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Fractured Promises (Reapers Reign, #2)

Page 32

by Maree, Aleisha


  “I have died a thousand times waiting for someone like you to walk into my life, an angel brang you to me, in my darkest times, and you stayed, you fought, you loved, you seen past my attitude, my walls, my tears, screams and drama. You stayed no matter what got thrown your way. I am one step closer to falling to the edge of the darkest abyss and you’re there always. You’re the sunlight in the shadows, you’re the reason to my doubt, the good to my evil, you dance with my demons and they don’t scare you, you love me flaws, scars and all so yes, yes you crazy ass man I’ll marry you. I’ll be in your corner forever, I’ll fight this battle known as life with you always, but I need to tell you just what the lady in red is, but not here, not now. I want to just dance in this dream that seems to be coming true with you, with this in our own piece of heaven.”

  He pulls me down to him I willingly fall into his strong arms, his scent washes over me as he wipes the tears from my cheek with the pad of his thumb. I do the same to his catching the tear that runs down from his eye with my index finger. Bringing his face into my hands I mouth a quiet but very there, “I love you so much,” he says it right back at me like a mirror. All of a sudden, we a getting showered in the softest white feathers. She has finally shredded her pure white her feathers. Now they are the most amazing gold mixed with black. Looking up I see a smile upon her face sitting on the edge of the moon. Knox is looking to where my eyes are puzzled. I know he can no longer see her. They both had to let go to save her, it’s her time now. She has to try and make it alone in a realm where she is so lost and alone, my heart fractures a little for her after all she has done. She was the voice in the dark keeping me stronger, because she avowed herself to pull me up.

  “You know what,” I say to them both. “I thought that I could do this all alone, but I was wrong I kept falling down and crying out to no one at all, but you were there. I never wanted you there, I wanted to play tough like I had it all sorted, but you knew I didn’t and it was your love that lifted me up out of that hell. It was your eyes that pulled me back when the fear came in strong, and I had to break down because baby even Superwoman sometimes need Superman's soul.” Pulling his face into mine I look into my man eyes. “It’s your love that lifts me up like helium, always before I hit the ground. I never have to come down with you around.” Resting my head on his shoulder I wink up at Sarah-Jane her white lace and wings slowly dispersing.

  “I’ve got this” I whisper out to her and then just like leaves on the wind, she has floated away forever. She will live in his heart and memory, but now it’s up to me to love him with all I have, demons and all. Falling back with me in his arms, kissing me long and hard, our tears mix with the sweetness of our kiss. The sun sets, turning the sky to a beautiful deep blood orange. I look up to the wisteria just as the tiny little fairy lights turn on.

  “What the hell” I say shocked, looking at him chuckling. “Magic baby. Man of many talents, remember.” Winking he sits up placing me on the grass, as he stands he offers me his hand to pull me up and onto the bench seat. He opens the champagne as I notice the plaque,

  In the sweetest memory of the ones that gave us so much to remember.

  For their love, will never die as long as we allow them to walk with us.

  Forever will they be alive in the night’s sky, the sun’s rays, the wind’s whisper and most of all our hearts.

  With love, be free xo

  By this stage I’m a mess crying and snotting all over the show, passing me a napkin, I realize he really has thought of it all. Leaning back into his arms, they wrap around my shoulder. He passes me my glass of champagne and I sip it peacefully looking out over the night coming alive below us. I know that all of our loved ones are watching us, happy that we are on the road to our own happiness. A peacefulness I haven’t felt in ages washes over me, and I know everything is going to be all right in time.

  “Baby you have made me the happiest man alive, please don’t ever lock yourself away or leave me it’s too hard when you’re not there.” He pleads. Running my fingers in circles over his thigh I nuzzle back into him. “Thank you for wanting me,” I breathe out worried that he still may wanna run.

  “There is never any question or doubt in how much I want you Blue, you’re the air in my lungs, the beat in my heart. Life would not be worth watching another sunset without you in it,” his voice is raspy and hot as it grits out over the truth in his words.

