If I Can Dream (Hell Yeah!)

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If I Can Dream (Hell Yeah!) Page 26

by Sable Hunter

  “Okay…” Molly said. “And are you interested in the brother?” she asked Pepper.

  Ryder’s face clouded. “No, she’s not interested in Gideon.”


  It was obvious Pepper was enjoying tormenting her sister for some reason. “But I thought the flowers were from Samson.”

  “And Gideon.” Pepper drawled. “They both want her. Ryder has two men who want her, two men who want to…share her.” The last two words were whispered.

  Molly’s eyes bugged and Pepper giggled and Ryder’s cheeks bloomed red.

  “So, the flowers are from each of them?” Molly’s gaze returned to the bouquets.

  “Yes,” Ryder acknowledged. “I’ve told them how impossible the situation is, but they won’t give up.”

  “Do you want them to give up?” Molly asked, almost in wonder. She couldn’t help but think of Tennessee and how much she wished they could turn back the clock.

  “No, she doesn’t.” Pepper answered for her.

  Ryder covered her face with her hands. “No, I don’t. God help me, I want them both.”

  “Well, do it.” Molly said. “I’ve read enough menage romances to know how hot it would be. I think you’re a lucky woman!”

  Molly’s response made both McCoy girls laugh. “Can you imagine Heath McCoy’s face if I told him I was dating two men, not just at the same time, but as a…set?” Ryder shook her head. “I don’t even know how to talk about it.”

  “I think you should try and figure it out.” Pepper agreed with Molly.

  A noise outside alerted the girls that someone had arrived. Pepper jumped up and ran to the window. “It’s Phillip.”

  Ryder stood. “I’ve got to get rid of one of these. I don’t want to explain one bouquet of roses, much less two.” She headed to the table, removed the cards and slipped them into her pocket. Picking up an arrangement, she thrust it toward Molly. “Here, take these to your room.”

  Molly hesitated.

  “Please,” Ryder begged. “At least until I get my story straight.”

  “All right.” She took the flowers. “Wouldn’t they be safe in your room?”

  “Our housekeeper tells Heath everything. She thinks he’s the grandest thing in the world.” Pepper explained. “She’ll just assume Ten gave them to you.”

  Molly almost laughed. “She’d be so wrong.” Molly held the vase close and disappeared before anyone could ask questions. She smiled as she walked, thinking that there was more to Tennessee’s sisters than she’d ever considered.


  Back in Alpine…Selma stared at the screen. She couldn’t believe her eyes or her ears.

  “Miss Hunt, you rang?”

  “Mr. O’Neil, it’s good to see you again. How are you?” Rita gestured for Greg to sit down.

  “Curious, what’s up? Have you decided how we can set your plan in motion?”

  Rita smiled. “Actually, yes. I’ve devised a foolproof plan that will provide undeniable proof to Tennessee McCoy that his wife is a cheat – with you.”

  “Interesting, and how are we going to accomplish this feat. They seem very happy.”

  She held a phone up. “This belongs to Molly. A little sexting, a few half-naked pictures. We can convince him that you’re her lover.”


  Selma watched in shock as their plan unfolded. Rita Hunt had conspired with Greg O’Neil to break up Tennessee and Molly McCoy. The whole thing was on tape. She watched in horror as they heard Tennessee’s voice in the background as he greeted Molly.

  Greg held up his hand, then walked out into the hall so he could eavesdrop.

  Mr. McCoy’s voice could clearly be heard telling Molly what his bid would be.

  With a smile, O’Neil returned to Rita.

  “The pot has just been sweetened. Now, we have something to work with. When he loses the lease contract and his wife on the same day, McCoy won’t know what hit him!”

  Selma could see that Rita looked a bit uncomfortable at that point, but she did nothing to try to stop him. Together, Rita and O’Neil sat with the two phones, his and Molly’s and concocted a scheme that would have heartbreaking consequences. Disgusted, Selma watched the people conspire to destroy as much of Tennessee McCoy’s life as they could.

  When it was over, she made two DVD’s. One with footage of Mrs. Zimmerman, showing her purse sitting undisturbed every minute of her visit and the other with evidence that might get her fired. Squaring her shoulders, Selma picked up the phone. If she lost her job, it would be worth it. Someone needed to know the truth.

