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Bitch # 1

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by Deja King

  On a rare day of going to school I peeped my corny-ass neighbor Jamal. He was a real straight-laced type dude. He was a rare guy in the neighborhood who had a mother and father in his home. They were a hard working couple, but due to their lack of education, they were barely getting by.

  Jamal was supposed to be their savior. See, Jamal was a certified genius. He was only in ninth grade but taking twelfth grade classes. There was no doubt he would get a full scholarship to any college of his choosing. All the top prep schools around the country wanted him to attend their school, but Jamal's parents refused to let him leave home.

  They felt he was too young and would get brainwashed in the white man's world. So he just took all advanced classes in preparation for his college departure.

  "What's up, Jamal?" I walked up beside him. His eyes damn near popped out of his thick-rimmed bifocals. Which didn't surprise me, because we had been living next to one another our entire lives and I never spoke more than two words to him besides, "Nigga move"?

  "Precious." He paused for a minute, looking at me, not sure if he heard me correctly.

  "Yeah, what's up, Jamal?" I asked in a sweet voice. "How you doing?"

  "I'm doing okay. Just on my way home to study for an exam I have in a couple of days." I couldn't front, the dedication that dude had for his books was crazy. I had to admit I somewhat admired the ghetto nerd.

  "That's cool. I was wondering if maybe we could study together. I've been working so hard at my part-time job that I fell behind on a lot of work. I was hoping you could help me catch up. I know how smart you are."

  By this time Jamal and I had stopped at the top of the stairs of our high school. He was the first to notice some students stopping and staring at our odd pairing. But I didn't give a damn. I needed this nigga so fuck what they thought.

  "Precious, you want to study with me? But you don't even like me."

  "Jamal, that's not true. I just always got so much to deal with." Everybody in the building and surrounding parts knew my moms was a crack whore. His parents would even come over sometimes complaining about hearing the bed banging up against their wall when my moms was servicing her clients. By the way Jamal was looking at me, I could tell he felt sorry for me. I don't normally like pity but whatever would accomplish what I needed to get done.

  "OK. When do you want to study?" I knew Jamal was looking forward to helping me out, especially since he had a crush on me since he was eight years old.

  "How about today?" I knew that seemed sudden, but time wasn't on my side.

  "I don't know, Precious. I really need to study for my exam, how about Wednesday? By then I would've taken the test."

  "Jamal, you know you'll ace that exam with your eyes closed. I really need you today." I could see that he was debating it in his mind so to warm him up I stroked his hand and said, "Please, Jamal, you do want me to pass." With that we headed home.

  I knew Jamal's parents both worked two jobs and didn't get home until after nine. For the first hour we worked on English and Math. I was trying to pay attention and seem interested in what Jamal was teaching, but my mind was on something else. Finally I had to get down to the nifty gritty of what I needed him for. "Jamal, have you ever had sex before?"

  "Excuse me?" Jamal belted out, looking obviously shocked by my question.

  "You heard me. Has your little thing ever gotten wet off some pussy juices?" I knew my line of questions was making Jamal uncomfortable, but I had to get right to it.

  "Precious, we're supposed to be studying, not talking about sex."

  "I know, Jamal, but there's a reason for this. See, I'm a virgin." I could see Jamal eyeing me sideways as if I was lying. With my mother being a known whore and all, I'm sure I was the last person he expected to be a virgin.

  I continued, "I'm interested in dating this guy, but see he is used to experienced women. If I tried to get with him and he knew I was a virgin, he would laugh at me like I was some little girl. I need to be able to hold my own when we get down to it."

  "That's interesting, Precious, but how do I fit in with any of that?"

  "I want to practice learning how to fuck on you." As soon as the words left my lips, Jamal's skinny ass fell off his chair and hit the hardwood floor. He patted his hands on the floor looking for the bifocals that flew off his face. It was obvious he was damn near blind without them so I went to assist him with his search. I knelt down and handed him his glasses and for the first time got a good look at Jamal. He wasn't bad looking; almost cute. He had full, thick eyebrows that highlighted his light reddish skin. His profound jaw line gave him an al most model look.

