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If I Can Dream (Hell Yeah!)

Page 25

by Sable Hunter

  More squeals.

  “Oh, we can make some clothes, but we’re also going to go shopping!” Pepper announced with determination.

  * * *

  Tennessee pounded his pillow, trying to get comfortable. Today had been rough. Lying on his stomach, he grasped the headboard and pulled himself up in the bed, dragging his poor strutted cock across the 300 count Egyptian cotton sheets. His manhood was so sensitive, the bed linens felt like they were made of burlap.

  Molly was everywhere he looked. Yesterday had been bad enough, taking her to the doctor and seeing their child, watching her face light up with love and knowing that nothing would be as they’d dreamed.

  Later he’d found her walking across the Highlands with Philip, causing a wave of envy to nearly eat him alive. And then last night, he’d succumbed to the need to touch her.

  God in heaven….just the memory of his hands sliding over her body made him groan. “Fuck!”

  And today – she’d wound Jaxson as tightly around her finger as she had Philip and that bellowing little bull. If that wasn’t bad enough, he’d come into the house only to find her laughing and cutting up with his sisters as they cut out a pattern for this onesie no bigger than a potholder.

  All of this wasn’t the end of his torture. Molly chose to eat her meals with the family. The only reticent ones at the table had been him and Heath – for entirely different reasons. Given time, he had no doubt she’d win his older brother over. But what the hell was he supposed to do?

  This was a woman who’d turned her back on their marriage vows, who’d allied herself with his enemy. So why was he lying here aching for her with every breath he breathed?

  Rolling over, he placed an arm over his eyes, seeking to calm his mind enough to go to sleep. And that’s when he heard it…

  “No! No!” Molly cried as she raced toward the edge of the cliff. “Please, mama, please.”

  Her mother stood at the precipice overlooking the ribbon of river below. Black clouds rolled over the mountains. A storm was coming, the wind carried Molly’s voice away. She ran as fast as she could, screaming, crying. But just before she reached the edge, her mother went over the side. “No!”

  With eyes blinded by tears, Molly almost plunged into the darkness herself. She went to her knees, grasping for her mother’s hand as she clung to the jagged rocks. “Give me your hand, Mama!”

  “No, I will pull you over, Mollina.”

  Molly reached out, wrapping her small hand around her mother’s wrist, futilely attempting to pull her to safety

  But she couldn’t.

  As the thunder rolled and the lightning lit up the sky, Molly’s mother lost her grip and fell to the depths below.

  When Tennessee heard Molly crying out, he couldn’t be still if his life depended on it. Jumping up, he ran to the bathroom. Finding the connecting door locked, he hurried out into the hall. He knew she had bad dreams, she’s had them before when they were together. But never this bad. Flipping on a bedside lamp, he came to the edge of the bed. “Molly, Molly, it’s okay.”

  Pain and loss paralyzed Molly. The agony of losing her mother mixed with the sorrow of losing Tennessee. When she opened her eyes and saw him sitting beside her, the need to be in his arms surpassed her inhibitions. “I had a bad dream.” She reached for him.

  And he caught her. “Molly…”

  “Hold me, Ten. Just for a while.”

  Tennessee eased her down with him, covering her body protectively with his. “You’re all right. Everything is okay.”

  He was wrong. Everything wasn’t okay. He didn’t love her. He would never love her again. But oh how she wanted…she craved...

  Tennessee couldn’t think. She was here in his arms and he could do nothing more than settle more firmly against her, moving his hips until she parted her thighs and made room for him. The feeling was so familiar, he groaned and buried his face in her neck, his lips nuzzling the tender flesh.

  He kissed her cheek, her chin, her jaw, moving back down her neck, slipping past her mouth without kissing it even when she turned to seek his lips with hers. Molly didn’t understand, but she was so into him it didn’t matter.

  All she wore was another pair of those tiny bikini panties and a sleep shirt which had ridden up to just below her breasts. While his hot mouth moved over her shoulders and the tops of her breasts, licking, nibbling, and sucking all the exposed skin he could reach, Molly clasped the back of his head, weaving her fingers in his shaggy dark mane, muffling a moan of pure desire.