  * * *

  Tennessee sat on the plane that was carrying him home from a trip that would go down in the record books as a failure for him. He hadn’t been able to save the victim. For the second time in the last three years, he’d had to drag a drowned man from the Yellowstone River. Both men had worked as concessionaires for the park and both ignored the rule that prohibited tubing in the river. The section between Hellroaring Springs and Black Canyon was particularly dangerous. That portion was characterized by eddies, rapids, deep pools and rocks. The canyon itself, like so many areas in Big Bend, could only be searched by water or by helicopter. At least it hadn’t taken a week to find this young man, not like it had the first one.

  He’d finally found the victim lodged against rocks in a fast-moving section of the river. Tennessee had passed that place several times before he’d found him.

  Thinking of Big Bend, his mind naturally went to Molly. Just the memory of being with her again set his body on fire. After they’d been together, she asked what they were doing and he hadn’t had an answer for her. He also hadn’t told her goodbye when he left. All he knew was that he wanted her again. He didn’t know if he could ever get past what she’d done, how she’d cheated and lied – but for God knows what reason – he wanted to.

  Staring out the window into the dark night sky, he considered what his future would hold. He couldn’t keep a smile off his face when he thought about the baby. A little girl. His little girl.

  After the birth, how often would he see the both of them? The idea of six hours and five hundred miles separating them didn’t sit well with him. But what was he to do? Ten rested his chin in his hand as he watched the clouds fly by. He knew what he wanted to do now, he wanted to go home and get Molly back in his bed.

  He’d figure the rest out later.

  A few hours later, Molly was readying herself for bed. She was weary, having spent the last little while trying to come up with a feasible plan for herself and the baby. Part of her wanted to put as much distance between herself and Tennessee as possible. He had a great capacity to hurt her. Having sex with him last night probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do. But heaven help her, she hadn’t been able to stop herself. When she was near Ten, her body was as attracted to him as a moth to the flame. This was another reason why close proximity to her ex wasn’t a good idea. Molly couldn’t see herself in the role of an occasional fuck with her baby-daddy. Whether or not she would ever find someone to love her as much as she loved Tennessee was questionable, but she had to hope for the possibility. Her little girl deserved as normal a home life as she could give her. The other idea she’d considered was settling close to the Highlands, near enough for Tennessee to be part of his daughter’s life but not near enough that she had to see him every day.

  Standing underneath the warm relaxing spray of the waterfall shower head in Ten’s luxurious shower, she admitted that this treat would be something she’d miss when she left. As she washed her hair, she had the courage to admit that she would miss a lot of things. The girls were fast becoming her friends and Philip and Jaxson were very nice to her. It was only Heath and her own ex-husband who made her feel uncomfortable. For a moment, she rested her forehead against the cool marble tile, until a whoosh of air startled her as the glass door was opened.

  With a gasp, Molly covered herself as best she could.

  “Sorry to barge in,” Te
nnessee growled as he backed her next to the wall. “I missed you.”

  Flustered and immediately aroused, Molly tried to muster up some outrage. “How dare…”

  “I dare.” He reached around her to grab the soft sponge she’d been using from the wall tray and anointed it with fragrant bath gel.

  “You made it home,” she murmured, shivering as his arms brushed her naked flesh, causing her nipples to bud and swell. Molly tried not to look down at his straining erection, but it was hard to miss.

  “Yes,” he said, unwilling to talk about his trip. Instead he began to rub the sponge over her shoulder and down one arm.

  “You look tired.”

  “I am, but not too tired for this.” Tennessee continued to bathe her, swirling the soapy bubbles all over her skin, over her breasts and down her front. His eyes hungrily followed the path of his hand.

  Molly sought the strength to tell him to leave, but she couldn’t find it. Every part of her yearned for him, her nipples were so hard they could cut glass and her core was softening and readying itself to receive him.

