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Fractured Promises (Reapers Reign, #2)

Page 21

by Maree, Aleisha

  Finishing up they give Tigg and the others orders to clean up, let them down and bind them to the cots in the corner. We have work to do. Now we need to plan how we go about burning these fuckers to the ground. As I am wiping the sweat and blood from my face, the phone pings to life inside my jeans pocket. As I’m pulling it out, Bray stillsand Ghost stops cleaning his tools. I slide it open and see a photo of Blue, bound to a bed in a white room wearing nothing but a Red Bra and Panties. Closing my eyes I breathe in deep before I read the text below,

  She still doesn’t listen, she stills chooses to defy me so swimming through her

  Blood is the one thing she loves, the one thing that calms the fight in her

  Body possesses, bringing to life my very own private dancer.

  Dropping the phone to the dirt below I see red. My blood boils, the air in my body dispels from my lungs. Pivoting on my feet I slam my fists into the cold tin shed wall over and over till the sweet sting of broken skin washes over me. Falling to the ground as anger grabs hold of my soul I grab fistfuls of my hair, pulling it from the roots as I’m screaming out in horror at what he has forced her to become, the one thing she didn’t want to go back to. Throwing my head back I scream out as the demon releases from my core, bringing with him the Devil of death, and the sweet kiss of an Angel turned dark, mixed with a psychotic killer, hell bent on blood.

  I feel the hands of my brothers pulling me to my feet. Standing on shaky legs I spin to the piss bags hanging in front of me I turn feral then I start to punch and kick their cold, bloody bodies till the pain lessens. As my heart rate spikes, I fell hands grabbing me around my neck and waist.

  “Brother enough, it’s not worth it. They’ll get theirs.”

  Pushing Bray off, looking him in the eye, I can practically see just how crazed I look in the reflection of his iris. “Yeah but fucken when? When it’s too late, and she’s dead? It's fucken been five days.”

  Ghost comes up to stand beside Bray. “I gotta go” leaving the shed, I walk to the house grabbing my leather jacket. I head to my bike, I don’t know where I’m heading, I don’t care as long as it’s not fucken here. I feel Bray behind me as I reach for my keys, spinning on him I hold my hands up “Don’t try and stop me.” I seethe out. “You may be cut out for all this intense shit Bray, its breed into your DNA, but shit brother, me, I’m still drowning from the last women my actions took from me.” Breathing in deep and slumping my body down the door frame the last twenty-four hours have fucked with me physically and mentally. Bray sits down next to me pulling his knees up to his chest, his voice a crack “I’m not going to stop you, but I do ask you not to go anywhere near that compound. This is what I do Knox this is my world and I know you can’t deal with the waiting, but we need a plan. We can’t just go in guns firing and bikes rumbling.” I know he’s right it still doesn’t make me want to sit still while she’s there getting god knows what done to her delicate Irish features. Her milky white skin was stained with the dirt and grit of anger, and her body was filled with the drug she has fought so hard to come off. Looking over to Bray who’s breathing so deep you would think he has run a marathon I realize then that he is in just as much pain as me. The waiting is killing as well. I will do this for him. “I won’t brother, but I can’t sit here and do nothing. I can’t breathe under this blanket of unknown, I need to ride.” Jabbing his leg with my fist I pull myself up and head out the front to my bike leaving him there on the floor of my house that holds more demons than I could ever realize. I see them in his vision.

  Driving through the city I head out of town to the one place I know will help ease my burning soul, Dove’s Peak. It’s the one spot I feel them both. Easing into the gravel of the carpark shutting my bike off, I head to the edge. Swinging my legs over the stone wall, I sit there and watch the city below sparkle like it doesn’t have a care in the world. My world is burning to ashes as we speak, yet the world below continues. Pulling the dove charm and the bangle of Blue’s from my pocket, closing my eyes, “I’m coming baby hold on a little longer.” I whisper before I look to the clouds and scream out, “Angel, where the hell are you? I need you now!”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I awaken to a god-awful smell and a feral taste sitting in the back of my throat. As I open my eyes I’m blinded by the most intense light. Is this Heaven? Looking around all I see is white walls and flickering lights overhead. No not Heaven, still here, in Hell. I know because I’m bound to a bed. If I were in Heaven I wouldn’t be bound now, would I? Shit, let’s not even get shit twisted, I so ain’t going to Heaven.

