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The Lady Seals Her Fate (The Langley Sisters #5)

Page 15

by Wendy Vella

  She found the man among the people milling about. Hatred blazed from his eyes.

  “He approached Father yesterday, asking for my hand once more. Papa sent him away, telling him I was no longer interested in any offers from him.”

  “Did he just,” Alex said, looking at the man. “I may have to have a talk with him if he makes any further advances toward you.”

  “No, Father made him see reason, Alex, there is no need for that.”

  “You will tell me if he approaches you again, Hannah, promise me.”

  “Miss Lowery is sending you longing looks, Alex,” Hannah said, seeking to change the subject.

  “Miss Lowery is nearsighted, therefore it looks as if she is sending covetous glances, when in fact what she is trying to do is focus.”

  “She never told you that!”

  “She did actually, when we danced once and she asked me who was wearing a particularly nasty shade of green to our left. Naturally I apprised her, given that I am something of an expert on fashion, and hence she explained her situation. Her mother dislikes her wearing spectacles when she leaves the house.”

  “People tell you things, don’t they?”

  He shrugged his broad shoulders.

  “Because you genuinely appear to care, whereas they think I do not.”

  He steered them toward a curtain, which he lifted to one side, and then motioned her through. It was not a place Hannah had ever been before, and led down a long hallway with a door at the end.

  “But you do care and are not as hard-hearted as you want everyone to believe, Miss Wooller.”

  “Where are we going, Alex, and furthermore it is highly inappropriate for us to be alone.”

  He opened the door and they walked through and she saw the night sky before them.

  “We are in love; it is expected of us to slip away upon occasion.”

  “Oh, how lovely.” Hannah sighed, walking to the balcony. “The stars seem so close tonight.”

  “I found this place a few years ago, and have missed entire acts just staring at the night sky.” Alex moved to her side.

  “And how many ladies have helped you miss those acts?” Hannah managed to sound lighthearted, when in fact her heart felt leaden.

  “No one as beautiful as you.”

  She felt his eyes on the side of her face and turned. He was close enough to touch and Hannah realized that if she did not take this opportunity she would never have it again. She started with a cheekbone, running a finger along the edge, watching its path, she then traced down one cheek and along his jaw. She felt the moment his breathing increased, as hers did also.

  “Your skin is warm,” she whispered, stroking his other cheek.

  “Hannah.” His voice was uneven. “Why are you sad?”

  “I am not sad, Alex,” she lied, running the finger down the aristocratic line of his nose.

  “Talk to me.”

  She pressed three fingers to his lips and shook her head. “No, Alex, not tonight. No more questions. Just know that I am indeed grateful to have you in my life, and am sorrier than I can ever say for what I have done to you.” Moving her fingers, she cupped his cheek then rose to her toes and kissed him.

  His fingers bit into her shoulders, pulling her close until there was nothing between their bodies, and then slid down her sides. His mouth took hers on a deep, sensual journey that Hannah never wanted to end. One hand pressed into her spine, pushing her body into his, and she felt the hardness in him, the solid planes of his chest and the strength in his thighs. She felt his desire, and liquid heat flooded her body.

  “I have been tormented with visions of you… us, together,” he whispered, easing his lips from hers to place them on her neck. The wicked stroke of his tongue made the breath hitch in Hannah’s throat.

  “Yes, Alex.” Hannah wanted more. She would not see this man again, would not feel his caress, or kisses, and tonight she wanted a memory. Something to pull from the depths of her mind when she was alone and missing him desperately. “Don’t stop.”

  One hand moved to her breasts, the fingers curling around her bodice. He lowered the fabric, and then she was exposed. His hot breath was on her chest as he kissed the swells of her breasts, his tongue streaking fire through her body. Lust filled her veins as he moved closer to the aching tip, and then he suddenly stopped.


  “Come.” He took her hand and they moved deeper into the shadows. “I have no wish for anyone to stumble upon me ravishing you.”

  Yes, that would not do, especially considering what she was to do this night.

  The shadows swallowed them and he led her to where a seat rested against a wall. He sat and looked up at her, then holding her eyes, he slipped his hands beneath her skirts and slid them up her legs. Hannah felt her breath hitch as he then urged her to straddle his thighs.

  “Your scent has driven me wild for years.” He kissed her neck, and then eased her back over his arm. Hannah could do nothing to stop the moan as he began licking and kissing the sensitive flesh. It was delicious to have his mouth there, and she ached for more. His tongue touched her nipple and she shuddered. His laugh was wicked as he did it again and again, until she was panting.

  “I want to touch you, Alex.” Grabbing his jacket, she righted herself.

  “I am not finished kissing your luscious breasts, Hannah.” He cupped them in his warm palms and her fingers tightened around the lapels. “And we cannot take off all our clothes.”

  Hannah undid the buttons of his waistcoat, then pulled his shirttails from his breeches. “Then we shall improvise.”

  “You always were industrious,” he rasped as she slid her hands beneath his shirt and up his chest. She trailed her fingers over each slope of warm, solid muscle, reveling in the hiss of his breath.

