  She sat in a chair across from his desk and looked around. “A little smaller than the office at Product Development.”

  He nodded. She’d helped him decorate that one.

  “I’ve heard things aren’t going too well with the Steller Concert. That’s a really big deal.”

  He rubbed his chin, unsure as how much he could confide in her. Amazing how his insides didn’t hurt at seeing her anymore. His gaze drifted to the framed picture of his wife on his desk. Had Emma done that? “The concert’s in trouble, as I have no musicians. But I left it to the last minute, then the first group I had booked quit, and I can’t find any group suitable to play.”

  “And this is probably pretty important to your funding.”

  “Our corporation contributes over fifty percent of the funds used, but we’ve grown so large over the years that we have to find outside monies to help our work continue. Without a successful concert event, the charity will have to stop supporting about half our programs.” He left off the part about especially since they’d been scammed out of thousands of dollars.

  “Listen, I could make some phone calls…”

  He shook his head. “No. If I’m going to run this charity, I better take the bitter with the sugar.”

  “Isn’t that bitter with the sweet?”

  He smiled briefly. “An inside joke. Anyway,” he stood, “I need to get home.”

  She gripped her hands in front of her. “I also came to, you know, say, I’m sorry. And that’s long overdue. Tom feels the same way. I know he misses your friendship. We both have hurt you badly, and I want you to know we feel terrible about—”

  Jonathan held up his hand, amazed at how peaceful he felt. He really had forgiven her. “The Lord was at work. I’m married to a wonderful woman now, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Dede hung her head for a moment. “I’ve always admired your faith.” She slung her purse on her shoulder. “Well, I should go...” Her teeth tugged on her lower lip as if hesitating to tell him something.

  “You both need to come to our first dinner at our new home next Friday night.” Jonathan came around the desk to tell her good-bye, when she stepped in and threw her arms around him.

  “Thank you for forgiving us, Tom and I still love you very much,” were her muffled words. She stepped back from him and turned side to side. “Tom and I are pregnant.”


  Emma lifted the heavy basket of sandwiches and pastries she’d collected from Jonathan’s favorite German bakery out of her car and hurried through the parking lot toward his office. She’d had an amazing day yesterday and she couldn’t wait to tell him about playing the piano again, the furniture she’d bought, what she’d done in his home office, and what God had done in her heart. But she was exhausted and hadn’t been able to eat all day.

  Nick had been so thoughtful to let her know Jonathan had had a hard day and hadn’t left his office to eat all day. She lifted her eyes to the ceiling, “Lord forgive me for judging Nick.” He really had Jonathan’s best interests at heart. She pushed on the elevator button, willing the lift to come faster. First, she’d tell Jonathan about her father’s illicit demands. N
o more hiding information. After spending time with the Lord this morning, she vowed to never again doubt that God cared about her. She was the apple of God’s eye and He would protect her. And if she got all the dreadful secrets regarding her parents out in the open, then her father couldn’t use his threats against her.

  Her heart sung along with the ping of the elevator’s door opening. As soon as she arrived on Jonathan’s floor, she swiped a security card Nick had dropped off at her house to enter the executive suites.

  Then she’d tell Jonathan the whole truth about why she sent her brother that money. And then if he was still speaking to her, she’d tell him about the bill that was coming from Bammberts and give him the two hundred and thirty dollars that she still had in her purse from the sale of her necklaces.

  The door opened and she quietly walked in, keeping the rustle of her bags to a minimum. Once in the inner sanctum, she stretched her sore calf muscles. Walking up and down the furniture store yesterday for three hours, then today, directing where everything was to go in their home had made her muscles ache, but it was worth it. Most of the furniture she needed was in place and now that she’d lined up a caterer, she was feeling excited about hosting their first dinner party.

  She could hear Jonathan talking. Was he on the phone? As she turned the corner, she had a straight view into his office.

  Jonathan had his arms around Dede.

  Paralyzed, Emma watched as they stared into each other’s eyes. Her bags wilted to the floor. A gasp clogged in her throat.

  Emma heard the words, love you. A smile lit up Jonathan’s face when Dede set her hands on her hips and turned side to side, as if showing off her trim figure.

  Stifling a strangled cry, Emma pressed her eyes shut, willing the image of them away. Now you’ve gone and done it, Duckie. You’ve fallen in love with a man who had no intention of ever falling in love with you.


  After Dede shared her good news about being pregnant and left, Jonathan shut down his computer. The moon cast its beam through his blinds and illuminated the scripture that hung on his wall.

  Promotion and power come from nowhere on earth, but only from God.

  He hesitated for just a moment, before giving in to the tug on his soul to pray. He slipped to his knees and leaned into his chair.

  “Lord, I give You my career. All of it. I want to dedicate my life to You. To be used by You. Not just my heart, but my days and hours and weeks as well. Whatever You have planned for me is what I want. I’m done doing this on my own terms. I want to change my priorities. You first, then Emma, then work. I don’t know how to fix this concert, but You do. I don’t know how to tell Emma how much I…” He paused.

  He loved her.

  He loved her more than he had loved any other woman.

  “I want to tell her I love her.” Satisfied, he stood. The concert was in one week. If he failed or succeeded, it was now up to God. And Emma? Despite his fears, God would have to help him stand firmly beside her no matter what she might have done.

  Once in the front door of his darkened home, Jonathan yawned and went to set his keys on the box and found an antique dresser instead. He tossed his keys in the leather container sitting in the middle and hung his jacket on the row of brass hooks. Very nice. The further he walked in, the more he was impressed. But by the modern fabric and contemporary design in each room, it was clear this wasn’t Franz’ work. Emma was a brilliant decorator. Was there anything she wasn’t good at?

