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A British Bride by Agreement

Page 20

by Stenzel, Therese

  Long neglect has worn away

  Half the sweet enchanting smile;

  Time has turned the bloom to gray;

  Mold and damp the face defile.

  The teen orchestra played on. Among their other musical highlights was an outstanding interpretation of Mozart's Clarinet Concerto performed by a young girl who was missing a leg, followed by two concertos performed by two boys who were little people. The group of young musicians maintained a balance between perky enthusiasm and gentle sensitivity. Even the lines on Jonathan’s forehead eased a few times as he listened to them play.

  The performance of Bax's Tintagel was particularly strong. But the stand-out orchestral performance of the evening was a compelling, atmospheric account of Delius', The Walk to the Paradise Garden.

  Emma glanced at her watch. Only thirty minutes had passed and the orchestra members were already bowing. They were wonderful, but the concert had been too short.

  As Mrs. Steller clapped, she leaned over toward Jonathan. “What’s next?”

  The panic on Jonathan’s face propelled Emma to her feet. What could she do?

  Jonathan stood and straightened his tie. “I guess I’ll end the evening.”

  As the students exited the stage, a spotlight remained on the grand piano.

  Emma knew what she had to do. She kissed Jonathan lightly on the cheek. “It’s not over yet.” Heading toward the stage, she lifted her long dress to step up the steep stairs. As she approached the piano, the crowd’s murmuring hushed. She could hear the clearing of throats and the shifting of chairs. Pausing by the piano, she strained to see beyond the bright lights. “I want to dedicate this performance to my husband, Jonathan Steller, whom I love with all my heart.”

  She swallowed as she sat and set her fingers against the cool keys. Play for the Lord.

  For the next forty-five minutes, Emma blocked out all the pain in her heart, the people gathered, her parents, and focused on pouring out her gift of music before the Lord. Each piece coming to her as if the Holy Spirit himself whispered them to her. At times, she was so lost in the music, her heart raced with the joy that came from being in His presence.

  Her last piece, Chopin’s difficult but very melodious Etude Op.10 no. 4., filled the auditorium with its pleasing sounds. At the last plink of the piano, she allowed her arms to rest.

  The roar of the applauding crowd sounded almost instantly. Emma’s gaze swept over the standing, cheering throng, but her eyes didn’t stop roving until they had found Jonathan. Her heart thrilled at seeing the astonished look on his face as he clapped furiously. She had shown him her love. At least he had this moment and could know how she felt before her parents ruined the evening.

  Emma bowed to their praise, but inside her soul had praise only for God, who had released her from her panic and given her a way to express her love for Jonathan. “Thank you, Lord.”


  Jonathan stood amidst the other attendees, clapping as hard as he could, still in awe of what his wife had done. She had faced her greatest fear for him. She loved him. But what about the hidden plane tickets and passing envelopes? Her parent’s being swindlers? Could it all have been some kind of misunderstanding? Hope soared in his heart, but before he could help Emma down the front steps the stage, his father ambled up to the microphone.

  “Ladies and gentleman, my daughter-in-law, Emma Steller.” The swell of the clapping again filled the auditorium for several minutes. “I am so proud of her. She has been an amazing blessing to our family and we all love her.”

  Emma nodded and bowed again, but her gaze faltered.

  Love for her welled in Jonathan’s chest. It was all he could manage, not to rush the stage and take her into his arms.

  “I also want to introduce my son, Jonathan Steller, who as the new director for Steller Charity has planned this evening and has done a wonderful job. And I am so proud of him.”

  Jonathan squirmed at his father’s unfamiliar, kind words.

  “Come on up, Jonathan.”

  Jonathan made his way to the stage, his gaze fixed on Emma. He wasn’t going to wait another minute. When he slipped his arms around her silken dress to kiss her, the crowd laughed and cheered some more. His lips savored the taste of her. His heart swelled with emotion. “I love you, Emma.”

  Emma’s eyes filled with tears. “You do?”