  "Here you go, Jamal," I said as I put his glasses back on.

  "Thanks, Precious," Jamal said as he brushed himself off and stood up extra straight, trying to pretend he wasn't embarrassed by his fall. "Where were we?" Jamal grabbed my English book, diverting his attention from the proposition I just made him.

  "We were talking about us, Jamal. Why won't you let me sex you up? I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it."

  "Sex me up? Why me? Precious, you're the prettiest girl in our school, probably the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Any guy would love to be your first," he said in a way that echoed his confusion as to why I was interested in having sex with him.

  "Listen, Jamal. Honestly, for some reason I feel I can trust you. I don't believe you'll run around telling everybody we fucked. You know how these clown-ass niggas out here are. They'd have a field day letting the whole hood know they popped my cherry. It's also very convenient because we live right next door to one another. Come on, Jamal. It'll be fun."

  I tapped my foot as Jamal stood there thinking about who knows what-I had no idea. Any other boy in his position would give their right arm to have sex with me but he probably felt some kinda way. He probably figured he would remain a virgin until he was at least twenty-one and his first time would be with his wife. But if he was as smart with the ladies as he was with the books, he would jump at the once in a life time opportunity. How many boys were actually able to have sex with their first crush?

  "OK, I'll do it." Jamal was quiet for a moment. "When do you want to get started?" Jamal questioned, probably hoping I would say in about a week. That would then give him time to watch some porno's that I'm sure his father had stashed somewhere, and practice his own moves. I know he secretly hoped that maybe this would turn into more than an experiment for me, and he could become my boyfriend.

  "Today," I said as I began unbuttoning my jeans and pulling off my sweater. Before Jamal knew it, I was standing in front of him with just my bra and panties on. It was obvious the only woman he had seen in person with her bra and panties on was his mother and she definitely didn't look like me. Jamal's dick instantly perked up as he studied my smooth, unblemished skin. I grabbed the condom that was in my jean pocket and handed it to Jamal.

  "We definitely not tryn' to make no babies up in here." By being so aggressive, I knew Jamal doubted my virginity story.

  "Where do you want to do the deed at?"

  "A bed would be nice," I said, wanting to get started. See, to me this was a job, a potential well-paying one. Jamal led me to his cramped bedroom full of scientific posters and what looked to be chemistry projects. He had to knock a pile of books off the center of his bed so we could get busy.

  After Jamal just stood staring at me for five minutes, I realized I would have to lead the way. He was totally petrified, but it didn't matter because I planned on doing all the work anyway. After stripping him down to his underwear, I could see his dick trying to escape his boxer shorts. I was surprised that he was working with a nice-sized tool. I began reaching for his boxers, but he lightly pushed my hand away like he was scared.

  "Come on, Jamal. We almost there. Ain't no reason for you to be afraid." He finally lay down on the bed, after he took off his underwear. I stepped out of my bra and panties and decided to ride him like a horse jockey.

  I heard that if you want to have control over a man yo
u need to ride him. I definitely wanted to control Azar, so my pony game had to be tight. I ripped open the condom package and slid it on Jamal's dick. I could feel his body shaking due his nervousness. It was a damn shame that the blind was leading the blind, but I had no doubt we would both be pros before long.

  I lifted my ass on top and took the tip of Jamal's dick and slowly let it play with the lips of my pussy. Then as I started getting wet, I led it to the center of my clit. Jamal was now making low moans as I let the head go in a little deeper. I wanted to take my time because, shit, I was a virgin and I wanted to minimize the pain as much as possible. I then let another three inches slide inside of me and I let out a slight scream as he hit that spot.