  “You are too good for a soul as damaged as mine. I sure as shit won the lottery with you haven’t I. Be warned I am never letting you go.” He pokes me in the ribs and I flinch as I move fast from the shock.

  “Shit sorry baby,” his voice is laced in sadness and hurt that he has pained me.

  “It’s ok baby,” standing I pull him to me.

  “Before we go dance with me.” I ask. He takes my hand bringing it to his lips, he then whispers, “of course, I will for now and always. I will never let our fire burn out I’ll always take you to the edge of our love and back again I shall never not want you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Jumping off the back of his bike I feel so alive. I need to find Lilly ASAP I feel like a teenager, grabbing me around my neck he pulls me into him kissing my head.

  “Ready baby,” he asks. I smile up at him. “Sure, fucking am these club bitches better watch their asses now.” Laughing he pulls me harder into him, kissing my hard and passionately on the lips.

  “Oh firecracker what will I do with you.” Stopping I wink up at him. “Is that a trick question?” I ask, “Coz sex on legs, I got some ideas there and it involves you naked and me with just this cut on!” Wiggling my eyebrows, I laugh at his shocked and stunning face. It feels so good to be laughing with him again. I am starting to feel like my old self again.

  “You’re going to be the death of me Blue-James.” Pinching his ass we walk into the club to the stares and gasps from members and club girls. Sliding my hand into his back pocket, his snakes around my neck tighter, pulling us deeper together. I fell him tense as everyone continues to stare. “You fucking love it.” I say to him. Then I see where his eyes have landed. There is a very strained and stressed looking Pres.


  When we pulled into the compound I couldn’t wipe the smile of my face, seeing her with my ring on her finger filled my heart with love for her and my clubs patch on her shows everyone that she is mine and I am hers. Then we walked into the club and the smile grew as she joked and played with me like she used to. This filled me with hope that she was returning to normal. The moment I laid eyes on Bray I knew now was the time. Bray was coming down from his office above as I wolf whistle to gain everyone’s attention. When all eyes are on us, I spin her around in front of me so they can see just what she is wearing, loud cheers and clapping erupts from all around us. Bray comes down picking her up in his arms, he spins with her squealing out in pain from her busted ribs and excitement. Lilly and Kash walk over from their hidden hole in the club and shit tits, that’s when the real squealing starts. When these two girls get together, shit gets loud. Pulling my twin in for a hug, I hear. “Bout time brother,” his voice is full of pride for he knows just how long I've waited to have this and how fucked I was after I had thought I lost my only chance.

  “You said it Kashie boy, I won’t hurt this one,” slapping my back he kisses my cheek as Bray pulls us apart and engulfs me in a massive brotherly bear hug. “Well fucking done it’s about time some tamed our in-house firecracker,” he then pulls away, calling everyone’s attention.

  “After church, tonight we shall celebrate in true Reapers style, a bonfire and a cookout nothing but the best for our Blue baby. Miss Ginny load us up, it’s a top shelf kinda night.” Yee ha’s breakout, followed by whistles and laughter and I’m engulfed in the back slaps of my brothers and Blue is whisked away by Lilly, looking over her shoulder at me I see her, mouth “I love you.” saying “Ditto.” back to her, I get pulled to the bar. Walking into ch
urch my back is sore from all the slapping, my face is sore from the smiling and throat warmed from the Jack chased by Jim. Pulling out my chair and sitting I wait to see what’s up with our Pres. To be calling church in the middle of the week is a big deal. Arlam walks in not long after Bray, Ghost on his tail. Racking the gavel down, Bray brings church to order,

  “Tonight, I want to talk about the last few weeks’ events and also congratulate Knox on taming our very own firecracker, good luck to you brother you’re going to need it.” The boys all break out in laughter as I lift my drink to my lips. Little do they all know, I will cherish every minute of it. Bray carries on with why we are all here.

  “As you can all see that Arlam is back, welcome home brother it’s been too long,” we all raise our drinks in welcome. I would have to remember to get the scope on Arlam from Blue later.