  He circled her breasts, rolling her nipples between his fingers and sending sensation after sensation chorusing through her body. Lord, how would she live without him now that she knew what could be between them?

  “Are you weeping?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “Kiss me, Alex.”

  He did as she asked and she lost herself in the wonder of his touch, the feel of his thighs beneath hers, the magic of his lips. Her fingers continued to stroke him as he slipped a hand beneath her skirts and teased her thigh. As he moved higher, her body clenched; only she had ever touched there, but she wanted this, wanted him to be the first and only man to know her body intimately. He stretched his fingers and touched the soft hair that hid her secrets. She brushed her nails over his nipples as he moved lower, to stroke the small, hard bead between her thighs.

  “I can feel your desire, Hannah.” His words brushed her lips and then he was kissing her, swallowing her moans as his hand moved lower and touched the soft plump folds, pushing his finger deep inside her, then another, until Hannah could stand the pressure no more.


  “I know, love.” He swallowed her cries as her release swept through her.

  “I want all of you, Alex.” Hannah reached for his breeches, opening the buttons before he could stop her.

  “No, Hannah, not here. Dear Christ,” he rasped as she released him, wrapping her fist around his hot, hard length.

  “Yes.” She leaned forward and took his mouth.

  His fingers bit into her waist as he urged Hannah to her knees.

  “Slowly lower yourself,” Alex rasped. “It will hurt, sweetheart.”

  Hannah understood that, had heard the stories, but did not care. She wanted this man desperately, wanted him to be her first lover. She felt him probing her entrance, felt herself begin to stretch as he eased her downward.

  “So tight; Lord, you feel good.”

  Hannah lowered herself more, ignored the strange feelings as he stretched her, wanting only to feel him seated deep inside her.

  “God, I’m sorry,” he rasped just before he thrust upward and through the barrier of her innocence. The pain was brief and fierce and took
her breath away.

  “Hannah, talk to me, love.”

  Her head rested on his shoulder and his arms were wrapped around her, holding her close. It was wonderful, and she wanted to stay there with him always.

  “I am all right, Alex, please don’t stop.”

  His laugh was hoarse as he eased her head off his shoulder. “I could no more stop than allow you to wear mustard.”

  He lifted her again, and then lowered her back down the hard length. The pain had softened and in its place was the delicious feeling of being possessed by this man.

  “You can control this, sweetheart.” He lifted her slowly up and then down again.

  His eyes were closed as Hannah rose and eased back down and he groaned long and low in his throat so she did it again and again. His hands gripped her waist and soon he was thrusting up as she came down and the wonderful flood of feeling started to build inside her once more. Burying her head in his neck, she threw her arms around him and held on as the release swept over her. Alex thrust into her again, shuddering as he joined her.

  He held her, and she him as they struggled to breathe, struggled to come to terms with what had just taken place between them. He was the first to move.

  His hands cupped her face, forcing her to look into his eyes. “What happened tonight changes everything between us, Hannah. Tomorrow you wake betrothed to me.”


  “No, not this time, Hannah. You will wed me, and there is nothing else to add. Tomorrow I call upon your father.” His kiss was soft and achingly sweet.

  She nodded when he released her, but did not say the words; she could not utter more lies. Not to this man, not after what they had just shared.

  “Come, we will dress and then return and hope no one realizes what it is we have been doing.”

  “Will they?”

  “Possibly,” he said handing her his handkerchief, “but I think it more likely they will believe I stole a few kisses.”

  “Oh” was all Hannah managed as she rearranged her clothes.

  They returned to the box, and the play had once again started, but other than a few smug looks no one said anything, and Hannah was able to sit and pretend to watch the play while inside she started mourning the loss of the man beside her, the man she loved.

  Her letters were written, she had put everything in place, and they would be left on the sideboard to be found in the morning. The package to the blackmailer would be delivered at the specified time; she had placed that in the hands of a footman earlier, someone who had known her for years. She asked that he deliver it thirty minutes before the specified time and leave it at the door, and then watch for a man to arrive and take it away. She had made him promise her he would hide out of sight and not let anyone see him, most especially not the man who collected it. He had assured her solemnly that he would. Hannah had ignored the questions in his eyes, instead handing him enough money to ensure his silence.

  She had said good night to her father, and if he wondered why she hugged him overlong he said nothing on the matter. Hannah then packed her two small cases. She would get a hackney to take her to somewhere she could hire a carriage to then take her from London. She intended to travel to a location where she could purchase a ticket for the stage.

  Her father was a smart man, as was Alex, and she had no intention of leaving either of them a trail to follow. Therefore, she needed to outthink them. Hannah was not overly fond of travelling long distances in a carriage, but she positively loathed riding a horse, so this was the lesser of two evils. Of course, a horse would leave less of a trail, and she may have to do that one day, but not tonight. She was most definitely not capable of that at this hour, and indeed, where would she find one?