  Ten’s hands were busy too, pushing her shirt up, “raise your arms,” he murmured and she did, enabling him to pull it over her head. He groaned when he was finally able to touch bare skin. When his thumbs found her sensitive nipples, she gasped. Her uninhibited response to his touch made Ten’s cock swell even larger. “I want you, Molly,” he growled in her ear, his hot breath fanning her ear. “God, how I want you.”

  “Tennessee, please,” she begged, not knowing if she was pleading for him to stop or continue. He took it as assent, running his hands inside the front of her panties to cup her heated core. Molly raised her hips and he shucked the panties down and off, returning to find her pussy – petting, rubbing, stroking, pumping two large fingers in and out of her until she was wet and ready for him.

  Molly was trembling with need. Her hands slid to his hips, pushing down the soft cotton briefs until she found what she was looking for, her fingers closing around his shaft. Oh, how she’d missed him. At first she was hesitant, moving her hand up and down, stroking and caressing. But when he moaned, flexing his hips and moving against her, she found a rhythm. “You feel so good,” she whispered, loving the smooth heat, how hard he was, how big.

  “You’re killing me.” Ten came over her, took himself in hand and with a satisfied rumble in his chest, he sank into her soft, wet heat. Molly arched her back, her breath coming in pants as her body accommodated his hardness. It had been so long, he had to work his way in. “Feels damn good.”

  Lifting her legs, Molly wrapped them around his hips. He covered her, looking down into her eyes. She met his gaze, licking her lips. She felt her nipples graze the hair on his chest and her pussy clenched. Unable to be still, she flexed her hips, urging him to move.

  Tennessee hadn’t made love to a woman since Molly, he hadn’t wanted to. Being inside of her again was bittersweet. Closing his eyes, he pulled out slightly, then plunged desperately back in. As she melted into him, he took her, thrusting in and out. In and out.

  The joy of being with Tennessee, the ecstasy of his possession, was all it took for Molly to hurdle over the edge, her voice rising in a passionate cry.

  The spasms of Molly’s powerful orgasm triggered his own. Burying himself to the hilt, Ten threw his head back and bellowed his release. The pulses went on and on as he continued moving in and out. Eventually, he sagged against her, breathing harshly. Her hands moved up and down his back. “Ten,” she whispered, “What did we just do?”

  “I don’t know, but we need to figure it out.” She felt so good in his arms. He’d missed how affectionate she could be, the way she touched him as if he was the most important thing in the world to her.

  He knew he wasn’t… Tennessee closed his eyes as if he was shutting out the thought. The hurt between them was a tangible thing. But they had to overcome it, somehow. What choice did they have? Molly was having his baby. And she needed him.

  As painful as it was, Tennessee was willing to put their past behind them. He didn’t know what that would leave for them, but they would figure it out as they went along. Molly’s anger was a wall between them that he didn’t really understand. She’d betrayed him, not the other way around. Yet, she acted as if she was the victim. Her constant denial of any wrongdoing was a mystery to him. Nevertheless, he was determined that they would start over – someway, somehow.

  She got up and wrapped herself in a sheet. “Do you think we can?”

  “We have to try and work things out for
the sake of our child.”

  The look of fear on her face confused Ten. He’d never hurt her. Yes, he had been angry when he’d discovered what she’d done. But his response had been normal, anyone would have been upset under the same circumstances.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked, not sure he wanted to hear her answer.

  “I’m not sure why you want this.”

  Tennessee stared at her beautiful face. “We have something between us, Molly. I can’t explain that.” He sat up on the side of the bed, facing her. “Why did you do it, Molly? Did he force you? Did he threaten you in some way?”

  “I didn’t do the things you said. None of it ever happened.” How many times would she have to deny it?

  Tennessee looked so sad. He didn’t understand why she couldn’t just admit it. Maybe if she acknowledged what she’d done they could get past it. “I don’t know what we’re going to have to do, Molly. I can’t let you turn your back on this.”

  “You were the one who turned your back on me. Remember?”

  “Will you just give us time?”

