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by Philip J. Farmer

  "It could have been someone else," Horn said. "Anyone who arrested him. It was your bad luck to be the one."

  She sipped at her gin, put the glass down, and said quietly, "In a way, he's a Manichaean. He's split the universe into good and evil, just as he split time. Evil is the tendency of the cosmos to revert to chance in its operations. But chance has to be directed."

  "How in hell could chance be directed?"

  Horn shrugged. "Don't ask me. Who am I to question God? You don't expect conventional logic from a crazy, do you? Castor has no trouble reconciling his schizophrenic contradictions. In that, he's far from being alone. What matters is what he thinks. In his divine wisdom and perception, he knows that you are the Secret and Malignant Director of Chance. He refers to you as Satan, The Great Beast, Beelzebub, Angra Mainyu, and a dozen other names. He's said that he will find you, vanquish you, and hurl you howling and with utter ruin and complete combustion into the deepest pit."

  "Why wasn't I told about this before?"

  "Don't look so indignant. People will notice. Because there was no need for it. You know we try to keep all communication at a minimum. I was the only one to hear about Castor from Atlas, and that was at parties or social functions and not much was said about it then."

  Tony was silent for a moment. Then she leaned forward again and spoke even more softly.

  "The orders are to stone him and hide the body if it's possible. If not, kill him."

  Caird gave a slight start, and he sighed.

  "I knew it would come to this someday."

  "I hate it," Tony said. "But it's for the common good."

  "Of the immers, you mean."

  "Everybody's. Castor is hopelessly insane, and he's dangerous to anyone who gets in his way."

  "I've never killed anybody," Caird said.

  "You can do it. I can do it."

  He shook his head. "Our psych tests showed that we could, but they're not one hundred percent accurate. I won't know until I either must do it or can't do it."

  "You will. You'll catch him, and you'll do what must be done. Listen, Jeff..

  She put one hand on his and stared into his eyes. He stiffened.

  "I ... "

  She cleared her throat.

  "I got the decision on ... Arid ... from the council today. I'm sorry, really sorry, Jeff. But …"

  "She's been rejected!"

  She nodded. "They say she's too unstable. The psych projection is that she'd be burdened with too much social conscience. She'd break eventually and confess all to the authorities. Or, if she didn't, she'd have a mental breakdown."

  "They don't really know, they don't really know," he murmured.

  "They know enough. They can't take the chance."

  "There's no use appealing right now," he said harshly. "Not in a case like this. Tell me. Was the decision final or will they reconsider in five years? After all, Arid's only twenty. She could mature."

  "You can try again then. The psych projection, however..

  "That's enough," he said. "Are you finished?"

  "Please, Jeff. It's not that bad. Arid will be just as happy if she isn't an immer."

  "I won't, but I suppose that doesn't matter. They reject Ozma and now Arid."

  "You knew that might happen when you became one. Everything was laid out for you."

  "Is that all? You're done?"

  "Kill the messenger who brings bad news. Come on, Jeff!"

  He patted her hand. "You're right, I'm wrong. It's just that

  I feel so bad for her."

  "And for you."

  "Yes. May I leave now?"

  "Yes. Oh, Jeff. Don't cry!"

  He pulled a tissue from his shoulderbag and wiped the tears.

  "I think you want to be alone for a while, Jeff."

  She rose, and he got up from his chair. She preceded him, since her rank was higher. When she stopped so the data clerk could put the bill into her ID star, he went on, saying softly, "I'll see you, Tony."

  "Don't forget to report," she called after him.

  He asked through his wrist radio for an organic-car ride back to the station. Told he would have to wait twenty minutes for one, he flagged down a cab. So it would cost him a few credits. After he got in, though, he wished that he had waited. He was losing the battle to hold back more tears; he could have let loose in the unchauffeured vehicle.

  By the time he arrived at the station, he was dry-eyed. He went to his office and reported to Wallenquist, who was curious about his meeting with Horn but did not dare ask too many questions.

  Gril had disappeared as completely as if he had slipped down into the ancient abandoned subway-sewer system. Which he might have done. Ten patrollers and a sergeant were searching for him now in the deepest known area beneath Yeshiva University. So far, they had found only a bashed-in human skull, which did not look fresh, some huge rats, and two almost unreadable lines in twenty-first-century spelling on a wall.



  Rootenbeak had escaped like a rabbit into a briar patch.

  His relief, Detective-Inspector Barnewolt, came in at three. Caird brought her up to date, and they talked for a while about the efforts by the young to bring back into fashion the wearing of trousers.

  "I don't like them," Barnewolt said. "The kind of pants they're wearing, they're too tight, too form-fitting. I tried on some, and they made me feel embarrassed. I don't know. There's something immoral about them."

  Caird laughed, and he said, "Wednesday, I hear, has been wearing pants for some time now, both young and old."

  Barnewolt shrugged. "Well, you know how those people are."