  Every space had at least a few furnishings in it, each with its own color design. He paused outside the master bedroom. Would she have furnished this room for the both of them? He slowly opened the door. Although not completely decorated, the room held a dresser, bureau, two over-sized chairs, and two nightstands with lamps.

  At the commanding sight of an unmade oversized four-poster bed, his heart sped up.

  After looking through the rest of the rooms, he returned to his office. It was the one space that looked completely done. Framed pictures of his family cluttered the large mahogany desk. Empty bookcases lined one wall and on the other were framed sports jerseys of the St. Louis Blues hockey team, and the Cardinals. Amazing. But where was her piano room?

  He found her piano tucked in the corner of a guest bedroom next to his office and all her music books in a closet down the hall. Emma had a knack for putting others first. Sweet Emma. He wanted to tell her he loved her. Time to be a man and open up to her.

  Glancing around the guestroom, an idea came to him. He picked up a box of music books, took it to the empty bookcase in his office, and set it down. He rolled up his sleeves. He would show her how much he loved her. This was going to be a long night.

  Two hours later, he had all her books, her notebooks of sheet music, her CD player and all her CDs on the bookshelf. He’d have to wait until after the party to move the piano in and his desk out, but then it would be the perfect spot for teaching children.

  There was one last box, left sitting open on the closet floor. When he took it out, a first class advance purchase ticket to London and a letter fell out. The note was from her parents, who urged her to come home and scolded her for marrying him. The exact words were, poor excuse for a husband.

  His heart hammered. He ran a hand over his face, unable to comprehend what he was seeing.

  She was leaving him.


  The next night, Emma wandered between the dinner guests in her home with a smile pasted on her face. By the sound of the laughter and chatting, everyone was enjoying themselves. Even the piano player hired for the event made her Steinway sound lovely. But her shoulders were tense with the horrid questions that kept circling her mind. She had purchased a pregnancy test, but hadn’t taken it yet. But she was pretty sure, based on how she’d felt over the last few days what the answer would be.

  “Emma, darling.” Babsy kissed her on the cheeks. “I cannot believe what you’ve done to the place. So unusual for Franz.”

  Emma’s mind raced with polite replies. “He, well, worked very hard. And we talked a lot about what to get...” What was the point? Two days ago, her father had left another message on her cell phone warning her he’d go to the St. Louis press if she didn’t get money to them in the next week. As soon as the Steller family found out, they would probably disown her. “No, I didn’t end up using Franz’s ideas. I didn’t like the Bavarian flair of his design, so I decided to do something more contemporary on my own.”

  Babsy paused. “You are—I am so tired of all those coo-coo clocks and ski poles on my walls. If only I had the courage to tell him to redo it.”

  Emma smiled weakly at her mother-in law’s kind words. All that would surely end when Babsy found out what kind of family she’d come from.

  Just then, Jonathan walked in, wearing a navy blue suit and his yellow tie. She’d managed to avoid him ever since she’d seen him with Dede. It wasn’t hard. She stayed busy organizing the dinner and he was busy with work and all the concert details. Although, now, their master bedroom was furnished, would he want to give up their separate rooms? She could hardly look him in the eye. Would he tell her about Dede? Or was this part of their arrangement? He could keep a girlfriend on the side?

  He strode up to her, leaned in, and brushed a kiss against her cheek. For one moment, she allowed herself to savor the roughness of his warm skin. Emotion tightened her throat. His blue eyes looked full of tenderness. He looked like a man in love.

  With someone else.

  Knife-like pain pierced through her. She mumbled an excuse, fled from the formal living room into her sitting room, and shut the door. How was she going to keep up this façade when her world was crumbling around her? Maybe she should take a trip until she could sort out her thoughts. Just say she needed to get away for a while. She could go see Ben and Debbie. Then, maybe, with her friend’s support, she could work up the nerve to take the pregnancy test and figure out what she was going to do. She bit on her knuckle to keep the tears at bay. />
  A tentative knock at her door startled her. Probably the catering staff with a question. “Yes.”

  Jonathan opened the door, looking a little tired but still handsome and shut it behind him. “That was a quick exit. I didn’t even have time to tell you how beautiful you look.”

  Before Emma could respond, another knock followed. Nick stuck his head in. “Sorry to disturb you two, but no, Jonathan, the orchestra from Tulsa is not available. I practically begged them to come, but they said no.”

  “Thanks for trying.” Jonathan sighed.

  “I’ll see if I can think of anyone else,” Nick started to close the door, but hesitated. “I don’t want you to fail in front of your father.”

  Jonathan studied him for a moment. “Thank you, Nick.”

  “When you called Dede again, did she have any suggestions? I know she’s been a great help to you in the past.” Nick stared wide-eyed.

  Jonathan shot a glance at Emma. “No.”

  “Hmm. She’s normally so willing to drop everything to help you. Okay, I’ll see you later.” Nick shut the door

  Jonathan strode over and held Emma at the waist.

  His warm hands felt like firebrands. She never knew you could ache for someone’s touch at yet detest it at the same time.

  “Are you all right?” His voice sounded heavy with worry.

  Her gaze shot to the ground. Of course, she wasn’t all right. She burned to tell him how much she loved him, that there might be a son or daughter on the way, but what good would it do now? “Are you still looking for an orchestra?”

  He stuck his hands in his pockets, looking for the first time, vulnerable. “Yes.”

  Despite his betrayal, her heart still yearned for him. “It will work out.”

  “I’ve found a caterer, but no music yet.” His gaze searched her face as if he wanted to ask her something.

  “It will all sort itself out.”

  He stepped in even closer. She could feel his warm breath in her hair. “You look so gorgeous. But before dinner I wanted to—I need to ask you…” “Never mind. But I meant what I said. You look amazing.”


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