If I Can Dream (Hell Yeah!)

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If I Can Dream (Hell Yeah!) Page 27

by Sable Hunter

  Taking her hands in his, Tennessee kissed them over and over. “I’m apologizing. I was wrong. You are as innocent as the driven snow. I know now that you didn’t betray me. I know you didn’t cheat on me.” He pulled her hands to his chest and gazed into her eyes. “Please forgive me, I was a stupid bastard for not believing you.”

  Stunned, Molly just stared at him. “You believe me?” A rush of joy almost took her breath away. “What changed your mind?”

  “Ben Hunt called, he’d asked an employee of his to check the security cameras at the spa to address a complaint. Instead, they found Rita and Greg O’Neil conspiring against me. She stole your phone, he heard my bid, they orchestrated the whole thing.”

  Despair followed the joy. Someone had to prove her innocence to him before he believed in her. “I can’t say I’m shocked. I knew it had to be something like that, I just didn’t know how to prove it to you. Rita hated me. She was jealous, she called me trash, told me I wasn’t good enough for you.”

  “We were tricked.” Tennessee buried his face in her lap. “We’ve wasted so much time. Thank God, we can start over, pick up where we left off and be a family.”

  Molly’s head was swimming. From the moment Tennessee had walked out on her, this was the scene she’d envisioned. Ten on his knees, begging her forgiveness, telling her he wanted her back was just how she’d pictured it. But it wasn’t right. “I don’t think I can.” Her own words surprised her. Where she found the strength to resist him, she didn’t know.

  “What?” Ten was dumbfounded. “But I know the truth now. You didn’t betray me and I want you back. I want to marry you.”

  She was thunderstruck. “But we haven’t solved anything, not really.”

  “Are you kidding? Everything is solved. I was ready to take you back and pick up where we left off even before I learned the truth. I forgave you in my heart even before this, Molly, that’s what I was coming to tell you when I saw those damned flowers.”

  Pain lanced through her. “The flowers weren’t for me and I never needed forgiving for something I didn’t do.” Realizing she was almost shouting, she lowered her voice. “Do you realize that tonight and the other time we had sex you never kissed me?” He looked shocked. “Not once did your lips touch mine. Men don’t kiss whores, isn’t that how it works? We didn’t make love, we had sex. Knowing what you were so ready to believe about me, why would you suggest we could have a future?” Getting up, she sought sanctuary on the far side of the room.

  Ten looked devastated, then a look came across his face that she could only define as territorial. “I was trying to work out my feelings, Molly. I didn’t realize…” Before she knew it, he invaded her space. “I was wrong. I admit that. I was horribly, stupidly wrong. But there hasn’t been a moment that I didn’t want you with my whole heart and soul.” Taking her by her shoulders, he hauled her close to him. Keeping his hot, hooded gaze on hers, his eyes darted from her own tear-filled eyes to her trembling lips. With a moan, he lowered his head until their mouths touched. Molly’s whole body tensed as his lips nuzzled hers gently. He explored the once familiar territory, not demanding anything. With a slight moan, he framed her face and let his tongue feather across her mouth, seeking entrance.

  Molly melted against him, her own lips coming alive under his. With a sigh, she opened for him, needing him so much she ached. Not letting her thoughts get in the way, her hands sought his shoulders and she surrendered, leaning into him. Tennessee caught her close, his kiss growing more intense, going deeper. She felt as if he were consuming her, as if this were the first time they’d touched.

  But it wasn’t, so much had happened. Molly put her hands on his chest and pushed. “Ten, no. I don’t know if I can do this.”

  “What do you mean?” Tennessee felt as if his whole world was tilting on its axis.

  “You didn’t trust me.” Molly said simply, her heart breaking. “You said you loved me, but you believed the worst about me without even giving me a chance to defend myself.”

  “Molly?” He didn’t know what to say. “Please, Molly.”

  “I begged you to believe me, I got down on my knees and begged you.” Tears were streaming down her face now. “You didn’t trust me then, Tennessee. I don’t know if I can trust you now.”

