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If I Can Dream (Hell Yeah!)

Page 14

by Sable Hunter

  “Okay. I believe you.” For the rest of the evening, she put herself in his hands. He left nothing out. Before they ate, someone escorted her to a lounge where she changed into a tea length gown. What he’d told her almost made her cry. “I want to keep your wedding dress perfect.”

  “I’ll probably never wear it again.” The truth seemed sad.

  “Oh, yes.” He gave her a solemn nod. “I’ve been thinking. When we go to The Highlands, after Thunder-hawk is up and going, I want to marry you again in front of my family.” Ten traced her lips gently with the pad of his thumb. “We’ll be one of those couples who renew their vows on their fiftieth anniversary.”

  Molly’s smile lit up his world.

  “I’d marry you over and over again.”

  After their meal of lobster and prime rib, the chef brought out a decadent two layer personal wedding cake. When Ten cut into it, he fed Molly a big bite, then kissed the icing from her lips. “What flavor?” he asked.

  “Raspberry?” She licked her lips.

  “Let me see.” Instead of taking a bite, he layered his lips across hers, tangling their tongues. “Yep, raspberry. I think.” Ten went back in for another taste. “Good, but not nearly as sweet as you.”

  Molly was enchanted, captivated. “Can we go to our room now? I want to make love to my husband,” she whispered.



  To some women the word might seem old-fashioned, outdated. Even a little silly maybe. Whomever those unlucky, deprived women were – they had never been on a honeymoon with Tennessee McCoy. And they would never get a chance…

  “You’re mine, all mine, cowboy.” She stood in their suite, her beautiful dress already off and laid carefully over a chair. With eagerness, she was helping him off with his tux, undoing buttons and French cuffs. It wasn’t the easiest thing, since he was busy kissing her. Teasing. Tasting, tickling her lips with the tip of his tongue. When she would ease away to maneuver a piece of his clothing, he would nip her bottom lip. By the time she had him halfway undressed, she was panting with want.

  “You got that right and you’re wearing the ring that proves it.” His lips left a fiery trail from her mouth, along her cheek to the sexy hollow just below her ear. An excited little gasp slipped from her lips when he began to suck, the erotic sensation triggering a tingling sensation in her nipples that shot straight to her clit, making her instantly wet.

  “I’ll buy you a ring soon.” Needing more, she rubbed against him, weaving her fingers in his long dark hair.

  “You’ve put your brand on me,” he growled. Never had he wanted anything more than he did this woman. She was so soft to the touch, the scent of her becoming familiar and dear. And she wasn’t quiet in her loving, the little moans and whimpers she made drove him mad with need. He could already feel his cock jerking to get inside of her. Damn, he had to get control. This was his honeymoon! He had to show her some of that stamina he bragged so much about.

  As if conspiring against him, her little hands slid from his hair to his chest and she pushed him down to the bed, falling to her knees in front of him. “I want to brand you here.” She placed her lips over his heart and kissed him. When she moved over to flick her tongue around his nipple, he jumped, whispering her name. “Molly McCoy.”

  Molly McCoy. God, that sounded so good. As he undid her bra, she slid one hand down his abs and scored the material over his cock. “Let’s get you out of these pants.” At her suggestion, he laid back while she worked at his slacks, getting rid of the belt. “You’re so big and hard, I’m afraid I’ll catch you in the zipper.”

  “Let me help.” He undid his pants, then lifted his hips while she pulled them and his underwear down. When everything got hung on his boots, they got the giggles. “So much for my finesse.”

  Wrapping both hands around his cock, she luxuriously pumped him up and down, rubbing her palms around him. “Any man with a cock this big and beautiful doesn’t need finesse.”

  Tennessee laughed. “I’ll take that as a compliment.” He sat up, cupping the back of her head, bringing his face near hers. “Just look at you.” He took in her passion glazed sky blue eyes, the bee-stung pink lips. “You are so beautiful.” Pulling her up in the bed with him, he removed her bra, anxious to feel those full firm tits of hers mashed against his chest. “Do you want me as much as your nipples say you do?” They were pebbled tight as she rubbed them back and forth over his chest.

