Fractured Promises (Reapers Reign, #2)

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Fractured Promises (Reapers Reign, #2) Page 9

by Maree, Aleisha

  “Umm... well that depends on what has happened. Coz, girl, last time you wanted to have a good time, I found you on the floor of the gym shower days after that ’said’ good time.” Shefinger quotes the said good time mocking me, knowing just how much being used by Knox hurt and I played it down that it hadn’t, but there is no fooling Lilly.

  I look at her, wondering if my nerves showed, “What do you mean nothings happened. I just feel like drinking is all. Enjoying my life before my next fight. You know how hardcore Mom is when it comes to drinking before a big one.” l.” winking I pull at her, “Come babes, relax.”

  She shrugs under my grip. “Sure why not? It’s not like I have much else to do locked behind the high walls they have built around me.” The sadness echoed out around us as we walked into my home away from home. The house of the mother, fucking Reapers Reign.

  Chapter Nine


  Sitting at the bar, I’m greeted by the ever so charming Miss Ginny. She runs the kitchen, bar, girls, and all staff. You don’t wanna mess with her. “How’s it swinging there, Miss Ginny?”

  With a roll of her eyes she utters out, “Oh you know, love, same shit different biker. What can I get ya, doll?” She smiles asking me as she dries a glass placing it down and throwing the towel over her shoulder.

  “A shot of something mind-numbing for me, it's been one of them days, and for the biker princess here, something that’ll transport her into a new world free from the shit that haunts her pretty little eyes.”

  With a look of ‘OH SHIT’ washing over her face, she answers with a “Coming right up! Good old Jack for Miss James and, for the biker princess, I’ll make you a cherry red Vodka cocktail.” With a wink, she makes up our drinks sliding them over to us. “Holler if you'll need anything else.” Flicking two beers down the top of the bar to the Club girls waiting, she continues, “take it easy on the drinkies ladies. I’m looking at you there, Miss James! There are new boys due in tonight.”

  Whistling I look around, “Oh hell yeaahh, well that should be fun shouldn’t it, Lill?” wiggling my eyebrows up to my friend, her eyes just roll as she takes a sip on her girly ass cocktail.

  “If you say so babes, you know Bray won’t want you getting fucked up again. Just take it easy don’t be getting totaled.”

  Rolling my eyes at her this time, “Lill’s, take a chill pill girl, we all aren’t a perfect made up princess like you, now are we?” Laughing, I nudge her arm as I take a sip of my Jack. I scan the club for new meat, all the others are way too shit scared of Bray and the boys to touch me. Mainly Ghost, he will rip any guys face off just for looking my way. Thank fuck he ain’t here tonight...

  Lill’s shaken voice brings me back to the now. “Me. I’m far from perfect, Blue, and a princess I’m not. They just treat me that way. The mold’s getting old, I tell you I just don’t have the strength to break it.”

  Pulling her hand into mine looking deep into her eyes, I state. “You and me both sister, let’s go out to the fire.”

  Just as I pull Lill down from the bar stool grabbing my drink along with the beer Miss Ginny put out – she knows me well – I see Knox. My fucking heart stops in my chest, and my breathing hitches. My eyes can’t move from his, as he walks from Bray’s office up top, which looks over the whole warehouse. Nudging Lill I ask, “what’s he doing with Bray?” I nod my head up towards the boys.

  “I don’t know! He came in just as Bray got out of church and headed right up there. Didn’t you know, he’s been around a bit lately training some of the new boys at night with his brother and a guy named Jamie.”

  Mulling that over while I swirl the ice around in my Jack, I follow my best friend out to the bonfire. I do love it here. I love these nights; summer is in the air, the little fireflies rising from the fire dancing in the sky, without a worry. I’d love to be one, to dance away from this shit that has been created by me. Every waking hour since I ran, I have been seeking out my demons, considering my options, even thought of seeking out a religion to bring me to my knees. I search for something to save me. Something that will allow me to practice that heavy hand of revenge I crave. But I have had the same answer handed to me. Trying to keep up with evil is killing you, Blue. I can hear the devil laughing at me as I cry. It’s not a dream anymore. It’s reality now. He’s here! It’s time to fight.