  “Blue, stay focused!” My good angel says as my naughty one pipes up, “Well, it’s a bit fucking hard with this pounding inside my damn skull.”

  A door opens as a little old lady wearing a pink nurse’s uniform walks in. Oh fuck, I hope this isn’t the nut home. That would be a tad too amusing if he’s shipped me off to a psych ward. That would be ONE to Blue and a big fat ZERO to Viper, the douche bag. I knew he couldn’t handle my fucked up!

  “You’re awake, dear. I’m so pleased, I was starting to worry that they gave you too much.” Patting my arm, she peers into my eyes, checking for what I don’t know. Lifting up my arm she dabs some liquid over the tiny needle holes that seems to graze my arms like the stars in the night sky. “You will see that I have dressed you in the attire that’s needed for you tonight dear.”

  Confused, I pull my eyes from her graceful face and my mind from the rambling thoughts of where this woman is from and why she is caught up with this lot. I see what I have on, and I choke on the bile that rises in my mouth from the sight of me lying so white and cold against the crisp bed with black binds; the red of the bra and panties really pops in here.

  “Like fuck” I snap out shaking my head as my good Angel passes the fuck out and the bad one sits there filing her damn nails.

  “Oh dear, I think it’s best for you and your safety that you do as you're told from now on out, you have caused quite a stir in here of late. It’s not good for a lady to be defiant.” Her tone is as smooth as silk. My eyes bulge out as the vein pops in my forehead and I see red!

  “A lady do I look like a fucken lady to you love? Um no I’m not I don’t do what I’m told, never have never will and I sure as shit won’t be starting now.” Turning my head over to where she has moved to, I see then the one thing my body craves but my soul is begging not to be let back in, shaking my head I start screaming out a sharp shrill, “NO, NO please DON’T,” as she walks over, pushing the plunger up and the fake love and forced allusion spills out from the tip of the needle making my mouth salivate as I know how good it tastes.

  “Now, now dear it will be ok, I gave you a choice. You chose to snap back, so this is the only way the men can get you to do as you're told. This is the way it has to be.” Gripping my arm, she ties the rubber strap around it as she slaps a finger over to raise a vein. “Please, please don’t do this, please,” I’m begging. “I’ll do, I’ll do whatever they want just don’t fill my body with that! No more I can’t take any more.”

  Tsking me, she looks over with the look of fake love in her eyes. “Darling you had your chance, and we both know that you won’t, you're far too strong-willed to bow down, I did want to try though,” she says smoothly like a hot cocoa on a winter’s day.

  “BITCH” my bad angel spits. My thoughts exactly. Thrashing my head and body, pulling hard on the binds till I feel them bite into my skin, hissing air through my teeth, I pull harder pushing down the burning sting of skin breaking as I try with all I have to pull free. “I’ll stab you in the fucking throat with that if you bring it near my arm, lady, don’t think I fucking won’t.”

  Laughing she throws her head back. “Darling, we both, know that’s not going to happen, maybe I shall give you two vials? One of coke and one of heroin. That will put out your damn fight long enough for the men and their activities they have planned for you this evening.”

  My eyes bulge out from
my head. “That amount will fucking kill me! Like hell, you're doing that.” I spit at her pulling with all my might. One hand snaps free, and the hot surge of ripped flesh hits all of my senses as she slams the first needle into my vein. I feel the pop of skin, and the surge of coke as it hits my bloodstream. Instantly I’m awash with the feeling of nothing but floating. Dangling my free arm from the bed I wiggle my fingers a little, keeping my eyes on her as she turns to grab the next vial. Slowly I bring my hand over to the other, pulling on the binds, releasing my other hand, I sit up. She turns as the movement catches her eye and a small gasp escapes her lips as I bring my arm up and around her neck, snaking her body into mine. I grab the needle with the other hand and slam that fucker into the main vein in her neck. She goes limp in my arms and, as her eyes pop out, a strangled scream leaves her body. I drop her to the ground, she’s done. Breathing in and out fast and heavy I blink back the fuzz filling my eyes, wishing for the drugged lace to pass, not to wash over me. I need a clean mind to get the fuck out of here and fast.