  Tennessee needed more. Crowding her, he pressed against Molly until she was sandwiched between him and the wall. Lazily he moved from side to side, causing those amazing tits of hers to glide against him, their tantalizing tips tangling in his chest hair. Taking the sponge he delved between her legs, tempting her to ride it. With a muffled curse, he tossed it to the ground and replaced it with his bare hand, massaging her vagina until she was whimpering and standing on tiptoe wanting more. “Please, please.”

  “I’ll please you.” His breath was coming harsh and fast in response to how turned on she was, how turned on he’d made her. Looking at her wet naked body was pure pleasure. His hands were drawn to her luscious breasts, palming them, working those hard little nipples. Going to his knees, he captured one in his mouth, sucking.

  Molly clawed at the tiles to her side, arching and bowing her back at the ecstasy he was providing. She couldn’t take her eyes from him. He was so beautiful, kneeling at her feet as if in worship. Licking, kissing and sucking his way from one breast to the other and back again. She writhed in his arms as his hands moved down to her hips, lifting her legs on his shoulders.

  “Tennessee!” Molly gasped as she shuddered with bliss when he began feasting between her legs. She spread her arms wide, trying to find purchase to steady herself. But nothing was as sturdy as the big man himself. Carefully he stood, until she could grasp the top of the shower wall. Molly felt spread out, vulnerable, totally at his mercy as he ate her out, tongue-fucking her until she screamed his name.

  Bringing her down gently, Tennessee hooked her knees over his forearms and pinned her to the wall with his entire body, impaling her on his throbbing cock. Staring into her eyes, he thrust hard into her again and again.

  The only thought to mar the moment was the constant urge to kiss him. Time and time again, she fought the need to dip her head and taste his lips, his skin. But he didn’t want this and she knew it. And right now, she didn’t want to think… Pushing the notion from her mind, she just immersed herself in the ecstasy of being taken by the man she loved with all her heart. Molly’s only concession was wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his throat, satisfying her need by kissing that side of his face and jaw.

  Over and over, he surged into her, his hips a relentless piston. Molly gave herself up to him, taking everything he gave, her pussy squeezing his cock, trying to capture every frenzied thrust he made. “More, more!” she gasped as he pushed in and held, changing his tactic, rubbing his body up and down hers, driving her crazy with the friction on her breasts. Spiraling higher and higher still, Molly felt herself fly apart, her entire body grasping his as she came so hard she thought she’d pass out.

  When Tennessee felt her explode in his arms, her sweet pussy grabbing his cock like a little sucking mouth, he lost it. With a loud shout, he filled her full of his cum, his cock pulsing and pulsing, still thrusting, his hips undulating, luxuriating in the ecstasy of just being inside of her.

  He didn’t let her down right away, he leaned into her, his chest heaving, his lips still moving across her neck and shoulders. “Molly…I”

  “Put me down, Tennessee,” she whispered and he did. The water was still pouring warm, which said a lot for the size of their hot water heaters. Before exiting the shower, she rinsed his semen from her thighs and his imprint from her skin. “I’m glad you’re safe.” With that, she stepped around him, leaving him in the shower. Taking a towel, she hastily wrapped it around her and started to leave.

  “Molly, wait.”

  Tennessee was too fast, he caught her arm. When she pulled from him, he followed her into her room. “I need to say something.”

  “What?” She turned to him, he was standing there wrapped in a too-small towel, water droplets glistening on his broad chest.

  Ten stopped and stared.

  Molly followed his eyes, they’d landed on Ryder’s flowers.

  With a sneer, he whipped his head back to stare at her. “Who are those from, Molly? Or do I have to guess?”

  His immediate assumption of her wrongdoing really came as no surprise, but it still hurt like hell. She should’ve known what he would think. It suddenly hit Molly that it would always be like this. Tennessee would never trust her. And she didn’t have the strength or the will to defend herself again. Ryder’s secret wasn’t hers to share and she had no other explanation. “Think what you want, Ten. You never believed in me to start with. Now, leave me alone, please.”

  A noise from the bathroom alerted Tennessee. His cell phone was ringing. Always conscious that it could be someone in need of rescuing, he backed up and went to fetch it. His heart was pounding, he’d almost been about to….

  God, he was a fool.

