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If I Can Dream (Hell Yeah!)

Page 32

by Sable Hunter

  “Look.” She held up her hand to show him the ring. “I put it on right after you left yesterday, I was going to show you at dinner.”

  Despite their horrifying predicament, Ten smiled. “You’ll marry me?”

  “Yes, I want to be your wife,” Molly whispered. “More than anything.”

  “I’m holding you to it, baby,” Ten warned her. “So don’t think you can go changing your mind when we make it out of here.”

  “I won’t.”

  With one more clip, Tennessee breathed easier. “There. The helicopter will be here any minute.”

  “The canyon is so narrow,” she worried.

  “He’s a good pilot. We’ll be fine.”

  “Okay.” He helped her as she found a firm footing. “Did you know bears can climb?”

  “Is this a quiz?”

  “No, a mama bear and a baby bear climbed up the wall.”

  “You’ve been out here too long, Molly.” Ten kissed her on the temple. About that time the whirring of helicopter blades could be heard and he let out a long sigh of relief. “Hear that? We’re going to be safe.”

  Molly went limp with relief. She wanted to cling to him, but she didn’t want to put extra pressure on his own line and harness. With trembling fingers, she held on to the rock face and waited for the mad rush of the blades and Tennessee helping guide her and then him to the safety of the helicopter.

  Once inside, he pulled her close and kissed her a million times. “I am never letting you out of my sight again!”

  * * *

  Molly and Tennessee didn’t have to drive home. After he’d contacted Heath with the news Molly had been taken, the whole family had flown to Alpine with Heath’s friend Jimmy Dushku. All of them had been waiting at the ranger station when Ten brought Molly down. Their first order of business had been to get Molly checked out at the hospital. The second had been to file kidnapping and murder charges against Greg O’Neil who had been apprehended trying to cross the border into Mexico.

  Tennessee was anxious to get Molly home, but she needed a good night’s sleep. The doctor kept her overnight for observation and Ten slept in the chair at her side. Before they left Alpine, the girls sat with her while he took his brothers to see where Thunder-hawk would be brought to life. They walked the land, and Ten shared his vision. But as he laid out his plans, he realized how unimportant the venture was compared to his family, chiefly Molly and the baby.

  Once she was released, before they boarded the plane, Molly pulled him aside. “We don’t have to leave. I’m fine. If you want to stay here to get your business off the ground, let’s do it.”

  “We’ll be back in a few weeks. I’m even leaving my truck here at the Hunts.” He helped her up the steps and into the private plane. “I have to contact the vendors first and see about hiring some help. Besides, there’s something back at the ranch you need to see.”

  “What?” She asked, as he buckled her into the seat.

  “It’s a surprise.” He gave her a mysterious smile.

  Molly looked to his sisters, but they didn’t cooperate. “Oh, no. Don’t look at me.” Pepper giggled. “It’s good though.”

  While at the clinic, waiting on Molly to be given a clean bill of health, Ryder had slipped up to Ten and informed him that the nursery was ready and waiting.

  Once they were in the air, Molly dropped off to sleep with her head on Ten’s shoulder and he held her as his family watched on.

  “You two have had a hard time.” Jaxson stood up to hand Ten an extra pillow.

  “All of that’s over though,” Philip murmured. “Life will right itself for you. It did for me.”

  “I think this family has been through enough.” Ryder exclaimed. “It’s time for some good news.”

  “Well…” Cato looked toward her husband for permission. When he nodded his head, she beamed. “We’re pregnant. Is that good enough?”

  “How wonderful! Great! “When?” Everyone spoke at the same time. By then, Molly was wide awake. It took her a few moments to catch up, but when she did, all she could do was compare the family’s reaction to the one she received when her pregnancy was announced. “Congratulations,” she added with a genuine smile, even as she covered her own baby protectively.

  Tennessee seemed to pick up on her feelings. He took her hand and began turning the engagement ring on her finger. There were more plans to make than just Thunder-hawk. Tomorrow he had to get with Zane and set them into motion. This time Molly would have no doubt where she stood, no doubt at all.

