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Why Is the Penis Shaped Like That?: And Other Reflections on Being Human

Page 28

by Jesse Bering

  Murray, Craig

  Muscarella, Frank, “alliance information theory” of


  Nabokov, Vladimir, Lolita


  National Galleries, Scotland

  Native Americans

  natural selection

  navigational shortcomings, and homosexuality



  Nerve magazine

  Nettle, Daniel




  New Hebrides

  New Scientist

  New York magazine

  New York Times

  New Zealand

  Nicholas, Saint

  nighttime: seizures; sex; sexsomnia

  nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT)

  Norenzayan, Ara

  Northern Ireland

  Nursing Inquiry

  object fetishes; see also specific fetishes


  Olry, Régis

  Oneida Community

  oral contraceptives

  oral sex, see cunnilingus; fellatio

  orangutans; penis

  orgasm; female; lack of; male; masturbation; “sedation” effect of; through vaginal penetration

  Orland, Frank

  Orthodox Jews


  ovulation; concealed; induced


  pain; suicide; testicular

  Panksepp, Jaak

  Papua New Guinea tribes; cannibalism; semen-ingestion rituals



  parents, homophobia in

  paternity; mistaken; semen displacement theory

  pedophilia; brain damage and; homosexuality and; as mental disorder; podophiliac

  penile flicking

  penile plethysmograph

  penis; autofellatio; circumcised; coronal ridge; erections; evolution; foreskin; glans; post-ejaculation; premature ejaculation; response to children; semen displacement theory; shaft; shape; size; sleep-related erections; testing; uncircumcised; vagina penetrated by

  penis cerebri

  People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

  Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

  Petrinovich, Lewis; The Cannibal Within

  phallometric testing

  pheromones; menstrual synchrony and; pubic hair and

  Pick’s disease

  pineal gland

  placenta, eating

  Platek, Steven



  Polanski, Roman

  Pollet, Thomas

  polyamory; evolution and; homosexuality; Oneida Community

  pornography; child; gay male; Internet; lesbian; straight

  port-wine stains

  postictal behavior

  Poucher, George

  Poulin, Robert

  Pradhan, Sunil

  Prause, Nicole



  prefrontal cortex


  pre-homosexuality; children; genetics and

  premature ejaculation; genetics and; “survival of the fastest” theory

  Presley, Elvis

  Presley, Lisa Marie

  Pretty Baby

  primitive cultures, suicide in


  prostatic acid phosphatase

  prostitution; pubic lice

  protein, aborted fetus as source of

  Protestant Reformation

  Proust, Marcel

  psychiatry; autofellatio and; Freudian; hebephilia and

  Psychoanalytic Review

  Psychological Reports

  Psychological Review

  Psychological Science

  puberty; precocious

  pubic hair; evolution; lice; pheromones and; shaving; texture and composition

  pubococcygeus muscle

  rabbits, sex with

  Rahman, Qazi

  rape; brain damage and; of children; date rape drugs; sexsomnia

  rats; laughter

  redback spiders

  Rekers, Eddie

  religion; burial practices; Christianity; evolution and; genetics and; homophobia motivated by; reproduction and; supernatural monitoring hypothesis

  REM sleep

  reproduction, God’s imperative for

  Rétif de la Bretonne; Monsieur Nicolas


  reverse engineering

  rhesus macaques; brain; sex

  Rhodes, Katherine

  Rome, ancient; suicide in


  Russia, cannibalism in

  Sacks, Oliver

  safe-sex practices

  Sagarin, Brad

  Sagawa, Issei

  St. Clair, Margaret, To Serve Man: A Cookbook for People

  Sambia, semen-ingestion rituals of

  Sammis, Becky

  San Francisco

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, No Exit

  Saturday Night Live

  Savage, Dan

  Schenck, Carlos

  Schooler, Jonathan



  scrotum; descended testicles; temperature


  sebaceous glands

  sebum production

  Secret Instructions Concerning the Jade Chamber

  selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors


  semen; antidepressant effects of; chemistry; displacement theory; evolution; FSH and LH hormones in; happiness and; ingestion rituals; oral ingestion of; premature ejaculation

  semen displacement theory


  sex; absence of desire; autofellatio; empathy and; erotic age orientation; fantasies during; female ejaculation; group; induced ovulation during; interspecies; nighttime; polyamory; premature ejaculation; semen chemistry and; semen displacement theory; sleep-related; testicle retraction during; vagina penetrated by penis; vigorous; see also specific types of sex

  sex role preferences; homosexual; top/bottom/versatile self-labels

  Sex Roles

  sexsomnia; homosexuality; rape; sleepwalking and

  Shackelford, Todd

  Shaffer, Peter, Equus


  Shakespeare, William; Hamlet

  Shapiro, Colin

  Shariff, Azim

  Shields, Brooke

  Shneidman, Edwin

  shoe fetish

  Singer, Peter

  skin; acne

  sleep; erections during; REM; sexsomnia

  sleepwalking; sexsomnia and

  “slow speed–high aggressiveness hypothesis”