  Chapter 6

  Caird rode his bicycle home, checked in on Ozma at her studio, found her painting a wasp, and went into the house. After watching a news report-nothing new-he went into the basement and worked out on the exerciser. He showered and put on a white sheer blouse, an orange waistband, a removable white neck-ruff, and an emerald-green kilt. When Ozma came in, he had her paint his legs yellow. His curled-toe ankle-high shoes were crimson. After they ate, he put on some lipstick and selected a wide-brimmed hat with a high conical top sporting a crimson artificial feather.

  Ozma wore a white cap with a long red bill, factory-grown eagle feathers dangling from holders in her earlobes, green eye makeup, green lipstick, rouged cheeks, a 1oose sheer blouse, a shimmering green hooped skirt that reached to her ankles, sequined red stockings, and Kelly-green high-heeled shoes. Many finger rings and a scarlet umbrella completed her ensemble.

  "Where's yours?" she said.

  "My what?"

  "Your umbrella."

  "The weathercaster said it wasn't going to rain."

  "You know what I mean," she said. "Umbrellas are obligatory for evening wear."

  "I suppose it'll make you unhappy if I don't take one."

  "Not unhappy. I'll just feel embarrassed."

  "And you're the wild unconventional artist," he said. "Very well."

  At seven, they left the house, each carrying a big shoulderbag, and they got into a taxi. By the time they arrived, the huge museum lobby was packed with guests, all holding cocktails or stronger drinks, standing in close groups and chattering or wandering from group to group. The phatic lines of communion, as a twentieth-century anthropologist had called them, were functioning well. Everybody was talking and nobody was listening.

  After greeting their hosts, Caird and Wang joined a gaggle of Goalists. Bored by them, Caird went to a pride of Pressurists and Ozma to a soup of Supernaturalists. The latter group was not painters interested in the hereafter but a new school which insisted that its subjects had to be shown realistically not only on the exterior but also on the interior. Thus, one side of the faces of their human subjects would show what the eye saw. The other half was slices of the deeps, as they called it, the skin removed, the skull removed, the brain shown, the inside of the brain shown, and the back-brain a shado
wy presence.

  Caird could not see any merit or value in Supernaturalism, but he did not argue with Ozma about it. What did he know of art? Besides, it made her happy, though there were times when he got tired of her talking about it.

  At ten-thirty, the party was just reaching its climax. Ozma had been induced to paint her host. He stood nude in the middle of the lobby while she improvised the designs. Caird, far back in the crowd, wondered if she would somehow make the host look like a grasshopper.

  "There's a call for you, Inspector," a waiter said. "The strip near the door as you go into the Absolute Zero Room."

  Caird thanked him and went through the doorway indicated into a vast dark-blue and very cold room containing many stoned ice-sculptures. The strip just around the corner showed the face and torso of CommissiQner-General Anthony Horn.

  "I'm sorry to pull you away from the party, Jeff." "Don't be. What is it?"

  She swallowed and said, "Naomi Atlas has been murdered."

  Lightning seemed to leap within his brain. He wanted to say, "Castor did it?" but there was always the possibility that the line was being monitored.

  "Her body, what was left of it, was found fifteen minutes ago in the bushes in the yard outside the apartment section of the building. I want you ... " She swallowed again, her face spasmed, and she said, "I want you to come up here and take charge. At once. Find out all you can before midnight, and report your findings to me. I've put you in charge because you're the murder expert in Manhattan. Colonel Topenski isn't too happy about it, but he'll cooperate or I'll have his ass. I told him so."

  "I'm leaving now," Caird said.

  "A patroller car will be waiting for you at the main entrance. I'll give you more details on your way up."

  Caird went into the lobby, forced his way, though apologizing, through the crowd, and said, "Ozma! Hold it a minute."

  She stopped applying yellow paint to the host's buttocks and said, "What's the matter, Jeff?"

  "I've been called in on a case. It's very urgent."

  He spoke to the host. "My sincere regrets, but duty calls."

  "Of course. What is this about?"

  "That's organic business, though you may see it on the news."

  He walked to Ozma, kissed her cheek, and said, "I'm sorry. You'll have to go home without me. I may be kept so long I'll have to use an institute stoner. I'll be home in the morning."

  She smiled and said, "A policeman's wife is not a happy one."

  In the car, he called Horn. There was a delay of two minutes before her face appeared on the screen on the back of the front seat. He said, "Fill me in."

  There were no suspects as yet, and neither he nor Horn could mention Castor. She had at the moment no facts to add to what she had told him in the museum. He knew from her tone that she might have more to tell him when they were alone.

  The yard was bright with the big lamps the organics had set up. Caird muscled through the spectators, showed his badge and ID star, and was admitted into the work party area. He saw Horn at the same time she saw him. She gestured for him to come to her under the big sycamore. She rose from the folding chair as he approached and held out her hand to him. She gripped his strongly and said, softly, "She's over there."

  Over there was understatement. Atlas was all over, her head under a bush, a leg nearby, and the other leg stuck into a bush, an arm hanging over a branch, and the limbless torso propped up against a tree trunk. Entrails festooned another bush. Blood had stained the grass and soaked into the earth in the area marked off by string.

  Caird clamped his teeth together and sucked in breath. It had been seven obyears since he had seen such grisliness.

