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If I Can Dream (Hell Yeah!)

Page 29

by Sable Hunter

“Hell, no!” Molly fumed and stomped her foot. “I have fed this calf every day and kissed him and hugged him and I want you to promise me that he will die on this ranch of old age when he’s a hundred years old in cow years!”

  Tennessee pretended to ponder her request. “What will you give me if I say yes?”

  Molly’s eyes narrowed. “What do you want?”

  Tennessee was never one to miss an opportunity. “A kiss, a real kiss.” When she folded her arms over her chest, Tennessee couldn’t help but notice how much bigger her breasts were getting, just another incentive to put an end to their sleeping in separate room.

  “I’ve been giving you a kiss you every night.”

  Tennessee began to slowly move toward her, forcing her to back up if she didn’t want to be sharing the same space. “That little peck before bedtime doesn’t count.”

  “You told me that I could decide if and when I wanted to resume a physical relationship with you.” Molly bit down on her tongue to keep from confessing that she was past ready. The only thing standing between them now was her own insecurity and fear of history repeating itself. She guessed she wanted a guarantee that everything would be a bed of roses between them in the future and even she could admit that life came with no guarantees.

  “As much as I want to make love with you, Molly,” Ten whispered. “Tonight I’d sell my soul just to hold you in my arms and kiss you.”

  Molly played it cool, but even she could see this was a win-win situation for her. Prince would be saved and she’d be making out with the sexiest man in Texas. Their relationship wasn’t completely mended, but the way he and the rest of the McCoys had made a place for her in their lives had gone a long way to making her feel more secure. Holding out her hand, she offered to shake. “Deal.”

  A rumbling growl in Ten’s chest was the only forewarning she received before he caught her up to him and crashed his mouth to hers. For a few brief moments, Molly reveled in the bliss of being the focus of his desire. There was an urgency in his kiss that spoke to her heart and she couldn’t help but cling to those wide shoulders and suck on his tongue that sought to mate with hers.

  When they had to break for breath, Tennessee rested his forehead against hers. “Come away with me. We need some time alone.” When she hesitated, he kissed her eyelids, forehead and cheek. “Please, think about it. We belong together, let me prove it to you.”

  As tempting as his invitation was, she remembered the doctor’s words. “I have to go for my check-ups at the clinic.”

  “No problem, we don’t have to go far. I just want you all to myself. There’s a million things to do and places to stay in the Hill Country. I’ll get you back for your doctor’s visit.”

  As in the past, she had little defense against Tennessee when he put his mind to it. “Okay, if you’re sure Prince will be safe and not end up on somebody’s shish-kabob.”

  He held up his hand. “You have my word. Go pack and we’ll leave first thing in the morning.” As she started off, he pulled her back for one more kiss. “I need you to know something.” He ran a sensual finger over her lips. “I lay in that bed at night and ache for you. How many rooms should I book for our trip? One or two?”

  Molly met his gaze evenly. “I want to go back to the houseboat and try out the waterbed.”

  “Hell yeah!” He grinned. “And when we get tired of staying there, I’ll take you to the Driscoll Hotel and we’ll do 6th Street.”

  “Great, I’ll go pack.”

  “I’ll be up to kiss you goodnight in a bit,” he promised and his chest tightened when he saw her eyes glaze over with desire. Tennessee let her slip away then, his hungry eyes following her all the way out of the barn. After she was gone, he washed the bottle and put it up, laughing at the rambunctious calf as he pitched and played in his stall. “You’re ready to get out in the pasture and mix it with them, aren’t you boy?” He tried to rustle up a little guilt at the feedlot story. The truth was, Prince was registered. His mother had been worth a pretty penny and he was no more destined for the grocery shelf than any of the rest of the purebred stock they raised. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and he’d do whatever it took to get Molly back in his bed with his ring on her finger.

  “What are you grinning about?” Ryder asked, joining him.

  “Molly agreed to go away with me for a few days.”

  “Oh, really?” Ryder plopped down on a bale of hay. “So, you two are getting back together?”

  “Absolutely. I won’t accept anything else.”