  “More.” Molly gasped as the hair on his pecs rasped against her nipples. “I’m trembling for you.” As if to prove her point, she sat up, one leg on each side of his hips, arching her back and scrubbing her pussy directly over his cock.

  “I love this little scrap of lace.” He tugged on her panties. “But they have got to go.”

  Laughing she fell forward so he could push them down and over her hips. He was busy doing that, but he got distracted…her breasts were hanging in his face. “Mercy me.” Heavy, large, juicy. “Hold on…I can’t resist. Scoot up, I want to feel you touching me all the way up and down.” When she stretched on him, skin to skin, he almost came right then and there. Using both hands, he pushed her tits together, kissing his way from one nipple to the other, catching a swollen tip between his lips and sucking. He feasted at her breasts until she was moaning, undulating her hips on top of him. “Christ, honey,” he groaned.

  Rolling her to the side, he kept sucking but he slid a hand down until his fingers found her wet swollen pussy. Molly whimpered, riding his hand as he massaged round and around her throbbing clit. “Oh, Ten, I love you so.” She loved him so much, it scared the heck out of her. At least she didn’t have to hold back, she could tell him just what she felt anytime she wanted to. The most awesome and unbelievable part was that he loved her too.

  “You’re so wet, so hot and ready for me.”

  Pushing her lower body closer, Molly lifted one leg to hook over his thighs. Her insides grew wet with a hungry longing, demanding relief. Reaching between them, she guided the head of his cock to the well of her vagina and rolled her hips. “Fuck me, husband.”

  Tennessee’s response was one long, hard thrust into her body that caused Molly to close her eyes and gasp. He filled her so perfectly. She placed one hand on his strong throat and looked into his eyes. Ten held her gaze, seeming to see into her very soul, Molly trembled, the moment was so intimate she wanted to cry. He knew her, knew where she came from, what she wasn’t – and he still wanted her, he still loved her. Tears began to form as deep, heart-tugging emotions almost overwhelmed her.

  “Why are you crying, Molly-mine?” Ten asked, then tensed. “Am I hurting you?”

  She sniffed, tightening her leg around him and pushing closer. “No, I’m happy.” Molly squeezed his cock with the muscles of her sheathe.

  “I’m happy too. You’re so beautiful, so precious.” His mouth skimmed down her throat as he praised her. Slowly he flexed his hips, pumping in and out. This wasn’t a taking or a possession. This was making love in its finest form – exquisite kisses and caresses. She arched her back, pushing her tits up invitingly. He bent his head and toyed a nipple with his tongue while he fucked her. When aroused, her nipples were ripe and succulent. He took his fill.

  She moaned his named and he felt ten feet tall. No woman had ever enjoyed his touch this much. None had ever been so responsive to him. The knowledge that it was his wife who craved his touch was an aphrodisiac. Molly belonged to him. No man would touch her but him. His lips would be the only ones to kiss her. No one would lay between her thighs but him. There would be no one but him suckling her breast or coaxing whimpers from her lips. The sweet cream of her arousal was his reward.

  The way her hands moved over his body, the way her hips bucked beneath his – the way her sweet pussy clenched around his cock – all of those things told him how hungry she was for him. She was his wife.

  Keeping their intimate connection, Tennessee held her close and sat up, bringing her with him. She was now as
traddle his lap, her arms around his neck. She buried her face against his chest and rode him. Ten’s hands were free to caress and rub. She was his own personal paradise. “I’m never letting you go, Molly. Never.”

  “I don’t want you to.” As she worked herself up and down his cock, the pleasure was so intense she thought she’d faint. And when one of his hands wedged in between them and he found her clit, teasing, circling – it was just too much. Her whole world exploded, the only thing she could hold onto was him and the bliss he gave her. She cried, the ecstasy was perfect. Over and over her body shook with pleasure.

  “Mine,” he growled as he held her hips and thrust upward, his mouth feasting at her breasts. Ten’s control snapped, his dick jerked inside her, bathing her walls with his seed.