  The flight wasn’t a long one, and soon they were all back at the Highlands. Even though the rest of them wanted to talk, Ten begged off, “Molly’s tired and we need some privacy. We’ve got some things to iron out.”

  Iron out? That didn’t sound promising. “Okay.” She started up the stairs beside him, wavered a bit and almost missed a step.

  Tennessee swept her up. “Ready for your surprise?”

  Actually she was ready for a nap, but the thought of a surprise perked her up. “Sure.”

  When they passed his room, then hers and went to the small end room, she looked into Ten’s face with curiosity. “My surprise is in here?”

  “It is.” He juggled her in his arms so he could open the door. “Close your eyes,” he ordered.

  Molly didn’t want to, but she did. As soon as they were inside the room, he sat her down and placed his hands over hers. “Okay, before you look. I have something to say to you.”

  “And I have to have my eyes closed to hear it?”

  Tennessee chuckled and bent to kiss her neck. “You’ll listen better if your other senses are deprived.”

  “I can still hear and smell.” She sniffed. “And touch.” She reached behind her and cupped his cock.

  “Hey!” Ten laughed. “I’m trying to be serious here.”

  “Okay.” Molly settled down and just enjoyed the moment. She was safe. The man she loved had his arms wrapped around her AND she wasn’t hanging off the side of a cliff by a thread.

  “All right.” He laid his head against hers. “I’ve made a lot of mistakes. If I could start over with you, I would. But one thing I wouldn’t change for anything is the baby. I want you and her to know how precious you are to me and how welcome you are in my world.” He took his hands down and she opened her eyes.

  “Tennessee!” She was flabbergasted. The room had been transformed into a veritable wonderland. A little girl’s dream nursery. The walls were baby pink and the floors were covered in a thick creamy carpet that she couldn’t wait to sink her bare toes into. “This is so beautiful.” Slowly she walked around, admiring the creamy white furniture and every conceivable necessity and luxury a new mother could ask for. “I can’t believe this.” The theme of the little cowgirl in her hat and boots with a teddy bear under her arm was exactly what she would’ve picked.

  “Are you going to cry?” He gathered her up and held her close. “I wanted you to know how important you are to me and the girls were glad to help. You’re a part of this family, now.” Taking her by the hand, he led her to the rocking chair. “Sit.”

  Molly did and he knelt at her feet, touching her face, caressing the bruise and the place where her head struck the sharp corner of the dresser. “He hit you, didn’t he?”


  She closed her eyes as he came up to kiss the slight wound. “He’s going to pay for his crimes. Never fear.”

  “I can’t believe he could be my brother.” She mused, then shook her head. “I don’t care. If Liam O’Neil was my father and he did intend to come back for me, I forgive him, but I want nothing from him. No amount of money can make up for what I’ve lost.” Molly pushed his long dark hair from off his shoulder. “There are some thing in life far more valuable.” She gave him a sweet smile.

  “When will you marry me again?” He kissed her palm tenderly.

  “Whenever you say.”

  “I’ll make the arrangements,” he said, knowing there was one thi
ng he needed to take care of first. Leaning over, he pressed his lips to the place where their baby lay. “I’m so sorry I ever doubted you.”

  “Hush,” she cradled his head. “You came for me when I needed you the most. Twice you’ve rescued me. First when I was ill and alone and second when I was hanging helpless between the sky and the earth.”

  “I’ll always come for you. You can trust me.”

  “I do.”

  “Will you sleep in my bed tonight?”

  She held his gaze for a moment. “I will…if we do more than sleep.”

  * * *

  “Here…we…are…” Tennessee whispered as he bent to kiss her lips between every word. He was on top of her, just the way she liked, his hands holding hers on either side of her head. “Any special requests?”

  “Love me, just love me.” She smiled up into his handsome face, raising her head to recapture his mouth.

  “I do and I always will.” He kissed her more urgently, his tongue tangling with hers. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life convincing you that you’re my world.”

