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Fractured Promises (Reapers Reign, #2)

Page 12

by Maree, Aleisha

  I feel a low rumble of laughter flow over my breast, I smirk at him as his eyes reach up to mine, “you-you’re a delightful surprised Blue.”

  “Well I do try,” smiling I push my hips up to meet his massive shaft. Pulling him down into my kiss, he brings his hands down to remove my panties, his eyes never leave mine as he slowly pushes his fingers into me.

  “So wet already baby?” His voice is an arousing sound, hitting me in all the right places. “It's hard not to be with a beast like you teasing my senses so early in the day.”

  “Well, a man could get used to staying the night if this is the greeting he gets every morning.”

  Laughing at him and liking the sound of what he just said. Even when I’m ten different shades of pissed off at him, having him here does have its advantages and a girl could get used to having his sexy as hell body in her bed and the sense of safety it brings. Even if I don’t want him caught up in it all. Maybe I’m braking the shell surrounding the Assassin Knox Ambrose after all. “Well you never know your chances.” I wink as I reach down between us to grab his hard cock into my hands before rolling my fingers around it; his eyes roll back in pleasure as I begin to stroke. His fingers slide in and out of me. I savor every inch of this man; his touch, his smell that sends flutters to my core. Our fingers glide up and down, in and out, encouraging each other to invade and explore. This time it's different, there is a shift in the way our bodies crave one another. Stealing his mouth into mine, my tongue finds his, sending small flicks of light around the backs of my eyes. Riding my hips to meet the glide of his fingers, I pull my hand back over his cock to meet both movements coaxing him into me.

  I look at him as I’m releasing my grip and he pulls his fingers out of me. I pull his length into me and he pushes slightly against me, just sitting inside my opening. His grey eyes are looking down at me, “Blue, I will try, I promise you. I won't let harm or pain, not even anger, taunt you or touch your soul again; not while I’m here. I will vow, not only to you, but to the club, my protection, my loyalty, my trust, my body, my reign. I’m yours, I’m theirs. With you and I it will take a little longer, I’m still trying to figure out how to love you.” My ears don’t believe what they hear so I pull him down into me and I let him know how I feel.

  “Together we will both try. I’m just as fucked up, if not more than you are, so baby, please, just fuck me.”

  Rearing back, he pulls the tip out, circling his hips around me, an evil smile on his face he pushes into me hard with a rough, fast thrust. We both take in a sharp intake of air. The arousal is hot as our bodies glide together like leather on lace, my mouth is watering for him. A dire need for him to move faster erupts as my body pushes him as far as his mind will allow. Stopping he looks at me, my breath is ragged, my eyes pleading and my fucking soul is dying for the Assassin to take me.

  “So eager, baby doll,” his voice reaches into me full of sarcastic tones as he pulls out and just hovers, just fucken hovers, over me with his tip just enticing me enough for small stars of the sensual erotic need to form behind my eyes.

  “I want you now, faster and fucken harder than you have ever fucked someone before, Knox. Make me yours in every sense of the word.”

  “If that’s how you want it, baby, well let’s go.” his tone playful as he flips me over so I am now straddling him. “Fuck me, baby doll, your way, your pace lets go.” He says, his eyes are hooded with a dire need for this and for me to set the rules on this one. The power he has placed in my hands sets my ovaries on fire.

  Looking down into his eyes I lower myself onto his hard length pushing it deeper into me till I can just about feel it hit my womb. Rocking back and forth as one hand finds my breast, his other rubbing his fingers over my heated clit. Raising up higher, I bring myself down deep onto him, raising my pace each time till we’re both matching each other's movements. Anchoring him to me he grabs hold of my hips.