  Molly held him tight as he shuddered in her arms. “Yes, I’m yours. And you are mine.”


  Heaven on earth. Tennessee had heard that term all of his life. But until Molly, until he knew the bliss of becoming one with her, he had no idea what the phrase really meant. During their first night as man and wife, they slept in one another’s arms, waking only so he could make love to her again, murmuring warm, sweet words to her, words that made her heart jump for joy. When they awoke, he ordered breakfast in bed, feeding her bites of strawberries and pastry. He told her of his brother, and she insisted he check on him.

  While he was calling Austin, Molly took the time to phone Carlos and Paul. After a moment of conversation, she was relieved to find out Paul was at home and doing well. Stepping back into the room, she found Ten still talking.

  Seeing Molly return, he patted the bed. She came to his side and sat close to him, staying while he learned how the surgery had gone. After talking to a groggy Jaxson, a worried Heath came on the phone and told Ten there had been complications.

  “When they first put Jax under, he was allergic to the anesthesia. We almost lost him.”

  “My God. Is he okay?”

  Heath cleared his throat. “Well, that depends on how you look at it. He has to undergo surgery again. So, they’re going to try a different anesthesia. We’re all worried.”

  “I’m worried too.”

  Molly listened and saw the frown come to Tennessee’s face.

  “You’ve got your priorities, Ten. We’ll be here with Jaxson. They’re going to have to do a bone graft. Your brother will be on crutches for a while.”

  “I’ll be there for him.” Tennessee stated flatly, hating the censure in Heath’s voice. Finally, he hung up with a promise to call in again.

  “I think you need to go, Ten. This is important,” Molly said, placing her hand on his shoulder.

  “This is our honeymoon, Molly.” He protested, loving her for caring enough to suggest it. “I want this time to be a dream come true for you.”

  “It has been, and I don’t intend for this honeymoon to ever be over. We have our whole lives to be together. But you need to go check on your brother now.” Cradling his head in her hands, she gave him a kiss. “Let’s check out early, you catch a plane home and I’ll drive your truck back to Alpine.”

  “Come with me,” he said abruptly, his eyes roving over her face.

  She looked a little confused. “You might have to be gone for more than just a couple of days, I don’t have that much vacation.”

  “Quit your job,” he suggested out of the blue.

  Molly’s heart jumped. “You want me to quit?”

  “Of course,” he smiled. “You’re my wife. Part of my life is in the heart of Texas. One day, if Thunder-hawk becomes a reality, we might have a house here in West Texas. But we’ll always have a place at The Highlands.”

  She nodded. “It’s your home.”

  Tennessee took her hands. “No, you’re my home.”

  Smiling at him, Molly sighed. “As long as I’m with you, I don’t care where we live.” Turning one of his hands over in hers, she traced the lines on his palm. “I still think I should go back to Alpine. I’d like to give two weeks’ notice.”

  Tennessee looked sad but resigned. “I guess that’s only right. Mr. Hunt has been kind to us both.”

  “You’re a good man, Mr. McCoy.” She touched his ring finger. “I plan on buying you a ring. I want everyone to know you’re taken.”

  “I’d love that,” he admitted, touching the one on her own finger. “I wanted our wedding to be special for you.”

  She smoothed the front of his shirt, petting him. “Oh, Ten, it has been. When you return, we’ll pick up right where we left off. But your family needs you now, and you need to get there faster than you can by driving. You can think some more about your bid while you’re on the flight.”

  Ten smiled. “You’ve got this all worked out.” He paused to think. “Okay. I’ll go, but it will be a fast trip. I don’t want to spend one more moment away from you than I have to.”

  * * *

  Twenty-four hours later, Molly was at home in her trailer and lonelier than she had ever been. She’d gotten home late yesterday, waiting by the phone until Tennessee called her from the hospital. When he did, she could hear the relief in his voice. Jaxson’s surgery had been a success and he’d been there when his brother woke up. He’d told her he was returning to Alpine that night, but she’d talked him into waiting another day to make sure everything was okay. While they were talking, she could hear voices in the background. His whole family had rallied together. Molly found herself feeling slightly jealous.