  “I’m glad, I like her.”

  “Will you do me a favor?” he asked his sister, squatting down beside her.

  “Of course, you know I will.” She leaned forward. “Conspiring together seems like old times.”

  “I want you to transform the small room on my wing into a nursery as a surprise for Molly. You and Pepper have great taste and I’ll pay for everything.”

  Ryder’s face transformed with joy. “Pink? Cowgirls?”

  “Sounds perfect to me. I trust you. How long will you need?”

  Ryder’s mind was racing. “We’ll hit the stores tomorrow. I’ll have someone out to paint and lay carpet ASAP. Three days? A week?”

  “Sounds great.” Tennessee walked back to the house with his sister.

  “It’s a beautiful night.” Ryder observed.

  “Yea, the stars seem bigger and brighter than usual.” He laughed. “That’s not possible is it?”

  Giving her big brother a hug, she stated with assurance in her voice. “I think you’re happy, that’s the difference.”


  Tennessee was holding Molly’s hand as she stepped aboard the Prospect when she wavered and gasped. Her eyes got big and her mouth formed a perfect ‘O’. “What’s wrong?” he said, picking her up and setting her down in front of him. “Are you hurting? Do you need to go to the doctor?”

  His evident concern warmed her heart and only made what she had to say even sweeter. “No, Tennessee, the baby moved.”

  Her happy smile and the wonder in her eyes took his breath away. “It did?”

  Grabbing her hand, she held it to her abdomen. “Feel.”

  Tennessee held his breath and waited. In a few seconds, he felt it, a little flutter against his palm. “Does it hurt?”

  “No, it doesn’t.” She assured him. “It feels like the brush of butterfly wings, but I’m sure it will get stronger.”

  “My girl’s gonna play soccer!” He put his hand back, wanting to feel the baby again. They stood there for a time, just enjoying the moment, smiling and looking into one another’s eyes. The bond between them was growing every day. “You’re going to be such a good mother,” he said as he guided her toward the bow of the boat.

  “I hope so.” She sat down next to him as he started up the engine. The houseboat began to move away from the resort and out into the lake. Molly rested her arms on the railing, watching the water go by.

  Tennessee placed his hand on her back, rubbing gently. “Do you need to lie down? Are you tired?”

  Molly couldn’t keep the smile off her face to save her life. “When you find a secluded place to put down anchor…maybe you could take a nap with me?” She wiggled a little under his touch encouraging him to keep petting her. “But I’m not tired…”

  “Thank God.” As quickly as he could, Ten maneuvered the boat into a secluded cove and dropped anchor. “Let’s go below.”

  With a protective hand on her lower back, he guided her to the stateroom dominated by a huge king size bed. Molly pressed it, smiling at the motion and give of the mattress filled with water. “I’ve never been on one before.”

  “Allow me to initiate you in the art of bodysurfing.” He gave her a seductive grin and Molly felt chill bumps flit across her body, every nerve ending felt like it was on fire. He was so handsome, every time she saw him was like the first time.

  With tender reverence, Tennessee undressed Molly. “Just look at you,” h
e whispered.

  “I look different,” she murmured, her hands coming up to cover her breasts.

  “You’re beautiful.” He went to his knees, but as big as he was, his head was still even with her breasts. “I have longed to see your body as it changes.” Cupping her breasts, he lifted each one in his hands and lovingly pressed kisses all over them. “I’m in awe of you, baby.” Pushing down the lemon yellow sundress, he unveiled the lacy underpants she wore, ones he had bought.

  “I’m going to have stretch marks.” She pointed to the small paler lines on her abdomen.

  Tennessee leaned in to kiss the insignificant mark. “You’re carrying our child. There is nothing about you I don’t love.” Slipping his fingers in the small scrap of silk, he pushed them down and off.

  “Let me see you,” Molly touched his chest, urging him to stand.

  “I’m hard for you,” he admitted as his trunks dropped to the floor. “I want you so much, I’ve ached with it.”

  Her eyes were helplessly drawn to his straining erection. Powerful. Muscled. Hard. Molly was so attracted, she knew she could deny him nothing.