  Molly could feel his erection straining against her and it turned her on so much, she lifted her hips and pushed against him, rubbing her mound against his hard cock. “You’re so sexy, McCoy.”

  Her uninhibited response made him even hungrier. “I love you, Molly. I love you so much.” His voice was thick with desire as he dipped his head to nuzzle the top swell of her breasts. “I love your body.”

  “It’s changing,” she whispered, “I’m gaining weight, getting stretch marks.”

  Ten growled. “No, you’re getting sexier, your breasts swelling, full of life, my baby’s life. I think you’re perfect.”

  Molly saw his dark eyes go darker with desire. He was staring at her like a starving man looks at the only sustenance that can save him. “Lay back, Ten. Let me love you.” He followed the gentle push of her hand and she began to run her hands over his skin, tracing the ridges and curves of his powerful body. With lips and tongue, she caressed him, relishing the knowledge that he was hers to touch, to love. Sliding her hand down his abs and over his belly, she closed her hand around his shaft, it was so hard it looked painful. Molly moaned as his gorgeous cock throbbed in her hand with every beat of his heart.

  “Molly, please.”

  He didn’t have to beg, she wanted him so much she ached with the longing. Moving over Ten, Molly took him in her mouth, drawing the head between her lips, sucking on it gently.

  Tennessee bucked his hips, wrapping a wide hand around the base of her neck. “Just a little more,” he growled. “I can’t…ah…”

  Molly took him deep, pumping from her lips to the base, her tongue swirling round and round the head. She wanted more, she wanted everything from him, but he wanted more…

  “I can’t wait. I have to have you.” Ten gently flipped her on her back and parted her thighs with his own. Desperate, he placed the tip of his cock at the well of her sex and entered her slowly, with infinite tenderness. “Oh, God, you feel so good.”

  Spreading her thighs, she urged him deeper and when he sheathed himself completely, they both closed their eyes in ecstasy. “You’re mine, Tennessee. Mine.” Molly staked her claim as he began to move. She loved the feeling of fullness as he buried himself to the hilt over and over again and she let him know it by milking his cock with each thrust. “I’m never letting you go again. I love you with all of my heart. She kissed his chest, running her hands over his back, scoring it lightly with her nails.

  Tennessee didn’t know if it was her words, the pleasure or the surety that their troubles were behind them. Whatever the cause, he couldn’t last. For the first time he came before she did, his orgasm crashing over him with such force that he bellowed her name. “Molly, my Molly.”

  She framed his face, loving the way he threw his head back, losing control. His climax triggered hers and she contracted around him repeatedly, prolonging his ecstasy as she enjoyed her own.

  Ten cradled her to him, rolling to one side and carrying her with him. “Molly, we’re getting married at the earliest opportunity. Say yes,” he whispered into her hair.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” Molly said as she snuggled against his shoulder with a contented sigh and fell asleep in his strong arms.


  The next day, Molly was out in the pasture watching Prince frolic in the pasture. He was eating grass now, he was growing up.

  “Molly!” She whirled around with a smile to see Tennessee coming toward her. “I need you to come to the house to sign some papers.”

  “Papers?” For just a millisecond, her stomach wobbled. No, she trusted him. “Okay, I’m coming.”

  She met him halfway, walking toward the main house. The beauty of her surroundings was not lost on Molly. This was her husband’s family legacy, her daughter’s heritage and she belonged. For the first time, she belonged somewhere.

  “Smile.” Ten instructed her as he held open the door. “We have our whole lives to look forward to.” He led her into Heath’s office where Zane Saucier waited on her, the same lawyer who had presented her with the papers she’d signed absolving her husband of responsibility for her and the baby. A quiver of apprehension made her look at Ten. “Everything will be fine.”

  Zane pulled out a chair. “Sit, Miss Reyes. I just have a few things to take care of.” He laid out a copy of the papers that haunted her and a new one that she could clearly see was labeled PRE-NUP.

