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Bitch # 1

Page 12

by Deja King

  "There you are," Rhonda said as she greeted me at the door. "That sure was a long I'm on my way, Precious."

  "Sorry, girl, but time is neva on my side."

  "It was time well spent," Rhonda said as she glanced over my outfit." "That dress is fierce."

  "I know right, it was actually my motivation for coming out tonight. I saw it and had to rock it. I wish I would've gotten here earlier `cause it seem like it was cute."

  "Yeah, it was. All the A-list celebrities we invited showed up.

  "Where's the guest of honor."

  "You just missed him." Damn, could the sexy ma fuckah I made eye contact wit 'been Supreme. There was something familiar about him. Nah, that couldn't of been that nigga, I thought to myself. "Come over to my table and have a couple of drinks before the party is officially over.

  Although Rhonda had invited me to a few industry parties, this was the first one I ever came to. It definitely wasn't like the clubs in Brooklyn. The people in here gave off this aura of being on some real phony Hollywood typeshit. For the hour I was there, Rhonda spent half that time giving fake-ass hugs and kisses to a few motherfuckers that she obviously didn't like.

  Everybody's favorite departing line was "I'll call you, let's do lunch." With all that said, the music was off the hook, the club was hot and, for the most part, the people were fly.

  For the next few weeks, Rhonda and I lived on the party scene. After that one night I'd become addicted. There was this raw energy that engulfed you running in those circles. Since I had money to blow, I kept bottles of Cristal flowing at every club we went to. Rhonda would constantly joke with me and say, "Who was your ex-man? Was he on some New Jack City, Nino Brown type shit?"

  I would just laugh and pop the next bottle. Something about Rhonda was really cool, though. I digged her so much that I even paid for her to get a complete makeover, which included hair, makeup and a new wardrobe. Rhonda was a semi-cute girl, she reminded me of a book smart version of Brandy. After we finished her makeover, she turned into the R&B version. Rhonda was overwhelmed by my generosity and her appreciation numbed all the different emotions that were swimming through my body.

  "Precious, Funk Master Flex's annual car show is coming up," Rhonda informed me while we were having dinner at Houston's. The Hawaiian steak I was devouring tasted so good that it took me a moment to even listen to what Rhonda was saying.

  "Car show," I finally said, right before taking another bite.

  "Yeah, he has it every year. This year it's going to be at the Convention Center in Atlantic City on June 25 and 26. I think we should go."

  "That's next weekend. I'm down."

  I'd never been to a car show before, and back when I worked at Boogie's car detailing shop, the niggas would come through to get they rides extra fly to show up at Flex's shit. Now I would be attending so I had to be on point. I had plenty of ice, but I went and purchased a few new pieces of bling to rock.

  By accident, I found this Dominican spot called Hair Guild and the beautician blew out my hair so it was bone straight but with just the right amount of bounce. I had a closet full of clothes that I hadn't worn yet, but I still had to get a couple of new outfits just in case I didn't like anything I had at home.

  Truth be told, I was hoping to find me a dude at the car show. Not to be my man but to fuck. The last time I had some dick was when I fucked Nico the night he killed Ritchie. That was months ago, and I was horny as shit. Rhonda didn't have the same problem as me because she had a boyfriend named Amir. He was a corny nigga, but he seemed like he was putting it down.

  I can remember a couple of occasions when I was shaken from my sleep by the sounds of Rhonda screaming his name. Sometimes that shit would get me so turned on, I would have to finger myself until I had an orgasm and then fall back to sleep. I was tired of pleasing myself. I needed some good dick.

  I was the epitome of a straight baller bitch when we pulled up on the scene in my spankin' clean Benz. Instead of putting on one of my many over-the-top outfits, I kept it simple and let my body and accessories speak for me. I had on some fitting just right Apple Bottom jeans with a crisp white tank top and some open-toe stilettos. With my ears, neck and wrist dripping in diamonds it was enough said. All I heard was loud whispers of people trying to figure out who I was. I put an extra strut in my walk as I parlayed through the crowd. All eyes were on me and the bitches were all hating. I couldn't blame them, because if I wasn't me I would be hating, too.