  Bending to his pants on the floor, he retrieved the phone. Before hitting the accept button, he saw the caller was Ben Hunt, which gave him pause. Why would Hunt be calling him? “Ben, this is Tennessee McCoy.”

  Molly felt used. Slipping on a pair of pants and a shirt, she made her escape. Right now she just wanted to find someplace quiet so she could think.

  Back inside, Tennessee was pacing the bedroom like a caged tiger. “Repeat that.”

  Ben Hunt sighed. “I know this sounds crazy and I apologize, but I have irrefutable evidence that my daughter manipulated the bid for the wind farm.” He coughed. “Frankly, I’m shocked at what I saw. I didn’t know she was capable of such deceit. I’m watching footage from the security cameras in the spa. Rita plotted with O’Neil to make you think Molly was unfaithful. I heard them make plans for him to visit Molly, get into her trailer and leave his bolo behind. I saw my daughter take Molly’s phone and use it to send texts to O’Neil and heard her say that she downloaded stills from the security cameras of your wife in various states’ of undress to make it seem like she was involved with him in some way. I knew about your losing the bid and your separation from Molly and I couldn’t let this stand. She’s my daughter, but this was wrong. I’m asking for you to let me handle this. I’ll deal with her and I’ll talk to the Gages for you. This wrong will be righted if you’ll just give me some time.”

  Tennessee felt weak with a mix of fury and relief. Molly was innocent, she’d been telling the truth all along. He’d let outside forces fog his own instincts. Heath’s general distrust of women had colored Ten’s expectations. He’d been too ready to believe Molly capable of deceit. Now, Heath was happy and Ten had made a fuckin mess of his life. O’Neil’s hatred of him had left Tennessee vulnerable to the man’s deceitful machinations. “I…I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say that you’ll make it right with Molly. I’m fond of her. When I heard what she’d done to you, I couldn’t believe it. My own daughter’s behavior shames me, and I’m sorry to say that I find her actions more believable than I did what Molly was accused of. She’s done no wrong.”

  Every muscle in Tennessee’s body was tensed. He needed to get to
her now, he needed to make this right. He needed to apologize. “I’ll talk to Molly.”

  “I’ll contact the Gages.” Hunt promised. “I’ve heard they haven’t been too pleased with O’Neil’s progress anyway. I’m sure they’ll suspend the agreement and go with the next highest bidder, which was you.”

  Tennessee could honestly say, “I’m not worried about the wind farm. My family is much more important.” Tennessee knew that if he’d felt this way all along, he wouldn’t be in this predicament. Disconnecting the call, he went to find Molly, realizing this was the most important conversation he’d ever have.

  Striding from his room, Tennessee was on a mission. The connecting door was locked and he understood why. Tapping on Molly’s bedroom door, he waited for her to answer. “Molly?” He knocked again. When she didn’t answer, he went inside only to find a vacant room. A small feeling of panic crawled up his spine. “Molly?”

  Going out into the hall, he started to head from the stairs when he heard a noise. Stopping at the smallest of the three bedrooms on his wing, he opened the door. In the shadows he could see Molly curled up in the corner of the couch. “What are you doing sitting here in the dark?”


  He flipped on the light and was surprised to see Molly was surrounded by a small pile of baby clothes and a dozen or so pictures of furniture and nursery items all over the floor. It was obvious she had been coming here to dream. “Are you hiding from me?

  “Yes, I didn’t think you ever came in here.”

  Hearing the sadness in her voice and knowing what he had to say, Tennessee’s hands shook as he sat down on the sofa next to Molly, grasping the edge of the seat, knuckles white. “Molly…”

  Not waiting to hear more condemnation, Molly blurted out what was on her mind. “I won’t have sex with you again, Tennessee. I admit I’m weak where you’re concerned, but you made me feel worthless a little bit ago.”

  Tennessee was shocked. “How did I make you feel worthless?”

  Molly shook her head. His decision to not kiss her might have been an unconscious one, which almost made her feel worse. “It doesn’t matter. Knowing how you feel about me, I just won’t do it anymore.” With a groan, Tennessee went on his knees at her feet. Molly’s mouth dropped open. “What are you doing?”


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