  “Blue, you ok babes?” Lill’s voice shakes me from the trance the fire has pulled me into.

  “Err what?” I say looking up into the eyes of my friend.

  “I asked if you were ok? You're like... so far away.”

  I see a shade of worry for me flee over her eyes. “Babe, I’m as good as a chicken dinner on Sunday.” Plastering the fakest smile over my face as I pull her in for a hug, “let’s watch what prospect gets his dick chewed off first, that shit’s always fun. My money's on the newbie over there. He so doesn’t have a clue what he’s in for!”

  Lost once again in the fire and the shadows the flames make, I totally miss Bray saying hey to me till he’s right there picking me up in one of his incredible bear hugs that consume all of you. He oozes the feeling of pure love and safety in that one hug. “Baby Blue, how is the sister I wish I didn’t have?” he chimes out while laughing. Smart prick. I punch him, “Brayie boy, I’m as good as the last piece of ass your mug turned away.” Smirking up at him as I take the bottle he is holding.

  “As smart as ever ain’t you.”

  Walking over to the opposite side looking into his eyes, I answer, “You know it brother.” Throwing the bottle cap at him, I laugh as he catches it with a quick flick of his wrist.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way. You are going to get princess here to smile tonight... to let her hair out of that tight ass plait and relax,” he says to me with a smug tone I see Lill straighten her spine at his comment.

  “I’ll give it my best shot. You know how stubborn she is,” I sass out at him shaking my head in the way I know grates his gears.

  Blowing out he throws the cap back at me before injecting, “hell yes, just as stubborn as you, baby Blue.” As he sits down, I see who is behind him. All six-foot fucking six in biker boots, no other than the god himself. “Knox,” I say, all sexy and playful like. All I get back is a cool “Blue” he’s all serious and shit. God that really grates on my nerves, that small injection of coolness in his voice cuts deeper than I want to admit. It’s not like we have anything going on, but I thought after the secrets we shared in the dark of the night and not to mention the shower incident that he would be a fuck load nicer than that. Downing my beer, I stand to make my way to get another, I stumble a little. Whoa, that Jack mixed with the beer and heat is magic! A party is starting up in my body, and I like it. I like it a lot. I’ll take another or maybe three. I’ll drink Viper and Knox from my body and deal with the hangover mixed with their shit tomorrow.

  As I head past him, his hand reaches up to my arm. The heat from his touch scorching my skin and sending a wildfire right the way down to my thighs before pooling between my legs. Traitor! My body is a dirty ass traitor. We are supposed to be mad at this man. Shit, who am I to talk? I won’t ever hold out. Smirking I roll my eyes up from his dick to his eyes deliberately sucking my lip into my teeth. I know it drives him wild. His grip tightens as his breath hitches and my panties get wetter at the noise alone, ding, ding, ding hitting home. “Think you may have had enough of them. babe,” he says with a devilish look in his smug eyes, instantly he pisses me off like more than I was before.

  “Don’t babe me and no I haven’t.” Pulling my hand free I look back giving Bray the eyes my ‘kill em with kindness till that shit’s old’ eyes, he just smiles at me before opening his trap not a minute too late.

  “She’s good. We got her, this is Blue, it makes it easy to deal.” Winking at me, he continues. “Aye baby Blue,” his tone is a piss take.

  “Fuck you,” I spit, “You’ll get yours.” I say throwing my dagger eyes at him as Lill laughs, a bubble of laughter th
at is sweet and fun. Like the old times.

  Walking through to the bar, I stock up my hands on all the liquor I can handle, well take, cos let’s face it I’ll drink even the handset biker under the damn table and still be coherent. Walking my ass out past Mr. Knox fucking Ambrose, I make sure I sit right opposite his fine ass so I can torment him all night long. Sitting there in all his finest, black jeans, hot biker boots, leather jacket, and white tee, with the fire dancing on over his chiseled jaw, he sets my blood on fire. Even the way he pulls on his beer is fucking hot. I can feel the warm pulsing between my legs, scolding my body once more for being a traitor. Why couldn’t it understand to hate Mr. Ambrose right now? I lean over to the guy that looks so much like my six-foot six beast, a guy who hasn’t taken his eyes off Lilly all night. “So, you must be the brother to the demon in the flesh right there,” I shoot. He lookes around all shy and lost. It's cute.