  “During the time that Blue was taken our security was breached. Since we allowed men in that weren’t true brothers to the Reaper, they were fake little assholes. So we did what we do best and fucken eliminated any threat. They now wear the Reaper on their backs for future reminders never to cross us again. There is going to be retaliation for us sweeping in and taking Blue, and saving half the girls they had as sex slaves. So, we need to be ready for a fucking war. There is also the personal reason you all know that I have with them. I won’t stop at anything until I take from them what they took from me. For now, we play safe, we work hard, train, and be ready. I’m ramping up security for the club, and the women. The club girls are not to leave without two prospects. New men are coming in from Nevada and each wife will now be escorted everywhere and all families are to stay on the compound until further notice. I require four men on each at all times so no one is left alone. No one is safe. We learned that when Blue got taken, right from under our noses. Right here on our home turf, it will not fucking happen again.” His eyes look us all over with nothing in them but hate!

  "Knox, you and Jamie will be running the MMA program here and weapons training will take place with Ghost and Arlam. They will train you in the art of a blade, a sword whatever takes your fancy, we all have our own skill and talent. Be ready, always. I’m cannot stress this enough. We are on fucking lock down, all are to stay at the compound no arguments. Knox I’m putting boys on your Nan and Pa’s place just to be safe, but they are more than welcome to come and stay here too if they so choose. These bastards want a fight and I want a war, this shit is going to be brought to a fucking bloody end and by my club’s hands it shall be final and fatale.”

  Looking at us all he takes a long pull on his bottle of Southern Comfort. I look him in the eyes nodding as he winks at me, I vow to find out just why this is so personal for him, but not now. “Any questions?” he barks out. I speak up “It’s not a question, it’s more of a request. Can I take Blue to her place up at Devils Peak and stay up there? She needs to get away from the place that holds so many demons.” Bray looks around and his eyes land on me.

  After much consideration he finally concedes, knowing that I speak the truth. “Actually that is a solid plan. Arlam, you are to stay at the house with the girl and Lilly as well. Miss Ginny will bring up the other ladies and some of the boys to stay up there and help out. I need the housing on the other side for the new chapter I’m bringing into ours for the carnage that’s about to sweep through here.” Looking around, we all nod our heads. Pulling our drinks up we all cheers one another, and I take a long pull of mine.

  “Right, well it's settled. Let’s get this party started and celebrate our brother. Her selling his soul away to the Celtic goddess who will hold his balls forever in her vice-like grip.” Laughter rings out around me as I look at them all. “Well, the Devil has my soul, but she took my balls the minute I laid eyes on her.” Slapping my back, Bray laughs. “Let’s get fucked up, we all need it.”

  Walking out of the church, the party is well and truly in full swing. There are club girls everywhere, all over the brother’s dicks, laps, and faces. Shaking my head and raising my glass, I head out to find my old lady. My old lady, I like the sound of that. Heading to the bonfire, I hear her before I see her. The sweet bubble of her laugh is the most intoxicating thing I have ever heard. She is sitting around talking and laughing with Lilly wrapped in her arms. Kash is opposite them watching Lilly like a hawk. This boy will start training this week in weapons and women. Wrapping my hands over her eyes, I lean down to her ear.

  “Don’t you ever stop laughing, I fucking love that sound.” Pulling her hands up to my fingers, I hear the hitch in her breathing and the quiver in her breath, “For as long as I have you, I’ll always laugh.”

  Slipping my hands under her armpits, I pull her up as I step over the log. Sitting down, I place her on my lap. As Lilly gets up and grabs me a beer from the bucket, I sit back down next to Kash. Wrapping my free hand around my lady, pulling her in nice and tight I kiss her back before I glance up at the sky. I see the star that’s always the brightest, smiling. I bring my beer to my lips and join in the easy conversation around the fire with the family that always has my back. Looking around from her to my brother, I smile. “So Kash, how’s things been going?” I wiggle my eyebrows in mock humor at him, he’s always so damn shy and quiet. He looks up from the ground and meets my eyes. “You know it’s been going.”

  Laughing I reply, “Well brother, it's not going at all if you ask me.” Blue pinches my thigh.