  Untying my ankles, I step down from the bed, wobbling a little. Bracing myself, I step over little miss pink searching the tin tray and cupboards for a counter drug to help clear this wrilling coke infused haze. Nothing. I can't find anything but drugs. Stepping on my tip toes I slip over to the door, cracking it open a bit. I look out up and down the hallway, no-one is in sight. Now how the fuck do I get out of here? Which way do I go? Playing ‘Eeny meenie miny mo.’ I land on the right. I feel my heart

  rate spike as the blood thumps in my ears. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I feel sick, hot, clammy and thoroughly wasted. Trying as hard as I can to walk at a quick pace, my body fails me. The mixture of adrenaline and coke has me wobbling, pinging from one wall to another, like a damn ping pong ball. I hear voices coming from somewhere in front of me, or behind me. I’m unsure. My eyes glassy with the fuzz of a drug my body wants to dance with, but my mind does not want to.

  “Just ride it out. Relax. Enjoy the buzz.” My evil angel slurs out looking to my right shoulder where the good one usually sits with pure disbelief on her face. But the bitch is passed the fuck out. Great! You’re no help. I push past the desire to dance. I need out! I need air. I’m walking close to a fire I can feel it, I hear the voice I’ve come to seek in the dark.

  “Turn left, Blue, then right take the second door.”

  Doing as she says with a smile forming, I can taste it! Freedom! It’s a door away. Pushing the door open, I fall through leaning up against the inside trying to catch my breath. I hear footsteps on the other side stomping down the hall. The familiar voice greets my ears, my skin crawls at the sound. Angel is coming to me, standing in front of me with an Angel army flanking her sides. He’s coming RUN, Blue, RUN now!”

  Just like that the door slams open. Screaming I run for the stairwell taking two at a time. I fall misjudging the steps and the cold metal stabs into my kneecaps. Yelping at the pain I scramble to my feet just as he grabs me from the base of my skull. “Junkie love” he spits out. “Where you off to darling?”

  Pulling me back, the pain of my hair ripping out from my scalp has tears welling in my eyes, I can’t let him take me back. It’s fight time. Flinging my hand up to my bun I pull my blade down through the tight mess, flicking the blade out spinning on my heel, I look deep into his eyes. “Me?” I ask. “Well, I’m fucken out!”

  “Baby you’re not going anywhere,” he laughs. “I haven’t even started to punish you, yet we are just warming up.”

  I square my shoulders, blade held firm in my sweating palm. “Consider this my fucken notice.” Slamming my blade into his gut and pulling it out, I slice it down the side of face and to his throat all the way to his collarbone. He falls back down the stairs a look of pure horror laced with rage in his eye, blowing him a kiss I run up the stairs.

  Once at the top, I look down to the trail of blood and where he should be but he’s gone. Looking around frantically, I panic, the blade still in my hand. Shutting it I put it back in my hair, breathing in and out through my nose nice, pushing my way through the door the bright daylight hits me hard, my eyes burning with the intensity, slam shut. Cracking them open bit by bit, I try to adjust to the sharp rays until slowly I have them open all the way. I try to see where I am. I’m on a roof. A fucking roof! Are you kidding me? Looking over the side I see bikes and cars everywhere, and a consent thump, thump of music, laughter and voices. I round the edge of the building looking down here I can see into the complex below through the glass roof. The whole building is surrounded by glass and I can see the entire place. It’s just a glass cube with a stage that wraps all the way around these men sitting at tables in the middle, clear perspex cages hold dancing women. Sliding down to my knees I breathe in What the fuck do I do? What is this place?

  I can’t get down this way. I’m going to have to go back the way I came and find a new way out. Backing away from the ledge I move back over to the door. So many things are swimming around in my head and, before I can even pull the door, it slams open. smacking me square in the face. “AHHHH!” I scream out. Stunned I stumble back, shaking my head trying to peer out through squinted, watering eyes that are not only still hazy from the coke but now glassed over with water. “FUCK,” I hiss out, wiping my eyes. I catch the guy coming at me and I duck. I round back on him laying my heel into the back of his knee he falls forward.