  “Um you mean Knox? Well yeah, his twin actually and he ain’t all bad.” He pushes out in a quick stutter.

  “Mmmm twins,” that is all I get out before Lill pinches my underarm. “Jez Lill what the fuck,” I mutter eyeing her and rubbing the spot she had just pinched.

  “Look, you owe me ten bucks. It was one of the new boys who got his dick chewed off, not the prospect. Pay up Blue baby, I gotta a ticket to pay for.” She laughed.

  “Hey, how’s about an IOU there, Lill, I don’t have my purse on me,” I reply, wiggling my eyebrows up at my friend who is shaking her head at me.

  “Yeah, Blue, sure babes.” I hear as I stand and head back to the bar, needing more numbing. “Miss Ginny hook me up with all that’s fine behind that bar of yours.” She strolls over to me, hands on hips, tsking she approaches me.

  “I’ll give you water if you don’t watch yourself girly, you do not need to drink away the hurt. We been down this road,” she says concern lacing her voice.

  “Oh you know how it is. I’m totally ok. Just one more shot... maybe two... along with a beer. Oh snap, make it five shots. It’s for my friends out there.” I say winking at her. As she prepares my drinks, I head to the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror I see the cracks forming. Fuck I have fought way too hard to break now. I’m way too headstrong to let Bray know what’s up, he really put the club in jeopardy last time he came to my rescue. I can’t expect them to do that again. I won’t. This isn’t their fight.

  I continue to look at myself in the mirror. “Don’t give anything away, they may see the cracks forming too, you know, so backup, hold your head high. You got this, it’s fight or fly time babes, you belong here in this life. Don’t let them try to take it a second time.” Listening to the crack in my own words I square my shoulders while flicking the faucet on. I splash water over my face. I’m not as helpless as I was when they took me the last time. I will let them dance with my devil, but I shall win. Trembling at the thought of just what I have to prepare for, and sucking in a deep breath, I blow it out with as much conviction as I can muster. I pull down my tank and hike up my skirt. It’s time to have some fun on this pretty little earth before the fight of my life begins.

  Thanking Miss Ginny, I strut myself out to the fire, dancing as I go. Dropping down the drinks to the serious bunch, I holler, “lighten up ya’ll, let’s dance Lill, come on.” Pulling her up, I stumble back, throwing my head back in laughter. I grab hold of my friend, grinding up on her to the beat of Rihanna’s S&M. I can feel Knox’s eyes burning holes through me, I can feel the liquor burning in my bloodstream. I love the way it's humming its way through my body. The feeling of that, coupled with his eyes, is intoxicating. I’m sure I’m floating. “Lill you good, girl?” I ask as I start to twerk in front of her slapping my ass, she laughs.

  “You’re a babe, but you may wanna slow it down a notch. Knox is giving you dagger eyes, doll. I can see a vein throbbing so hard in his neck, it may just pop soon. His jaw looks as though it about to crack under pressure.” Flicking around, so I’m facing her I wrap my arms around her. I look over her shoulder as I stare down the six-foot six beast while licking up Lill’s neck. I give him a wink while I grab her ass. He stands, then Lill laughs smacking me, as Bray pulls him down. I can see they are speaking but can’t hear them. Oh well, back to dancing I go.

  Getting the eye from a few of the new guys that rode in tonight, I sit back down. Looking over Lilly’s shoulder again, I watch as one of them flicks his head to the side, pointing for me to follow him out back. Looking back over at the human demon, I see red in his eyes. Blowing him a kiss, I get up, strutting my ass past him. I feel his eyes on me my step quickens when I hear Bray say, “OOOHHH YES that’s our Blue, she’s back”. Laughing I head to the BBQ table and, hiking my skirt up, I stand on top, flicking my fingers to the DJ, who knows me well, and soon my song Breath by Breaking Benjamin rolls out from the sound system, flowing through me like a hypnotic drug, transporting me to a world where it’s just me and this beat. Locking my eyes onto my very own demon in the fucking flesh, I begin to move, mouthing out each damn lyric for him and him alone, being his very own fucking private dancer. This one and only time will I lay myself bare for him, again.