  A feeling of desperation came over Ten. He turned around and looked out into the darkness. “I’m sorry, I don’t accept this. I love you.” He laughed harshly. “I was stupid, I let my feelings for O’Neil and Heath’s experience cloud my judgment.”

  “Heath and Cato are happy.” She hated to sound jealous but she was.

  “Yes, and we can be happy too.”

  Molly wanted to believe him. She wanted to grab onto what he was offering with both hands. “I’m afraid to hope again, Ten.”

  Tennessee felt his heart break for what he’d done to her. “Please give me another chance, Molly. I won’t let you down again, I promise.”

  Molly was shivering. “I’ll need time.”

  Tennessee held up his hands as to show he wasn’t armed. “Take your time and while you’re at it, I’ll do everything in my power to show you that I can be just what you need.”

  Molly hugged herself, wishing she had a crystal ball that could show her the future. “You hurt me so much.” She began to cry and when he moved to take her in his arms again, she let him.

  “I know and I am so sorry. Please let me make it up to you.”

  Molly sniffed. “No sex. I shouldn’t have slept with you those other two time. Sex clouds things. We don’t see clearly.”

  Tennessee groaned and chuckled at the same time. “I don’t think we’ve ever had trouble communicating when it comes to sex.”

  “I’m serious, Tennessee. If we’re going to make this work, we have to focus on our problems, not our orgasms.”

  “All right. All right. No sex until you come to me and ask for it.” He looked down and kissed her cheek, giving Molly a wicked grin. “But I do reserve the right to try and make you want it.”

  Now it was Molly’s turn to laugh. “Oh, I always want you. That’s part of the problem.”


  Molly felt shell-shocked. Tennessee learning the truth and accepting it didn’t have the impact on her heart and mind that she’d expected. When Molly had fantasized about this moment, she’d anticipated relief and satisfaction. Instead, she just felt numb and a little sad that it took someone else discovering irrefutable proof of her innocence before the man she loved believed her. Now he knew and understood that she hadn’t done either of the things she’d been accused of. There had been no betrayal and no infidelity. So, why wasn’t she happy?

  “Things will be different. I promise.” After their conversation, her ex-husband walked her to her room and left her at the door with a gentle kiss. “Goodnight, baby. I won’t ask to sleep with you, even though I’d love to.”

  “Goodnight, Tennessee.” She was grateful he didn’t push her. Her emotions were all over the place. Part of her wanted to cling to him and part of her wanted to punish him for the way he’d treated her. He was acting as if his learning the truth solved their problems, but to Molly it just wasn’t that simple.

  Giving him a small smile, she escaped into her room and shut the door. Molly felt drained. In a daze, she readied herself for bed. What would happen now?

  Once she was lying down, Molly couldn’t settle down to rest. She spent half the night playing the ‘what if’ game. What if they got back together? What if he hurt her again? What if she threw away this chance for happiness? After tossing and turning all night, Molly finally fell asleep just before dawn.

  On the other side of the wall, Tennessee had slept better than he had in a long time. He was anxious to start over with Molly, to make her understand that he intended to put things right, to make up for how foolish he’d been. All he needed now was for his woman to rise and shine. Twice already he’d peeped inside her room. She didn’t usually sleep in. He hoped she wasn’t feeling il
l. Well, there was only one way to find out.

  It was time Sleeping Beauty was awakened with a kiss…

  The dip of her mattress and a delicate kiss to her brow woke Molly up and she opened her eyes to find Tennessee sitting beside her with a tray. “Breakfast in bed, sleepyhead.”

  Sitting up in bed, she felt a bit self-conscious. “You didn’t have to do this, but thank-you.” She saw he or someone had gone to a lot of trouble. There was French toast, sausage and a scored grapefruit dusted with sugar.

  “No, I wanted to do it.” He smiled at her, the dimple at the corner of his mouth making him look like a mischievous little boy. “And I did it by myself, too. The grapefruit squirted me in the eye.”

  “Sorry for your injuries.” Molly took her fork and cut a bite of toast. “I am hungry.”