  “Keep going baby,” his voice is raspy, laced with the sound of sex. I feel my climax rising as I see the lust hood his eyes. Pulling my lip into my mouth, his eyes shut as a groan escapes. He thrusts his hips hard up against me, sending his shaft deep into me, his balls bouncing up and slapping my opening as he drives into me. Bringing myself down hard into him I circle my hips round and round before placing my hands behind me on to his thighs. I push myself up, grinding the front of my clit onto the top of his groin. I allow my body to rise up further, to climax, working my clit with his fingers I squeeze his balls opening my eyes. I lock them on his. I allow the shattering orgasm to consume not only me but him. Riding it out we both wind back down on to one another, falling, dancing the dance of a pure, sweet fucking with our hands, bodies, tongues and fingers still teasing, testing, wanting more.

  Falling down onto his chest totally spent, I try calming my breathing, his hands find my hair laced in sweat. Pushing it from my face, he kisses the side of my neck as he pulls out of me and moves himself apart from our sweat laced bodies. Standing he looks down at me as my eyes are drawn to his hard cock standing to attention, shining with the juices from my mind-blowing orgasm

  “I’m going to grab a shower, babe. We got to get ready. We are in for a long day. We have training, and I can't wait to get that sweet ass of yours in the cage.” He says winking down at me. I throw my hands up over my eyes.

  “Really what if I don’t want to train? I am nursing a hangover you know.” I don’t even need to look at him, I can sense the look of shock on his face as I finish saying that.

  “Jeez babe you could have fooled me. Your performance just now said that you are more than capable of a workout.”

  I pick up the pillow throwing it at him. “Oh fuck off will you.” Looking up at him there is a face-splitting grin on my face. How is this happening? Me? Him? This? It’s too easy. Catching the pillow and throwing it back at me laughing, he walks away. The sound of the shower sucks my brain into thinking that today is the first page in our story, our future. It could be so bright after the words that were spoken last night and the way our bodies just took each other to a whole new atmosphere. But an evil is lurking, and a whole lot of hurt is coming my way, and his too, now that he’s here with me. I don’t know if either one of us is ready for it. I don’t even know if angels have the power to help with the ghosts that lay in my closet.

  If he stays, he will learn to love the way that I have learnt to lie. Lies are all I have to keep them all safe, but even now as I think, the evil is slowly winning at the tug of war. I’m fighting the threats alone.

  A battle to the death is what is lurking around the next psychotic bend in this twisted torment that is my life. Yet Knox wants to join the fight and also join the Reapers, to once again come to the aid of a fractured and fucked Blue-James the Celtic goddess.

  They are going to set fire to what's left of his soul. It is a blood oath to stand with them, an oath to ride and die for the Reaper. I wanted his soul, for it to find mine, to dance to the fire of our demons, but that’s been disrupted now by the shit storm coming my way. I should just give myself to them, at least the aftermath will be a lot less bloody.

  He could go back to her then, to his angel that he can't let go of, even though he says he can. I will give heed to the fire. I love the way it licks and dances over my body, fuels the demon that lives deep down below, I can'tdo another night of trying not to cry while wrapped in his arms.

  Showering after him brings a smile to my face, he drew a cute, wee heart in the mist of the bathroom mirror. This is very unlike Knox I think. I smile as the feeling of butterfly’s form in my stomach, a quiver runs out over my body as the weight of this small gesture brings a feeling of maybe just maybe he’s for real and wants this as much as I know I need it.

  Getting out I hear the buzz of the blender. Drying and dressing into a pair of short shorts and a Kingdom Gym tee, I run the towel through my long, red locks as I head down the hall into the kitchen and up behind him. Standing on my tippy toes, I place my lips on the back of his neck and
murmur into his skin.

  “You even make protein shakes; where have you been all my life?” Spinning around he grips my face.

  “In jail, baby, living with the Ghost of an Angel.”

  His eyes are cold and dark again, stepping out from his embrace I walk away. That’s way too dark and uncalled for and just plain fucked up. Heading to the window staring down at the Gym below, I feel him behind me before I feel his touch.

  “I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t mean that. It’s just I don’t know how to deal with emotions. So much is happening, I’m not sure how to keep up.”

  Falling back into the warmth of his arms, “I’m not sure I do either.” I state sounding broken.