  Crawling up on the mattress, he sprawled all over it. His powerful arms and legs were spread out. Even as big as the bed was, Tennessee almost covered every inch.

  “I don’t think there’s room for me.”

  “Oh, yes there is.” He tugged her by the hand until she fell on top of him. “See.” Playing, they tumbled and wrestled, him being careful of her slight frame and delicate condition. She smelled like sunshine and he wanted to breathe her into his very soul.

  This time she didn’t have to wait or wonder whether he would kiss her. His mouth honed in on hers like it was coming home. He kissed her passionately, deeply, with an intensity unlike any she’d ever known. And when he finally lifted his mouth from hers to take in much needed oxygen, he locked gazes with her and smiled. “You’re so beautiful.”

  Molly looked at him in wonder. He was happy. She barely had time to smile back before he captured her mouth again, devouring her lips hungrily. Moaning, she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on as he eased her onto her back.

  Running her fingers into the mane of his dark hair, Molly urged him closer. She made herself vulnerable, tilting her head back to expose her throat to him. Lifting his mouth from hers, he laid his face in her neck and scored the tender flesh with his teeth before moving back to her lips, consuming them again and again.

  Meeting him kiss for kiss, Molly was overwhelmed by his passion. She couldn’t help it. He was an addiction she’d never get her fill of. Each time he touched her, she blazed. As hot as their sex had been in the past, he’d never seemed this out of control. Where there was famine, now there was a feast.

  When his mouth slid from hers, she whimpered until she realized he was determined to give the same amazing attention to her breasts. Tennessee plumped her tits and sucked the nipples until they were pulsing and distended. Molly arched her back while he kneaded the plump flesh. And when he moved over her, his cock surging inside, she cried out, “Tennessee!” With a groan, he captured the sweet noise, reclaiming her mouth, kissing her like there was no tomorrow.

  With hard thrusts of his hips, Ten rode her. Molly was clinging to his wide shoulders with only her head touching the bed, her nails digging into his back, leaving little half-moons of red. Her legs were still taut around his hips as he pumped in and out of her and he wasn’t quiet about it. Tennessee was making desperate grunting noises into her mouth, but he still kept kissing her. It was as if he were trying to make up for lost time or for how he’d hurt her. Either way, she swallowed the sexy noises as his tongue thrust into her mouth in perfect harmony with the rhythm of his pounding cock.

  The pleasure was so overwhelming, Molly didn’t know if she’d survive. His hands wrapped themselves in her hair, holding her head at the right angle for his kiss. He was insatiable. Over and over again, his big body slid over hers, the friction on her sensitive nipples was hot as hell. “More, more,” she chanted and he slid a hand down to pull one of her thighs higher so he could go even deeper. Higher and higher she flew, until she reached the top of the mount and flew off, freefalling in a cloud of ecstasy.

  Nothing had ever felt so good. Nothing. Tennessee plowed into her – over and over again. And when he felt her explode, he groaned. His cock was grasped, milked by the jerking contractions of her body. There was no way he could hold back, Ten arched his whole body and bellowed, his cum jetting up inside of her – one hot pulse after another.

  With a sigh of contentment, Molly held him as he collapsed on top of her, rubbing her palms up and down his sweat-slicked back. Completely lost in the bliss of release, Ten was still kissing her, his body moving slowly inside of hers. Wanting to give back, she massaged his shaft with a deliberate tightening motion of her pussy, purposely designed to make their pleasure last as long as possible.

  “You’re wonderful, amazing, I’ll never get enough of you. Never.” He kept whispering praises and endearments against her skin.

  “Or I you,” she answered, realizing how true it was. Every instinct she possessed told her this was real. Ten would never hurt her again. Now if she could just learn to trust her instincts…

  * * *

  This time they didn’t rush away from the houseboat. Tennessee told her they’d stay the night, enjoy the sunset and dine on the delicious food the resort chef had made for them. Molly enjoyed the slide off the back of the boat. Ten dog-paddled in the water below to be there when she made her splashdown. She loved how protective he was being. Comparing the way they were now to being alone during the first part of their pregnancy, this was heaven.