  Since she’d already scheduled the day off, Molly used the time to clean her trailer. If she and Ten would be living there for a bit, she wanted it to be a place he could feel comfortable.

  She hummed as she worked, giving the kitchen a good mopping. A tap on the door surprised her, but when she opened the door, a woman stood there with a huge bouquet of red roses.

  “Molly Reyes?”

  “Yes.” Her eyes bugged out at the huge arrangement.

  “These are for you.”

  She took them, stopping to bury her head in the fragrant blooms before getting her purse and handing the woman a tip. “Thank you so much.”

  Once she was alone, Molly ran to the flowers, her heart about to burst. “Tennessee, you are such a romantic.” After the dream wedding he’d given her, she wouldn’t put anything past him. She searched for a card, but there was none to be found. “Hmmmm.” And then she remembered, the woman had asked for Molly Reyes, not Molly McCoy.


  Up in Austin, Tennessee had his own problems.

  “I can’t believe you got married without us.” Pepper pouted, staring out the window of Jaxson’s hospital room.

  “Don’t give your brother such a hard time.” Christian spoke from his wheelchair by the door. “He’s a grown man.”

  “I just wish he’d acted like a grown-up instead of an impulsive kid.” Heath snorted, making the rest of his siblings shift uncomfortably in their chairs.

  Fury rose in Tennessee. Since he’d returned, Heath had been relentless in his criticism. If things didn’t change, there was no way he would bring Molly home to meet them. He wouldn’t subject her to his brother’s snide comments. Rising, he looked at Heath. “Could I talk to you outside?”

  “I wish you two wouldn’t fight,” Jaxson muttered weakly.

  “We’re not going to fight,” Heath assured him. “It takes two to do that, and I’m not interested in expending that much energy.”

  “Please, stay, both of you.” Ryder stood, blocking their path. Even Philip rose, looking toward his father for direction.

  “Let them go,” Christian said, folding his hands in his lap. “They need to work this out for themselves.”

  Heath held the door while Ten walked through it. They were roughly the same size, but Ten had always deferred to his brother, him being the oldest. Waiting until they were in the stairwell, Tennessee listened to the ring of their boots on the stairs before he spoke. “I know you’re disappointed in me, but you don’t know Molly.”
  “You didn’t give any of us a chance to know her before you up and married her.”

  “I followed my heart, something Mom always taught us to do.” Tennessee said in his defense.

  Stepping out into the sunshine, Heath held the stairwell door open. “I guess you didn’t even think about a pre-nup did you?”

  “A pre-nup?” Ten couldn’t believe his ears. “Molly and I are never going to divorce, we won’t need a pre-nup!”

  Heath got right in Ten’s face and Ten had to clench his fists to keep from pushing him back. “I thought I knew Amy, but I didn’t. You don’t know this woman any better. Zane’s going to recommend that you get her to sign one and I advise you to talk to her about it. I know you think you know this woman, but you don’t.”

  “You certainly don’t know her, you can’t judge!”

  “I know women.” Heath spat out.

  Tennessee bristled. He didn’t really want to argue with his brother right now. “I don’t know, I’ll think about it. Tell Jaxson I’ll call.” Ten looked at Heath with narrowed eyes. “And I’ll be home in a week or two with my bride. And I expect you to treat her with respect.”

  “I’m a gentleman, Ten. If she comes, I’ll make her welcome.” Heath let out a long breath. “But I’m afraid it won’t be a month or two before I’ll be telling you ‘I told you so’.”

  * * *

  Molly stood at the welcome desk at the spa, entering information into the computer. So far, she was the first one to arrive. She didn’t know why she was nervous, people gave notice on their jobs every day. Besides, she had something more important to think about. Tennessee was on his way back and tonight she’d be in his arms again. Nothing else mattered.

  With a smile, she checked her text messages. The last one she’d received, he was on the road and would be here before she got off this afternoon. Hearing the front door open, she slipped her phone into the top drawer. It was against the rules to be on the phone or social media during work hours. Raising her head, she expected to see Selma.


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