  “Let’s go train eh?” He says like it’s the ‘all in one’ fix to everything.

  Working out through today is a much-needed distraction. I work my body and my mind to a soul burning pain relishing in its burn as it ripples out all over. Knox is still going hard with dad on the mats, so I don’t bother him. I don’t want to draw any questions or stares from the disapproving eye of my father, the great Jimmy James, just yet anyway. Knox is dad’s prodigy, and God help anyone who fucks with that vision.

  I hit the shower for the second time. I think of just how fucked up the rest of this day is going to be, joining the Reapers for me? That’s madness. How does he think that he can still fight for my father and ride with the Reaper? It’s insane how he thinks he will have time to do both. It’s Dad and the gym or the Reapers he can’t do both and he’s Dads main fighter and the best this gym has had in a long time. Shit then there is me. I fit in there somewhere, don’t I?

  Pulling a towel free from the rails by the shower and wrapping it tightly around my body I pick up my workout bag and pull out my clothing. I dress in my boots, ripped jeans, white tee, paired with my leather and lace jacket. Rummaging through the bag for my brush and body mist, I pull out the clothing and small makeup bag, that’s in there but no damn brush of body mist clicking my tongue I remember that I have one in my locker. Walking over I open the old, cold metal door, where I see written, in my red lipstick, on the small mirror inside the door,

  ‘I’m watching junkie love.’

  My hair picks up, my heart rate peaks, “FUCK!” How the fuck did he get in here? Oh shit, well, Blue, it’s not like ya have a fucking dress code now, is it! It’s a damn gym for fuck sake!

  Slamming the door, I grab my bag. It’s time to get this shit finished. Time I take my life into my own, fucked hands. I walk out to the back of the gym. Once outside I spin around and around yelling as loud as my lungs will go.

  “I’m here! Right here! Come out, come out wherever you are! Come on, Viper baby, come and face me. I’m waiting.”

  Falling to my knees smashing my fists into the gravel, I cry for how fucking easy I allow him to get to me, to make it feel as though I can’t fucking breathe. Fuck, I was doing so good the last few months, ever since Bray brought me home. I’ve been doing so well training; working up to my next fight in a few weeks, getting the life he just about took away, back.

  He could have ruined me but I fought back. Now I don’t know if I can. This time I have too much to lose. Knox, Bray, Lilly, the club the boys, dad, fuck even the gym. Screaming I throw myself back shocked by a massive dark figure standing at the base of me shielding the sun from my vision. Freezing, not even breathing, I just count the beats of my heart. A hand reaches out, coming down to my shoulder. I watch it out of the corner of my eye, waiting for the perfect moment. Just before it touches me I whip out my hand wrapping my fingers tight around the wrist and, with all my strength and body weight, I pull forward as I bounce up to my feet, throwing him over my shoulder and coming in and down on him hard, holding him in an armbar.

  “Fuck what the FUCK!” an outraged voice spits to me as I pull up from the gravel. I let my grip loosen just a little as I realize it’s just Knox.

  “PHEW,” rolling onto him, I let out the breath I had been holding.

  “Hey, babe, you ok?” What’s up?” Rolls from my mouth, a little too cocky for the current situation.

  “What’s up Babe? That’s all you got? You just slammed me into the gravel and got me in an armbar, and you fucken have the balls to ask what’s up?”

  Oh shit, there is no sound of humor in his voice. “Just making sure you’re fight ready,” I say with a wink as I straddle him. Time to change his thought path and fast. Bringing my lips to his, I take his mouth before pushing my hungry tongue through the crack in his fucken perfect lips. I feel his words form and vibrate against my lips as his hands find my shoulders to push me back. But his cock has other plans as it forms harder the deeper my kiss goes and the harder I push my pussy down onto him his dick, well, it has its own mind. 1 Blue 0 Knox. Laughing into his mouth, I pull his bottom lip into my teeth, applying just enough pressure to make his cock spring to full attention inside his sweats and just about breaking through into me.