  Snapping to my feet looking Bray in the eyes, “like fuck, I spit. Lilly grabs my arm, her lost, empty eyes searching mine. “Please be kind to her, she’s a bit fucked at the moment,” she pleads with me.

  “Aren’t we all, babe?” I state, pulling my arm from her tiny, weak grip.

  Walking up to where she is dancing her ass off, singing the one song whose words cut deep. In my darkest nights, I play this one song while I pound my frustration out on my bag. Stepping up to her, reaching out behind her, grabbing her around her ass, I pull her down over my shoulder, she screams out at the shock.

  “You’re coming with me,” I seethe.

  “Oh hell no I’m not,” she snaps as her fists hit my back. Lifting her higher, turning her around in my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist.

  I smirk. “Oh, princess yes you fucking are!”

  Walking back past Bray and heading towards the front of the club, she screams. “Put me the fuck down, Knox.” She’s screaming like a fucken banshee.

  “No, I hate this shit you’re doing here tonight, it ain’t happening.”

  “Hey, mate, do what the lady wants eh,” I hear. Stopping dead in my tracks, I spin on my heel, coming to a stop against the shiny frame of a wannabe biker boy. This ‘cock-for-brains’ don’t deserve my time.

  Smacking him square in the jaw, I answer.” Fuck off would you. This ain’t yours and this,” slapping her ass, I stake my claim, “ain’t going to be tapped by you ever!” I spit down at him.

  Looking up, her eyes are locked on mine, I can smell the liquor on her breath. Bringing my forehead to hers, closing my eyes, I whisper, “what do you want, Blue?”

  Her soft sexy Irish voice hits my senses in all the right places. “I want you to rip my fucking clothes off, spin me around, grab my hair and fuck me like you hate me.”

  “Well, baby girl, that I can do. I do hate you. I hate all that you are because you’re not her, you’re not my angel, but so much of her I see in you.”

  A lone tear falls down her face landing on my shirt. I hate that I placed such pain in her eyes... “Blue doesn't cry,” wrapping her tighter in my arms, she fights hitting my chest screaming at me to let her go.

  “Not fucking happening, stop. Will you calm the fuck down?” Hiking her up over my shoulder slapping her ass, I continue walking again. “I’m taking you home.” Anger is spiking through her into me. Smiling, I answer her screams with my own. “I fucking love it when you get fired up and shit. Babe, that’s fucking hot!”

  “Knox, I’m on the edge of being alive right now. Do you know what it’s like to be tortured by your own mind?” Those words falling from her lips resonate with me.

  “Baby girl, I sure as shit do. Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood. I’ll try hard to dim the voices tonight, I can’t promise you much baby gi
rl, but I’ll try.”

  I drop her next to my bike, “get the fuck on.” I hiss. My fucking control is fading. All I want to do is fuck her the way she needs, the way I need, to free us both. Rolling those pretty eyes at me, hand firmly on her hip, she opens the mouth I want to slam my cock in, because I just know this bitch is going to fight me all the way.

  “Um hell fucking no!” I Ball my fists till I can feel the pop of my knuckles.

  “Excuse me?” I say like I didn’t just hear her smartness.

  “I said no!” my voice is laced with smartness and mixed annoyance, who does he think he is playing all cave man like I ain’t going anywhere with his bossy ass. Cocking my head to the side looking him up and down in all his finest, I smile as he’s getting mad. I can see the telltale vein popping out of his neck. The demons in me push him further. “My daddy told me never to get on the back of a strange man’s bike and never an angry one with a pulsating vein in their neck.” Twirling my fingers around my ponytail I peek at him under my lashes. Oooh shit yes, he’s mad.

  “Blue I’m not fucking around,” he barks at me. “Get the fuck on now before I knock your ass out and take you that way.” Stepping into me, his massive chest pushes my ass back towards his bike.

  “Jeez alright, alright, keep ya balls in ya jocks.” Snapping my fingers, I flick him a smile. “No need to get violent and all caveman-like. ‘You Jane me Tarzan” I mock. “I’m all yours biker boy, but kill me, and you’re sure as shit going to regret that one, you big angry demon.” Taking a bow, my eyes meet his as a rise up. He is pissed the fuck off. I can’t help but giggle. This shit’s fun.


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