  “Fucken bitch.” He spits out, flying back around with his fists up.

  I laugh at him. “Hit me with your best shot fuck bag.” I roar, anger pumping through my body.

  Looking at me with hate in his eyes he laughs flying at me with a right hook and then a left. Stepping back, I miss the right but get clipped with the left, my reflexes are a bit off from the coke swirling in my blood. Regaining in my footing I step to the side as he comes at me again, whirling my fist around I clock him around the back of his head, I follow him as he lurches forward then I finish with a knee to the jaw and a jab to the guts, falling to his knees this is my chance I whip out my knife lunging the blade at him aiming for his neck. He flicks the dirt and sand up into my eyes I’m blinded it stings and burns my eyes, water caking like shit, rubbing them I trip losing my footing, stumbling I feel him punching me in the stomach, then his fist hits my face. I feel my body falling backwards, hitting my head hard on the ground it snaps back up to be greeted once again by the forceful blow of his rage popping my eye socket. I feel the crunch of knuckle breaking bone, another one hits me in the nose which snaps back, blood spilling from it down my face, the warmth hitting the sides of my neck as it runs down. His laugh vibrates through me as he straddles my body. The do or die adrenaline courses through me. Pushing down deep past the pain and blood I wipe my ankles and leg up wrapping it around his torso. I flick him hard and fast, catching him off guard he falls taking my body with him using his body weight to pop us both over. I flick up on his back getting him in a chock hold, squeezing with all I have I feel the sharp intake of air he tries to squeeze through his windpipe that I’m restricting. I feel him waver under me, tightening my grip I wiggle my body to gain more leverage on his throat, before he can pass out I see two new guys approaching us with Viper right behind them limping, a bandage tied around his neck and stomach blood spots seeping through. I do not show them my fear, instead I smile at my handy work.

  “Boys how nice to see you,” I smile out at them.

  “Always so smart, junkie love.” Viper pushes out, the pain dominant in his features.

  “I aim to please.” Looking him dead in the eyes, I whip my arm and with a quick snap of my wrist and a devilish look at Viper I snap my hostage’s neck, pushing his now lifeless body from mine I flick the strand of hair that has slipped from my bun over my face. Standing, I curl my finger as a gesture to the men to come at me.

  “Who’s next.” I mock. Raising my eyebrow, I look them over. They both look at Viper who barks, “Knock her ass out then bring her down to the red room. She will learn her fucken les
son this time, don’t let her escape!”

  Smiling at him I kick up some dust, side stepping and spinning round I jump up and lay a haymaker right on Viper’s chin. Landing I spin back round to fight off the ugly mugs coming at me, fists up and ready. Lurching forward I slam my fist into one cheek before pulling back. I’m heading for the other when I’m caught off guard by the splitting pain kissing my temple as cold steel whips into me. I feel the trickle of blood graze the side of my face as the light begins to fade, the sky spins above me. All I hear as I fall is. “I always win, junkie love. Fill her up with a mix of both; she will dance tonight.”

  “She lusts for a saint, yet she bleeds for a sinner,

  Dancing in red for you see, I am the winner.”

  I hear him saying this over and over above me as I swim inside this sweet wonderland not wanting to leave, it is warm in here, soft and delightful. I float and don’t feel a thing. Not even the cold calloused hands of this snake. Tonight they don’t make my skin crawl nor does the potent tang of his whiskey laced lips bring up bile from my stomach. For tonight I’m oblivious to all that is surrounding me, for he and his merry men have broken through and claimed my soul with the kiss of drug-laced needles. In both arms they filled my veins to the point of delusion, hysteria, and peace, for I am now lost in the sea of souls, living down in her depths of hell feeding off the titbits of coke, heroin and the sweet, sweet, non-vaccine. I’m bleeding from the inside out. I should have killed the scum bag when I had the chance, smiling I look up at him through hooded eyes he’s watching me closely.

  “Junkie love, I see you’re free.”

  Sliding down the side of the wall into a jelly-like state I look back over to him and his man with the skull mask. “Free... mmmm for how long?” The man with the skull mask picks me up looking back over at Viper. A snap of light pierces my eyes blurring my vision as a camera sound snaps, popping in my head like a wine bottle cork, mmm wine why do I want wine?


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