  He shook his head. How could she have not known? “I do and—”

  “I also want to introduce,” Jonathan’s father continued, “Emma’s mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Waterhouse, who came all the way from England.” Mr. Steller gestured for them to stand.

  But instead of joy, Emma’s face fell and she pulled away from Jonathan’s embrace and scurried for the back stage area.

  Jonathan’s feet were rooted to the ground. Why would she say she loved him and then leave? Was she upset her parents were here?

  “Let’s hear a few words from the charities’ new director.” His father stepped away from the microphone. The crowd hushed.

  Blood pounding in his temples, Jonathan paced up to the podium and squinted at the glare of the bright lights unsure of what to say. Despite the shock of what just happened, he wouldn’t let the charity suffer.

  “Now that our entertainment is done for the evening, we would like for you to consider helping us financially. Tonight, many people across our state and even across oceans, are depending on the generosity of the people in this room.” He paused. Lord help me here. “I want to let you know that the charity had been scammed out of thousands of dollars this year by some unscrupulous men, but it was my fault for not checking facts more carefully. And I’ve realized that I have a lot to learn about caring for the people we help and how to best spend the charities’ money in a responsible manner. I freely admit to you, I’ve made many mistakes since taking over, but I’ve learned the importance of looking to God for my future and the future of our foundation.” His head dipped briefly. “I’ve found He’s very good about dealing with hearts that need a lot of work.”

  He stepped away amidst applause he didn’t deserve, anxious to find Emma. But before he got far, his father stepped up to the mike. “And my son will be at the foot of the stairs to answer any questions you have about our foundation.”

  Wooden feet led Jonathan back down the steps. All he wanted to do was race after Emma, but instead for the next thirty minutes, he shook hands, answered questions, posed for pictures until his jaw ached from his forced smile. Each minute his heart was dying.

  Suddenly his father came up to him and whispered in his ear. “I’ve discovered some very disturbing news about Emma’s father. I think we should talk about it now.”

  Jonathan could feel his body sweating. Every goal he’d ever had—career, marriage, love, children was falling away from him.


  Emma listened from the side of the stage, her heart swelling with pride in all that Jonathan shared. He was a good man. But could he abide discovering who her father was? She couldn’t endure watching it. She turned to leave and go home, but once at the car, she discovered she had left her purse at the table with her diamond watch inside.

  Scurrying back into the theater, passed the remaining fifty or so guests still lingering, she snatched up her bag and headed for an exit. But out of the corner of her eyes, she saw her parents approach Jonathan. Her breath caught in her throat.

  “I know all about you, sir, and from what I’ve read, I think you should head back to England.” Jonathan spoke evenly to them as if holding back anger.

  Mr. Waterhouse nodded. “I deserve that. But like you, God is changing my heart. I want to assure you that my wife and I are making a fresh start with our business.” He pulled out an envelope. “Emma gave this money to us, but we don’t think it’s right for her to give it to us without your approval.”

  Emma felt sick to his stomach. How dare he? She paced over to him to snatch that envelope back, when Jonathan’s words halted her steps.

  “My wife
would never deceive me.”

  A rush of tenderness tingled down to her toes. Never had she loved Jonathan more than in that moment. Slowly she came up beside him and took his hand in hers. Without looking at her, Jonathan squeezed it.

  Nick reached over and took the envelope. “I’ll just hold onto this for Uncle Hans.”

  “I think,” Jonathan snatched it back. “That you’ve done enough for the Steller Corporation. I don’t know what you are up to, but I have a first class ticket to Germany being delivered to your apartment tonight. Go home for a long visit.”

  “But Uncle Hans—”

  Just then, Mr. and Mrs. Steller came up. “I paid for the ticket myself, Nick. I’ll call you when we want you to come back.”

  Nick glanced around the group. “Really? This is how you treat all my hard work? You think I’m nothing. That I can easily be disposed of?”

  Emma stepped forward, “I could tell Jonathan about you taking pictures of his papers and drugging me in Belize, but I never did.”