  Caird looked around. Without the lamps, the place would have been rather shadowy. Even so, pedestrians must have been strolling on the sidewalk not fifty feet away.

  "The ME says that she died exactly sixty-three minutes ago," Tony Horn said. "The body was found by a sixteen-year-old boy who was taking a shortcut through the yard to the door. From what we've been able to determine so far, Atlas had gone to a party given by Professor Storring. You know him, of course."

  Caird nodded. Storring was also an immer, but he had met him only three times.

  "Atlas has lived alone since she broke up with her husband," Horn said. "Two submonths ago, I believe. However..

  She hesitated and looked around. Then she held out her other hand, opened her fingers, and gave him a..folded piece of paper.

  "It's from Castor. I found it stuck to my door when I left my apartment after I got the call about Atlas. My God, he was right outside it immediately after he butchered her! It's a wonder he didn't try to kill me, too. But he's putting it off, wants to torture me, the sadistic bastard."

  Caird opened his shoulderbag and put the paper in it.

  "What does it say?"

  "God-Castor refers to himself in the third person-announces proudly the death and dismemberment of God's enemy, Doctor Naomi Atlas. God also prophesies the death and dismemberment of all his enemies, notably and firstly Commissioner-General Horn and Detective-Inspector Caird. There will be other announcements naming those who will die as surely as the stars are set on their courses by God. He signed it with one name. God."


  "You'll have to get him," she said. "You'll have the best opportunity. I think he'll daybreak, and if he does you'll be traveling along with him and you can personally notify the immers in each day. They can help you."

  He nodded and said, "Castor doesn't know my other identities, does he?"

  "He shouldn't, but who knows what investigations he made? He always was nosy."

  "Do you have anyone watching for Castor near my house?"

  "Oh, yes. Two organics, immers."

  "I wasn't going back tonight, but I think I'd better. Castor might want to hurt me by doing something ... hell, doing something! ... killing Ozma! He could destone her, drag her out of the stoner, and butcher her before Wednesday came out. Maybe he wouldn't care if they did. He could kill them, too!"

  Her voice shook. "This is terrible. It's so terrible that I have to warn the other days that another Jack the Ripper may be loose. I can't tell them who it is, of course. They'll have a lot of personnel looking for him, and ..

  "They won't know whom to look for," Caird said. "Officially, we don't know whether it's a man or a woman who did this, one or two or more people. Have they found footprints?"

  "Yes. Those of about twenty different people. No instruments, no knives or saws."

  "He probably dumped them in the canal."

  Colonel Topenski joined them, and the three talked. If the colonel resented Caird's being given command, he did not show it. After summing up what he had found so far, no more than Horn had told Caird, Topenski took Caird over the string-surrounded area. All photographs and laboratory work had been done by then, and their footprints would not confuse the situation. Caird felt sick when he got close to the parts of the corpse, but he did not throw up. He listened while the colonel, who seemed unaffected, pointed out various things that Caird could see for himself quite well. At a quarter after eleven, the pieces were bagged by the lab personnel and taken away. They would be stoned at the morgue, and, later, destoned for extensive analysis.

  Patrollers and detectives had been sent out to question everybody in the neighborhood they could before midnight. The desk workers at the local precinct would also be calling up many in the neighborhood. They would report whom they had made contact with so that the foot personnel would not duplicate efforts. Even so, only a few of the possible witnesses would be questioned before midnight.

  "We've made sure that no escapee from Tamasuki has done this," Colonel Topenski said. "They're all accounted for, all locked up."

  "That's good," Caird said. What was not so good was that it was possible that someone might notice the recording of Castor's transfer. If that were followed up, then HQrn would be in deep trouble. Eventually, so would Caird and all immers.

  Caird look
ed at his watch. He said, "I have to get back home, Colonel. I live in Greenwich Village."

  "Why don't you use a stoner here? There are plenty in the precinct house, only two blocks away."

  "My wife isn't feeling well."

  One more lie to cover up many.

  "Perhaps she could stone early and go to the hospital next Tuesday."

  "Thanks for the suggestion, Colonel, but I know her. She'll want me to be there with her."

  Topenski shrugged and said, "Ah, well. We don't have much time left, and what'll we do with it anyway?"

  "Not very much," Caird said. He started away, then stopped. "Well, yes, there is something we can do right now and so save time when we get going in the morning. We're dealing with a homicidal maniac. I think I'll put in a request for arms for the investigating personnel."

  Topenski bit his lip, then said, "This situation really seems to call for extreme measures. I think the general will agree. She's over there."

  Caird hurried to catch Horn, who was just about to get into an organic vehicle. She stepped back out when she heard him call and turned toward him. Caird gestured that she should join him. She understood that he wanted them to be out of earshot of the others. After hearing his suggestion that weapons should be requisitioned, she nodded.

  "Of course, I'll have to justify it to the governor and the organic council. If they balk, I'll show them recordings of the scene of the crime and take them to the morgue."

  "Can you get away with orders to shoot to kill if necessary?"

  "Yes ... only ... the murderer has to be identified first. And the other days may not want to issue an order to shoot. At least, not until they have ID.


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