  He whips me fast and hard up off and under him, now he’s doing the straddling and has my hands pinned above my head, looking into my eyes I see his are filled with lust, a want and a need, not only for my body but for answers. “Babe spill.” He demands like it’s just that easy. Fuck, I better tell him. Leaning my head down into his neck so I can’t see his eyes, I whisper out, “He’s here somewhere. He wrote in lipstick on my locker mirror.” As soon as it comes out, he’s stock still, grabbing me tight in his grip.

  “What?” The question alone has my hairs standing up.

  “Like I said he is here. Well, he’s been here.”

  “Show me,” he barks as he flicks me off jumping to his feet. Defeat is all I feel. What can I do? Reaching down he pulls me up and we walk back inside hand in hand. I ignore the stares from everyone, especially the blonde bimbo from the front desk. Her stare is filled with a hate so much that I can feel it lick at my skin as we walk past her. Keep looking baby he’s totally mine. Walking into the locker room panic rises as the false bravado I just displayed in front of the bimbo dispels and my minds travels to how shitty this is and how showing him is going to anger him way more than I can handle right now. Cause let’s face it, it’s not going to be a cup of fucking fun splashed in sprinkles.

  He just eyes the writing in the mirror, the more he stares and the harder he looks, the more I can see the anger fly from him, radiating around us bringing a sense of heat to my chilled skin. Slamming his fist into the locker door, jarring it from its hinge, he lets out his rage before he grips my face in his hands. Kissing my forehead, he speaks. “A war is what he wants then a war he shall fucking get. Oh, and baby what the fuck’s this junkie love bull,” sucking in a breath and blowing it out, I know I have to tell him, but I don’t want to. I am not sure how much longer I can keep it hidden though.

  “I don’t want to tell you, shit’s going to fly if I do,” I tell him honestly.

  “Why the fuck not? And what the fuck is with the riddles?” He barks.

  “It’s embarrassing, you will leave! You won’t understand,” I whimper, it’s the truth I know it.

  “Fucking just tell me, Blue! If I’m to fight and sell what’s fucking left of me then I need to know.”

  Pulling him down to sit I search his eyes pulling his hands into my shaking ones. “Promise you won’t spin the fuck out?” I ask.

  “Can’t promise that, babe.” His mouth forms a tight line.

  Searching his eyes, I plead with him as my emotions are starting to get the better of me. This is all too much to deal with. “Can you at least, like, maybe try and rein the anger in a little then?” I question his answer with my own. His tone is clipped as he speaks “Well we will soon see, won't we?”

  Closing my eyes, I pray for patience. This man is so fucking irritating and sexy at the same time it’s just not fair. “Fuck you win” I finally sigh with defeat. “He used to feed me junk to keep me high so that he could bend me to his whim. To fall to his beck and call. He would use my need for it to get what he wanted. It started off as me
just using it to numb my pain, to shut off the demons and the voices.”

  Stopping, I feel his tense fingers piercing my skin on the inside of my hand. The pain is a welcome release from the weight of his angry stare “And!?” his voice is sharp.

  “But then my taste got bigger and stronger. He recognized it, he fed it, and he fucken used it, used me. He called it ‘junkie love.’ See, I was incapable of loving anything other than the junk. I had turned cold on him the minute he traded my body, mind and soul to be their private little dancer, their little lady in red.” Tears are falling from my checks, I try to free my hands to wipe the traitor’s tears. How dare they fall when I needed them to stay away to show him I’m stronger than this and no longer weak.

  Ripping me up, he pulls me into his embrace, he is shaking with anger. I feel it rattle even my own core, hitting all the way down to my toes. Holding me up against him, he places his hand around my back and the other holding my head into his chest. I’m sure if I listen hard I can hear his heart take on the beat of the pure need for vengeance, against a man he’s never even met, for a girl he doesn’t even know and a fight he’s not even aware will give nightmares to even his demons.


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