  “You can call me, and we can talk about you coming back and working in the mail room.” Mr. Steller folded his arms.

  Nick stuffed his hands in his tight Italian pants and left the group.

  Mrs. Steller motioned to Emma’s parents. “I’m so glad you all have met.”

  No one spoke.

  Babsy cast a glance between all of them. “What’s going on?

  A slow terror uncoiled inside of Emma. She closed her eyes for a minute. This would be the end of her marriage. Her in-laws would hate her forever.

  A confident smirk filled Emma’s father’s lips. “I’m dreadfully sorry to tell you this, but Emma has been sending money to us in England. We tried to stop her, but she wouldn’t listen.”

  Jonathan set his feet apart. “I already know about the money and the reason she sent it.”

  Emma started toward her father, but Jonathan held her protectively in place with his firm grip.

  Undaunted, her father continued. “I’ve conducted a lot of questionable business ventures in my past, but I assure you, I’m trying to change. And I hope Emma will change her dishonest ways too.”

  Emma’s breathing came in gasps. Such bold-face lies. She risked a glance at her in-laws, and yet they looked perfectly calm. And still, Jonathan did absolutely nothing.

  “That’s marvelous.” Mr. Steller put his arm around his wife. “Babsy, we should introduce him to some of our friends here.”

  “No!” Emma shouted.

  Mr. Waterhouse’s face brightened. “I hoped to be able to spend some time with you, Mr. Steller to learn good honest business practices. so I can continue making changes in my life—”

  Emma’s mother stepped forward. “That’s not entirely true.”

  “Lilith, don’t—” Her father pulled her back behind him.

  Her mother shook off his hold. “Emma gave her father that money in order to keep him from black mailing your parents.”

  Sagging against Jonathan, Emma dabbed at the tears brimming in her eyes. She never thought her mother cared enough about her to defy her father.

  Jonathan squeezed Emma’s hand. “I’ll say this one more time. I think you both need to leave.”

  Montgomery Waterhouse turned an unappealing shade of red. “I see how this is going to go. Well, I’ll have to go to the press, tell them all about myself and who my daughter has married.”

  “Don’t Montgomery. Let Emma be.” Lilith let out a sigh.

  Unable to contain herself, Emma charged at him. “You evil, evil man.”

  Jonathan pulled her back into his arms, at the same time Mr. Steller motioned for a gentleman standing in the shadows to come forward. “Did you plan on meeting with Bernard Ernest?” Mr. Steller clapped the man on the back in a familiar gesture. “The editor for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch?”

  Montgomery Waterhouse’s mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out.

  “As per your request, Jonathan,” the editor gravely nodded. “I’ve contacted all the other newspaper in our area. There’ll be no story on you, sir.”

  Jonathan nodded and three police officers came up and surrounded the Mr. and Mrs. Waterhouse.

  Emma stepped forward and hugged her mother. “Thank you.”

  “I’m sorry, dear. For a lot of things.” Lilith turned and followed her husband’s cross mutterings toward an exit door.

  Weak with relief, Emma folded herself into Jonathan’s arms and rested her dizzy head against his chest. Suddenly, her stomach wasn’t happy. Her body felt slicked with heat, then a shiver of cold. She looked for a place to sit down, just to rest, and then the world turned to black.

  As she slowly awoke, she could have sworn she heard angels singing. She looked around and realized she was lying on the floor with Jonathan holding her head in his lap. “Are you all right?”

  “Someone get her some water,” motioned Mrs. Steller.

  As Jonathan tried to get her to drink, she pushed it away. “Help me stand.”

  He lifted her as gently as a crystal figurine. “How do you feel?”

  She held her breath and stared at him. “I feel …pregnant.”

  “What?” Jonathan pinned his blue eyes on her. “Are you sure?”

  Tears flooded her eyes again. Unable to speak, she nodded.

  Jonathan helped her stand and kissed her lips, her forehead, her cheeks, and her nose. “I love you.”