  "Precious, this place packed. Everybody up in here."

  "Tell me about it, there are so many cuties I don't know where to start."

  "I do," Rhonda said all bold.

  "Girl, shut up. You got a man."

  "So what? You think I'm letting all this go to waste on one man. Oh, please."

  "Ain't this some shit. You get a makeover and you `un turned into a hot-ass bitch. It was something in your eyes that always told me there was a hoe underneath there."

  "You got that right. And I will forever be grateful to you, Precious, for helping me discover it." I looked at Rhonda sideways, not sure if I wanted to take credit for that. I knew what type of trouble you could get in by being a hot tamale. I hoped that Rhonda wouldn't make the mistake of biting off more than she could chew. "Stay right here, Precious, I see this guy that I've been dying to meet. I'll be back."

  In that quick second, Rhonda left me standing alone, while she went and chased some dick. I couldn't be mad at her because technically I was on the same mission; she just beat me to the punch.

  Dudes kept pimping past me and the closer they got, they would slow down and make eye contact to try to get a vibe if I was interested or not. I would smack my lips and roll my eyes so they would keep it moving. Then a pair of eyes met mine and a sense of familiarity came over me.

  "Didn't I see you outside a club about a month ago?" the sexy ma'fuckah asked me as a few of his homeboys and a couple of bodyguards lingered beside him.

  "Aren't you the rapper, Supreme?"

  "Yeah, that's me," the mellow-toned MC replied. "Aren't you the young lady that was going into the club as I was leaving?"

  "Yeah, that was me. You remember that." I said, surprised that he did.

  "Of course, I'd never forget a face as beautiful as yours."

  Now I never considered myself to be no groupie bitch. Even with all the hustler's I fucked with, I just wrote that off as me liking niggas with heavy pockets. I've watched videos and flipped through magazines seeing all these rap stars and other celebrities, and yes, the curiosity of how they lived was always there. But it wasn't that deep for me because where I came from, I was the hood superstar. I represented for my borough the same way these so-called celebrities represented for they clique.

  Their fan base just so happened to reach millions of people where mine only reached thousands. But the feeling of being on top was still the same. So when Supreme was standing in front of me saying how beautiful I was, I wasn't sure if my pussy was getting extra wet because he was a rap superstar or because he was a sexy ma'fuckah. Or maybe it was a combination of both.

  "Why you tryna make me blush in front of all these people out here?"

  "That wasn't my intention. What I wanted was for you to walk with me, talk with me and then, hopefully exchange numbers with me. But that might be asking too much. What do you think?"

  "Truthfully, I want to leave with you, be with you and hopefully chill with you for a long time." Before I could hear his response Rhonda was back.

  "What's up, Supreme?" she said giving him a hug.

  "Just so you know, I work with her-that's it," he said not wanting me to feel uncomfortable.

  "Supreme, that's my roommate. You don't have to explain yourself."

  "Word. You guys live together? Damn, Rhonda you never told me you had this at home," Supreme pointed to me with his hands in a display position as if he was a game show host."

  "She came to your album release party, but I think you had already left."

p; "Yeah, we made eye contact on my way out. Then I was blessed to see her once again today. Damn, baby, I didn't even get your name yet."


  "That name fits you perfectly. So are you going to walk with me or what?"

  "That depends. Are you going to leave with me, be with me and chill with me?"

  "You didn't even have to ask me that twice. I heard you the first time and the answer is no doubt."

  With that I took Supreme's hand and spent the entire duration of the car show as his date. Instead of staying in the hotel room with Rhonda I stayed with him in his suite at the Borgata. The first night, after all of us, including Rhonda, went out for dinner and drinks, I was ready to catch up for the sex drought I had been on.

  After taking a shower I laid in the bed next to Supreme ready to do all sorts of tricks with my tongue, but he stopped me before I even made it to the nipples on his chest. "Precious, I just want you to fall asleep in my arms."

  "I can do that right after we fuck."