  She started to reach for it, but Ten stilled her hand. “First things first.” He picked up each of the other agreements and tore them in half, then tore them in half again. “We start over today.”

  Slowly, Zane slid the pre-nup in front of her, pushing a pen near her.

  “Read it.” Tennessee urged.

  Swallowing hard, Molly picked up the paper and began to read. Tears came to her eyes. This was no traditional pre-nup. Instead of outlining what properties belonged solely to Tennessee, it listed his assets and plainly stated that he was signing over fifty percent of each one to her at the event of their marriage.

  “Tennessee,” she protested. Molly had never expected this.

  “Sign it.” Tennessee handed her the pen.

  But instead of taking it, Molly picked up the paper and – like he had only moments before – she tore it in half, then tore it again. “You trust me enough to give me this. I trust you enough not to need it.”

  Tennessee looked at Zane who only had two words. “Lucky man.”

  Seeing they needed privacy, the lawyer slipped away.

  “Why did you do that? Don’t you know I only seek to make you feel safe, secure and loved?”

  “I do.” Molly assured him. “I don’t want a written guarantee of your love. All I want is you.” She rose and launched herself in his arms and he caught her close. “All I’ve ever wanted is you.”

  “You’re the love of my life, Molly. I am hopelessly devoted to you.”

  Molly sighed against him, completely content.

  A few months later…

  The cry of a baby rang through the delivery room, loud enough to reach the ears of the McCoy clan gathered in the waiting room.

  Heath, Christian, Cato and the others rose to gather at the doors waiting for Tennessee to bring them news.

  Inside, Ten stood next to Molly’s bed with his heart in his eyes, watching as they placed his beautiful daughter to her mother’s breast. “You did so good,” he whispered. “She’s perfect just like her mama.”

  Molly let her gaze move from one beloved face to another. “She looks like you. Look at those eyes and that stubborn little chin.”

  “Nah, she is gorgeous, like you.” He kissed them both for good measure. “What about a name? We never settled on a name.”

  With happy tears streaming from her eyes, Molly looked at her baby. “I have one I think you’ll like. This is our new day, our second chance, our beginning. Let’s name her Aurora. Aurora means a new dawn.”

  Tennessee win
ked at her. “I think it’s perfect. Aurora McCoy. We’ll call her Rori.” With reverence, he kissed his wife. They had remarried just as he’d promised, in the small chapel where Heath and Cato had exchanged vows. All of his family had been with them, both sets of McCoys. Even Carlos, Paul, Frankie and Penny had been in attendance to see him pledge his love and life to this woman. Only that day outshone this one. Picking up their daughter, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Come on, sweetheart. You’ve got a big family waiting to meet you.”

  Molly watched her handsome husband place their tiny baby girl on his shoulder as he went to introduce her to a room full of McCoys.

  “Even if I could dream of heaven,” she whispered, “it couldn’t be better than this.”


  Here’s a sneak peek at a few of Sable’s books and below this is a full listing of all that she’s written.

  Thank you!


  Trouble comes calling on Kyler Landon. He falls hard and fast for his beautiful, mysterious neighbor after she saves him from a rattlesnake attack. The sexual tension mounts between them with each sensual encounter, but he soon realizes that Cooper has been hurt and is leery of men. So he sets out to teach her that a real man can be gentle, loving, and sexy as hell.

  Trouble seems to follow Cooper, and Ky makes it his mission to protect her from her past. Kyler would move heaven and earth to keep her in his bed and in his life.

  Come With Me

  Lacy spends her time planning events at a country club. Her latest and greatest project is the big Fourth of July celebration. Fireworks lighting up the sky – Red Hot and Boom! She loves the excitement and the spectacular display of sparkles and heat gives her a thrill. The only problem is… Lacy has never had any fireworks of her own. Despite having to listen to her friends tell of their sexual escapades, she has never experienced the big ‘O’. According to the only man she’s ever given herself to, Lacy is frigid. Is something wrong with her or has she just not met the right man for the job?


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