  When she was worn out from the day’s activities, he held her in the bed, applying a little lotion to the bit of sun she got on her shoulders. As he rubbed her soft skin, he murmured. “Listen, I want you to take your rings back.” He got up quickly and went to his bag, digging into a side pocket. “Don’t wear them until you’re ready, but they belong to you. Like I do.” He knelt beside the bed, holding the two circlets of gold in the palm of his hand. “Turn around.”

  Molly did as he asked and he gently unfastened the gold chain around her neck, slipping the rings on it alongside the solitaire. Placing a hand over the tokens of his love, she chewed on her bottom lip, wanting to say the right thing. “We have to be sure. Remarrying is a big step.”

  “The one thing I’m sure of is that I never should have let you go.” He laid his head against her chest and she cradled it to her. “I’m so sorry, honey. I know I’ve asked before, but please forgive me.”

  Molly stroked his hair, trying to be honest. “I do forgive you. I just don’t want to be hurt again.”

  Tennessee took both of her hands in his. “If you’ll just give me a second chance, allow me to be in yours and our baby’s life. I promise I’ll cherish you with every breath in my body.”

  “I’m here, I’m yours,” she crooned to him.

  Tennessee wasn’t satisfied, but he was afraid to press. They made love again, then fell asleep to the rocking motion of the waves.

  The next morning when Molly awoke, Tennessee wasn’t in the bed with her. She rose, slipped on a robe and went topside to find him. He was sitting in the Captain’s chair drinking coffee and talking on the phone. By the look on his face, the news was good.

  “I will see you this afternoon. And thank you.”

  When he closed his cell, Ten noticed Molly hanging back. “Come here, darling.” He held out his arms and she ran to him.

  “Do you have to go? Are you taking me back to the ranch?”

  He kissed the side of her neck. “I had reservations for us at the Driscoll Hotel, but that was Sam Gage on the phone. He and his brother have offered for me to take over the wind farm lease. Thunder-hawk may become a reality after all.”

  A wave of relief swept over her. “I’m so glad for you.” She kissed his cheek. “You deserve it and more.”

  Ten hugged her tight. “Will y
ou go with me?”

  Molly hesitated. “It’s too hot to stay in the trailer and I don’t want to stay at the Hunt Hotel.”

  “We don’t have to. We’ll go into Marfa if we have to. I’ll get us a nice room and you can rest and I’ll take care of business. When I’m through we’ll celebrate.”

  A niggle of unease crept down her spine, but her desire to be with Tennessee overrode any doubt. Taking a deep breath, she agreed. “Okay.”

  Molly was going home.

  The drive south to Alpine was completely different from the trip they’d made north together a few months ago. Most of the time they held hands and the talk was nonstop. It was as if their time at the houseboat had freed them, opening the channels of communication.

  “So, you think children should go to public school?” she asked, a little surprised.

  “Yea, I do. I think it prepares them better for the real world.”

  They’d discussed the merits of public –vs- private school, even homeschooling. Tennessee’s opinions surprised her. He didn’t fit the mold of a rich man, not the way she expected. “I agree.” She nodded her head. “You’re not going to be an over-protective daddy are you?”

  Tennessee chuckled. “I’m gonna be a Texas daddy.” He tapped the weapon in the gun rack behind him. “Boys will treat my little girl with respect.”

  Molly threw back her head and laughed. “I’m glad. I can only imagine how wonderful it would’ve been to have a father. Our daughter will be lucky.”

  Her words saddened him. He’d hurt her. If she had a father, he would hope the man would’ve kicked Ten’s ass. “I’ll take care of both my girls.” He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it.

  Contented, Molly laid her head on his shoulder. Every once in a while, she would touch the rings that lay against her breast. He’d said he wanted to get married before the baby was born. Tonight. She made up her mind. She’d tell him tonight.

  * * *

  “The phone’s ringing!” Heath bellowed. “Someone get the phone!” When no one jumped to do his bidding, he grumbled and got up himself. With the advent of the cell phone, the house phone rarely rang. “Highlands, Heath speaking.”


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