  Once I got over that hump, the next couple of inches weren't as bad and it started feeling good. It was feeling good to Jamal too, because his once low moans were reaching a much louder pitch. After about five minutes my wide hips began rocking in a seductive pace. I seemed like a natural. Before long I found myself turning around on his manhood and riding him from the back. Right when I was really getting into the groove, Jamal let out a loud "Ahhhh- hhh," as he bust a nut.

  When I got up, Jamal took off his condom and noticed the slight traces of blood. He looked at me with a big grin and said, "You really were a virgin."

  For the next week, everyday after school Jamal and I got our sex on. As I predicted, we became pros. We even performed oral sex on one another and he told me just how to suck it so I would have him cumming within minutes.

  With only a week left before the first of the month, it was time to see if all my practice had paid off. With some money I had saved, I went and purchased a sexy Baby Phat outfit to wear to work. Although a bitch needed to hold on to her last dollar, I thought of this as an investment. Tomorrow I planned on landing Azar. I knew he had scheduled an afternoon full service detailing job, and I planned to look so damn good he would have no choice but to holla!

  Irresislible Chick

  woke up early the next morning to put in extra time for my appearance. The Baby Phat one-piece jean jumpsuit I was rockin' was hot. I purchased some Steve Madden heels to set it off. I usually wore my hair in a long braid, but the night before, I put in a deep conditioner so my natural waves would hang smooth and free. I dapped on some clear lip gloss to give that just-gave-a-blowjob look.

  When I stepped out my bedroom, to my disappointment, my moms was up earlier than usually. Her eyes bulged when she got a whiff of me. "Precious Cummings, where you going looking like dat?" she barked, holding on to her glass of whiskey. My moms couldn't get over how beautiful I looked. I was always pretty, but this was something else.


  "Work, looking like dat? Um, well, that outfit you got on looks awfully expensive. I hope you ain't playing wit' my paper."

  "Ma, you'll have your money by the first. Now excuse me, I have a job to go to unlike some people." I slammed the door and headed for work before I fucked around and slapped the shit out of my moms.

  When I got to work I only saw Boogie's car parked out front. I did come a little early because I didn't want to be stuck in the house with my drunken mother. Boogie was behind the cash register getting things in order before business officially started. "What's up, Boogie," I said as he counted some money. He nodded his head, acknowledging me but keeping his eyes on the money, not wanting to lose his count.

  As I sat my belongings down the next thing I heard was, "Oh shit, what the fuck happened to you?"

  "What you mean?" I asked, fully aware that he was speaking about my transformation. I usually came to work in jeans or sweats. So with my hair out and the form-fitting attire, I knew Boogie was in shock.

  "Damn, baby, you is fine. I'm not trying to hit on you, because you are much too young for my blood, but baby, you are going to make somebody a lucky man."

  "Why, thank you, Boogie. That is my hope." I tried to sound all proper.

  "Who knew you had all that going on?" he added, shaking his head in disbelief.

  For the next three hours all I did was turn down dudes offering me they number.

  All they kept asking was, "Who's the new girl?" No one could believe that I was the same person.

  They always thought I was pretty in a young girl way, but now I was looking like a woman. That shit was blowing their minds. Honestly, though, I didn't care what all the other dudes thought about me. I was only interested in impressing one person and that was Azar.

  I was chewing my gum and blowing bubbles, dying for him to pull up. When the clock hit two o'clock, Azar pulled up in his brand new 2002 white CL600. I visualized myself flossing in the passenger seat next to him. We would be the King and Queen of the streets.

  Keeping to his normal routine, he sat outside and kicked it with the other fellas until his car was done. When he came inside, the first thing he asked was, "Where's the usual girl at?" In the few times he had been in here, I'd never heard his voice. He would hand me two bills and head out. The first couple of times when I tried to give him back his change, he would simply put his hand up, letting me know to keep it. He had a slick, sexy voice that complimented his look.

  "It's me, I'm the same girl."

  He studied me hard; trying to see what was different about me.

  "I decided to let my hair down - that's all."

  "My fault. I need to start paying better attention to what's right in front of my eyes."