  “Good. After you finish, I have a surprise for you. We’re going on a little trip.”

  The sweet flavor of the maple syrup drizzled on the toast exploded on her tongue. Molly licked her lips and Tennessee leaned in and stole a kiss. She blushed, but didn’t fuss. “I have to feed the calf first.”

  “Already done,” he assured her. “How do you feel?”

  “Good,” she answered around a bite of meat. “No swelling.” She picked up her foot and he took that as an excuse to uncover it and see for himself. Molly had a hard time eating when his gentle hands moved from her ankle up her leg. She remembered what he’d said about trying to change her mind about the ‘no sex’ edict.

  “I meant what I said, Molly. I’m going to make this up to you.” Sitting by her while she daintily fed herself was its own form of sweet torture. “We’re going to start over. I’m going to take my time and court you right. Today we’re going for a boat ride.”

  “A boat ride?” For a West Texas girl whose only boat ride had been in a canoe, the prospect was appealing. “Are you sure you can take the time?”

  “I met with my family this morning and told them everything.”

  Molly didn’t know how she felt about that. She was relieved but embarrassed. “What did they say?”

  Tennessee smiled and kissed her. “They told me I was a fool for ever doubting you.”

  “True.” Molly agreed, but she smiled to take the sting out of what she said. “What are you going to do about O’Neil?”

  Tennessee grew serious. “I don’t know. I haven’t heard from the Gages whether or not they are going to negate their contract with him. As for what he did to us, it’s probably best that I don’t see him.”

  “I don’t want you to get hurt.” Molly said passionately. “If he’ll do this to us, the man will do anything.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I can’t let him get away with this, he almost destroyed our lives!”

  “Rita was as guilty as he was, in fact, I’m sure it was her idea.”

  “You’re right.” Ten nodded. “She’s spoiled and used to getting what she wanted.”

  “She wanted you.”

  “That wasn’t going to happen. Once I saw you, Rita didn’t even exist for me.”

  Molly didn’t comment. Instead, she finished her meal and scooted the tray over to the bottom of her bed. “I’m just glad I don’t have to work for her anymore. Poor Mr. Hunt, I’m sure he was upset by all of this.”

  “He’s the reason I’m not pressing charges.” Ten watched her face to see how she felt about it.

  “I’m glad. I just want to forget about it and put the whole situation behind us.”

  Tennessee reached out and took her hand. “I still have your rings, Molly. You can have them back anytime you’d like.”

  Molly was silent for a time. “Just keep them safe for me.”

  Ten sighed. “I will.” He picked up the tray. “Let me take this down and you get ready. Wear something new, I’ve noticed you haven’t really worn anything I bought you in Austin the other day.”

  “Okay,” she agreed. “Pants okay or can I wear a sundress?” She remembered a pink one that she’d been longing to put on.

  “You won’t be doing anything more strenuous than lifting a drink, so the sundress is fine. Oh, and wear a bathing suit underneath.”

  With a smile, he left her alone and Molly had to pinch herself to make sure she was awake.

  * * *

  “Where is Molly?” O’Neil asked Rita.

  Rita glanced over her father who was reading. He didn’t look up when she walked out into the hall to find privacy. “I don’t know. Please don’t call here anymore.”

  “You can’t just drop me, Society Girl. I did what you asked me to do.”

  “I didn’t ask you to hit me.”

  O’Neil laughed. “That was just a love tap. You know I have to find her. After the ring I found in her trailer, this has turned into more than revenge against a negligent idiot. I’ve had someone looking into this for me. I got my answers yesterday. That’s why I need to talk to Molly…she and I have private business.”

  “I can’t help you, Greg. You’re on your own.” Rita slammed the phone shut.


  As they drove into the Eagle Canyon resort, Molly was so excited she could barely sit still. Everywhere she looked, the scenery was incredible. Rocky cliffs, rolling green hills and dazzling blue lakes. “This is beautiful. You own all of this?”