  "Baby, I don't want to fuck you?"

  "What you mean you don't want to fuck me? What is something wrong wit' me or something?" I asked, feeling embarrassed that the nigga was turning me down.

  "Precious, look at me," he said grabbing my face.

  "Physically, you're perfect. And I want you in every way. When we become intimate, I don't want us to fuck. I want us to make love. There is a big difference. Precious, I'm truly feeling you. I was connected to you in just that brief moment we locked eyes in front of the club.

  "You're special and I want our relationship to be special. That means taking our time and getting to know one another. That means getting past the lust and learning to appreciate what's on the inside. Will you do that with me, Precious? Take our time so we can build something real?"

  I stared into Supreme's dark mysterious eyes in total confusion. No man had ever asked to get to know me as a person before. When I was ready to get twisted out, so were they. Here was this rap star, that probably had more pussy tossed his way than the law deemed legal, telling me that he wanted us to wait and get to know each other better first. His request seemed so pure that it was frightening to me. I didn't know how to respond, so I snuggled my warm body underneath his arms and fell asleep.

  Ore Lii

  Supreme was successful in getting me to do that. But I also had to admit to myself that the thought of having genuine feelings for him was scaring me. It was too late for that, though. I'd spent the last hour lying in my bed, staring at a picture we took at the car show, just missing him.

  That was a clear indication to me that the tables might've turned, and he might have me open. As I smiled at the thought, I heard my cell phone ringing, which made my smile even brighter. I knew it had to be Supreme because after my last conversation with Inga, I had that phone cut off and got a new number. The only person that had it so far was Supreme. "Hi, baby," I said with that bubbly feeling in my stomach I heard you get when you catching feelings for somebody.

  "Hi, baby to you, Precious, you been on my mind every second since I got up this morning. I need to see you."

  "Tell me when `cause I need to see you too."

  "How `bout I come get you after I finish up at the studio and we catch a bite to eat."

  "What time do you think that'll be?"

  "Eight or nine, is that cool?

  "Definitely, I can't wait to see you." As much as I was looking forward to spending time with Supreme, I wanted him to put it down on me so freakin' bad. All this datin' and waitin' was about to make me go postal. I decided I would once again make the suggestion to him that we needed to cut all the foreplay, which in this case was all this dating and talking, and go straight to the dessert.

  As it started getting closer to eight, I looked through my closet, wanting to pick out the right outfit. I didn't want it to scream "Please fuck me tonight," but the underlying meaning definitely had to be in effect.

  "Precious are you home?" I heard Rhonda screaming while in the middle of trying on my eighth outfit.

  "Yes," I answered walking towards the living room to get her opinion about my attire. I knew Supreme had me feeling some kinda way when I took to asking Rhonda for fashion advice. "How does this look on me?" I said, lacing up my corset top.

  "Pretty damn good."

  I looked up to see what the hell was going on with Rhonda's voice since the sound I heard was five octaves too low.

  "Oh I'm sorry, Precious. This is Robert. I was seeing if you were home to let you know I had company. But he's right. The outfit is definitely hot," Rhonda said as she playfully punched her friend on the arm for lusting after me in her face.

  "Thanks, I guess I'll wear this."

  "You must have a date with Supreme by the looks of you."

  "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do."

  "Well, have fun tonight, because I know I am." With that Rhonda grabbed Robert's hand and headed to her bedroom. This was the third guy Rhonda had over here in less than a week. She was going overboard. Not one to knock any woman for getting her shit off, but she was playing a dangerous game.

  As far as her boyfriend Amir went, he assumed they were still a couple. But Rhonda seemed to have other ideas. I guess all those years of niggas not paying her no mind had caused her to lose her mind. She seemed to be on a mission to fuck every dude she ever had a crush on, which obviously was a lot. Never mind her though; she was getting enough dick for the both of us. It was time for me to get my own.

  Admiring the view of the city from the deck of the Charter House restaurant, I said, "Supreme, I'm glad you took me here, this is crazy romantic."

  "I knew you'd like it. I want to always keep things fresh and sexy with you."