  Molly studied his face. He seemed so sincere. Tennessee was the father of her baby and he was being good to her. She knew he had a mental block about Greg O’Neil and somehow she’d got caught in the snare of circumstance. Molly had a choice to make. It was simple. She could walk away or she could stay. Not forever. She wouldn’t commit to that. But until…until they could move on one way or the other. “Okay,” she agreed with a whisper.

  Relief and satisfaction poured over him. He held his breath, afraid to move for fear she’d change her mind. Hell, his emotions were all over the place. Ten wanted to grab her up and hold her so tight that she could never leave. “We’ll work this out. I promise.”

  Molly wasn’t so sure. But part of her wanted to try, the big part that included her heart.


  When Molly left her room the next morning, it was to find that Tennessee was gone. He’d been called away on a search and rescue mission, tracking a man lost in or near the Yellowstone River. She was embarrassed to be the last to know, although she wasn’t sure why. Despite what they’d shared the night before, Molly was no longer his wife. He didn’t owe her any type of explanation.

  “When did he leave?” she asked hesitantly, blushing.

  “Before dawn.” Heath supplied. “He got a call sometime during the night.”

  After he’d left her room.

  “May I have some milk?” she asked, standing on the other side of the bar from where the family was seated around the breakfast table.

  “Sure!” Ryder rose from her chair.

  “No, I’ll get it.” Molly moved to find a glass.

  “You don’t have to ask, Molly. You’re our guest.” Heath spoke up and all eyes turned to him.

  Molly knew his words were meant to be gracious, but she just felt a sense of loss. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be.

  Placing the glass on the table, she removed the milk jug from the refrigerator and filled her glass.

  “Come sit down.” Pepper patted the chair next to hers. “You need more than milk. How about some biscuits and gravy?”

  The suggestion brought a wave of nausea to Molly’s middle. “No, thanks. I have a touch of morning sickness.”

  “Crackers and soda water is what you need.” Philip got up and went to the kitchen and found those very things, bringing them to the place that Pepper had indicated.

  “Thank you.” Molly sat down and began to eat.

  “Ten will call and check in sometimes today.” Jaxson assured her. His ready smile was friendly. “Since you’re not feeling well, do you want me to feed Prince this morning?”

  “No, I’ll do it.” Molly assured him. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Prince?” Heath snorted. “Who came up with that name?”

  “Molly did.” Jaxson pointed toward Molly with his fork.

  “It’s a good name,” Cato chimed in. “Very regal.”

  “Which reminds me, Pepper,” Philip spoke up, “I hear Judah has a recording session with the real Prince in a few weeks.”

  Every eye turned to Ten’s sister, including Molly. “I wouldn’t know.” Her face blanched. “I haven’t spoken to Judah in months.”

  “I thought you two were close.” Jaxson asked.

  Pepper looked down, saying nothing and Ryder shook her head at her family, indicating to leave her alone.

  “What did I say?” Jaxson grabbed a biscuit in each hand and left the kitchen before he got into bigger trouble. Seeing the girls were upset, one by one the men left until it was only the McCoy sisters, Cato and Molly left.

  There was a brief silence. Molly looked from one to another, not understanding the situation but not feeling it was her place to ask. Before her eyes, Pepper wilted. Ryder put her arms around her. “I’m sorry, sweetie.”

  “Men can be so insensitive.” Cato commiserated.

  “He doesn’t know anything.” Pepper muttered. Glancing up at Molly, she twisted her napkin and laid it next to her plate. “Judah and I are just acquaintances. We met through Heath’s friend Jimmy. He knows a lot of entertainment types. I helped with a charity concert that he performed in.” She pushed a strand of long hair from the side of her face. “I developed a huge crush on him. In my girlish fantasies, I wove our association into more than it was and embarrassed myself.” She gave Molly a brief sad smile. “He set me straight the last time I saw him.”

  Impulsively Molly reached over the white linen tablecloth and covered Pepper’s hand with our own. “I’m sorry. I can relate. Like Cato said, men can be so insensitive.” The moment she said it, Molly realized how it sounded. Tennessee was their brother, they wouldn’t appreciate the comparison.