  When she was sure the household had retired for the evening, Hannah pulled on her coat and bonnet, and then taking the letters, she collected her bags and gave her room a final look before heading down the stairs quietly. Leaving the letters on the tray beside the front door, Hannah didn’t look back, instead walking out the door, down the steps, and along the path. Once she reached the gates, she hurried down the street, reaching the end minutes later. The lamps did not provide much relief, and seemed to make the swirling mists more ominous, but she kept walking until she heard the clip of a carriage. Lowering her bags, Hannah decided to wait there for a hackney. Would one come at such an hour? She hadn’t thought of that possibility. What would she do if it did not? Perhaps she could find a place to stay for the night? Her bags weren’t overly heavy, but even so she did not relish the prospect of walking through London alone.

  The clip-clop drew closer, and Hannah was relieved when a hackney appeared through the mist. She raised a hand to signal it to stop.

  “Are you for hire, sir?”

  “Yes, miss, but it’s late for you to be about alone.”

  “Indeed, I have had a rather urgent summons from my father’s doctor. He has had a turn and they fear the worst, thus I was forced to leave at such an hour alone.”

  “Where are you bound?”

  “I must hire a private carriage, sir, do you know where I could do that?”

  He thought about that briefly and then nodded. It was all quite simple after that, and an hour later she was on her way out of London, leaving behind everything that she held dear.


  Alex woke smiling. He was to marry Hannah Wooller, and the prospect pleased him hugely. He would wake with her in his arms, make love to her at any time of the day, and they would argue constantly. He could not wait.

  Dressing with haste, he gulped down his breakfast and then called for his horse. Riding through London, he waved, doffed his hat, and decided that today was going to be a wonderful day.

  If he were honest with himself, marriage to Hannah had never been something he’d contemplated; in fact, he’d once compared the prospect to landing in a blackberry bush, but all that had changed now. She was his and when he got to the bottom of what was worrying her, they would have a wonderful life together. Visions of her straddling his lap last night, her wonderful breasts bared, the small sounds of desire she had made filled his head.

  “Not a wise thought to have while riding through London to speak with her father, old man,” he said as his body sprang to life.

  Handing over his mount twenty minutes later, Alex climbed the front steps and knocked on the Wooller front door. It was early, and not the usual hour to call unannounced upon a person, but Woolly would understand, considering what he was requesting. Even the day reflected his mood. The sun’s rays warmed his head as he removed his hat, and the flowers were raising their faces to be caressed.

  “Yes, it is a fine day,” he said, knocking again.

  When no one answered after the third knock, he wondered if everyone had left the house, including the servants. Disappointed, he turned to leave, but the door opened suddenly and a harried-looking butler peered out at him.

  “I wish to speak with Lord Wooller.”

  “He…” The butler looked over his shoulder as both he and Alex heard Woolly’s roar.

  “Step aside.” Alex motioned the man. If this was to be his family, then he would have to understand how they worked, therefore, he had every right to enter the fray. Smiling at the prospect of seeing Hannah’s cheeks flushed, breasts heaving, as she did battle with her father Alex quickened his step until he reached the door from behind which the noise was coming. Knocking, he opened it and walked into chaos.

  “Someone must have seen her leave!”

  Hannah’s father was roaring like a bull, his white hair standing off his head as he glared at a maid, who in turn looked distraught.

  “No, my Lord, no one. We found only the notes on the tray this morning.”

  Alex suddenly felt uneasy.

  “Woolly, what is going on?”

  The man spun to look at Alex, and seizing the moment, the maid ran from the room.

  “Hannah has gone, Alex. She left me a letter; there is one for you also.
I can make no sense of it,” he added before staggering backward into a chair.

  Alex took the letter the butler held out to him, and fell into the chair opposite Woolly as his legs gave way.

  “Gone where? Why?” His fingers shook as they tore open the letter and he started reading.

  Dearest Alex,

  What we shared last night was something I will never be able to put into words. It was the sun, moon, and stars and yet those three words cannot begin to convey what it meant to me. I need you to understand that I did not leave because of what happened between us.

  “Then why?” he rasped, reading on.

  Firstly, I must beg your forgiveness one last time for what I did to you. I had no right to change the course of your life simply because I chose to use you as my beau. It was wrong, but as you are a gentleman, you allowed it, and now I must endeavor to explain why I have gone away. Something has happened to threaten you, my family, and friends, Alex, and the entire story is extremely complicated, therefore I shall say only that the danger was too great for me to remain in London.

  Alex clenched the letter in his fist. What was this threat? It must have something to do with the notes she had received and her odd behavior.

  I would ask you not be angry with me, and to break the news gently to Phoebe. I have left my shares in Madame Alexander’s to be split between you and her. Know that I care deeply for you, Alex, and always will.



  “Not get angry!” Alex leaped to his feet and started pacing the room. “I’m bloody furious, scared, and… Christ, Hannah.” He stopped walking and looked at her father. Would this danger she spoke of follow her from London? Was she even now in danger? A woman out there alone without protection… Alex shuddered.

  “She ran because she thinks to protect us.” Woolly shook his shaggy head. “But does she not know that between us we are more powerful, more dangerous than any threat could be?”

  “We must find her.” Alex felt strange. His head was spinning, his skin. tight and his breathing rapid. Had he not known better he would think he was about to have his first attack of the vapors. “Did your note speak of this danger also, Woolly?”


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