  "Yeah, that's what's up."

  The nighttime breeze was making a tantalizing evening even more erotic. The gaze coming from Supreme's eyes made me hopeful that he had the same desire to get our fuck on tonight as me. "Precious, you are so beautiful. Who do you resemble, your mother or your father?" he asked, fucking up my whole sex fantasy that was just playing in my mind.

  "I would have to say my mother," I quickly answered.

  "I can't wait to meet her. The woman that gave birth to a daughter so gorgeous has to be special." Supreme wanting to meet my mother blew me away. No man had ever shown any sort of interest in wanting to meet a parent of mine. It was a damn shame that when one finally did, my mother was dead and gone.

  "Unfortunately, Supreme, that'll neva happen."

  "Why? are the two of you not on good terms?"

  "We ain't on no terms. My mother is dead."

  "What? Damn, baby, I'm sorry. How long has she been dead?"

  "About six months."

  "Wow, that's so recent." Supreme sat there for a minute shaking his head. "How did she die?"

  I can't believe this nigga was making me relieve this shit all over again, I said to myself.

  "My mother was murdered, Supreme, and before you come asking me `bout my daddy, `cause I know that's next, I don't know who he is," I shrieked. "I ain't neva met my daddy. My mother was a whore; she probably didn't know who my daddy was."

  "Precious, I didn't mean to get you all upset. I shouldn't have came at you with all those questions."

  "It's not your fault Supreme. How were you supposed to know that I came from nothing?"

  "Precious, don't ever say that about yourself. You did come from something. You don't realize how special you are. But if you let me, I'll show you."

  "I'd like that." For the next couple of hours Supreme and I just talked. True to form when he took me home, he gave me a kiss goodnight and kept it moving.

  "How was your date with Supreme?" Rhonda asked, still up watching television.

  "It was great, up to the point he dropped me off with a kiss and goodbye. Leaving me to once again go to bed finger fucking myself."

  "You still haven't fucked him?"

  "Hell no."

  "Damn, Precious, I don't know how you're able to be around a
guy as fine as Supreme and not get none."

  "Who you telling? All this let's get to know each other first is so `Leave it to Cleaver.' It also doesn't help that I have to hear you climbing walls in the middle of the night."

  "Don't get mad `cause I'm getting some and you not."

  "Where is your latest fuck toy anyway?"

  "In the bed knocked out. Girl, I wore his ass out. We been fucking up a storm ever since you left."

  Right before Rhonda was about to go into detail about her fuck fest, there was a knock at the door. "Who could that be this late?"

  "Girl, that's probably Supreme. On his way home he had to turn around because he said fuck that. I need to get inside of Precious."

  "You so crazy, you better go get the door before he changes his mind."

  "You don't have to tell me twice, I said opening the door. Hi baby," Instead of Supreme, I was surprised to see Amir. "Amir, hi, I was expecting somebody else." I turned and looked over at Rhonda, knowing it was about to be some drama.

  "That's alright. Is Rhonda here?" Amir asked, brushing past me before I could answer his question.

  "Amir what you doing here?"

  "I've been calling you all fucking night, but you turned your cell off and you haven't been answering your home phone. Where the fuck you been?"

  "My battery on my cell died, and I just got back from going out to eat with Precious."

  "Then why is Precious fully dressed and you got on your bathrobe?" Amity appeared to be on the corny side but that nigga didn't miss a beat I thought to myself as he immediately questioned Rhonda's story. Before she could come back with a lame ass excuse, Robert, wearing just his boxer shorts came walking out her bedroom, rubbing his eyes.

  "Damn, Rhonda you fucked me so good, you almost put a nigga out for the night," Robert said before looking up and seeing Amir standing with the look of terror on his face. I put my head down, praying that Amir would be the bigger person and walk out the door. We all remained silent, waiting for Amir's reaction. No one in the room wanted to move first. Without warning, Amir balled up his fist and punched Rhonda in her face like she was a straight-up dude.

  "Amir, stop!" she screamed between whacks.


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