  Smith, John Maynard

  snakes, sex with

  Sociological Review, The

  South America


  Spaulding, Jean

  specific-tree burial

  sperm; masturbation and; motility; premature ejaculation; retention, and female orgasm; semen chemistry and; semen displacement theory; temperature; testicles and; viability

  spontaneous nocturnal emissions

  sports; contact vs. solitary; testicular injury

  squirrel monkeys, cannibalism in

  Starin, E. D.

  starvation cannibalism

  Stekel, Wilhelm



  suicide; adaptive; behavioral disinhibition and; brain and; cognitive deconstruction and; escape theory; evolution and; in gay teens; genetics and; high self-awareness and; homosexuality and; low self-esteem and; methods; negative affect and; nonhuman animal; in primitive cultures; prison; unreasonable standards and

  Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior

  Sulzberger, Marion

  Sunday Effect

  supernatural monitoring hypothesis


  Swerdlow, Russell


  symbolic immortality

  Symons, Donald


  Szameitat, Diana


  teenagers; bitchiness; female; gay teen suicides; homosexual; male; masturbation; sex with; sex-typed behavior


  television; fag hags on

  Temerlin, Maurice, Lucy: Growing Up Human

  temperature; sperm; testicles

  temporal lobe

  temporal-lobe epileptics

  testicles; activation hypothesis; asymmetries; cremasteric reflex and; descended; evolution; injuries; pain; retraction during sexual arousal; temperature


  Thornhill, Randy

  thyrotropin-releasing hormone

  Tiggemann, Marika


  Trivers, Robert

  Trust for Natural Legacies

  Turner’s syndrome

  twins; ejaculation; fraternal; identical

  2D:4D effect

  University College, London

  urination play


  uterus; female orgasm and

  vagina; drug delivery via; female ejaculation; lubrication; penetrated by penis; semen chemistry and; semen displacement theory

  Vallacher, Robin

  van Diemerbroeck, Isbrand

  Van Orden, Kimberly


  View, The



  Vohs, Kathleen



  vulva cerebri

  Walsh, Seth

  Warhol, Andy

  Warner, Dan

  wealth, and female orgasm

  Wegner, Daniel

  Weinberg, Martin

  Weiss, Robin

  wet dreams

  Wilde, Oscar

  Will & Grace

  Williams, Colin

  Willis, Thomas

  Winslow, Jacques-Bénigne

  women: acne; aggression; antidepressant effects of semen; asexual; autocunnilingus; fag hags; female ejaculation; masturbation fantasies; menstrual synchrony; nocturnal genitals; orgasm; postmenopausal; pubic hair removal; semen chemistry and; sexsomnia

  World War II

  Wright, Lester, Jr.


  Zaidens, Sadie

  Zander, Thomas

  zoophilia; evolution and; homosexual

  Zucker, Kenneth

  Also by Jesse Bering, Ph.D.

  The Belief Instinct


  Why Is the Penis Shaped Like That?

  Jesse Bering, Ph.D., is a frequent contributor to Scientific American and Slate. His writing has also appeared in New York magazine, The Guardian, and The New Republic, among other publications, and has been featured by NPR, Playboy Radio, the BBC, and more. The author of The Belief Instinct, Bering is the former director of the Institute of Cognition and Culture at Queen’s University, Belfast, and began his career as a professor at the University of Arkansas. He lives in Ithaca, New York. His website is

  Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux

  18 West 18th Street, New York 10011

  Copyright © 2012 by Jesse Bering

  All rights reserved

  First edition, 2012

  The majority of the essays in this book first appeared, in different form and as online columns, on Scientific American. The essays “So Close, and Yet So Far Away: The Contorted History of Autofellatio,” “Bite Me: The Natural History of Cannibalism,” “Naughty by Nature: When Brain Damage Makes People Very, Very Randy,” and “How the Brain Got Its Buttocks: Medieval Mischief in Neuroanatomy” originally appeared, in different form, on Slate.

  Content published 2010–present: Copyright © Scientific American, a Division of Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

  Content published 2009 and earlier: Copyright © Scientific American, Inc. All rights reserved.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Bering, Jesse.

  Why is the penis shaped like that? : and other reflections on being human / Jesse Bering.

  p. cm.

  ISBN 978-0-374-53292-5 (pbk.)

  1. Sex (Biology)—Popular works. 2. Sex (Psychology)—Popular works. 3. Human evolution—Popular works. 4. Evolutionary psychology—Popular works. I. Title.

  QP251 .B495 2012



  eISBN 978-1-4299-5510-2




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