  “Be nice, leave him alone.” She bites at me. “What are you talking about?” Lilly pipes in. “Oh you know...” I am cut off by Blue stomping on my foot. “Baby, don’t be so mean.” I laugh, looking around her shoulder into her eyes. I am happy to see the fire returning. “Well, shut up then. Before I make you regret what you're about to say.” She spits out oooh this woman sets my dick on fire. “OH baby, you always have the sweet threats. You’re a woman after my heart.” I smile at her as my dick twitches underneath her sweet ass.

  “It’s not a threat, it’s a promise. Let him do it in his own time.” She says. I know she is right but shit it's fun teasing him. "Fine, be a party pooper then.” I pout at her, but she soon as me smiling again. “You know what? You're my favorite pain in the ass.” Leaning up, I kiss the back of her neck. "Baby you’re so wild. You’re like a storm and I love storms because they let me know that even the sky screams sometimes. And you, baby girl, are my very own storm in a teacup.” Sending sweet nips and butterflies kisses all over the back of her neck, I feel her shudder. “Well I’m glad I’m your storm. You're my lighting, but if you kiss my neck like that again, I’m not responsible for what happens next.”


  Snuggling down into him I look around at the love here. While I waited for Knox I sat with Lilly and heard about what had happened while I was gone, it was insane. It makes you really question who you can trust. Just then Knox joins us and I laugh as he teases his brother. Then he called me his storm and started kissing my neck. I was lost. Pulling my lip into my teeth I lay my head back on his shoulders as he runs his fingers up the outside of my thigh and butt, before kissing my neck again and biting down on the flesh; causing shivers run out over me. Wrapping my hand around the back of his neck I pull his hair into my fingers as I feel his length grow harder against my ass. Running my tongue over my bottom lip I pull it into my teeth once more, knowing exactly what it does to him, as I slip my other hand under me to his crotch, unzipping the fly of his jeans. I push my fingers through to meet the hot flesh of his cock so eager for me. “Blue!” His voice is a quake but filled with shock

  “Mmmm-hmmm” Is all I can manage as I feel the velvety length of him in my hands.

  "What are you doing?” He questions me like he doesn’t know me at all.

  “I told you I wouldn’t be held responsible for what happens next. You kissed my neck and well, this is happening. I’ll make you come, sitting here in front of everyone, it’s my turn to make you feel alive baby. You said you liked storms and like you already pointed out I am one.” Laughing, I wiggle my as
s as I pump my fingers over his hard shaft, growling in my ear he sends the hottest flush over my body. It’s electric. I want him so bad, but even more I want to push him, push the boundaries of us.

  “You’re so evil baby, you get me so hot and I fucken love it.”

  Pumping harder and faster I squeeze his cock hard, feeling him tense in my hand; knowing that I’m about to be his undoing here in front of everyone. His breath hisses against me as he bites down on my shoulder. Tensing, I pull faster, harder, pumping and rolling my fingers around his shaft to the beat of the music and the chatter of people. Leaning back, I push down hard on him as I pump and ride his cock through my jeans. His bite intensifies on my shoulder. I lean back into him, turning my head slightly so I can take his mouth and muffle the sound of his relief. I feel him let go in my hand, I feel the pumping of his cock as the warmth of his cum hits my hands, acting as a nice sheen of lubricant so I can bleed the last of his orgasm from him. Pulling my hand from his crotch I pull up his zipper, wiping my fingers on the inside of his top. We sit there looking out over the club and the party that was thrown for us. The sad silhouette of Bray, over by the edge of the other fire makes my heart sad.

  Looking at Knox, I whisper, “I’ll be back baby, I’m just going to see Bray.” I jump up and grab a beer from the bucket. Looking back, I give him a wink as he adjusts himself. I giggle. I love that look of arousal mixed with excitement, shyness, and release that covers his face. Pushing through the crowd of club members and the club girls who are now allowed out to mingle since the old ladies have all gone home, I make my way to Bray. I wrap my arms around my brother from another mother. “What’s got your face looking so dark?”


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