  To her surprise, Pepper laughed. “Sometimes I’d like to herd all the men up and put them on a slow boat to China, including our brothers.”

  Cato stood. “Well, if you don’t mind. I’d like to keep mine for a little while longer.” She winked at the other girls. “He does have his uses.”

  Ryder laughed as Cato left for work with a jaunty wave.

  “I’m going to go feed Prince.” Molly picked up her breakfast items and carried the dishes to the sink.

  “I’ll get this.” Ryder waved her on. “You go feed your baby.”

  “If you want, when you get back, we’ll make some more baby clothes.” Pepper offered and Molly nodded.

  “I’d like that.” She’d enjoyed planning for the baby. The spare room next to hers had become her escape. Molly had taken all the things in there that she’d made and spread them out to look at them. After Ryder had mentioned it could be a nursery, she hadn’t been able to get it out of her mind. Her whole being lightened in response to the kind offer. “I’ll be back,” she called as she made her way out the door and across the lawn to check on Prince.

  * * *

  Six hours south at the Hunt Hotel Spa, Selma answered her phone. “This is Selma, how may I help you?”

  “Selma, this is Ben Hunt. I have a bit of a situation, I was wondering if you could help me.”

  “Certainly, Sir.” Selma took a seat on the stool behind the reception desk and took a pad and pen to write any notes she’d need. “I’ll be glad to help.”

  “I know Rita’s on vacation or I would have asked her.”

  “No problem, Sir.”

  “Very well. A few months back, you can look it up in your records, we had a guest by the name of Earline Zimmerman. I’m not sure why she’s waited so long, but she called this morning and lodged a complaint. She thinks someone got into her purse and stole a piece of jewelry that she’d taken off before having a facial. Mrs. Zimmerman came several times and enjoyed many of our services during the week. Could you review the tapes and see if you see anything. Copy any appearances she has on the tapes and make a DVD for her. I wish I could be more specific. I know going through those hours and hours of files will be a pain. I’ll make sure you are rewarded, especially
if you find anything.”

  “Will do, Sir. I have a light schedule. Have you heard from Miss Rita?” Selma knew she was in Europe with a friend, a male friend.

  “Yes, she’s doing well. She and Greg O’Neil seem to have hit it off.” Ben laughed. “Maybe I’ll get grandchildren someday after all.”

  “I hope so, Sir.” Selma went into Rita’s office and sat down at the computer. “May I have the password, Mr. Hunt?”

  “Ah yes, hold on.” He was gone for a few seconds, before he returned and gave her the series of letters and numbers. “Let me hear from you.”

  “I’ll start right now.”

  Selma ended the call and went to work.

  * * *

  As Molly left the barn, she saw a florist truck parked in the drive. Before she reached the back door, the delivery man came out slipping a couple of bills into his wallet. Someone had received flowers! Even though she knew they wouldn’t be for her, Molly felt a bit of excitement so she hurried inside to find Ryder and Pepper staring at two huge identical arrangements sitting on the dining table.

  “Wow.” Molly said, taking in the gorgeous arrangements. Each crystal vase contained two dozen deep red roses in full bloom. “Someone has an admirer.”

  “Someone has two,” Pepper said with a giggle which brought a chastising glare from Ryder.

  “They’re beautiful.” Molly stepped closer to lean in and sniff the fragrant blooms, touching one of the satiny petals. She wanted to ask who they were from, but she wouldn’t.

  Ryder sighed loudly. “Okay, I’ll tell you, Molly. You’re practically family.” She grabbed Molly by the arms and playfully shook her. “But you can’t tell anyone, not even Tennessee.”

  “Oh, I promise. I don’t tell Tennessee much.”

  “Ryder has an admirer. Someone who keeps asking her out.” Pepper sashayed around, twirling the denim skirt she wore. “Someone who won’t take no for an answer.”

  “Really?” Molly wanted to know more.

  Ryder took a deep breath. “His name is Samson Duke. He owns a neighboring ranch.”

  “Yea, and he’s gorgeous.” Pepper added. “And he has a brother.”


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