The Heart's Command
Page 21
His heart plunged and he gave her a look of shock. But when he saw her lips curve in a smile, her eyes widen with happiness, he realized what she meant.
"Think we ought to call the station chaplain and tell him what's in our minds and hearts?"
"Yes, and soon," Brie said archly. "And I think you'd better get those rings out, clean them up and get down on your bended knee and ask me to marry you."
Chuckling, Niall ruffled her hair. This was the Brie he loved so much. She was part child, part adult, and someone who loved him unequivocally. Best of all, she'd forgiven him. And now he could forgive himself and move on to a better, happier life with her. Oh, Niall didn't fool himself; he knew they'd have rough times again, unhappy times. But life had taught him many good lessons that he was going to use as positive tools now to make this second chance with Brie a success.
"You know what?" Niall said, his voice an intimate growl as he cupped her cheek and looked at her, their noses touching. "I'm going to get them right now. And when I ask you this second time to be my life partner, it's going to be forever."
Brie smiled softly through her tears. "Yes...forever, darling. No matter what life throws at us, we'll be there for each other, to protect, support and love one another. I'm not afraid, Niall. Not now. Not with you standing at my side. I love you so much! I always have and I always will...forever...."
* * * * *
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Copyright © 2002 by Harlequin Books S.A.
The publisher acknowledges the copyright holders of the individual works as follows:
Copyright © 2002 by Susan Civil-Brown
Copyright © 2002 by Merline Lovelace
Copyright © 2002 by Lindsay McKenna
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