  Emma looked over at her in-laws. Mrs. Steller and Mrs. Peterson were wiping tears from their eyes and to Mrs. Mr. Steller was strutting around telling the last few attendees the good news.

  “I thought you loved Dede.” Emma’s thoughts drifted to all the ridiculous fears she had concocted about Jonathan.”

  “Dede?” He smiled incredulously. “I love you. I need you. I know I haven’t shown it as I should. I’ve been too tied up in work. But that’s all going to change. “It’s you I can’t live without.”

  “You can’t?” A smile enveloped her whole being. “I love you too. I’m sorry too. I mean, I hid a lot of things from you. Most my parents. But I swear, I have nothing to do—”

  He pressed his finger to her lips. “I know.”

  “You don’t.” she shook her head. “I sold the gold necklaces you bought me to try to pay back the decorating account.”

  He leaned in and kissed her. “A sound financial decision.”

  “And my parents will never pay back that money I sent to save my brother.”

  “I don’t care. All I care is about you and me and our baby.”

  “I found out last night.”

  He hugged her again and whispered in her ear, “I am so happy.”

  “Well, we have had a night.” Mrs. Steller rubbed her temple.

  “Yes, we have.” George Gardner joined the quiet group. “These are only preliminary accounting numbers, but I believe the benefit concert has raised more money than we have ever received before, and now it looks like we’ll be able to support that new children’s research hospital.”

  Mr. Steller took Jonathan’s hands in his. “You have made me so proud. Seeing your dedication to the charity tells me you are ready to assume control of the company. “

  “You are retiring?” Babsy fanned her face.

  Mr. Steller smiled at his wife. “Your mother has finally convinced me to slow down.”

  Jonathan smiled at Emma. “I think Emma and I would like to stay apart of the Charity Division. You’ll have to find someone else.”

  Mrs. Steller hugged Jonathan and Emma. “I am so proud of both of you too, but my dears, right now, I think you need to go home.”

  As soon as the limo door shut, Emma and Jonathan reached for each other and kissed deeply. Emma released a sigh of pleasure at the feel of his embrace, the passion in his kisses and the confidence that he truly loved her.

  He pulled back, a smile filling his lips. “I’ve wanted to tell you I loved you for a long time.”

  His words were a balm to her battered emotions. “I wanted to tell you

  He tenderly left a trail of kisses down her throat, sending a shudder of pleasure thru Emma. She rested her head on his shoulder, their hands entwined for the ride home.

  Once though their front door, Jonathan led Emma to his office. “I need to show you something. I’ve been doing a little decorating of my own.” He opened the door and in the middle of the room sat her piano. Her music books and CDs were assembled in neat rows on the bookcases, and a side door had been installed on a far wall. “So your students can come and go from a special entrance.”

  “Oh, Jonathan.” Her voice broke. “You did this for me?”

  “To show you how much I loved you.” A twinkle gleamed in his eyes. “I have another surprise for you.” He led her upstairs and paused outside the master bedroom door. “There’s something else I’ve been thinking about for a while.”

  He opened the door and flipped on the light to the master bedroom completely furnished with drapes, pictures, frames, décor items all in shades of browns and blues. The imposing four-poster bed was cloaked with sheer white curtains and was made up with luxurious satiny blue bedding. And on the pillows were shredded pieces of papers.

  As Jonathan swooped her up in her arms and headed for the bed, Emma asked, “What is that ripped up on the bed?”

  “The last of our agreement.”

  “Oh, I love you, and the bedroom is so beautiful.”

  “It’s lonely.”

  She laughed as he flipped off the light and laid her on the bed.


  Emma woke up as the Steller jet was preparing to land in Munich. Jonathan was glued to the window but squeezed her hand as they started to descend.

  “Is your family there yet?” She stretched and yawned.

  “No, they’ll come in tomorrow just in time for the ceremony.”

  “I’m glad you could get away from the office for a few days.”

  “Now that I’ve decided to stay on with the charity permanently, I increased everyone’s vacation time—”


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