  “Well, the family does. The resort and the Energy Company are really Heath’s babies. The ranch is Jaxson’s. Philip has his treasure hunting and teaching and I have my tracking company. Or I did. After O’Neil got through with me, there wasn’t much left. He sued me and wrecked my reputation. I don’t discount his grief and anger, but the problem was a faulty piece of equipment. I hated it, I would do anything in the world to change it…I can’t.”

  Molly could see his frustration. “I see why you’d believe that Greg O’Neil would go after you.”

  “Yes, that wasn’t a surprise. My assuming you were involved was the crime.” Tennessee slowed down as the road narrowed.

  “Let’s forget about that, shall we?” Molly had decided on the drive up from Austin to do her part in seeing if they could move forward with their relationship. “I’m not ready to recommit, but I don’t want to be angry anymore.”

  Tennessee took her hand in his. “I don’t deserve you, but I sure do want you.” Reverently, he raised her hand to his lips and kissed it.

  Molly just smiled. She turned her attention to their surroundings. Cato had told her a lot about the resort. As with most of Heath’s holdings, he focused on green technology. This place was a showcase for how a luxury vacation spot could be environmentally friendly. Rolling down the window, Molly gazed out at the plantings and water features. “The resort sits on Lake Buchanan, right?”

  “Yes, and we’re going to take the houseboat out and go down the river to see the eagles.”

  Molly’s eyes widened with excitement. “A houseboat?”

  “Yes,” he nodded as they pulled up in front of the beautiful rustic clubhouse. “I asked the chef to stock the galley, we’ll eat as we cruise down the Colorado River. I just need to go in and get the key.”

  When they parked, Tennessee came to help her out. She couldn’t help but notice how handsome he looked in nothing more than a pair of jeans and a burnt orange T-shirt. “I’ll stay out here and look at the flowers while you go inside.”

  “Okay.” He stood with her a moment. “For the longest time, I wouldn’t come up here.” He pointed toward the lodge. “We were all standing by the check-in desk the morning the police came to arrest Phillip for murder. Bad memories.”

  Molly hugged him. “I know that was terrible on all of you. I’m so glad it’s over.” She’d found out the case was solved after their annulment went through. The announcement had made the papers, telling how Philip McCoy had been cleared of all charges.

  “It’s time to make better memories, with you.” He gave her a gentle kiss and went inside. While Molly walked around, she considered what her next step should be. Before, she’d been able to envision a separa
te life, living near the Highlands so their daughter could visit her father or returning to Alpine where her daughter would see her father much less often. Now she couldn’t see the future so clear, it was as though the lens of her vision had been blurred. The only thing she could clearly discern was the man who promised her that everything would be all right.

  When Ten returned, she been strolling through a rose garden filled with vibrant hot pink Knock-out roses. “Hey, ready?”

  Molly linked her hand around the hard muscle of Tennessee’s arm as he held it out for her. “Yes, I’m ready.” She walked with him behind the main lodge to the dock where a beautiful boat was moored. Painted on the side of it was one word, Prospect. “What does the name mean?”

  “Philip came up with it. He’s always searching for the next great discovery. He says we all should be open to anticipation and hope, prospects. Without those things life would be a dark and pointless place to be.”

  “I like it.” She beamed as Tennessee helped her onboard. “It’s beautiful.” The houseboat was three decks high and painted a pristine white and blue. “It’s so big!”

  Tennessee stepped down alongside her. “It’s eighteen feet wide, a hundred feet long and sleeps eight. We have a Jacuzzi, a slide off the back and a water bed to enjoy.” His wink told her he had high hopes for the bed.

  The idea of resuming their intimacy made her feminine core clench with anticipation. It was a scary proposition to realize how much she still wanted him. But it was a craving she didn’t intend to satisfy – not yet. “Let’s just have fun.” Molly was determined to discover if they could connect on any level other than sex. One thing was for certain, there was no one in the world she’d rather be with than this man.

  “Who’s going to drive?” she asked as she followed him to the front.

  “I’m going to ‘pilot’ the boat.” He teased. “You want to be my first mate?”


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