  "Don't worry about it," I said with a slight smile. This nigga even lick his lips in the same sexy way Allen Iverson do after he completes a sentence, I thought.

  "Nah, I'd rather worry. To think all this time a pretty piece like you was right in front of me. That's a problem. We have to play catch up, "`cause you a real beauty."

  "Thank you." Azar was making me blush. Mad niggas had told me I was beautiful before but not a dude on Azar's level. It was like if I were walking down the street and Bobby Valentino stepped to me and asked me to Slow Down.

  "What's your name anyway?"


  "That's sexy, just like you. How `bout we go and catch a movie and dinner, Precious? Say tonight, if you not busy."

  "I'd like that."

  "Cool. What time you get off work."


  "Alright. I'll be here then." When Azar exited, I wanted to jump up and down. I couldn't believe that, just like that, this dude was checking for me. Half of the work was done, now I needed to get him to give up some paper. Exactly how to get him to do that was something I felt needed to be discussed with Boogie. He was a playa. He would know what a playa does.

  It was a quarter to seven when the last customer left and I finally had some alone time with Boogie. "Boogie, can I speak to you for a minute?"

  "Yeah, what's up?"

  "Boogie, Azar asked me out and he's picking me up from work today. He'll be here in fifteen minutes, so I don't have long to get your advice about something."

  "I knew you had your eyes on that boy. So what you need my advice about?"

  "How can I get Azar to spend his money on me?" I asked straight up. I knew I could be honest with Boogie like that. He believed women should come off, especially if she was fucking.

  "I'm glad you asked me that, little lady. With this new look you have going on; men are going to be coming at you from all directions. It's important that if you want to get in this game, you play it correctly so you can get all you're worth. I personally think you're worth a lot. You're what I would call the top of the line, Precious. Hell, if you were ten years older I would make you mine. With that said, when you dealing with these hustlers on the street, you have to ask for what you want."

  "Ask? Isn't that a little rude?"

  "It's not what you ask; it's how you ask it. The same way a man is going to ask to get between your legs, the same way you ask him for whatever you want. Understand something, Precious. You're prime pussy. You can deal with any of these niggas out here. Starting with Azar is a good look. He's big time and low key with his s
hit. But after whatever you have going on with him is over, you can only fuck with niggas that are equal or above him. That's how you keep your stock up. That's how a lot of women pull themselves down. They start letting any ole type of piece of shit run up in them. No one is going to want to invest in that."

  After Boogie said his last sentence, I saw Azar pull up. He arrived at seven o'clock on the dot. I grabbed my purse and said, "Thanks, Boogie," as I kissed him goodbye.

  When I sat in Azar's car, I was in awe. I had never sat in a Benz before. Even though I worked in a detailing shop and flashy cars were coming in all the time, Boogie never let me leave from behind the cashier desk. He stressed he needed my presence up front at all times. My ass melted in the seat. It was the softest leather I had ever felt in my life. Azar's Benz was a custom white-on-white and his copper-toned complexion just glistened behind the wheel. Azar headed over the Brooklyn Bridge to the city. I rarely ever went to the city. It was like another world to me.

  That night was crazy for me. Azar was the first date I had ever been on, and he came correct. After the movie he took me to some fancy restaurant, and I even had a drink. Nobody even bother to card me. I didn't want the night to end. When Azar pulled up to my apartment building I was surprised that he hadn't tried to make a move on me. When I was about to get out the car, he grabbed my arm. "I want to see you tomorrow."

  "I'd like that."

  "Good. What would you like to do?" I thought about what he asked for a second and decided to try my hand.

  "I would love if you took me shopping. I want to look good for you." There was complete silence, and I wasn't sure if Azar was going to push me out his whip and speed off, offended by my suggestion. To my surprise he wasn't.

  "I want you to look good for me, too. What time do you get off work tomorrow? I'll pick you up?"

  "Actually, I have to go to school," I said wondering if he would start questioning my age."

  "No problem, I'll pick you up from there."


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